Description: SFPUC - Various Locations Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement No. 36 - The proposed Project involves collection system sewer replacement and upgrades along 10th, 11th, 12th, and 15th Avenue, Moraga Street, Mendosa Avenue, and Quesada Avenue in the Inner Sunset, West of Twin Peaks, and Bayview neighborhoods of San Francisco. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced is approximately 5,937 linear feet (1.12 mile). The proposed replacement pipelines would be constructed of VCP varying between 8 inches and 30 inches in diameter.
  • Reference:2018-009787ENV
  • Received:Jul 17, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: REC & PARK: UNION SQUARE PLAZA - ICE RINK - Install temporary Holiday Ice Rink, and facility area including ticket booth, skate dispensing booth and change area. October 23, 2018 to November 6, 2018 Temporary installation of ice rink, ticket booth, office, skate shop and skate change area. November 7, 2018 to January 21, 2019 Operations :January 22, 2019 to January 30, 2019 Removal of temporary ice rink, ticket booth, office, skate shop and skate change area.
  • Reference:2018-009707ENV
  • Received:Jul 16, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Order #5941 for Public Hearing for 7/20/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Staff / SFMTA Board o Approval Date: TBD
  • Reference:2018-009753ENV
  • Received:Jul 16, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO: Environmental Remediation Services (As Needed) - SFO: As-Needed Environmental Remediation Services. The need for remediation services - such as mold abatement - could be identified by existing occupants of a facility as a new condition. The as-needed contract could be utilized to abate such conditions. These as-needed services would be used to address small, discrete remediation needs as they arise through regular use of a facility. Asbestos abatement; lead paint abatement; mold abatement; petroleum hydrocarbon-impacted soil.
  • Reference:2018-009817ENV
  • Received:Jul 16, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO: Ground based Augmentation System (GBAS) - SFO: Development of satellite-based precision approach procedures that would supplement the existing final approach and landing procedures available for airlines/aircrafts that are equipped to fly GLS approach procedures. The existing ILS technology was developed during the 1930s and relies on radio beacons to emit radio signals to aircraft, which can be affected by nearby objects and terrain. The ILS must be protected and kept clear of structures to maintain functionality. The GBAS would require fewer facilities and antennae per runway to operate compared to the existing ILS. Currently, United Airlines and Delta Air Lines operate certain GBoeing aircraft that are equipped to fly GLS approaches into SFO. The GBAS would supplment but not replace the existing ILS approach landings.
  • Reference:2018-009826ENV
  • Received:Jul 16, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPUC - 8-inch & 12-inch Ductile Iron Water Main Replacement on Geary Street from Van Ness Avenue to Kearny Street (WD-2834) - The proposed Project would replace existing water mains along Geary Street from Van Ness Avenue to Kearny Street.
  • Reference:2018-009680ENV
  • Received:Jul 13, 2018
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5935 for Public Hearing for 7/6/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Staff / SFMTA Board o Approval Date: TBD
  • Reference:2018-009741ENV
  • Received:Jul 13, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Brannan Street Safety Project (8th Street to The Embarcadero) - The project sponsor, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to install bikeways (Class II/Class III/Class IV) on Brannan Street between 8th Street and The Embarcadero (proposed project). Part of the project area runs through the Central SoMa Plan Area. To create the required space for the bikeways, the proposed project includes the removal of one travel lane in each direction along Brannan Street between 8th Street and Colin P. Kelly Jr. Street by changing the roadway striping. The project also proposes the addition of a center two-way left-turn lane and right turn pockets at major street crossings where they do not exist.
  • Reference:2018-014568ENV
  • Received:Jul 11, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SF REC & PARK: 61 SHELLEY DRIVE (pathway re-paving) - The project is in John McLaren Park, and the adjacent Louis Sutter Playground site. The scope of the project includes repaving approximately 2,650 linear feet and removing and re-seeded 150 linear fee of deteriorating asphalt pathways and trails. There may also be the installation of two curb ramps at the Louis Sutter site. Additional work will include tree pruning and removal based on tree assessment.
  • Reference:2018-010005ENV
  • Received:Jul 10, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - 8-Inch DIP and 12-Inch ERDIP Water Main Installation on 22nd Street (WD-2719) - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution system replacement and upgrades along 22nd Street from Fair Oaks Street to Hampshire Street and on Mission Street from Randall Street to Santa Marina Street. In most locations, the Project would install two new parallel pipelines to allow system looping. The proposed Project would include a total of approximately 8,340 linear feet (1.6 miles) of water main replacement and installation.
  • Reference:2018-009480ENV
  • Received:Jul 10, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Purchase and Sale Agreement to sell Road and Slope Easements to Alameda County (portion of Calaveras Road on SFPUC Parcel No. 75) - The SFPUC proposes to authorize the SFPUC General Manager to negotiate and execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement (Agreement) with Alameda County to sell an approximately 5,100-square-foot road easement and an approximately 29,700-square-foot slope easement (together, New Easements) to be designated as a portion of Calaveras Road on SFPUC Parcel No. 75 (Parcel 75) in Alameda County, California for fair market value and adopt a finding declaring the New Easements surplus.
  • Reference:2018-009433ENV
  • Received:Jul 09, 2018
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: REC & PARK: SILVER TERRACE AND YOUNGBLOOD COLEMAN ATHLETIC FIELDS - REC & PARK: SILVER TERRACE AND YOUNGBLOOD COLEMAN ATHLETIC FIELDS - Replace existing synthetic turf field with new synthetic turf. Repair chain link fences.
  • Reference:2018-009522ENV
  • Received:Jul 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA: ISCOTT Agenda 1435th Meeting on 7/12/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. - Approval Action: SFMTA Board or ISCOTT Committee - Approval Date: 7/12/2018
  • Reference:2018-009389ENV
  • Received:Jul 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 12, 2018
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Description: REC & PARK: JURI COMMONS PARK RENOVATION - REC & PARK: JURI COMMONS PARK RENOVATION - Pathway upgrade to be end-to-end ADA accessible; Irrigation repair; Play area upgrades; New fences/gates at each end; Misc. smaller items (utility box, benches, planting, etc...); New lighting fixtures and existing poles (budget permitting)
  • Reference:2018-009517ENV
  • Received:Jul 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - Sansome, 5th, 6th North and Division Street Combined Sewer Discharge Rehab - In order to prevent groundwater infiltration and sea water from entering the City of San Francisco’s combined collection sewer system, the SFPUC proposes to rehabilitate the Sansome, 5th, 6th North, and Division Street combined sewer discharge (CSD) structures and install backflow prevention within 3 of the 4 structures (all but Division Street).
  • Reference:2018-009137ENV
  • Received:Jun 29, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1434 for Meeting of 6/28/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee/SFMTA Staff Approval o Approval Date: 6/28/2018
  • Reference:2018-009049ENV
  • Received:Jun 26, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5931 for public hearing 6/29/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board or SFMTA Staff o Approval Date: 6/29/208
  • Reference:2018-008987ENV
  • Received:Jun 25, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - 2018 Flooding Emergency Repairs 04 - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) issued a Declaration of Emergency on March 23, 2018 following a substantial atmospheric river storm on March 21-22, 2018 that resulted in damage to the Moccasin Reservoir and other area facilities. On April 19'h, 2018 Governor Brown issued a State of Emergency Proclamation following this storm event as it caused widespread damage in the State'. Tuolumne County is identified in the proclamation as an affected county, and damages to Hetch Hetchy Water and Power facilities are specifically called out within the proclamation. The SFPUC Bureau of Environmental Management requests your concurrence that the below activities constitute an emergency and qualify for a statutory exemption under Title 14 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15269, Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21080(b)(2, 3, & 4), and CEQA Guidelines Section 15269(a, b, & c). The CCR, PRC, and CEQA Guidelines provide an exemption for such emergency repairs.
  • Reference:2018-008830ENV
  • Received:Jun 21, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Order #5914 for Public Hearing on 5/25/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Staff Approval o Approval Date: TBD
  • Reference:2018-008792ENV
  • Received:Jun 18, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO: AS-NEEDED AIRFIELD LIGHTING REPLACEMENT PROJECT - SFO: The proposed project would include in-kind replacement of lighting devices, signs, and electrical infrastructure typical of a commercial airport AOA including: runway and taxiway lights; airfield signage; transformers; transformer housings; junction and pull boxes; electrical conduit; and associated electrical wires and cables.
  • Reference:2018-008495ENV
  • Received:Jun 14, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO - CUSTOMER FACILITY CHANGE - SFO: Customer Facility Change
  • Reference:2018-008351ENV
  • Received:Jun 12, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA Order 5926 for public hearing 6/14/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Board o Approval Date: 6/15/2018
  • Reference:2018-008488ENV
  • Received:Jun 12, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: BOS: File No. 180389 - BOS: File No. 180389 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code by abolishing a nine-foot legislated setback on the west side of 19th Avenue between Quintara Street and Rivera Street, and revising the Zoning Map to rezone from RH-1 (Residential, House; One-Family) to RM-2 (Residential, Mixed; Moderate Density)Assessor's Parcel Block No. 2198, Lot No. 031 (1021 Quintara Street), and to rezone from RH-2 (Residential, House; Two-Family) to RM-2 (Residential, Mixed; Moderate Density) Assessor's Parcel Block No. 2198, Lot No. 001 (located at the intersection of 19th Avenue and Quintara Stree), Lot No. 033 (2121-19th Avenue), Lot No. 034 (2145-19th Avenue), and Lot No. 037 (2115-19th Avenue); adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302.
  • Reference:2018-008329ENV
  • Received:Jun 11, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC - Islais Creek Crossing Data Collection Project - The SFPUC is currently designing the Islais Creek Crossing Project to replace the force mains that cross Islais Creek. The proposed data collection effort would provide information on subsurface conditions to facilitate design of the Islais Creek Crossing Project.
  • Reference:2018-008303ENV
  • Received:Jun 11, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1433 for Meeting of 6/14/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee/SFMTA Staff Approval o Approval Date: TBD
  • Reference:2018-009047ENV
  • Received:Jun 11, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Park Merced/Twin Peaks/Mount Davidson Manor Residential Street Resurfacing - The proposed Project would repair and replace existing sewer mains along Upland Drive, San Aleso Avenue, Darien Way, and Oak Park Drive. The proposed Project would also construct nine manholes along Upland Drive, San Aleso Avenue, and Darien Way and mortar one manhole along San Aleso Avenue.
  • Reference:2018-008221ENV
  • Received:Jun 08, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Dolores Street Median Parking Project - The SFMTA proposes to implement parking regulations on Dolores Street, between 14th Street and 18th Street, during specific days and time periods. The project would continue parking regulations evaluated under the Dolores Street Median Parking Pilot Project (Planning Case Number: 2017-012705ENV). Under the pilot project, the SFMTA implemented parking regulations to allow for vehicle parking at existing medians on Dolores Street, between 14th and 18th streets. Signage were installed on all medians within the project limits to inform the public of when parking would be at these locations. SFMTA, based on information collected during the pilot project, proposed to modify the hours during which median parking is permitted along the Dolores Street center medians: • Fridays, 7-10PM (no change from pilot project) • Saturdays, 8AM – 1:30PM (extended by 1.5 hours) • Sundays, 8AM – 4:30PM (reduced by 1.5 hours) The proposed project would not require any additional curb striping. The signage used for this project allows for sign faces would be modified, but would not require the removal of the sign posts previously installed, thus, no additional excavation will be required. Attachment A provides further details on the pilot project evaluation and MTA Staff recommendations for the project. Attachment B provides an illustration of the proposed project limits and locations of signage.
  • Reference:2018-008735ENV
  • Received:Jun 08, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Ingleside and University Mound East Pipelines Project - The Ingleside and University Mound East Pipelines Project will install approximately 6,300 linear feet of earthquake resistant ductile iron pipe, isolation gate valves, and high pressure hydrants along Bowdoin, Woolsey, Girard, Gould, and Dwight Streets, and Paul and Salinas Avenues.
  • Reference:2018-008165ENV
  • Received:Jun 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Rockaway Lighting - The SFPUC, in coordination with San Francisco District 7 Supervisor Norman Yee’s office, proposes to improve public safety and pedestrian and driver visibility in San Francisco’s Forest Hill Extension neighborhood by replacing two nonfunctioning lighting fixtures atop two existing rock and concrete columns on the north side of Rockaway Avenue between Laguna Honda Boulevard and Rockwood Court.
  • Reference:2018-008072ENV
  • Received:Jun 06, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Southeast Outfall Vent Pipe Replacement (JOC-59-15) - The SFPUC proposes an in-kind replacement of an approximately 180-foot-long segment of outfall pipeline. Approximately half of the pipeline is buried on land, and half is hung underneath the Pier structure above water.
  • Reference:2018-008069ENV
  • Received:Jun 06, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Wastewater Financing Ordinance FYE 2019 and FYE 2020 - Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of tax-exempt or taxable Wastewater Revenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness (as described below) by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (Commission) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $987,414,494 to finance the costs of various capital wastewater projects benefitting the Wastewater Enterprise pursuant to amendments to the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco enacted by the voters on November 5, 2002 as Proposition E; authorizing the issuance of Wastewater Revenue Refunding Bonds; declaring the Official Intent of the Commission to reimburse Itself with one or more issues of tax-exempt bonds or other forms of indebtedness; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith.
  • Reference:2018-007979ENV
  • Received:Jun 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Water Financing Ordinance FYE 2019 and FYE 2020 - Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of tax-exempt or taxable Water Revenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness (as described below) by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (Commission) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $478,440,136 to finance the costs of various capital water projects benefitting the Water Enterprise pursuant to amendments to the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco enacted by the voters on November 5, 2002 as Proposition E; authorizing the issuance of Water Revenue Refunding Bonds; declaring the Official Intent of the Commission to reimburse Itself with one or more issues of tax-exempt bonds or other forms of indebtedness; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith.
  • Reference:2018-007983ENV
  • Received:Jun 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 2018 Wastewater Bond Sale - Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of tax-exempt or taxable Wastewater Revenue Bonds and other forms of indebtedness by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (Commission) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1, 112,601,280 to finance the costs of various capital wastewater projects benefitting the Wastewater Enterprise pursuant to amendments to the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco enacted by the voters on November 5, 2002, as Proposition E; authorizing the issuance of Wastewater Revenue Refunding Bonds; declaring the Official Intent of the Commission to Reimburse Itself with one or more issues of tax-exempt or taxable bonds or other forms of indebtedness; and ratifying previous actions taken in connection therewith, as defined herein.
  • Reference:2018-007962ENV
  • Received:Jun 04, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Scott Garage Surveillance System - The SFMTA proposes to install a surveillance system at the Scott Garage at 1849 Harrison Street. There are unwarranted intruders in the facility. The surveillance system is necessary to address safety, security, and health concerns. The proposed project includes the installation of approximately 35 cameras and wall-mounted accessories inside and outside the building. This project also involves the installation of surface-mounted conduits on the wall and pull wiring from the building's electrical room to each camera. There would be no excavation work involved in this project.
  • Reference:2018-008518ENV
  • Received:Jun 01, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5921 for public hearing 6/1/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board / City Traffic Engineer o Approval Date: 6/1/2018
  • Reference:2018-007614ENV
  • Received:May 25, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1432nd meeting on 5/24/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 5/24/18
  • Reference:2018-007910ENV
  • Received:May 24, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Metro Facility Electric Vehicle Charge Stations - The Muni Metro Facility Electric Vehicle Charge Stations project would install a limited number of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at three SFMTA facilities: Scott Center at 1749 Harrison Street; 7 Penn at 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, and; Muni Metro East at 601 25th Street. EV charging stations are proposed for installation at the Scott Center, 7 Penn, and Muni Metro East facilities. At the Scott Center facility, two pedestal mounted EV charging stations would be furnished and installed in total, one at the ground floor and one on the roof. The two charging stations involve the installation of two 40 amp, 208 volt breakers in existing electrical panels, conduits and wire, and bollards and signs. Conduits and wire on the ground floor would be placed in an underground trench approximately three feet deep and 12 inches wide, while bollards and signs would be installed no more than one-and-a-half feet deep. At 700 Penn, three EV charging stations would be furnished and installed at an existing surface parking lot with one master controller. Similar to the Scott Center facility, this would involve the installation of two 40 amp, 208 volt breakers in existing electrical panels, conduits and wire, and bollards and signs. Conduits and wire would be placed in an underground trench three feet deep and 12 inches wide, and bollards and signs would be installed no more than one-and-a-half feet deep. At Muni Metro East, six EV charging stations would be furnished and installed at the location of existing ground floor parking spaces, involving the installation of related systems/components: • One 225 amp, 3 pole, 208/120 volt breaker installed in the existing distribution panel to feed a new sub-panel; • One 225 amp, 3 pole, 208/120 volt sub-panel; • Three 40 amp, 2 pole, 208 volt breakers in the new sub-panel; and • Three EV master controllers. EV charging stations at Muni Metro East would also require conduit and wire installation in an underground trench approximately three feet deep and 12 inches wide, with bollards and signs no more than one-and-a-half feet deep.
  • Reference:2018-007827ENV
  • Received:May 22, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - EV Charging Station - 19th and Ocean Parking Lot - EVgo Services LLC proposes to install electric vehicle charging infrastructure at the San Francisco Municpal Transportation Agency’s parking lot at 3000 Ocean Avenue. This infrastructure would include six High Power Charging Stations, which would include three High Power Charging stations enabled at the completion of construction, along with "future stubs" to expand and add up to three additional High Power Charging stations as demand dictates. The High Power Charging stations would require electrical support equipment, including an electrical switchgear, breaker sections, transformer(s), and power cabinets. All support equipment (except utility transformer), would be enclosed in a fenced-in area for safety and security. The fenced-in supportequipment area would be on the southern end of the parking lot. EVgo would reserve six parking spaces for "EV Charging Only." EVgo would also comply with state and local building codes related to ADA compliance. Concrete, asphalt, and soil replacement would be compelted by EVgo where necessary. Conduit would be buried per code. Excavation would extend to a maximum depth of three feet, covering an area of approximately 100 square feet and affecting approximately 25 cubic yards of soil.
  • Reference:2018-007612ENV
  • Received:May 22, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Piping Replacement and Upgrade Project Islais Creek Tank Systems - This project would remove and replace in-kind all existing underground piping and realign aboveground piping used for two underground fuel storage tanks that serve the Islais Creek Motor Coach SFMTA Facility at 1301 Cesar Chavez Street. Excavation for this project would be approximately three feet in depth and 18 inches in width. First, all existing underground double-walled fuel piping for two existing 25,000 gallon underground storage tanks located at the north side of the facility would be removed and replaced in-kind. In-kind replacement would match the existing piping systems in sump transitions, fittings, type, size, routing, and mounting configuration. The underground storage tanks will not be removed and replaced. Second, large sections of aboveground piping associated with storage tanks would be removed and piping rerouted to eliminate existing fiber and unnecessary pipe components and elevation changes. Existing dispenser components would remain in place. Minor modifications will also be made to the line leak detector system components. Piping replacement and realignment activities described above would not be visible from the public right-of-way.
  • Reference:2018-007829ENV
  • Received:May 22, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Various Locations Number 39 Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement - The proposed Project involves collection system sewer replacement and upgrades along Pine Street, Laguna Street, Sacramento Street, Buchanan Street, and Avila Street in the Western Addition, Pacific Heights, and Marina neighborhoods of San Francisco. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced is approximately 5,320 linear feet (1.01 mile). The proposed replacement pipelines would be constructed of VCP varying between 12 inches and 46 inches in diameter. The proposed Project would also involve the replacement of 32 manholes along the project alignments.
  • Reference:2018-007027ENV
  • Received:May 14, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Various Locations Pavement Renovation No. 37 and Sewer Replacement - The proposed Project involves collection system sewer replacement and upgrades along 18th Street, Alameda Street, Connecticut Street, De Haro Street, Guy Place, Kansas Street, Vermont Street, and California Street in the South of Market, Potrero Hill, Seacliff, and Outer Richmond neighborhoods of San Francisco. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced is approximately 7,506 linear feet (1.4 mile). The proposed replacement pipelines would be constructed of VCP varying between 12 inches and 21 inches in diameter.
  • Reference:2018-006967ENV
  • Received:May 10, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1431 for Meeting of 5/10/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 5/10/18
  • Reference:2018-007064ENV
  • Received:May 10, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - 2018 Flooding Emergency Repairs 03 - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) issued a Declaration of Emergency on March 23, 2018 following a substantial atmospheric river storm on March 21-22, 2018 that resulted in damage to the Moccasin Reservoir and other area facilities. On April 19'h, 2018 Governor Brown issued a State of Emergency Proclamation following this storm event as it caused widespread d‘mage in the State'. Tuolumne County is identified in the proclamation as an affected county. Damages to Hetch Hetchy Water and Power facilities are specifically called out within the proclamation. The SFPUC Bureau of Environmental Management requests your concurrence that the below activities constitute an emergency and qualify for a statutory exemption under Title 14 California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15269, Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21080(b)(2, 3, & 4), and CEQA Guidelines Section 15269(a, b, & c). The CCR, PRC, and CEQA Guidelines provide an exemption for such emergency repairs.
  • Reference:2018-006841ENV
  • Received:May 09, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 8- and 16-Inch DIP Water Main Replacement on 17th Street (WD-2811) - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution system replacement and upgrades along 17th Street between Clayton and Douglass Streets and various side streets in the Haight Ashbury and Castro/Upper Market neighborhoods. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced/repaired is approximately 10,962 linear feet (2.1 miles).
  • Reference:2018-006782ENV
  • Received:May 08, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - DB-129 Geotechnical Investigation - The proposed Investigation involves up to 14 geotechnical borings generally located along Illinois Street between 24th Street and Cargo Way, Quint Street between Cargo Way and Davidson Avenue, and various adjacent streets.
  • Reference:2018-006728ENV
  • Received:May 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Cherry Lake Road Repair Mile Post 9.4 - The SFPUC proposes to repair a road failure along Cherry Lake Road in Groveland, CA. The objective of the project is to stabilize the road by excavating the existing site and constructing an engineered retaining wall of gabion baskets. The gabion wall will be approximately 200 feet in length and extend 3 to 9 feet below the road surface. Approximately eighty yards of soil could be removed during construction. Construction equipment will work from the left lane while keeping the right lane passable.
  • Reference:2018-006693ENV
  • Received:May 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5909 for public hearing 5/3/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board of Directors / SFMTA Staff Approval o Approval Date: 5/7/2018
  • Reference:2018-006699ENV
  • Received:May 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - 17th Street and Harrison Street Traffic Signal - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency proposes to install a traffic signal at the intersection of 17th Street and Harrison Street, which is currently controlled by a 4-way STOP. The scope of work would include installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal poles, streetlight poles, controller cabinets, and accessible pedestrian signals. The maximum excavation would ten (10) feet for the signal and streetlight pole foundations, sixteen (16) inches for the cabinet foundations, and thirty (30) inches for the underground conduits and pull boxes.
  • Reference:2018-006619ENV
  • Received:May 02, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - DB-129 Potholing Investigation - The proposed Investigation involves up to 42 potholes generally located along Illinois Street between 24th Street and Cargo Way, Quint Street between Cargo Way and Davidson Avenue, and various adjacent streets.
  • Reference:2018-006251ENV
  • Received:Apr 26, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5906 for public hearing 4/27/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Date: 4/27/2018
  • Reference:2018-006359ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1430th meeting on 4/26/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board or ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 4/26/2018
  • Reference:2018-006407ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - 1990 Newcomb Avenue Project - The SFPUC proposes extensive redevelopment of the Newcomb Yard located at 1990 Newcomb Avenue in San Francisco to address deteriorating facilities and operational inefficiencies. Alterations to the site would include demolition of several historic-era buildings and reconfiguration and reconstruction of offices, shops, and parking. The project is located in the Bayview/Hunters Point area of San Francisco. The San Francisco Water Department originally built this facility in 1963 as its City Distribution Division Corporation Yard and office.
  • Reference:2018-006180ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFDPW: 441 12th AVENUE - FS 31 GENERATOR REPLACEMENT - The proposed project at Fire Station 31, to remove the existing outdoor generator, existing concrete pad for the generator, and existing exhaust pipe mounted to the rear facade of the station, and replace all in kind at the same locations with new.
  • Reference:2018-006203ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Municipal Electric Rates for Certain Municipal Customers for FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of rates, fees and charges for furnishing electric power to certain municipal departments of the City and County of San Francisco and other public or governmental agencies during the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 and Fiscal Year 2019-2020 to become effective July 1, 2018. The SFPUC Bureau of Environmental Management requests Environmental Planning (EP) concurrence that the proposed adoption of the fees and charges by the Commission is statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Public Resources Code Section 21080(b)(8) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15273 (Rates, Tolls, Fares, and Charges) related to the establishment, modification, structuring, restructuring, or approval of rates, tolls, fares, or other charges.
  • Reference:2018-005989ENV
  • Received:Apr 20, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt, Revise and/or Eliminate Certain SFPUC Water and Wastewater Fees - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes to adopt, revise and/or eliminate certain SFPUC Water and Wastewater customer service, billing and miscellaneous fees. The SFPUC Bureau of Environmental Management requests Environmental Planning (EP) concurrence that the proposed adoption, reduction and/or elimination of certain miscellaneous fees and charges by the Commission is statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Public Resources Code Section 21080(b)(8) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15273 (Rates, Tolls, Fares, and Charges) related to the establishment, modification, structuring, restructuring, or approval of rates, tolls, fares, or other charges.
  • Reference:2018-006008ENV
  • Received:Apr 20, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Reduce and/or Eliminate Certain SFPUC Power Enterprise Customer Service and Billing Fees - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes to reduce and/or eliminate certain SFPUC Power Enterprise customer service and billing fees. The SFPUC Bureau of Environmental Management requests Environmental Planning (EP) concurrence that the proposed reduction and/or elimination of certain fees and charges by the Commission is statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Public Resources Code Section 21080(b)(8) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15273 (Rates, Tolls, Fares, and Charges) related to the establishment, modification, structuring, restructuring, or approval of rates, tolls, fares, or other charges.
  • Reference:2018-005995ENV
  • Received:Apr 20, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Wholesale Revenue Requirement and Water Supply Agreement Charges for Fiscal Year 2019 - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of rates, fees and charges for supplying water to SFPUC Wholesale Customers during the Fiscal Year 2019 to become effective July 1, 2018.
  • Reference:2018-005925ENV
  • Received:Apr 19, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sunol Valley Golf Course Grazing Infrastructure - The proposed Project involves infrastructure improvements for livestock grazing. The proposed Project includes installation of the following: • Perimeter fence. Approximately 4,000 linear feet (lf) of 6-strand on 10 foot centers along the existing driveway and approximately 10,000 lf of 5-strand on 12 foot centers throughout remainder of the site. • Gates. Five (5) 12 to 14 foot wire drop-gates, five (5) 12 foot pipe gates, and two (2) 12 foot double gates (24 foot total opening). • Water System. A 5,000 gallon low profile poly water tank, two 500 gallon concrete prefab water troughs, and 3,000 lf of one-inch PVC pipe.
  • Reference:2018-005774ENV
  • Received:Apr 17, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Gough Street Lane Reduction and Parking/Loading Restoration - The SFMTA proposes to implement roadway modifications changes on Gough Street, between Fell Street and Hayes Street, based on a previous pilot project at the same location. The proposed project would permanently implement the conditions established under a previously implemented pilot project on Gough Street within the Market-Octavia Area Plan boundaries. The Gough Street Lane Reduction & Parking/Loading Restoration Pilot is one of four projects included in CEQA Categorical Exemption Determination 2017-002109ENV. The project was implemented in July 2017 as a one-year pilot with an evaluation to inform whether the changes would affect travel behavior within the project area. Other locations identified within the previous pilot project would be evaluated separately. The pilot project eliminated the curbside travel lane on the west side of Gough St between Hayes and Fell streets, converting it to parking. This project was developed to address three primary goals: (1) facilitation of safer right-turns, particularly by Muni buses and large vehicles; (2) addressing a conflict between right-turning drivers and people walking in the western crosswalk at Gough St & Fell St; and (3) adding parking/loading spaces in the neighborhood. The pilot project converted the western-most 11’ curb lane – a right-turn-only lane from Gough St onto Fell St – to parking. This added 9-10 new parking spaces, currently regulated with 4-hour time limits effective Mon-Sat, 9am-6pm. All other travel lane geometries remain the same as in the pre-pilot condition. Red zone (no parking) daylighting at the intersections of Gough St with Linden and Fell streets was installed as a standard engineering measure to improve sight lines between street users. The proposed project would not modify the roadway changes that were previously implemented. A a single combined right-turn/through lane on Gough Street would remain. However, based on pilot project feedback, changes to parking regulations along the western curb of the block, would be modified from 2-hour time limited parking to a combination of metered parking with a 4-hour time limit (5 total spaces) and “No Parking Any Time, Active Loading Only” (approx. 80 feet of 24/7 loading for passenger and commercial vehicles). The new loading zone would remain and is not replacing another loading zone from elsewhere). Remaining curb would be regulated with “Red Zones” for visibility daylighting, as is already present. Linear feet for each of these is below and shown in the diagram that follows. It should be noted that immediately prior to the pilot no parking or loading was permitted along this block face.
  • Reference:2018-006945ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - WD-2811 Ductile Iron Pipe Water Main Replacement on 17th Street from Clayton to Douglass Street and Various Side Streets - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution system replacement and upgrades along 17th Street between Clayton and Douglass Streets and various side streets in the Haight Ashbury and Castro/Upper Market neighborhoods. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced/repaired is approximately 10,962 linear feet (2.1 miles).
  • Reference:2018-005625ENV
  • Received:Apr 12, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - 22nd Street Caltrain Station E Lockers Project - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to install 10 electronic bicycle lockers (e lockers) to accommodate up to 20 bicycles for long-term bicycle parking needs on Iowa Street at 22nd Street. This location and facility recommendation is supported by the SFMTA’s 2013 Strategy for Long-Term Bicycle Parking, and Caltrain’s 2014 Bicycle Access & Parking Plan and 2017 Bicycle Parking Management Plan. The proposed location is located on the west side of Iowa Street, in the first parking bay. There are two travel lanes along Iowa, one northbound and one southbound. There is currently unregulated on-street parking along Iowa between 22nd Street to 23rd Street. This proposed location is directly adjacent to the 22nd Street Station entrance and a half a block from Muni’s Woods Division. There are also Muni transit connections and neighborhood services within walking distance from Iowa Street. Three motor vehicle parking spaces (currently unregulated) would be removed to make room for the proposed e lockers. Associated changes to the street would include thermos stripping in the parking bay to outline the e locker footprints, as well as flexible delineators where appropriate. There would be no excavation associated with this project. The e lockers would be accessed via doors facing the north and south (i.e., these doors would not face Iowa Street).
  • Reference:2018-006007ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1429 for Meeting of 4/12/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 4/12/2018
  • Reference:2018-005428ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Order #5901 for Public Hearing on 4/13/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer/SFMTA Board o Approval Date: 4/13/18
  • Reference:2018-005407ENV
  • Received:Apr 09, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - DB-129 Geotechnical and Pothole Investigation - The proposed Investigation involves up to 14 geotechnical borings and 42 potholes generally located along Illinois Street between 24th Street and Cargo Way, Quint Street between Cargo Way and Davidson Avenue, and various adjacent streets.
  • Reference:2018-005418ENV
  • Received:Apr 09, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Auxiliary Water Supply System Valve Vault Cover and Electrical Actuator at Evans Avenue and Napoleon Street - The proposed Project would involve replacement of the valve vault cover and electrical actuator (part of an existing AWSS pipeline) at Evans Avenue and Napoleon Street. Project activities would include the following: • Excavate existing street base and paving over the valve vault. • Remove existing concrete valve vault cover. • Remove existing electric actuator and replace with new actuator. Furnish and install new watertight electrical connections. • Furnish and install a precast vault cover with either a 3 feet by 4 feet double leaf access cover and 23-inch square access cover. • Close the excavation and restore street base and paving. • Test operation of motorized gate valve site for proper functioning. Construction of the Project is expected to be complete within approximately three weeks.
  • Reference:2018-005309ENV
  • Received:Apr 06, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Castro Station Accessibility Improvements - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to construct a new four-stop elevator on the south side of Market Street at the Castro Muni Station to improve the accessibility of the Muni subway system. The new elevator would be located immediately adjacent to the existing Station within the existing landscaped area at the concourse level. The new elevator would integrate with the existing architectural and structural framework and would consist of an approximately 39-foot-tall (from Concourse Mezzanine Level) elevator tower with a glass canopy. The elevator would include one stop on Market Street, one stop on Harvey Milk Plaza, one stop on the concourse level, and one stop on the platform level of the Station. The Market Street elevator stop/landing would allow disabled passengers from the adjacent Market Street bus stop to directly access the Station via a pedestrian bridge. A ten-foot portion of the existing wall along Market Street would be removed to accommodate the new elevator and landing. The plaza-level elevator stop/landing would also be served by a pedestrian bridge and would create an accessible path from the southwest corner of Market and Castro Streets to the elevator entrance. These proposed features would address the existing non-compliant paths of travel in and around the Station. Construction would take approximately 20 months and would consist of installation of shoring, excavation of elevator pit and tunnel, installation of subgrade waterproofing system, forming and pouring of structural concrete footings, erection of steel structural framing, installation of mechanical and electrical infrastructure, installation of the exterior glass cladding, and installation of the elevator machinery, cab and components. In parallel, the path of travel to the new elevator would include the removal of the existing brick walkway surface, re-grading of sub grade and installation of new walkway surface at new ADA compliant slope. Approximately 16,753 cubic feet (620 cubic yards) of soil would be removed during excavation of the elevator pit and the connecting tunnel to the inbound platform (29.1 feet in length, 30.3 feet in width, and 19 feet in depth). The proposed project would be constructed by Public Works and would implement Public Works Standard Construction Measure 2 (Air Quality) and Public Works Standard Construction Measure 9 (Cultural Resources) as part of the project. Public Works Standard Construction Measure 2 (Air Quality) would require the project to comply with the city’s Construction Dust Control Ordinance and Clean Construction Ordinance. Public Works Standard Construction Measure 9 (Cultural Resources) would require the project to implement the following measures to protect in place two existing Path of Gold Light Standards in the project vicinity during construction activities: (1) the project plan set must identify each Path of Gold Light Standard as requiring physical protection; (2) the project plan set must establish environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) radii around each Path of Gold Light Standard; (3) a plan sheet showing the detail of the required physical protection of each Path of Gold Light Standard must be included in the plan set; and (4) the required physical protection of the Path of Gold Light Standards must be constructed and installed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Regulatory Affairs representative overseeing implementation of Public Works Standard Construction Measure 9 (Cultural Resources) before construction activities in the immediate vicinity of the Path of Gold Light Standards may commence.
  • Reference:2018-005547ENV
  • Received:Apr 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Inner Richmond Neighborway - The Inner Richmond Neighborway Project (hereafter “the Project”) proposes to implement a series of traffic-calming measures in the along 7th Avenue, 8th Avenue, 9th Avenue between Lake Street and Cabrillo Street. These traffic-calming measures include speed humps, stop signs, daylighting, and paint/signage. Traffic volumes on 8th Avenue are two to three times higher than those of surrounding parallel routes, which is inconsistent with City policy goals for 8th Avenue as a key biking and walking street into Golden Gate Park. Eighth Avenue is a designated SFMTA Class III Bicycle Route and was adopted as a Green Connection corridor by the SF Planning Commission.3 A central aim of the Project is to bring 8th Avenue traffic volumes to a similar level to that of surrounding streets, thereby reducing conflicts between people biking and motor vehicles, especially large vehicles like trucks or buses. This project will also make pedestrian safety improvements and install speed humps on blocks of 7th and 9th Avenues where schools conduct loading activities. Proposed treatments and further information regarding the project are included in Attachment A.
  • Reference:2018-005355ENV
  • Received:Apr 04, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Geo Tech Investigation Project for San Andreas Dam Spillway - The SFPUC proposes to perform a condition assessment of San Andreas Dam spillway as requested by the DSOD. The geotechnical exploration consists of boreholes, spillway concrete corings, and spillway slot cuts. The work would occur on or next to the concrete spillway. The proposed Project would not include any work in the water.
  • Reference:2018-004715ENV
  • Received:Apr 04, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - PCC Streetcar Disposal Project - The San Francisco Municipal Transpiration Agency (SFMTA) proposes to dispose of 12 Presidential Conference Committee (PCC) streetcars. The vast majority of these cars were retired 35 years ago. They have been stored outside at the agency’s Marin Yard and are all in a significantly-deteriorated condition. The disposal of these is consistent with the agency’s historic streetcar fleet plan, which calls for a reduction of spare PCCs at Marin Yard.
  • Reference:2018-005543ENV
  • Received:Apr 04, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Railway FY 2019 MTC Claim for Operating Assistance - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Municipal Railway (SFMTA) has received operating and capital assistance from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) each fiscal year. The funds provide financial support to maintain, and sometimes restore, existing transit services. The SFMTA proposes to apply and eventually accept Operating and Capital Assistance from MTC for Fiscal Year 2019, which would continue to fund existing operations and lease agreements.
  • Reference:2018-005354ENV
  • Received:Apr 04, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Streetcar Rehabilitation Project - The SFMTA proposes to rehabilitate various historic streetcars built between 1914 and 1946. These are detailed in the table below. The general plan the Peter Witt Class vehicles is to rehabilitate them so that they may safely operate in daily revenue service for the next 20 years. The general program for the other streetcars is to rehabilitate them so that they may safely be operated for some revenue service, special events, and charter services. The historic nature of each vehicle is important to the SFMTA and preserving the design and integrity of the original interior and exterior of each vehicle is important. However, certain upgrades will be considered to improve safety, reliability, and maintainability. Each street car would be disassembled to the carshell, and each component would be expected and replaced on an as-needed basis. The electrical systems of each vehicle would be updated. Vehicle propulsion systems would likely be upgraded as well. Each car would then be reassembled to appear like new. This work would be performed by a contractor.
  • Reference:2018-005545ENV
  • Received:Apr 04, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Indiana Bikeway Improvement Project - The SFMTA proposes to implement the Indiana Bikeway Improvement Project to enhance north-south bicycle access in the Dogpatch neighborhood by providing connections to existing bike lanes located on Cesar Chavez and 16th Street. The project would include the following components. See Attachment A for further information on the proposed project. 1. Indiana Street from Cesar Chavez to 25th Street would have one northbound vehicle anorthbound bike lane and a southbound contra-flow bike lane; this would remove approximately three (3) general public parking spaces. 2. Indiana Street from 25th Street to approximately 200’ northerly would have one northbound vehicle lane that would connect to the 280-North freeway on-ramp and northbound Indiana, there would also be a two-way cycle track that would be protected by delineators, commercial loading, and parking; this would remove approximately eight (8) general public parking spaces, one of which would be converted to Commercial truck loading. 3. Indiana Street from 200’ north of 25th Street to 23rd Street would be a Class III bikeway in both the northbound and southbound directions. 4. 19th Street from Indiana Street to Minnesota Street would be a Class III bikeway in the eastbound and westbound directions. 5. Minnesota Street from 19th Street to Mariposa Street would be a Class III bikeway in the northbound and southbound directions. 6. 23rd Street from Indiana Street to Minnesota Street would no longer be a Class III Bikeway. 7. Minnesota Street from 23rd Street to Cesar Chavez Street would no longer be a Class III Bikeway.
  • Reference:2018-002075ENV
  • Received:Apr 03, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Order 5899 for public hearing 4/6/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Date: 4/6/2018
  • Reference:2018-004749ENV
  • Received:Apr 02, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Online Water Quality Monitoring Project - The SFPUC proposes installation of three water quality monitoring cabinets at two Project locations; one water quality cabinet at the existing Ravenswood Control Building, and two water quality cabinets at the Stanford Tunnel East site. These water quality monitoring cabinets would include connection of ½-inch water sample and reinjection pipelines to existing Bay Division water transmission pipelines as well as new electrical and control upgrades. No trees would be disturbed as part of the Project.
  • Reference:2018-004300ENV
  • Received:Mar 27, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Creek Flooding Emergency Repairs 02 - The SFPUC maintains and operates multiple facilities in and around the Town of Moccasin located near Moccasin Creek in Tuolumne County. Assessment of flood damage is ongoing, and this document identifies repairs and information additional to those identified in the Statutory Exemption concurrence issued on March 23, 2018 (Case Number 2018-004154ENV). Additional emergency repairs currently identified include: Continued Removal of Sediment and Organic Debris Deposited by Flooding. Debris removal from Moccasin Reservoir, Moccasin Dam, and associated locations and infrastructure, including screening, diversion, and bypass structures is necessary. Access and removal of material in Moccasin Creek/Reservoir would necessitate temporarily laying approximately 1500 cubic yards of rock to create a ramp and landing down into the creek/reservoir. Flood-related sediment and debris would be removed from the creek and any other areas and stored for future use or disposal in an existing upland staging area on SFPUC property. Work may also include cleanup and offhaul of flood deposited sediment and organic matter from the Moccasin Fish Hatchery facility. This work is statutorily exempt under 15269(c), which covers specific actions necessarily to prevent or mitigate an emergency. Repair of Potable Water Line Damaged by Flooding. A 4-inch drinking water line providing service to locations including the Moccasin Fish Hatchery, Moccasin Low Head Powerhouse, and Moccasin Point Marina has been damaged, cutting off the drinking water supply. Approximately 900 feet of pipeline would be replaced in kind. Trenching would be shallow (approximately 2-3 feet deep) and narrow (1-2 feet wide). Trench would follow the original pipeline alignment to the extent feasible and is largely anticipated to be located within previously disturbed soils and fill. Approximately half of the proposed replacement length of pipe is located within a berm on the north side of the Moccasin Fish Hatchery retention pond. This damaged berm would be repaired and stabilized. It is not anticipated that the footprint of the berm would extend beyond existing dimensions. This work is statutorily exempt under 15269(b), which covers emergency repairs to publicly owned facilities necessary to maintain service essential to public health, safety or welfare (in this case water service).
  • Reference:2018-004212ENV
  • Received:Mar 26, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Sloat Boulevard Bicycle Lane Gap Closure Project - Sloat Boulevard, between 19th Avenue and Skyline Boulevard is operated by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) as State Route 35. Caltrans is nearing completion of a pedestrian safety and repaving project along this segment Sloat Boulevard. The SFMTA, in coordination with Caltrans, has identified an opportunity to extend bicycle lanes along Sloat Boulevard between 19th and 23rd avenues. Due to the existing roadway width, bicycle lanes can be added by narrowing travel lanes without removal of travel lanes or on-street parking. The SFMTA is recommending this change to further enhance safety for all roadway users by providing a designated space for cyclists to travel outside the path of motor vehicles.
  • Reference:2018-007166ENV
  • Received:Mar 26, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Mountain Tunnel Improvements, Phase 2 Geotechnical Investigation - The objectives of the Mountain Tunnel Improvements Phase 2 Geotechnical Investigation are to obtain additional data regarding the rock mass and groundwater conditions in the vicinity of the proposed Project improvements, identify any hazardous materials that exist at project sites, and characterize subsurface conditions for the purpose of cut slope and wall foundation design. The proposed Investigation would include geotechnical boring, hazardous materials sampling, and test pit excavation.
  • Reference:2018-004187ENV
  • Received:Mar 26, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Retail Wastewater Rates FYE 2019 through FYE 2022 - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of wastewater rates for retail wastewater service in San Francisco and suburban areas during the Fiscal Year Ending 2019 through Fiscal Year Ending 2022 to become effective July 1, 2018, July 1, 2019, July 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021.
  • Reference:2018-004120ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Creek Flooding Emergency Repairs - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Bureau of Environmental Management requests your concurrence that the proposed Moccasin Creek Flooding Emergency Repairs Project (Project) described below constitutes an emergency and is statutorily exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15269 b and c. These statutes exempt emergency repairs when emergency repairs to publicly or privately owned service facilities are necessary to maintain services essential to the public health, safety or welfare; and when specific actions are necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency, respectively.
  • Reference:2018-004154ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Fillmore and Haight Street Intersection AWSS Pavement and Sewer Replacement (WW-671) - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Bureau of Environmental Management (SFPUC) requests review of the proposed Fillmore and Haight Street Intersection Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS) Pavement and Sewer Replacement Project (Project) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
  • Reference:2018-004132ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Revised Water and Wastewater Capacity Charges FYE 2019 - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of water and wastewater capacity charges for new service, increased service or a change in service for Fiscal Year Ending 2019 to become effective July 1, 2018.
  • Reference:2018-004125ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Revised Rates and Charges for Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Program Service within San Francisco - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of revised SuperGreen generation rate premiums and charges for Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Program (CleanPowerSF) Service within San Francisco.
  • Reference:2018-004105ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Retail Water Rates FYE 2019 through FYE 2022 - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of water rates for retail water service in San Francisco and suburban areas during the Fiscal Year Ending 2019 through Fiscal Year Ending 2022 to become effective July 1, 2018, July 1, 2019, July 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021.
  • Reference:2018-004111ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 1428 for Meeting of 3/22/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 3/22/18
  • Reference:2018-004529ENV
  • Received:Mar 21, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO: Airport Rental Car Center Improvements and Customer facility charge for the Existing Rental Car Center Improvement Project - The proposed project would include several minor improvements to the interior and exterior of the existing RCC facility including the surrounding parking areas. Interior improvements would consist of public space, restroom, office, and lighting renovation as well as structural improvements in both the customer service area and the QTA. The exterior renovations include superficial improvements such as painting, screen installation, and landscaping. The interior improvements in the customer service areas include updating of skylights; lobby lighting; lobby finishes; public and back-of-house restrooms; signage; public stairwells; escalators; elevators; and HVAC systems. Additional customer service area improvements would include development of new concessions areas within the existing floor plates and installation of flight information display systems.
  • Reference:2018-006248ENV
  • Received:Mar 20, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA - Divide Feeder Circuit Carl 11 Project - This project would install additional electrical feeder circuitry in the Duboce Portal area to improve power feeder capacity and minimize feeder power single point of failures within the Duboce Portal. A feeder cable transmit electrical power from substation to the overhead contact wires powering the LRV trains and trolley coaches. The new feeder circuit would allow other power substations to supply electrical power to the Duboce Portal. The scope of work for this project would include installing new feeder cables within the west sidewalk of Church St. between Market Street and Duboce Avenue. New conduits would be installed along the same alignment as the existing ductbank to house the new feeder cables. This project would install a new conduit along the same alignment as the existing conduits underneath the west sidewalk of Church Street between Market Street and Reservoir Street. New feeder cables would provide additional electrical power support to the Duboce Portal. The new feeder circuit would be connected back to the substations. The existing electrical switch cabinet at the northwest corner of Church and Duboce intersection would remain. A new switch unit would be installed within the Church St metro substation on Market St. The new and existing switches would be connected to the substations via fiber optic cables using existing underground conduits. Excavation for this project would occur within the west sidewalk of Church Street. The trench for the new conduit would be approximately three hundred twenty five feet long extending from the intersection 14th Street & Church Street. to Reservoir St. at a depth of four feet. The trench would be approximately one foot wide.
  • Reference:2018-004420ENV
  • Received:Mar 16, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Hyde Street NB No Right Turn at Lombard Street - The SFMTA proposes to establish a "No Right Turn, 11AM to 8PM, Except Residents of 1300 Lombard Street" through a sign on the Hyde Street northbound approach to Lombard Street. This will be implemented through a one-year trial period, but is not a formal pilot project. The purpose of this proposed change is to reduce queuing on the northbound approach by visitors to the Crooked Street tourist attraction and to require visitors to use the Lombard Street eastbound approach instead. This will allow for greater queue control, efficiency, and safety. This will assist in keeping crosswalks clear for pedestrians and limit queuing on the cable car tracks. This proposed change is separate from the summertime closure of the Crooked Street to non-residents.
  • Reference:2018-003959ENV
  • Received:Mar 14, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Dogpatch Parking Management Plan - The SFMTA proposes to regulate on-street parking in the Dogpatch neighborhood through the creation of a new Residential Parking Permit area and through various regulatory and policy changes. Currently, more than 80% of the 2,600 on-street parking spaces within Dogpatch are un-regulated. Unregulated long-term parking limits parking availability for both residents and local workers. Regulating parking in this nieghborhood would increase turnover and parking availability. There are three key components of the proposed Dogpatch Parking Management Plan. These are: 1. Parking Time Limits and Paid Parking Commercial areas 2. Residential Permit Parking Eligibility 3. Revised RPP Policies See Appendix A for further details on the project.
  • Reference:2018-004002ENV
  • Received:Mar 14, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5893 for public hearing 3/23/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board or ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 3/23/18
  • Reference:2018-003808ENV
  • Received:Mar 14, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFDPW: 3880 26th STREET - FIRE STATION 11 BAY DOOR REPLACEMENT - The project proposes to replace existing non-original telescoping apparatus-bay doors with new coiling overhead doors (Type D) doors, with minor repair and adjustments to the interiors of the door openings to accommodate the new installations. There is no change to the exterior finish of the building.
  • Reference:2018-003794ENV
  • Received:Mar 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1427th meeting on 3/8/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 3/8/2018
  • Reference:2018-004515ENV
  • Received:Mar 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Fillmore and Haight Street Intersection AWSS Pavement and Sewer Replacement (WW-671) - The proposed Project would install new main sewer lines at the intersection of Fillmore Street and Haight Street. Project activities would involve sliplining, which is the installation of a new pipe inside of the existing sewer pipe. A total of approximately 19 linear feet of pipeline (3 linear feet of replacement pipe and 16 linear feet of slipline) would be installed under this Project. The pipelines would be installed in the same alignment as the existing pipelines (see attached drawings). The proposed replacement and slipline pipelines would be constructed of vitrified clay pipe (VCP), 15 inches in diameter. After the sewer line is installed and operational, street pavement would be renovated according to San Francisco Public Works standards. Construction of the Project is expected to be completed in approximately 105 working days.
  • Reference:2018-003258ENV
  • Received:Mar 06, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5890 for Public Hearing on 3/16/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Approval Date: 3/16/2018
  • Reference:2018-003179ENV
  • Received:Mar 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 16, 2018
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Description: SFRPD: 35250 Mather Road - Camp Mather Sport Court Renovation - RPD proposes increasing the size fo an existing badminton court from 1,800 sq. ft. to 2,960 sq. ft. The enlarged court will be regulation size for basketball, and it will be stripped for both badminton and basketball. New equipment for basketball and badminton will be installed including poles, backboards, & hoops, and removable posts for nets. Project may require the removal of 1 tree. If tree needs to be removed, two new trees will be planted.
  • Reference:2018-003103ENV
  • Received:Mar 02, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Order 5883 for public hearing 3/2/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Approval Date: 3/2/2018
  • Reference:2018-002961ENV
  • Received:Feb 28, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 02, 2018
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Service Changes for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020 - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to approve the SFMTA’s Title VI Service Equity Analysis, which would authorize planned service changes for the Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020. These service changes include frequency changes through increases in Muni Light Rail Service, increases in Muni Bus Service, and decreases in Muni Bus Service on certain existing routes throughout the City. The service changes also include service span changes and vehicle changes from 40-foot vehicles to 60-foot vehicles on certain existing routes. Please refer to the attached SFMTA memorandum for a full description of planned service changes. Increases in Muni Light Rail Service and on certain Muni Bus routes are Statutorily Exempt from CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21080 (b) (10) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15275 Specified Mass Transit Projects: CEQA does not apply to the institution or increase of passenger or commuter service on rail or highway rights-of-way already in use, including the modernization of existing stations and parking facilities. For the purpose of this paragraph, “highway” shall have the same meaning as defined in section 360 of the Vehicle Code. Decreases in Muni Bus Service, Service Span Changes, and Vehicle Changes are Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1: Operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use.
  • Reference:2018-002870ENV
  • Received:Feb 26, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Operating Budget for Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020 - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to approve an operating budget for the Fiscal Years 2019 and 2020. The two year operating budget includes changes to revenues and expenditures for the agency, including the establishment, modification, structuring, restructuring or approval of rates, tolls, fares or other charges by the SFMTA. Please refer to the attached SFMTA memorandum for a full description of the Baseline Operating Budget. Statutorily Exempt from CEQA Review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15273 Rates, Tolls, Fares and Charges: CEQA does not apply to the establishment, modification, structuring, restructuring or approval of rates, tolls, fares or other charges by public agencies which the public agency finds are for the purpose of meeting operating expenses, including employee wage rates and fringe benefits; purchasing or leasing supplies, equipment, or materials; meeting financial reserve needs and requirements; obtaining funds for capital projects, necessary to maintain service within existing service areas.
  • Reference:2018-002861ENV
  • Received:Feb 26, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Arguello Boulevard Traffic Signal Upgrade - The proposed Arguello Boulevard – Traffic Signal Upgrade Project would upgrade existing traffic signals at the following 6 locations: 1) Arguello Boulevard and Balboa/Turk Streets 2) Arguello Boulevard and Anza Street 3) Arguello Boulevard and Clement Street 4) Arguello Boulevard and Euclid Street 5) Arguello Boulevard and California Street 6) Arguello Boulevard and Lake/Sacramento Streets. The scope of work includes new signal timing and the installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal poles, mast arm poles, controller cabinets, accessible pedestrian signals, and ADA compliant curb ramps at intersections controlled by existing traffic signals. The maximum excavation would be nine (9) feet for the signal pole foundations, sixteen (16) inches for the cabinet foundations, twenty-four (24) inches for the underground conduits and pull boxes, and twelve (12) inches for curb ramps. Please see the SFMTA Memo for additional details.
  • Reference:2018-002739ENV
  • Received:Feb 22, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Traffic Signal Modifications on Bayshore Blvd. at Cortland Ave. and Cesar Chavez St. at South Van Ness Ave. - Traffic signal modifications would be performed by a contractor at existing traffic signals on Bayshore Blvd. at Cortland Ave. and Cesar Chavez St. at South Van Ness Ave. to improve traffic safety and the walking experience at both intersections. The scope of work includes the installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal pole, pedestrian push button pole, streetlight pole, and accessible pedestrian signals. The maximum excavation would be three and a half (3.5) feet for the signal pole foundations, five and a half (5.5’) feet for the streetlight pole, eighteen (18) inches for the pull boxes, and twenty-four (24) inches for the underground conduits. Please see the SFMTA Memo for further details.
  • Reference:2018-002743ENV
  • Received:Feb 22, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - 18th Street and Minnesota Street New Traffic Signal - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to upgrade the 18th Street and Minnesota Street intersection, which is currently controlled by a 4-way STOP, with a new traffic signal. The scope of work includes installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal poles, streetlight poles, controller cabinets, and accessible pedestrian signals. In addition, two blocks of underground conduits would be built from the 18th Street and Minnesota Street intersection to the 3rd Street and 18th Street intersection, through the 3rd Street and Tennessee Street intersection. The maximum excavation would ten (10) feet for the signal and streetlight pole foundations, sixteen (16) inches for the cabinet foundations, and thirty (30) inches for the underground conduits and pull boxes. Please refer to the attached SFMTA memorandum for a full project description of planned changes.
  • Reference:2018-002728ENV
  • Received:Feb 22, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - 27th Street and Guerrero Street New Traffic Signal - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes the 27th Street and Guerrero Street New Traffic Signal project which would improve pedestrian and vehicular safety by constructing a new traffic signal at the intersection of 27th Street and Guerrero Street. The intersection is currently controlled by a 2-Way STOP. The project’s scope of work includes the construction of signal poles and pole foundations, a controller cabinet and foundation, vehicle and pedestrian signals, accessible pedestrian signal push buttons, conduits, and pull boxes. It is expected that eight (8) poles would be installed. The maximum depth of excavation for the signal pole foundations would be nine (9) feet. The maximum depth of excavation for signal conduit and pull boxes will be twenty-four (24) inches. Please refer to the attached SFMTA memorandum for a full project description of planned changes.
  • Reference:2018-002734ENV
  • Received:Feb 22, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - 24-inch & 8-inch Ductile Iron Water Main Replacement on Castro Street from 19th Street to Alvarado Street, Elizabeth Street to 26th Street and on 26th Street from Castro Street to Guerrero Street (WD-2739) - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution replacement and upgrades along Castro Street from 19th Street to 26th Street and on 26th Street from Castro Street to Guerrero Street. A total of approximately 14,448 linear feet (2.7 miles) of water main would be replaced and newly installed.
  • Reference:2018-002621ENV
  • Received:Feb 20, 2018
  • Status:Pending Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Chariot 2018 Private Transit Vehicle Permit - SFMTA proposes to grant a limited term Private Transit Vehicle (PTV) permit to Chariot Transit Inc. for a one year period through February 28, 2019. The permit would allow Chariot to provide transportation service to the public for individual fares in San Francisco. The PTV permit program does not involve creation of new loading zones. As part of its permit application, Chariot proposes to operate the same service provided at time of the SFMTA Board’s adoption of the program in Oct 2017 with several minor adjustments to meet permit requirements. Some minor changes to Chariot’s routes are required to ensure service complies with permit terms and conditions and existing parking and traffic laws. Other changes are required in order to come into compliance with permit requirements and parking regulations. Under terms of the permit, Chariot could alter its routes and stops at any time after receiving the one-year permit. Following that, Chariot would be expected to apply for a new permit. Issuance of a PTV permit by SFMTA is subject to environmental review. Prior to issuing any subsequent permits, SFMTA would document any change in operations as compared to that which was permitted in the prior year to appropriately characterize any potential environmental effects resulting from such permitting action by SFMTA. Refer to SFMTA Memo for further details. SFMTA would review to ensure new routes or stops are in compliance with permit conditions and parking and traffic laws. Any such changes are not reasonably foreseeable at this time.
  • Reference:2018-002644ENV
  • Received:Feb 20, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order #5881 for Public Hearing on 2/23/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Committee Approval Date: 2/23/2018
  • Reference:2018-002443ENV
  • Received:Feb 14, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 23, 2018
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Description: SFMTA Order 5879 for public hearing 2/16/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU
  • Reference:2018-002393ENV
  • Received:Feb 14, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 16, 2018
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Description: SFMTA - 505 Seventh Street Lease - The SFMTA proposes to execute a new lease agreement for the SFMTA Parking Enforcement Section with Thomas F. Murphy and Martina Murphy, as Trustees of the Murphy Trust UDT dated October 3, 2003, and Christopher J. Harney, as landlord, for the two buildings, commonly known as 505 7th Street and 899 Bryant Street, including the adjacent paved parking area in San Francisco. The proposed new lease agreement would obligate the landlord to make tenant improvements, including window replacement and energy efficient LED lighting upgrade, roof repair, replace many end-of-life fixtures such as HVAC units, entrance doors, and the existing emergency backup generator. Please refer to memo for further details.
  • Reference:2018-002128ENV
  • Received:Feb 09, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO: AIRPORT WIDE UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY REPLACEMENT AND UPGRADES - Replacements and subsequent upgrades to existing UPS devices, batteries and battery cabinets, as well as all existing electrical and communication wiring and conduit connections to UPS devices, battery cabinets, fire alarm panels, disconnect switches, junction boxes, grounding and ITT devices and equipment. The UPS devices would be seismically installed at each location.
  • Reference:2018-005735ENV
  • Received:Feb 08, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA - Twin Peaks Figure 8 Project - In 2016, the SFMTA initiated the Twin Peaks Figure 8 Pilot Project, which introduced vehicle restrictions on the Twin Peaks Boulevard Figure 8 and repurposed roadway space for a bike- and pedestrian-only right of way. The proposed Twin Peaks Figure 8 Project (Project) is the permanent continuation of the Pilot project (Pilot), with no changes to the Pilot. The Project proposes to make the piloted conditions permanent. There are no other differences between the Pilot and the proposed Project. The Pilot has already implemented all of the proposed traffic and parking regulations in the project area. The project would continue the two lane, two-way configuration of Twin Peaks Boulevard that closes one section of the Figure 8. The lanes on the west side of the peaks would continue two-way operation with a single lane in each direction. Both lanes of Twin Peaks Boulevard on the east side of the peaks from Christmas Tree Point Road to the southern end of the Figure 8 would remain closed to motor vehicles. ROAD CLOSED signs and physical barriers will remain at the intersections to ensure that motor vehicles do not find their way onto the closed portion. The intersection at Twin Peaks Boulevard and Christmas Tree Point Road would remain slightly reconfigured given the two-way operation, as in the Pilot. The STOP sign stopping Christmas Tree Point Road would remain unchanged with the project.
  • Reference:2018-002084ENV
  • Received:Feb 08, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Donation of SFMTA Cable Car No. 28 - The San Francisco Municipal Transpiration Agency (SFMTA) proposes to donate retired Cable Car No. 28 to the Branford Electric Railway Association’s Shore Line Trolley Museum, of East Haven Connecticut. According to the Market Street Railway, this cable car was built in 1887 by Mahony Brothers.1 It was rebuilt as standard car No. 501 in 1929 and renumbered No. 28 in 1973. SFMTA records indicate the car last received maintenance in 1999. It was retired the following year. The exact reason the cable car was retired is not known, however the presence of lead paint may have been a significant contributing factor. In 2004, a new Cable Car No. 28 was commissioned to replace the original.The original Cable Car No. 28 is currently in a significantly deteriorated condition. There is no indoor space to store the vehicle, and it has been stored outside at the SFMTA’s Marin Yard for many years. Much of the car’s woodwork is rotted, the underframe appears to be worn out, and several parts are broken or missing. San Francisco’s cable cars are part of the “San Francisco Cable Cars” National Historic Landmark (National Register Information System ID: 66000233) that was designated in 1966. SFMTA staff believe that donating the original Cable Car No. 28 to the Shore Line Trolley Museum, rather than allowing it to further deteriorate, is the best possible use of this historic resource. Donating the retired cable car would also free up space for new incoming buses.
  • Reference:2018-001979ENV
  • Received:Feb 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - New Southeast Community Center Facility - The project proposes demolition of a 32,609 square-foot office building and a 19,057 square-foot office/ warehouse building built in 1978, grading of the site including the removal of vegetation, and a rezoning to Public Use. Three new buildings would be constructed: a 40,000 GSF community center, a 5,000 GSF community room pavilion, and an education building up to 45,000 GSF. The site would include approximately 100,000 GSF of open space, and an additional 9,000 GSF of enclosed open space required for a childcare center. 100 parking spaces would be constructed, a net decrease of 60 parking spaces. Construction of the new community center and community room pavilion is expected to begin as early as 2019, with construction of the education center following 1 year later. The property is within the India Basin Redevelopment Area.
  • Reference:2018-001983ENV
  • Received:Feb 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Presidio Division Bus Lifts and Roll-Up Doors Project - The SFMTA proposes to install new vehicle lifts and doors at its Presidio Division facility at 901 Presidio Ave. The Presidio Division building was constructed in 1912 adjacent to (not on top of) the former Laurel Hill Cemetery and Calvary Cemetery. Some excavation (up to eight feet below grade) would occur as part of this project, however this work would occur solely within the Presidio Division building would not extend into former cemetery property. The subject property has a Planning Department Historic Resource Status of “B – Properties Requiring Further Consultation and Review.” This project would consist of: Removing/demolition of existing lifts, floor slabs, and concrete foundations. Installation of new foundations, trenches, and associated plumbing to support the new and replaced lifts. The maximum anticipated excavation depth is eight feet below grade. This work will be confined to the building and will not extend into the bus yard. Replacing in-kind six exterior-mounted motor-operated roll-up doors and gates at several entrances/exits on the bus storage yard. The door/gate size will match the existing opening.
  • Reference:2018-002101ENV
  • Received:Feb 07, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1425TH MEETING ON 2/8/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU
  • Reference:2018-001883ENV
  • Received:Feb 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 08, 2018
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Description: SFPUC - Beach Street Combined Sewer Discharge Rehabilitation Project - In order to prevent groundwater infiltration and sea water from entering the City of San Francisco’s combined collection sewer system, the SFPUC proposes to rehabilitate the Beach Street combined sewer discharge (CSD) and install backflow prevention within the structure at this location. A new manhole would be constructed in the intersection of Embarcadero and Beach Street to provide access to the CSD structure on the Bayside of the new backflow preventer.
  • Reference:2018-001890ENV
  • Received:Feb 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - On-street Parking Conversion for SFPD Parking Only - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA) proposes to amend Section 801(c) of the Transportation Code to convert approximately 10 on-street general metered parking spaces around the intersection of Fillmore and Turk Streets to SFPD vehicle parking only. No active loading spaces would be removed. The proposal includes the following: ESTABLISH -TOW-AWAY, NO STOPPING ANYTIME EXCEPT CITY-OWNED MARKED SAN FRANCISCO POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES Location: Fillmore Street, east side, from 69 feet to 151 feet south of Turk Street (approximately 82-foot zone); and Fillmore Street, west side, from 71 feet to 169 feet south of Turk Street (approximately 98-foot zone). Time: All times.
  • Reference:2018-001793ENV
  • Received:Jan 31, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - TWIN PEAKS FIGURE 8 PROJECT - In 2016, the SFMTA initiated the Twin Peaks Figure 8 Pilot Project, which introduced vehicle restrictions on the Twin Peaks Boulevard Figure 8 and repurposed roadway space for a bike- and pedestrian-only right of way. The Figure 8 is a section of roadway surrounding the Twin Peaks which forms the shape of an “eight”. The proposed Twin Peaks Figure 8 Project (Project) is the permanent continuation of the Pilot project (Pilot), with no changes to the Pilot. The Pilot began in July 2016 and consists of 1) a road closure of Twin Peaks Boulevard between the north (Christmas Tree Point Road) and south junctions of the Figure 8, and 2) conversion of a one-way road to two-way operation on Twin Peaks Boulevard from Christmas Tree Point Road to the intersection south of the southern peak. Before the Pilot Project, both segments of Twin Peaks Boulevard leading up to the Figure 8 were one lane in each direction and the Figure 8 had excess capacity for the amount for vehicle traffic. SFMTA collected vehicle speed and volume data and public comment during the pilot to test the effectiveness of the traffic changes. These data helped inform analysis of a permanent road closure proposed under this Project.
  • Reference:2018-001690ENV
  • Received:Jan 31, 2018
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO - Runway 28L Fire Water Main Improvement - SFO: Runway 28L Fire Water Main Improvement Project - Connect approx. 7,500 linear feet of new 10-inch PVC fire main line to an existing 10-inch ductile iron pipe near the Millbrae gate at the southern portion of the Airport.
  • Reference:2018-001705ENV
  • Received:Jan 31, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA - 2017 District 7 Speed Radar Signs - The 2017 District Seven Speed Radar Signs project will help remind drivers of their speed at a total of three locations in San Francisco’s Supervisorial District Seven and Eight. The scope of the work includes the installation of new speed radar signs on either the existing streetlight poles or on new poles and foundations to support the sign. We are seeking SFPUC permission to install the new speed radar signs on their existing streetlights at two locations. Power would be provided by tapping into the streetlight photocell. The contractor or the SFMTA Signal Shop will do the installation and programming of the sign itself. The maximum excavation of a new foundation is four to eight feet depending on the support structure. If a new pole and foundation are needed, the project will be constructed using a contractor via the San Francisco Public Works. Their construction management section will administer the actual construction of the project. If the SFPUC gives the SFMTA permission to install the speed radar signs on their streetlights, the SFMTA Signal Shop will install the signs. The following locations are included in this project: 1. Brotherhood Way between Summit Way and Lake Merced Boulevard 2. Monterey Boulevard between Acadia Street and Baden Street 3. Market Street between Hattie Street and Merritt Street
  • Reference:2018-002012ENV
  • Received:Jan 30, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Water Main Installation Project on 21st and Hill Streets (WD-2780) - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution system replacement and upgrades along 21st and Hill Streets between Castro and Valencia Streets. New water mains would be installed as close as possible to the existing alignments, but would not be in the same trench footprint as the existing lines. The proposed Project would include a total of approximately 8,500 linear feet (1.6 miles) of water main replacement and installation.
  • Reference:2018-001551ENV
  • Received:Jan 29, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Avalon Avenue and Mendell Street STOP Signs - The SFMTA proposes the following traffic modifications for approval by the SFMTA Board of Directors, as requested by residents, for purposes of improving vehicle and pedestrian safety: 1. ESTABLISH – STOP SIGNS Avalon Avenue, eastbound and westbound, at Edinburgh Street, making this intersection an ALL-WAY STOP 2. ESTABLISH – STOP SIGNS Mendell Street, northbound and southbound, at Fairfax Avenue, making this intersection an ALL-WAY STOP
  • Reference:2018-001372ENV
  • Received:Jan 24, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Lower Cherry Aqueduct Rehabilitation Project, Phase 1 - The Project proposes to rehabilitate components of the Lower Cherry Aqueduct system that are currently in disrepair. The Project proposes to replace approximately 250 feet of existing aboveground 15-inch steel drain pipe in the forebay with 16-inch steel drain pipe on a new alignment. In addition, the Project would conduct maintenance activities including installation of a 2.5-inch ball valve at a low point in the system in order to address minimal standing water, as well as an internal welded patch repair within a section of pipe located 15 feet upstream of where the pipeline enters the forebay. All replacement and repair activities would be performed manually on foot and using hand tools.
  • Reference:2018-001321ENV
  • Received:Jan 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5874 for Public Hearing on 2/2/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board / City Traffic Engineer o Approval Date: 2/2/2018
  • Reference:2018-001319ENV
  • Received:Jan 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5872 for Public Hearing on 1/26/18 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board / City Traffic Engineer o Approval Date: 1/26/2018
  • Reference:2018-001309ENV
  • Received:Jan 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 1424 for Meeting of 1/25/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 1/25/2018
  • Reference:2018-001313ENV
  • Received:Jan 23, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Water Main Installation Project on 22nd Street from Fair Oaks Street to Hampshire Street - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution system replacement and upgrades along 22nd Street from Fair Oaks Street to Hampshire Street. In most locations, the Project would install two new parallel pipelines to allow system looping. The proposed Project would include a total of approximately 8,000 linear feet (1.5 miles) of water main replacement and installation.
  • Reference:2018-001132ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Cathodic Protection Project for 24 inch and 36 inch Steel Pipe Transmission Main of College Hill System, Phase III - The proposed Project would involve the installation of sacrificial anode systems and cathodic protection test stations at 13 different locations.
  • Reference:2018-001109ENV
  • Received:Jan 18, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SF REC & PARK - WALTER HAAS PLAYGROUND - Replace the existing decomposed granite surface of the entire 8,000 SF Dog Play Area (DPA) with synthetic turf. Fence and entryways to DPA will remain unchanged. Installation of irrigation lines under DPA and drainage improvements to address erosion issues of existing decomposed granite surface.
  • Reference:2018-001147ENV
  • Received:Jan 18, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SF PORT: Directive 2018-2019 - Special Events, Seasonal & Temporary Uses - SF PORT: Special Events, Seasonal and Temporary Uses. The directive provides for up to 90 Special and Temporary Uses in 2018 and includes various conditions that will apply, including compliance with applicable BCDC, ISCOTT and regulatory requirements. The Directive provides for up to 90 Special and Temporary Uses in 2018. Where the activity may affect the integrity of Port historic buildings and facilities, historic design review will be required to ensure compliance with Secretary of Interior Standards for Historic Rehabilitation.
  • Reference:2018-001664ENV
  • Received:Jan 18, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFPUC - Cherry Valley Dam Emergency Valve Repair Project - Inspection and repair of butterfly valves at the Cherry Valley dam requires the SFPUC to lower the reservoir in order to access, isolate, and repair the valves. The SFPUC would lower the reservoir in a controlled manner to an elevation below the Intake Tower that would allow the SFPUC to safely inspect and repair and if necessary replace the butterfly valves. This could entail lowering the water level to a nearly fully drained elevation. The SFPUC will maintain some water in the reservoir for aquatic refuge and to maintain some downstream flow to Cherry Creek. Emergency replacement of the hollow jet valves requires removal of some minor rock obstructions (approximately 5 cubic yards of rock from the banks and several small boulders from the bed of Cherry Creek). Valve replacement would be aided by a crane staged in an existing parking area adjacent to the valve house. At this time, the full extent of valve damage is unknown. Repair work could involve removing the metal body seat rings and disc seat rings and the associated clamps and other valve components; inspecting and cleaning the components; and installing replacement components as needed. This emergency work would be initiated as soon as possible.
  • Reference:2018-000984ENV
  • Received:Jan 16, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 1423 for Meeting of 1/11/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT COMMITTEE o Approval Date: 1/11/2018
  • Reference:2018-000849ENV
  • Received:Jan 11, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Fillmore and Haight Street Intersection AWSS Pavement and Sewer Replacement (WW-671) - The proposed Project would install new main sewer lines at the intersection of Fillmore Street and Haight Street. Project activities would involve sliplining, which is the installation of a new pipe inside of the existing sewer pipe. A total of approximately 19 linear feet of pipeline (3 linear feet of replacement pipe and 16 linear feet of slipline) would be installed under this Project. The pipelines would be installed in the same alignment as the existing pipelines (see attached drawings). The proposed replacement and slipline pipelines would be constructed of vitrified clay pipe (VCP), 15 inches in diameter. After the sewer line is installed and operational, street pavement would be renovated according to San Francisco Public Works standards. Construction of the Project is expected to be completed in approximately 105 working days.
  • Reference:2018-000763ENV
  • Received:Jan 10, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: DPW: Track Removal & Context Study - SFDPW: Remove abandoned and unused railroad tracks at various locations within the city as they pose a hazard to pedestrians, cyclists, and drives due to associated road deterioration. There are 13 locations, 12 of which are within the Potrero Hill and Mission Districts, and 1 is in the Bayview district.
  • Reference:2018-000753ENV
  • Received:Jan 10, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - South Fork Adit Bridge Improvements Project - The proposed Project involves the installation of a variety of safety improvements at the South Fork Adit Bridge located approximately at the confluence of the middle and south fork of the Tuolumne River in rural Tuolumne County. Improvements include the widening of the north seat abutment, construction of a barrier wall next to the east bridge entrance, installation of a cast-in-place concrete barrier, extension of the W beam bridge rail, and installation of an advanced warning sign at the approach.
  • Reference:2018-000560ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5867 for Public Hearing 1/12/2018 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board / City Traffic Engineer o Approval Date: 1/12/18
  • Reference:2018-000847ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Cal Aqueduct Maintenance Bridges 1 & 2 Improvements Project - The proposed Project involves removal of the old rail system and the installation of a new rail system on Cal Aqueduct Maintenance Bridges 1 & 2 in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Test Level 1 criteria and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Demolition of the old rail system would involve unbolting the existing railing. Installation of the new system would include bolting in place new railing by utilizing the existing railing anchor bolts in the deck fascia to attach the new metal beam and post rail to the deck. Project activities would not require excavation or ground disturbance.
  • Reference:2018-000563ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Track Support System Replacement Project - This project would consist of in-kind repair and/or replacement of streetcar tracks and track support systems at various intersections along the J-line, L-line and N-Line. Work would include potholing, rebuilding the subgrade, replacing ties and ballasts, replacing tie plates, replacing the fastening system with "e" clips in lieu of spikes and/or bolts, and grinding, welding, and profiling rails. This work would be limited to the Muni Track Right of Way and two feet outside of the rails. The work will neither disturb sidewalks nor alter existing roadway configurations. Excavation would be limited to about 16 inches. This work would be performed at the following locations: 1. Clipper & Church, 2. Duncan & Church 3. 22nd & Judah 4. 23rd & Judah 5. 24th & Judah 6. 25th & Judah 7. 37th & Judah 8. 42nd & Judah 9. 32nd & Taraval 10. 38th & Taraval 11. 42nd &Taraval 12. 7th & Irving 13. 8th & Irving 14. Forestside & Ulloa 15. Ocean Ave at M-Line ROW 16. 39th & Taraval 17. 24th & Church 18. 10th & Judah 19. Funston & Judah 20. 6th & Irving.
  • Reference:2018-000845ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Selby Street and Toland Avenue No Parking Zones - The San Francisco Municipal Transpiration Agency (SFMTA) proposes to establish “No Parking Anytime, Except City-Owned Vehicles Maintained by Central Shops” zones on the east side of Selby Street from the south side property line of Hudson Avenue to the north side property line of Galvez Avenue, and on the west side of Toland Street, from approximately 100 feet east of Jerrold Avenue to approximately 350 feet east of Jerrold Avenue. This change would affect approximately 26 spaces fronting 555 Selby/1975 Galvez and 5 spaces fronting 450 Toland. Currently all of these spaces are non-metered general spaces.
  • Reference:2018-000726ENV
  • Received:Jan 04, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Fillmore and Haight Street Intersection AWSS Pavement and Sewer Replacement (WW-671) - The proposed Project would install new main sewer lines at the intersection of Fillmore Street and Haight Street. Project activities would involve sliplining, which is the installation of a new pipe inside of the existing sewer pipe. A total of approximately 19 linear feet of pipeline (3 linear feet of replacement pipe and 16 linear feet of slipline) would be installed under this Project. The pipelines would be installed in the same alignment as the existing pipelines (see attached drawings). The proposed replacement and slipline pipelines would be constructed of vitrified clay pipe (VCP), 15 inches in diameter. After the sewer line is installed and operational, street pavement would be renovated according to San Francisco Public Works standards. Construction of the Project is expected to be completed in approximately 105 working days.
  • Reference:2018-000037ENV
  • Received:Jan 02, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Revised SuperGreen Generation Rate Premiums and Modifications to Net Energy Metering Tariff of CleanPowerSF - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of revised SuperGreen generation rate premiums and modifications to Net Energy Metering Tariff of CleanPowerSF.
  • Reference:2018-000039ENV
  • Received:Jan 02, 2018
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Diamond Heights Boulevard Stop and Bus Stop Move - The SFMTA proposes the following parking and traffic modifications, as requested by residents for the purposes of improving transit access and pedestrian safety. This change addresses the irregular configuration of this intersection and visibility issues. 1. Establish - Stop Signs - Diamond Heights Boulevard, northbound and southbound, at Diamond Street, making this intersection an all-way stop (North Intersection). 2. Rescind - Bus Zone - Diamond Heights Boulevard, west side, from Diamond Street north crosswalk to 85 feet southerly. 3. Establish - Bus Zone - Diamond Heights Boulevard, west side, from Diamond Street north crosswalk to 100 feet northerly (Shifts existing bus zone 60 feet north).
  • Reference:2017-016423ENV
  • Received:Dec 26, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation Project at 1550 Evans Ave. - The proposed project involves up to 9 rotary wash borings and up to 6 flight-auger borings at 1550 Evans Avenue as part of a geotechnical investigation.
  • Reference:2017-016336ENV
  • Received:Dec 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Stormwater Schoolyard Project at Robert Louis Stevenson School - The SFPUC is partnering with the San Francisco Unified School District to transform a single SFUSD school site into an innovative “Stormwater Schoolyard” demonstration project. The SFUSD/SFPUC collaboration envisions a pilot SFUSD Green Schoolyard project that will also showcase a large scale demonstration of green infrastructure technologies and provide a multitude of educational opportunities.
  • Reference:2017-016339ENV
  • Received:Dec 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5864 for public hearing 12/29/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Approval Date: 12/29/2017
  • Reference:2017-016225ENV
  • Received:Dec 20, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 29, 2017
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1422nd meeting on 12/21/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA ISCOTT Committee Approval Date: 12/21/2017
  • Reference:2017-016230ENV
  • Received:Dec 20, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 21, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order #5854 for Public Hearing on 12/15/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board / City Traffic Engineer o Approval Date: 12/15/17
  • Reference:2017-016144ENV
  • Received:Dec 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Water Main Installation Project on Traval from 14th to 48th Ave. and various other streets - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution system replacement and installation along Taraval Street from 14th Avenue to 48th Avenue and various side streets in the West Portal and Parkside neighborhoods of San Francisco. The total estimated length of water mains to be replaced/installed is approximately 25,500 linear feet (4.8 miles).
  • Reference:2017-016132ENV
  • Received:Dec 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Power Feed and Primary Switchgear Upgrades Project at Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant - The project would consist of the following components: • Upgrade the primary switchgear to meet SEP electrical demands and peak loads; • Upgrade the existing Hunters Point switchyard feed to 12 MW and obtain a new 12 MW feed from the existing Potrero switchyard to provide redundancy for SEP facilities ; • Replace/upgrade aging primary unit substations at SEP; • Integrate BFS, BPS and future CBSIP Pump Station into SEP medium voltage (MV) electrical power distribution system to take advantage of the SEP redundant power feed; • Provide enhanced Energy Monitoring and Management System for the MV power distribution system; and • Protect electrical assets from sea level rise.
  • Reference:2017-015855ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sunnydale HOPE SF - Electrical Facilities Project - The Project would repair and replace a temporary overhead electrical line that connects to PG&E’s existing line immediately south of Sunnydale Avenue. Installation of four new utility poles to switch from PG&E power to SFPUC power would be required. These utility poles would be approximately 13 inches in diameter, 45 feet tall, and would be installed 6 feet below ground surface. The Project would construct a joint utilities trench approximately 750 feet in length, 2 feet wide, and a maximum of 4 feet deep in which the underground 4 kV electrical distribution line would be installed. In addition to the utilities trench, associated appurtenances including four underground utility vaults/boxes would be installed.
  • Reference:2017-015857ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Intake Switchyard Project - The proposed project involves slope stabilization and drainage improvements adjacent to Intake Switchyard to ensure the long-term protection of this existing power facility. Intake Switchyard serves as a junction connecting the Kirkwood and Holm powerhouses to the Moccasin Powerhouse. In 2013, the Rim Fire burned all the vegetation on the slope above the Switchyard. Following containment of the fire, SFPUC undertook short-term erosion prevention measures, including placement of coir logs and straw on the slope. In 2016, the SFPUC was awarded a California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Hazard Mitigation Grant, which is partially funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to implement more permanent stabilization and drainage improvements for long term protection of the Switchyard.
  • Reference:2017-015851ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2017
  • Status:Open
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Intake Switchyard Project - The proposed project involves slope stabilization and drainage improvements adjacent to Intake Switchyard to ensure the long-term protection of this existing power facility. Intake Switchyard serves as a junction connecting the Kirkwood and Holm powerhouses to the Moccasin Powerhouse. In 2013, the Rim Fire burned all the vegetation on the slope above the Switchyard. Following containment of the fire, SFPUC undertook short-term erosion prevention measures, including placement of coir logs and straw on the slope. In 2016, the SFPUC was awarded a California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) Hazard Mitigation Grant, which is partially funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to implement more permanent stabilization and drainage improvements for long term protection of the Switchyard.
  • Reference:2017-015850ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Water Quality Trailer Installation Project at Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant - The SFPUC proposes to install a new water quality trailer and associated utilities to support water treatment operations at SVWTP. The Project area would be cleared, grubbed, and graded and non-native grasses would be removed. No trees would be removed. The Project would include three utility trenches. The total combined dimensions for two of the utility trenches would be approximately 250 feet by 2 feet. The area of ground disturbance for the third utility trench would be approximately 100 feet by 2 feet. The max depth of the three trenches would be approximately 4 feet deep. The Project would not require excavation outside of the utility trenches. The proposed Project also includes installation of additional outlets, plywood backer boards, and lighting inside the new water quality trailer.
  • Reference:2017-015831ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - HVAC and CO2 Systems Upgrades Project at the Tesla Treatment Facility - The proposed project involves the following: 1) Remove two existing 15-ton rooftop Trane air conditioning units and install two 25-ton Trane air conditioning units on the roof of the Electrical Building. The Project would also include installation of associated ductwork and appurtenances; 2) Remove six cabinet fans and installation of three air conditioning units and three cabinet filters in their own respective UV cabinets within the UV Building. The Project would also include installation of ductwork, exhaust fan, and replacement of two circuit breakers; and 3) Install two low flow Carbon Dioxide gas feed equipment feeders on the existing chemical injection piping a the Chemical Injection Yard.
  • Reference:2017-015795ENV
  • Received:Dec 11, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Market Street Signal Rehabilitation Project - The Market Street Signal Rehabilitation Project would replace 23 existing traffic signal mast arms that are reaching the end of their useful lives. Attached signal heads would also be replaced. Adjoining signage would be replaced on an as-needed basis. Existing poles would remain. Replacement signal heads would be affixed to existing poles via pipes approximately three feet long. No excavation would take place. This project would take approximately 1.5 years, ending in early 2019. All work would be done by the SFMTA. This work would occur at the following eight Market Street intersections: 1) Third Street at Southeast corner on Market facing eastbound traffic and Northeast corner on Kearny facing northbound traffic; 2) Fourth Street at Southwest corner facing westbound traffic; 3) Eighth Street at Southeast corner facing eastbound traffic; 4) Ninth Street at Southeast corner facing eastbound traffic, Northeast corner facing eastbound traffic, and Northwest corner facing westbound traffic; 5) Tenth Street at Southwest corner at 10th – both arms, and Southeast corner, both arms; 6) Van Ness Ave. at Northeast, northwest, and southeast corners – both arms on each pole; 7) Twelfth Street at North center island – both arms; 8) Gough Street at Northeast corner – both arms; Southeast corner – both arms
  • Reference:2017-016403ENV
  • Received:Dec 11, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: HSH - Navigation Center - Division Circle - The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing proposes to construct a new Navigation Center facility with 150 beds and five storage containers on an existing Caltrans parking lot. The project site is located in the Mission neighborhood, on a lot bounded by the I-80 on-ramp and freeway structure, Division Street/13th Street to the north, South Van Ness Avenue to the east, and Erie Street to the west. The site is currently used as a vehicle parking lot for City-owned vehicles and no existing structures would be demolished. The proposed project would include the installation of an approximately 60-foot-wide, 150-foot-long, and 27-foot-tall tent structure (Dormitory Tent) to provide dormitory beds and a 60-foot-wide, 75-foot-long, and 27-foot-tall separate tent structure (Services Tent) for staff offices, client laundry, a dining hall, and an open outdoor space. The tent features, insulation and weather tight HVAC systems, lighting, fire sprinklers, and alarms would be brought to the site. Mobile trailers would provide ADA-compliant restrooms/showers. Project-related grading and excavation would be limited to approximately three feet below ground surface and approximately 47 cubic yards of soil would be removed. Entrances/Exits to the proposed facility would be located along South Van Ness Avenue and Erie Street. A notice of project receiving environmental review was mailed to neighboring property owners on December 12, 2017. Comments were made with regards to the merits of the project. Additionally, comments regarding access to the project were raised in relation to the freeway. The project would be accessed by pedestrians via 13th Street and South Van Ness Avenue and 13th Street, adjacent to a pedestrian crosswalk. Approval Action: Execution of lease Approval Action Date: 3/20/2018
  • Reference:2017-015672ENV
  • Received:Dec 08, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 20, 2018
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1421 for Meeting of 12/7/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date:
  • Reference:2017-016052ENV
  • Received:Dec 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Jersey Street Sewer Replacement and Upgrades Project - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution replacement and upgrades along Jersey Street from Douglass Street to Church Street and various street locations. A total of approximately 11,643 linear feet (2.2 miles) of water main would be replaced and newly installed.
  • Reference:2017-015503ENV
  • Received:Dec 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Castro Street Sewer Installation and Replacement Project - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution replacement and upgrades along Castro Street from 19th Street to 26th Street and on 26th Street from Castro Street to Guerrero Street. A total of approximately 14,448 linear feet (2.7 miles) of water main would be replaced and newly installed.
  • Reference:2017-015499ENV
  • Received:Dec 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 16th Street Sewer Main Replacement Project on 16th St. from Dolores St. to Missouri St. - The proposed project involves collection-system sewer replacement and upgrades along 16th Street in the Mission and Potrero Hill neighborhoods of San Francisco. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced/repaired is approximately 6,236 linear feet (1.2 mile).
  • Reference:2017-015444ENV
  • Received:Dec 04, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: HSH - Navigation Center - 5th & Bryant - Change of use from the existing vacant area to an 88 bed Navigation Center facility. The Navigation Center will include mobile trailers to provide dormitories, restrooms/showers, client laundry, staff offices, dining/kitchen areas and open outdoor space. There will be minimal grading on site and minor excavation of soil for underground utility connections. There will be a layer of gravel over existing subgrade. The deepest point of excavation would be 3 ft and approximately 47 cubic yards of soil disturbance..Project Lease signed 4/26/2018. Project Approval Action 4/27/2018. Posted 5/3/2018
  • Reference:2017-015682ENV
  • Received:Dec 04, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation Project for the Wawona & 15th Ave. Stormwater Detention Project - The proposed Project involves potholing at 31 locations in existing paved areas along Wawona Street and 15th Avenue, as well as geotechnical borings and infiltration tests at 5 locations (2 locations for geotechnical boring, 2 double ring infiltration tests and 1 percolation test) within the ravine at the Arden Wood facility.
  • Reference:2017-015320ENV
  • Received:Nov 30, 2017
  • Status:Open
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation Project for the Wawona St. & 15th Ave. Stormwater Detention Project - The proposed Project involves potholing at 31 locations in existing paved areas along Wawona Street and 15th Avenue, as well as geotechnical borings and infiltration tests at 5 locations (2 locations for geotechnical boring, 2 double ring infiltration tests and 1 percolation test) within the ravine at the Arden Wood facility.
  • Reference:2017-015319ENV
  • Received:Nov 30, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - 8th Street Bike Lane and Parking/Loading Changes - The proposed 8th Street Bike Lane and Parking/Loading Changes project involves: 1. Installing a parking-protected bikeway (Class IV) one block from Brannan Street to Townsend Street 2. One bus stop change 3. One accessible parking (blue zone) change 4. Short-term parking (green zone) changes 5. Commercial loading (yellow zone) changes 6. General metered and unmetered parking changes
  • Reference:2017-015407ENV
  • Received:Nov 29, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Lower Cherry Aqueduct Rehabilitation Phase 1 - The Project proposes to replace approximately 250 feet of existing 15-inch steel drain pipe in the forebay of the reservoir with 16-inch steel drain pipe on a new alignment. The new drain pipe would connect into the existing 42-inch penstock and tie back into the existing 15-inch drain pipe alignment that would remain in place downstream. All pipeline replacement activities would occur within the public (CCSF) right-of-way (ROW). The discharge location would remain unchanged and the old 15-inch drain pipe would be abandoned in place.
  • Reference:2017-015242ENV
  • Received:Nov 29, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFDPW: 1001 Potrero Avenue - Buildings 1 and 9 - SFDPW: Building 1 - Seismically upgrade the building with new interior shear walls and fully upgrade mechanical, electrical, plumbing systems, including ADA improvements. The planned reuse for this building will be comprised of research, administrative, and laboratory uses. Building 9 - Seismically upgrade the building with new interior shear walls and fully upgrade mechanical, electrical, plumbing systems, including ADA improvements. The planned reuse for this building will be comprised of administrative functions. DPH intends to relocate its executive staff from 101 Grove Street into Building 9.
  • Reference:2017-014925ENV
  • Received:Nov 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA - 11th Street Improvement Project between Market Street and Division Street - SFMTA proposes to establish a parking protected bikeway (Class IV Bikeway) and a standard on-street buffered bike lane (Class II Bikeway) on 11th Street between Market Street and Division Street, as well as associated parking and traffic changes needed to implement the bikeway. The proposed project aims to help achieve the City’s adopted Vision Zero policy which seeks to eliminate all traffic-related fatalities by 2024 and is supported by Mayor Ed Lee’s Executive Directive on Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety issued August 4, 2016.
  • Reference:2018-000899ENV
  • Received:Nov 14, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Millbrae Interim Improvements Project - The proposed Project involves several components necessary to address existing safety issues and operations inefficiencies at various locations within the Yard property. None of the proposed work activities would require tree removal. Work activities include installation of a new compressed gas system and HVAC repairs at the existing Administration building, warehouse loading dock repairs, replacement of sidewalks and pathways, and repaving the front entrance area.
  • Reference:2017-014580ENV
  • Received:Nov 13, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Ocean Beach Long-Term Erosion Control Project - Pending...
  • Reference:2017-014375ENV
  • Received:Nov 08, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1420 for Meeting of 11/9/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 11/9/2017
  • Reference:2017-015226ENV
  • Received:Nov 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - AWSS Ingleside Pipeline Project: Jules Avenue - Grafton Avenue to Holloway Avenue - The proposed Project would install 1,900 linear feet of new water mains along Jules Avenue from Grafton Avenue to Ocean Avenue. Three hydrants would be installed aboveground along the alignment. Additionally, and prior to the water main installation, geotechnical work necessary for the design and construction of the Project would be conducted along the alignment.
  • Reference:2017-014369ENV
  • Received:Nov 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SF REC & PARK - 670 Brunswick Street - Alice Chalmers Playground Renovation - SF REC & PARK: Alice Chalmers Playground Renovation - Consists of demolishing and replacing an existing children's playground, removal of sand which currently serves as the existing playground's safety surfacing, and installation of new play equipment, safety surfacing, planting, seating and tables.
  • Reference:2017-014589ENV
  • Received:Nov 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - Mt. Tunnel Improve Project - SFPUC - Mt. Tunnel Improvement Project - Internal Tunnel Improvements (Repairs); Early Intake Adit; New South Fork Siphon Extension; New Priest Portal; New Flow Control Facilty
  • Reference:2017-014249ENV
  • Received:Nov 06, 2017
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Cathodic Protection Project for Transmission Pipelines at Various Locations, Phase 2 - The proposed project involves installation of cathodic protection for existing potable water transmission steel pipelines to prevent corrosive soil and groundwater from compromising the integrity of the water mains. The proposed cathodic protection would involve installation of a single impressed current anode at 15 locations connected to the steel pipeline by an anode wire running through 2 to 3-inch diameter electrical conduit. Each anode would measure 300 feet deep and 10 inches in diameter and would be located a minimum of three feet from the pipeline. An electric current between the anode and the pipeline would be provided by installing electrical cables between the nearest power source (typically a Pacific Gas & Electric Company overhead electric service wire) and a rectifier installed in an above-ground utility box measuring 40 inches wide 24 inches deep by 50 inches tall. The electrical cable would in turn connect the rectifier to the pipeline. Electrical cable between the PG&E service, the rectifier, the anode and the pipeline would be installed in underground conduit.
  • Reference:2017-014288ENV
  • Received:Nov 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Order 5850 for Public Hearing on 11/17/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Board of Directors o Approval Date: 11/17/2017
  • Reference:2017-015224ENV
  • Received:Nov 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Various Locations Pavement Renovations No. 28 and Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed Project would replace existing iron stone pipe (ISP) and vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sewer with a total of approximately 4,990 linear feet (0.95 mile) of vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sewer lines along portions of Vermont St (from 23rd to 25th St), 24th St (from Kansas St to Rhode Island St), 23rd St (from Kansas St to Rhode Island St), Kansas St (from 22nd St to 23rd St), 22nd St (at Vermont St), De Haro St (from 23rd St to Southern Heights Ave), 23rd St (at Illinois St), 25th St (at Iowa St), Marin St (at Michigan St), and 23rd St (from Kirkham St to Judah St). Existing pipe diameters range in size from 8 to 21 inches. Replacement pipe diameters range in size from 12 to 27 inches and would generally be installed in the same alignments as the existing pipelines (see enclosed plan and profile drawings). In addition to replacement activities, short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind.
  • Reference:2017-014283ENV
  • Received:Nov 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Metro Track Switch Machine Replacement - This project consists of in-kind replacement of approximately 40 existing Muni Metro track switch machines1 at locations shown in Table 1. Existing flexible electrical wiring that powers and controls the Track Switch machines will also be replaced or repaired on an as-needed basis. The existing track switch machines are more than 40 years old and spare parts are becoming increasingly difficult to procure. The proposed project will be strictly limited to the confines of the SF Muni Rail Right-of-Way. New track switch machines will be installed at the same locations as the existing units. The existing concrete base around switch machines may need to be modified to properly fit replacement equipment. This may require breaking up a given machine’s concrete pad to a depth of up to six inches. No soil under the concrete pad will be excavated.
  • Reference:2017-015632ENV
  • Received:Nov 02, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - L-Taraval Rail Replacement and OH Rehabilitation - The L-Taraval light rail line, part of Muni’s Rapid Network, provides an important connection between the Sunset/Parkside district and downtown San Francisco for 28,000 daily riders. This project would replace and upgrade aging infrastructure on Taraval Street, including complete replacement of Muni rails and track support structure, rehabilitation of the overhead contact system (OCS), and traction power upgrades. The scope of work extends from Ulloa Street at Forest Side Avenue, which is four blocks west after exiting the West Portal Station, to 46th Avenue and Wawona Street along the LTaraval Line. The work that would be performed consists of the following: 1. Replace approximately 23,000 track feet of tie and ballast paved track along the L Taraval between Forestside Avenue near West Portal to La Playa including track pavement. This work would require approximately two (2) feet of excavation. 2. Replace worn overhead catenary system special work, trolley wire and trolley poles including attached streetlights. Trolley poles would require approximately eleven (11) feet of excavation. The attached project drawings indicate the locations of these; in some cases these poles are occupying new locations. Streelight pole installation would require approximately five (5) feet of excavation. 3. Replace traction power components including feeder breakers, remote terminal units1 and annunciator units2, electrical current telemetry devices,3 and approximately 850 feet of feeder cables, 1,250 feet of riser cables, and 1,250 feet of coduits. This work would require up to four (4) feet of excavation. 4. Install fiber between West Portal Substation and Taraval Substation. This would be installed within existing duct bank.
  • Reference:2017-015308ENV
  • Received:Nov 02, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SF REC & PARK - Golden Gate Park (Stanyan Street Frontage) - SF REC & PARK: Golden Gate Park Stanyan Street Frontage Improvement Project - Kiosk Improvement Area; Stanyan Street Frontage Improvements; Page Street & Haight Street Entrance Areas; Oak Woodland Improvements.
  • Reference:2017-014685ENV
  • Received:Oct 30, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Order #5843 for Public Hearing on 11/3/2017 - SFMTA - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2017-013886ENV
  • Received:Oct 27, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 03, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5838 for Public Hearing on 10/27/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: o Approval Action Date: Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Board of Directors o Approval Action Date: 10/27/2017
  • Reference:2017-013880ENV
  • Received:Oct 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1419 for Meeting of 10/26/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 10/24/17
  • Reference:2017-013882ENV
  • Received:Oct 24, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - 8-Inch Main Replacement Project on Geary Blvd from Van Ness to Stanyan - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution system replacement and upgrades along Geary Boulevard from Presidio Avenue to Van Ness Avenue in the Western Addition and Civic Center Districts of San Francisco. The total estimated length of water mains to be replaced is approximately 9,050 linear feet (1.7 miles).
  • Reference:2017-013624ENV
  • Received:Oct 23, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Physical Security Upgrade Project for Mixed Facilities at Moccasin - The SFPUC proposes to equip the Moccasin Schoolhouse and Moccasin Low Head facilities with various security components including video cameras, door contacts, card readers, keypads, electrified locks and motion sensors. The Project would also include integration of five existing gates located at Priest, Kirkwood Powerhouse, Holm Powerhouse, and the Early Intake Switchyard into the security system.
  • Reference:2017-013502ENV
  • Received:Oct 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Laguna Honda Transit Shelter - The SFMTA and the District 7 Board of Supervisor’s Office proposes to board up and repaint the disused transit shelter located at approximately 261 Laguna Honda Blvd. This transit shelter is a woodframed structure clad in stucco and set into a concrete retaining wall that stretches along the western property line of the Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center. This transit shelter is not lit, and in recent years its interior has served as a collection point for trash and human refuse.
  • Reference:2017-013894ENV
  • Received:Oct 16, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO - Aviation Fuel Tank Construction Project - SFO: The proposed improvements would address supply concerns by constructing two 75,000 barrel tanks, which would ensure two additional days of reserve aviation fuel supply. Increasing the on-airport reserve supply period from 3.5 to 5.5 days would enable sufficient supply during tank closures for regular maintenance, repairs, extended outages, and fuel line interruptions without disruption to aircraft operations at the airport
  • Reference:2017-015894ENV
  • Received:Oct 16, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA - Paul Avenue Sharrow Conversion - The Paul Avenue Sharrow Conversion Project will convert a 1135 foot section of Class II bikeway to Class III Bikeway (Sharrows) on the north side of Paul Avenue, between Third Street and Wheat Street. The project will restore 28 parallel parking spots on this stretch of Paul Avenue and provide two 80 foot long bus Zones for the Muni 29 bus route. With the last recorded speeds on Paul being more than 30 MPH in both directions at the 85th percentile, the SFMTA may also install speed cushions on the street. Paul Avenue is 36 feet wide and has a 25 MPH speed limit. The street will have one 18 foot wide westbound lane for parking and shared motor-vehicle and bicycle travel and one 11 foot wide eastbound travel lane and a 7 foot wide Class II bike lane adjacent to the curb. There currently is no parking on the eastbound (south) side of Paul Avenue, and that condition will remain with this project.
  • Reference:2017-013224ENV
  • Received:Oct 13, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Auxiliary Water Supply System 2017 Clarendon Water Supply Project - The proposed project involves a pipeline tie-in which starts on Dellbrook Ave and routes across Clarendon Avenue to an existing 20-inch-diameter AWSS pipeline. The proposed pipeline, flow meter access hatches, aboveground air gap, and check-valve vault are located within the right-of-way of Dellbrook Avenue and Clarendon Avenue. The Project would install approximately 400 feet of piping between 16- and 24- inches in diameter. The trench to install the pipeline would be approximately 12-foot-deep and 4-foot-wide. The piping would connect the existing potable water pipes running up Dellbrook Avenue and La Avanzada Street to an existing AWSS line in Clarendon Avenue. An 18-foot-long, 22-foot-wide, and 10-foot-high fenced, aboveground air-gap and panel enclosure would also be installed within the right-of-way of Clarendon Avenue but outside of the paved roadway. A 1-foot-wide perimeter around the fenced area would be graded to direct storm water runoff towards the nearest catch basin. Adjacent to the enclosed air gap will be 12-foot-long, 20-foot-wide belowground valve vault with access hatches flush with grade. The section of Dellbrook Avenue between La Avanzada Avenue and Clarendon Avenue would be closed to traffic during the approximately nine-month-long construction period, and one lane of traffic on Clarendon Avenue would remain open during Project activities which include geotechnical and survey work. Once the proposed work has been completed, the pavement surface of the streets would be renovated according to San Francisco Public Works standards. The proposed Project would also motorize 1 existing AWSS pipeline gate-valve from local manual operation to remote-controlled motorized operation. The existing valve is located in the eastern corner of the Twin Peaks Boulevard and Clarendon Avenue intersection. The new motorized gate-valve would remotely close in the event of a main break, to preserve the high pressure firefighting system. By Project completion, this gate-valve would be operated remotely from the electrical grid and with emergency power from the site batteries during an electrical power failure. The existing 6-foot by 6-foot concrete valve vault in Twin Peaks Boulevard would be demolished. New electrical actuators would be installed on the existing 20-inch ductile iron gate-valve with a 4-inch bypass gate valve. The new 7-foot-wide by 9-foot-long cast-in-place concrete valve vault would replace the existing valve vault. The valve vault would require a removable cover with a double-leaf access door and 23-inch-square manhole cover and frame. The new valve vault would require a sump pump to discharge collected water through a discharge pipe to the nearest sewer manhole. A below-grade battery vault, controller pedestal, antenna pole and PG&E electric meter pedestal would be installed on the sidewalk. Work would include wiring in a conduit between the meter and an above-ground controller cabinet measuring 3 feet wide by 3 feet long by 4 feet high; a subsurface battery vault measuring 4 feet wide by 6 feet long by 3 feet deep, and the valve vault. The maximum depth of excavation would be eleven feet.
  • Reference:2017-013130ENV
  • Received:Oct 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Hetch Hetchy and Cherry Lake Roads Guardrail Improvements Project - The proposed project involves the installation or replacement of approximately 2,728 feet of guardrails along portions of Hetch Hetchy and Cherry Lake Roads in the Stanislaus National Forest. Existing guardrails would be replaced and new guardrails would be installed along the outer edge of the roadway in accordance with Caltrans safety standards. Guardrails would be installed using either drilled piers approximately 2-feet in diameter or driven 6- to 8-inch square steel or wooden posts, to a depth of approximately 6 feet at approximately 6-foot intervals.
  • Reference:2017-013147ENV
  • Received:Oct 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 0677012
Description: Sutter and Fillmore - Issei garden - Landscape improvements (Issei garden)
  • Reference:2017-004228ENV
  • Received:Oct 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFDPW: Castro Mission Health Center Renovation - 3850 17th Street - SFDPW: Renovate the building which houses the Castro-Mission Health Center at 3850 17th Street in the Castro neighborhood. Seismically upgrading the building by adding six new concrete shear walls the exterior of the building. Care will be taken to blend the appearance of the new walls to the existing appearance of the building.
  • Reference:2017-013059ENV
  • Received:Oct 11, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5835 for Public Hearing on 10/20/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board of Directors/City Traffic Engineer o Approval Date: 10/20/2017
  • Reference:2017-013770ENV
  • Received:Oct 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1418 for Meeting of 10/12/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 10/12/2017
  • Reference:2017-013875ENV
  • Received:Oct 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFDPW: Maxine Hall Health Center - 1301 Pierce Street - SFDPW - Renovate the building which houses the Maxine Hall Health Center at 1301 Pierce Street. Seismic upgrades to both the exterior and the interior building surfaces, as well as renovation and rearrangement of the interior floor plan and work space.
  • Reference:2017-012958ENV
  • Received:Oct 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA - Outer Taraval Street Parking Time Limits - The SFMTA proposes to establish time-limited parking on outer Taraval Street in order to increase parking turnover, thereby allowing customers improved access to commercial businesses in the Outer Sunset neighborhood. This project is proposed in consultation and request of merchants and commercial businesses on Taraval Street. The parking time limits would be installed at several locations along Taraval Street between 33rd and 47th avenues.
  • Reference:2017-013269ENV
  • Received:Oct 09, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Tenderloin Station Parking - SFMTA proposes to convert approximately 34 parking spaces around the intersection of Eddy and Ellis streets to parking for SFPD and emergency vehicles only. These parking spaces would be for marked SFPD vehicles accessing the Tenderloin Police Station (301 Eddy Street), where no off-street parking facility currently exists.
  • Reference:2017-013255ENV
  • Received:Oct 09, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Otis Street Right Turn Pocket at Duboce - SFMTA proposes to extend an existing right turn pocket on Otis Street to approximately 75 feet in length at the southbound approach to Duboce Avenue. The purpose of this change is to reduce vehicle queuing on Otis Street that hinders through travel to Mission Street, an important Muni corridor traversed by multiple high-frequency bus routes including the 14-Mission, 14R-Mission Rapid, and 49- Van Ness Mission. ESTABLISH – TOW-AWAY, NO STOPPING ANYTIME Otis Street, west side, from Duboce Avenue to 75 feet northerly (right-turn pocket replaces yellow metered space 152) The proposed project would entail the removal of approximately one (1) commercial loading space. This loading zone is located in front of a self-storage facility that is able to accommodate loading in a private off-street lot. Further, another commercial loading zone exists immediately north to that which would be removed. As all adjacent buildings have off-street parking and loading facilities, SFMTA does not expect the loading removal to affect loading operations nor increase street conflicts due to double parking.
  • Reference:2017-013264ENV
  • Received:Oct 09, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Powder Activated Carbon Units Installation Project at Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant - The proposed Project involves installation of a Powder Activated Carbon (PAC) slurry system at the Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant (SVWTP) in order to address recent and more frequent taste and odor events caused by by-products of algae growing naturally in the San Antonio and Calaveras Reservoirs. The Project site would be located in a previously disturbed area at the southern end of the SVWTP site across from an existing access road and Flocculation Basins 3 and 4. The Project site would be cleared, grubbed and graded and non-native grasses and eight to twelve small trees (less than 4 inches in diameter) would be removed. Work activities would include construction of 2 concrete pads, installation of the PAC slurry system, 5 utility vaults, pathways, new utility trenches and propane tank slab and gas trench.
  • Reference:2017-012872ENV
  • Received:Oct 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFDPW: Program CE - Public Works Structures Maintenance - SFDPW: Resurfacing and Curb Ramp Programs - Maintain public structures, including movable bridges, static vehicular bridges, viaducts, overpasses, tunnels, retaining walls, and staircases, with associated appurtenances such as fencing. Principal maintenance activities include: steel corrosion repair; concrete spall and crack repair; repair or replacement of fencing; mechanical/electrical/plumbing maintenance, streetscape maintenance, erosion control.
  • Reference:2017-013188ENV
  • Received:Oct 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFDPW - Program CE - Resurfacing, Curb Ramps, Sidewalk Repair - SFDPW: Roadway Resurfacing, as-needed sidewalk repair, and curb ramp programs.
  • Reference:2017-013209ENV
  • Received:Oct 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFDPW: Program CE - Bureau of Urban Forestry - SFDPW: Removal and Replacement of Street Trees - "removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees except for forestry or agricultural purposes" from consideration under Categorical Exemption Class 4, Minor Alterations to Land.
  • Reference:2017-013191ENV
  • Received:Oct 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Camp Mather Challenge Course - 35250 Camp Mather Road - SFPUC: 35250 Camp Mather Challenge Course - Installation of a "challenge course" at Camp Mather Family Camp in Tuolumne County, CA to provide opportunities for people of all ages and with a variety of physical skills to participate in new and challenging physical experiences. The course would be constructed in a wooded area near Birch Lake and would be operated between May and October every year. The course would have a total of 17 stations.
  • Reference:2017-014794ENV
  • Received:Sep 29, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5830 for public hearing 10/6/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: TBD
  • Reference:2017-012493ENV
  • Received:Sep 28, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order #5828 for Public Hearing on 9/29/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Board of Directors o Approval Action Date: 9/29/2017
  • Reference:2017-013878ENV
  • Received:Sep 27, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT 1417th for Meeting of 9/28/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 9/28/2017
  • Reference:2017-012498ENV
  • Received:Sep 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO - Materials Recovery Shelter - SFO - Construct a shelter building to enclose two waste material compactors and three front-end-loader materials receptacles. The proposed shelter would accommodate composting, recycling, and other materials recovery operations in the West Field and North Field areas of the Airport.
  • Reference:2017-012144ENV
  • Received:Sep 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO Taxiway B5 Reconstruction and Plot 9 Reconstruction Project - SFO - 1) Reconstruct of Taxiway B% and 2) Overlay and construction of pavement within an area designated as plot 9.
  • Reference:2017-012141ENV
  • Received:Sep 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFDPW - 350 Amber Drive - Academy Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Structural Project - Addition of air conditioning to selected classrooms and offices; Replacement of aging boilers, fans, and main electrical switchboard; addition of electrical receptacles; Reroofing; Voluntary seismic mitigation work; Selected accessibility.
  • Reference:2017-012033ENV
  • Received:Sep 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SF REC & PARK - 520 John Muir Drive - SF REC & PARK: Development and operation of a multi-use recreation facility on approximately 11 acres of land between Lake Merced (South Lake) and John Muir Drive. The new recreational development will offer opportunities such as boating, field sports, bocce ball, fitness activities, challenge courses, picnics, fishing and gardening.
  • Reference:2017-011768ENV
  • Received:Sep 13, 2017
  • Status:Open
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Rec & Park: 1750 Oak Street - Panhandle Playground Renovation - SF REC & PARK: Renovation of an existing children's playground, including removal of existing play equipment and sand, installation of new playground equipment and other playground features including gathering area, planting and surfacing. The project also includes pathway upgrades to provide ADA-compliant path of travel between the playground and the restroom and the playground and ADA parking, small scale renovation of the existing maintenance shed area, including possible demolition of the maintenance shed.
  • Reference:2017-011776ENV
  • Received:Sep 13, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Order 5823 for Public Hearing 9/15/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action : SFMTA Board Approval Date: 9/15/2017
  • Reference:2017-011645ENV
  • Received:Sep 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1416th meeting date 9/14/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee Approval Date: 9/14/2017
  • Reference:2017-011650ENV
  • Received:Sep 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Various Locations Pavement Renovation No. 31A and Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed Project would replace existing iron stone pipe (ISP) with a total of approximately 1,044 linear feet (0.2 mile) of vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sewer lines. Existing pipe diameters range in size from 8 to 18 inches. Replacement pipe diameters range in size from 12 to 18 inches and would be installed in the same alignments as the existing pipelines. On Baker Street between Miley and Filbert streets, the proposed Project would line an existing 2-foot by 3-foot egg-shaped reinforced concrete sewer with cured-in-place liner (CIPL). On Baker Street at Broadway, the proposed Project would plug and fill 22 feet of ISP that is not in use. Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind.
  • Reference:2017-011429ENV
  • Received:Sep 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Kirkland Facility - SFMTA - Facilities - HRER Review for Kirkland Facility only.
  • Reference:2017-014434ENV
  • Received:Sep 01, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - San Antonio Pipeline Leak Repair Project - The Project proposes to repair a leak on the San Antonio Pipeline, located in the Sunol Valley adjacent to Calaveras Road, east of Interstate 680 and south of the San Antonio Creek bridge. Work activities include replacement of 16 linear feet (lf) of pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) with welded steel pipe. The pipeline repair would require excavation of a trench approximately 22 feet by 12 feet by 10 feet deep. Per Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards, the walls of a trench more than 5 feet deep would be shored on both sides to prevent cave-ins.
  • Reference:2017-011228ENV
  • Received:Aug 31, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Presidio Facility - SFMTA - Facilities - HRER Review for Presidio Facility only.
  • Reference:2017-014431ENV
  • Received:Aug 30, 2017
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Brannan Street Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed Project would modify and/or replace existing brick sewer with a total of approximately 1,420 linear feet (0.27 mile) of high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) or vitrified clay pipe (VCP). Replacement pipe diameters range in size from 12 to 15 inches and would be installed in the same alignments as (or within) the existing brick sewer. On Brannan Street between 9th and 8th streets, the proposed Project would replace a reinforced concrete (RC) encased pipeline on piles with 347 feet of VCP on a RC foundation. Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind.
  • Reference:2017-011094ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Additional Emergency Road and Culvert Repairs Due to Storm Damage - Due to storm damage in Tuolumne County during the winter of 2016-2017, portions of eight different roadways providing access to Hetch Hetchy infrastructure and facilities are in need of emergency repair work, including Cherry Oil Road, Granite Portal Line Road, Cherry Valve House Road, Lower Cherry Aqueduct Road, Lake Eleanor Dam Road, Communications Facility Road, North Mountain Road, and Tower 167S Access Road culvert crossings.
  • Reference:2017-010841ENV
  • Received:Aug 23, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Columbia Square Street One-Way Conversion - The proposed one-way conversion is on Columbia Square Street between Folsom Street and Harrison Street. This one-block section of Columbia Square Street would be converted into a one-way northbound street, with one lane of traffic. Proposed Project This project would establish Columbia Square Street as having one-way operation between Folsom Street and Harrison Street. Existing curbside parking would not be changed as a result of the one-way conversion. The typical cross-section would be seven foot parking lanes on each side of the street, and a 15-foot one-way northbound vehicle lane. The appropriate regulatory signage would be installed including one-way signs, and the corresponding no right turn sign at an adjacent intersection. Additionally, the southbound STOP sign would be removed. The proposed project would not result in changes to transit, parking, or loading. No public transit routes traverse Columbua Square Street.
  • Reference:2017-011182ENV
  • Received:Aug 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - CPT 829 Rail Signal Upgrades - This project will standardize existing Transit Signals1 and Switch Signals2 across the Muni Metro rail network. Currently there are three different types of Transit Signals utilized to regulate rail traffic at signalized locations. This project will standardize these to a single type that utilizes a 12” signal head with a Red Horizontal Bar indication for the restricted Transit Signal, and a white vertical bar to indicate proceed. Red Horizontal Bar signals have already been installed along the Embarcadero and the T-Line. This project will complete the installation at remaining locations across the San Francisco rail network. Switch Signals will be standardized to utilize 12” signal heads with amber vertical and diagonal bars (these indicate switch position). This will make Switch Signals more legible to operators, as well as better distinguish Switch Signals from Transit Signals (which regulate rail traffic). All work will be limited to existing rail signals on existing poles. No excavation will occur. No modifications to existing transit signal pole structures will occur.
  • Reference:2017-011178ENV
  • Received:Aug 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5815 for Public Hearing on 9/1/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Board of Directors o Approval Action Date: 9/1/17
  • Reference:2017-010920ENV
  • Received:Aug 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5811 for public hearing 8/25/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Board of Directors o Approval Action Date: 8/25/17
  • Reference:2017-010913ENV
  • Received:Aug 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1415th meeting on 8/2417 - : Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 8/24/17
  • Reference:2017-010917ENV
  • Received:Aug 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SF REC & PARK - 61 John F. Shelley Dr. - John McLaren Park - SF REC & PARK: Upgrades to the Group Picnic Area at John McLaren Park. The Group Picnic area is off of Shelley Drive and includes two picnic areas with tables, counters, BBQs, and trash cans. All amenities will either be preserved or replaced in kind. Additionally, water fountains will be installed, and existing sink will be removed.
  • Reference:2017-011733ENV
  • Received:Aug 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - North Shore Pump Station Wet Weather Improvements Project - The project would replace four existing dry-weather pumps inside the existing North Shore Pump Station with larger pumps. Associated structural and electrical upgrades and modifications would be implemented to accommodate the increased pumps and electrical demand. Two dry-weather coarse-bar screens would be replaced within the pump station's east and west dry-weather channels. The outlet sluice gate hydraulic actuators, immediately downstream of the bar screens, would also be replaced. Additional upgrades include replacement of the pump station's HVAC system, re-roofing of the pump station, rehabilitation of the personnel elevator, replacement of lighting fixtures, and upgrade of the process dewatering system. Construction of these proposed Project components would take place entirely within the existing pump station. The only exterior alteration would be the roof replacement. However, neither ground disturbance nor excavation would be required to implement this portion of the proposed Project. The proposed project also would entail demolition of an existing building, NPF 510, housing SFPW’s Materials Testing Laboratory, a 66 feet by 42 feet by 31 feet high building, removal and replacement of the ferrous chloride chemical tanks/pumps, and provision of a new loading dock in lieu of an existing loading ramp. After demolition of NPF 510, a new ferrous chloride system would be installed on a concrete pad at the same location, would consist of two tanks, each 19 feet tall, and 12 feet in diameter. The yard would be regraded, and a new loading dock would be installed. Four metering pumps for would be installed next to the tanks. Demolition of NPF 510 would entail excavation to below the existing foundation of the building, to a total depth of 5 feet. The area that would be excavated would be approximately 3,000 square feet. In the area between NPF 510 and the NSS structure, facilities and paving aboveground would be removed to the base of the existing paving, and the surface would be re-graded and paved. Regrading, including construction of a surficial drainage swale, would disturb soils to a depth of up to 6.5 feet below the existing surface. The northern exterior wall of the NPF 510 building currently also serves as a portion of the northern perimeter wall for the NPF. After NPF 510 is demolished, this segment of the existing perimeter wall would be reconstructed to enclose the NPF site, including NSS. The new wall segment would match the remainder of the existing wall in height (approximately 13 feet) and appearance. Two street trees on North Point Street would be removed during construction. New street trees (planting depth of approximately 2-feet maximum) would be replanted post-construction. Any landscaping on North Point Street that would be affected by construction also would be restored.
  • Reference:2017-010521ENV
  • Received:Aug 16, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5808 for public hearing 8/18/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer / SFMTA Board of Directors o Approval Action Date: 8/18/2017
  • Reference:2017-010909ENV
  • Received:Aug 16, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Transmission Line Clearance Mitigation - Modesto Bike Path 5 Tower Project - In order to mitigate ground-to-conductor clearance issues associated with its high-voltage transmission lines, the SFPUC has implemented the Transmission Line Clearance Mitigation (TCLM) program. The proposed Project would correct transmission line clearance deficiencies that have been detected along Lines 7 and 8 and Lines 3 and 4 of the 115-kilovolt (kV) system. The proposed modifications would not result in an increase or expansion of systems use or capability.
  • Reference:2017-010472ENV
  • Received:Aug 15, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Various Locations Sewer Replacement and Pavement Renovation No. 5 Project - The proposed Project would replace existing iron stone pipe (ISP) sewer with a total of approximately 4,423 linear feet (0.84 mile) of vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sewer lines. Existing pipe diameters range in size from 8 to 15 inches. Replacement pipe diameters range in size from 10 to 21 inches and would generally be installed in the same alignments as the existing pipelines
  • Reference:2017-010485ENV
  • Received:Aug 15, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Trackwork Repair and Replacement - SFMTA proposes in-kind repair and/or replacement of trackwork and track support systems at various locations. This work will be limited to the Muni Track Right of Way and 2 feet outside of the rails. The work will neither disturb sidewalks nor alter existing roadway configurations. Excavation work will be limited to about 16 inches, in order to replace the ties and ballast.
  • Reference:2017-011190ENV
  • Received:Aug 08, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Metro Station Enhancements - The SFMTA proposes replacement and upgrades to existing Muni Metro station infrastructures. All work will be limited strictly to the confines of MUNI Metro Tunnel Platform and Mezzanine areas and will take place at the following Muni Metro stations: Embarcadero, Montgomery Street, Powell Street, Civic Center, Van Ness, Church Street, Castro Street, Forest Hill, and West Portal. The project elements would vary by station, but will include the following work: • New paint. • In-kind replacement of wayfinding signs. These will be back-lit to meet MTC standards. • New wayfinding signs where needed. • New electrical conduit to power back-lit wayfinding signs. • Installation of screens or panels to cover electrical conduit. • New or in-kind replacement customer seating. • New or in-kind replacement of interior station lighting. • In-kind replacement of stairway handrails or installation of handrail extensions (to improve accessibility).
  • Reference:2017-010215ENV
  • Received:Aug 08, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Golden Gate Park Traffic Safety Project - SFMTA proposes to implement several traffic calming measures within Golden Gate Park to improve visual connections and reduce safety hazards. Project elements include the following: speed humps, raised crosswalks and speed tables, new striped crosswalks, updated striped crosswalks, intersection turn guidance on JFK Drive, one-way traffic conversion of 30th Avenue, as well as several intersection spot improvements.
  • Reference:2017-011188ENV
  • Received:Aug 08, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - 17th Street Class IV Bikeway - This memo is to request environmental clearance to remove curbside parking and install a Class IV Bikeway on 17th Street between Church Street and Sanchez Street. The subject block of 17th Street currently has one eastbound and one westbound vehicle lane with parking on both sides of the street, streetcar tracks in each travel lane, and minimal bicycle markings. The proposed project would remove the parking on both sides of 17th Street between Church and Sanchez Streets and install a Class IV bikeway in each direction along the curb
  • Reference:2017-010216ENV
  • Received:Aug 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Reservoir Gate Tower 3 Rehabilitation Project - The proposed Project would renovate a 95-year-old reservoir gate and tower structure located in the northern portion of Moccasin Reservoir. Project activities include replacement and upgrade of existing internal components including a 54-foot gate shaft, electric powered actuator with pedestal stand, and control power panel and associated wiring. New conduit would be routed in parallel to existing conduit inside the tower and connect to the existing relay box in the tower control room. Additionally, exterior bird nesting deterrents would be installed around the perimeter of the roof and eve of Tower 3, the lower perimeter of the tower, as well as along the underside of the tower access bridge.
  • Reference:2017-010002ENV
  • Received:Aug 04, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Shelley Drive Traffic Safety Project - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and the Recreation and Parks Department are partnering on the Shelley Drive Traffic Safety Project to improve the safety of all travelers on John F. Shelley Drive, a 1.25 mile road McLaren Park. This project is in response to a request from Recreation and Parks Director Phil Ginsburg for speed reduction and improved crossings based on a history of citizen complaints. The proposed project would include traffic calming improvements such as speed humps, speed tables, and painted safety zones for pedestrians. Attachment A provides further details on the proposed project.
  • Reference:2017-011186ENV
  • Received:Aug 03, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1414th meeting on 8/10/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee Approval Date: 8/10/2017
  • Reference:2017-010217ENV
  • Received:Aug 03, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 10, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - San Antonio Reservoir Turner Dam Emergency Erosion Repair Project - An approximately 11,400 square-foot area along the grassland slope of the San Antonio Reservoir Dam, approximately 110 feet downslope of the spillway and rip rap, has eroded. There was some limited erosion previously that was significantly exacerbated by the severe winter storms of 2016-2017 and related discharges. To stabilize the eroded area, the project would clear the area of loose materials and vegetation, line the hole with a geotextile fabric, fill the hole with compact gravel aggregate and 4 to 18 inches of rip rap at the surface to match existing grade, and bury the edges of the fabric at grade. Access would be via an existing SFPUC dirt road. Equipment would include 18-wheeler trucks for delivery, off road dump trucks, compactors, and excavators.
  • Reference:2017-009701ENV
  • Received:Jul 31, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - Materials Testing Laboratory - Remove the four trailers and replace them with a new prefabricated laboratory building that would be constructed off site and transported to and assembled at the Airport.
  • Reference:2017-009601ENV
  • Received:Jul 26, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO - Emergency Response Facilities #2 & #1 Improvments - Installation of temporary living quarters at ERF #2 and ERF #1. Each Project Component is described below.
  • Reference:2017-009606ENV
  • Received:Jul 26, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA Order 5785 for public hearing 6/30/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Approval Date: 6/30/2017
  • Reference:2017-009352ENV
  • Received:Jul 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 30, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order 5800 for public hearing 8/4/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Approval Date: 8/4/2017
  • Reference:2017-009358ENV
  • Received:Jul 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 04, 2017
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1413th meeting on 7/27/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee Approval Date: 7/27/2017
  • Reference:2017-009355ENV
  • Received:Jul 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 27, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order 5796 for public hearing 7/28/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Approval Date: 7/28/2017
  • Reference:2017-009196ENV
  • Received:Jul 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 28, 2017
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Description: DPW - JC DeCaux Kiosk & Automatic Toilet Replacement Project - SFDPW - Addendum to Case #1993.504E - Modification consist of the removal of 25 existing toilets and 114 existing kiosks and their replacement with modern toilets and kiosks. Both the existing model of public toilet and the replacement model are self-cleaning, handicapped accessible, and connected directly to city sewer, water and electrical lines. They both are approximately 10 feet in height. Both the existing model and proposed models of advertising/public service kiosks range from 14 to 17 feet in height, are 5 to 6 feet in diameter, and have three illuminated vertical panels about 12 feet tall. Sixty-nine of the existing kiosks were designed to contain newsstands.
  • Reference:2017-009220ENV
  • Received:Jul 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFFD Hose Tower Removal Fire Station - The proposed project would include removal of fire hose towers at six San Francisco Fire Department (SFFD) fire stations 6, 11, 12, 15, 21, and 38. See Table 1 (attached) for the locations of these stations. The following description is based on the respective plan sets for each station location, see Table 1. Typically, one to three of the hose tower walls would be removed down to the height of the adjacent parapet or slightly above the roof slab, and the remaining walls down to the structural slab; a concrete slab infill would be placed for structural stability. Hose tower removal would include removal of all rooftop and side mounted communications equipment, plumbing, electrical equipment, structural bracing, and other miscellaneous items attached to the interior and exterior of the hose tower. In addition, rooftop mechanical units would be replaced (stations 11, 12 and 21), wooden training platforms would be replaced (stations 11 and 12), new access hatches would be installed (stations 11, 21 and 38), and roof patches would be installed (stations 6, 15 and 38), or the roof would be replaced (stations 11, 12 and 21). The fire hose tower at Station 15 would be reconstructed to the exact specifications as the original tower with respect to height, widths, and location. In addition, all details and features shown on the archive elevations of the original tower would be replicated or replaced. The existing louvers would be replaced with louvers of a similar size and configuration as shown on the archive elevations. Items removed from the existing hose tower would not be reattached. The new tower would be constructed with stucco over light steel framing for high seismic resistance. An interpretive panel would be affixed to the façade of each of the six stations describing the station with respect to its hose tower, history, architectural qualities, use, and its individual eligibility for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources. This information would also be included in a pamphlet which would be housed in the San Francisco Public and Fire Department libraries.
  • Reference:2017-009164ENV
  • Received:Jul 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Fire
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Description: DPW - UN Plaza - DPW - Install a groundwater capture and reuse system by partially dismantling and replacing piping in underground service vault of the UN Plaza Fountain and weirs in the underground fountain reservoir, with lines for water running under Plaza under existing granite compass rose and existing landscaping to new access vaults at curbs on McAllister and Market Street.
  • Reference:2017-009665ENV
  • Received:Jul 19, 2017
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Transmission Line Clearance Mitigation - Modesto Bike Path 5 Tower Project - The proposed Project would correct transmission line clearance deficiencies that have been detected along Lines 7 and 8 and Lines 3 and 4 of the 115-kilovolt (kV) system. The proposed modifications would not result in an increase or expansion of systems use or capability.
  • Reference:2017-009162ENV
  • Received:Jul 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Purchase of 2 Rankin Street - The SFPUC proposes to purchase 2 Rankin Street, which is currently being used as a Storage Yard. The SFPUC would continue to use the property as a Storage Yard.
  • Reference:2017-009148ENV
  • Received:Jul 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 'Potholing' Investigation for the AWSS University Mound East Pipeline Project - The SFPUC proposes to conduct a potholing investigation of subsurface soils in the Excelsior and Bayview neighborhoods of San Francisco in order to locate utilities necessary to further the design of the Auxiliary Water Supply System - University Mound East Pipeline.
  • Reference:2017-009159ENV
  • Received:Jul 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Potrero Trolley Coach Facility - SFMTA - Facilities - HRER Review for Potrero Trolley Coach Facility only. Site is located at 2500 Mariposa Street.
  • Reference:2017-009673ENV
  • Received:Jul 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Installation of Tom Nolan Commemorative Plaque - This project entails the installation of a commemorative plaque inside Castro Street Muni Station. The plaque would commemorate and honor Tom Nolan’s significant and lasting contributions to public transportation in San Francisco and throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. The plaque would be placed within the station and would not exceed three feet by three feet in size.
  • Reference:2017-009169ENV
  • Received:Jul 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Parcel: 9900064
Description: SF PORT - Terry Francois Blvd/16th Street - The project involves development of a proposed double-sided ferry landing to provide regional ferry service, and a separate double-sided water taxi landing to provide local water taxi access, to/from the Mission Bay area and surrounding neighborhoods, and to further activate existing maritime activity along the waterfront.
  • Reference:2017-008824ENV
  • Received:Jul 11, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1412 for Meeting on 7/13/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board or ISCOTT Committee Approval Date: 7/13/2017
  • Reference:2017-008672ENV
  • Received:Jul 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 13, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order 5790 for public hearing 7/14/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Date: 7/14/17
  • Reference:2017-008402ENV
  • Received:Jul 03, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Parcel: 9900070
Description: SFPORT - Building 64 on Pier 70 (in the SF Bay south of Pier 68) Foot of 20th Street - SFPORT - The proposed project is to demolish the former Electrical Power Substation within the Union Iron Works Historic District because the pile support substructure has failed and the building has collapsed into the Bay creating a navigational hazard. The building has lost its integrity and no longer qualifies as a contributing resource to the historic district. Long term the Port proposes to remove the entire Pier 70 Wharf 8 pier facility, a non-contributing resources within the historic district, when funding becomes available.
  • Reference:2017-008222ENV
  • Received:Jun 28, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SF PORT - Mission Bay Ferry Landing Project - The proposed project involves development of a proposed double-sided ferry landing to provide regional ferry service, and a separate double-sided water taxi landing to provide local water taxi access, to/from the Mission Bay area and surrounding neighborhoods, and to further activate existing maritime activity along the waterfront.
  • Reference:2017-007973ENV
  • Received:Jun 26, 2017
  • Status:Open
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFPUC - Revised Southeast Greenhouses Demolition Project - The proposed project involves the demolition of existing greenhouses and an adjoining administrative building/exhibit hall at 1150 Phelps Street, including 5 feet of excavation over 26 square feet, totaling approximately 458 cubic yards.
  • Reference:2017-007807ENV
  • Received:Jun 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Gough Street Signal Upgrade - SFMTA - The Gough Street - Signal Upgrade Project will upgrade existing traffic signals at the following 17 locations.
  • Reference:2017-007804ENV
  • Received:Jun 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Northwest Bernal Residential Permit Parking Area - SFMTA - Establish a new Residential Permit Parking Area in Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. The proposed RPP Area is generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Mission Street, Folsom Street and Virginia Avenue.
  • Reference:2017-007815ENV
  • Received:Jun 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Alemany Bike Lanes Project - SFMTA - Proposes to implement a set of safety improvements to Alemany Blvd. between Putnam Street & Bayshore Blvd.
  • Reference:2017-007810ENV
  • Received:Jun 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Octavia Blvd. Enhancements and Page Street Neighborway Project - SFMTA - Proposed project is concerned with changes to two intersecting corridors, identified as Octavia Blvd Enhancements and Page Street Neighborway. The Octavia Blvd Enhancements will modify the northbound (NB) local lane of Octavia Blvd. between Haight & Hayes Street. The Page Street Neighborway aims to improve the safety and comfort of people walking and bicycling along the Page Street corridor.
  • Reference:2017-007812ENV
  • Received:Jun 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Baden Valve Lot 2017 Valve and CSPL Manway Installation Project - Work would consist of 1) installing four manways (access points) on the Crystal Springs Pipeline No. 2 in South San Francisco and San Bruno, including two above-ground risers totaling approximately 50 square feet each; 2) installing two underground valves in South San Francisco– one on San Antonio Pipeline No. 1 at the intersection of W. Orange Ave and El Camino Real and a second on Crystal Springs Pipeline No. 2 south of W. Orange Ave; and 3) spot repair of the lining of portions of the Crystal Springs Pipeline No. 2.
  • Reference:2017-007721ENV
  • Received:Jun 20, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS - File #170682 - Ordinance to Fire Code - BOS File #170682: Ordinance amending the Fire Code to increase the fees for certain Fire Department services, and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2017-007654ENV
  • Received:Jun 20, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 07, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order #5782 for public hearing 6/23/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Committee Approval Date: 6/23/2017
  • Reference:2017-007687ENV
  • Received:Jun 20, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 23, 2017
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1411th meeting on 6/22/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2017-007683ENV
  • Received:Jun 20, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 22, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - 'Potholing' Investigation for Bay Corridor Transmission & Distribution Project - The proposed Investigation involves a total of 14 pothole (excavation to determine the location of utility lines) locations along Illinois Street between 16th and 18th Streets. The dimension of each pothole trench is approximately 2 feet wide by 8 feet long by 7 feet deep.
  • Reference:2017-007535ENV
  • Received:Jun 15, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Pink Triangle-2017 - Temporary installation of a banner at Christmas Tree Point (Twin Peaks) illuminated by portable floodlights from dusk on June 23, 2017 until 11:50 PM on June 25, 2017.
  • Reference:2017-007483ENV
  • Received:Jun 14, 2017
  • Status:Open
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: SFO - Airport Development Plan 2016 - Airport Development Plan Environmental Impact Report - Various construction and enhancement to SFO which would include Airfield, Passenger Terminal, Ground Access and Parking, Support Facilities, and Utilities.
  • Reference:2017-007468ENV
  • Received:Jun 13, 2017
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPUC - Anza Street Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed Project would replace a segment of an existing 8-inch-diameter pipeline with 12-inch-diameter vitrified clay pipe (VCP) and replace associated manholes along Anza Street in the Richmond neighborhood of San Francisco. Additionally, a segment of 21-inchdiameter pipeline along 24th Avenue and would be replaced with VCP of the same size. Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind. A total of approximately 2,052 linear feet (lf) (approximately 0.39 mile) of pipeline would be replaced.
  • Reference:2017-007340ENV
  • Received:Jun 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA order 5777 for public hearing 6/16/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2017-007192ENV
  • Received:Jun 08, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 16, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - Geotechnical Investigation for the AWSS University Mound East Pipeline Project - The SFPUC proposes to conduct a geotechnical investigation of subsurface soils in the Excelsior and Bayview neighborhoods of San Francisco in order to provide information necessary to further the design of the Auxiliary Water Supply System - University Mound East Pipeline.
  • Reference:2017-007149ENV
  • Received:Jun 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - New 24-, 8- and 4-Inch Diameter Water Mains Project in Bernal Heights - The proposed Project would install less than one mile (3,557 linear feet) of new water mains under various streets in the Bernal Heights neighborhood, including Prospect Ave., Coso Ave., Coleridge St., Fair Ave., and Mission St.
  • Reference:2017-007120ENV
  • Received:Jun 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 8-, 12-, & 16-Inch Ductile Iron Water Main Replacements Project on 16th Street - The SFPUC proposes to conduct water distribution system replacement and upgrades along 16th Street from Church Street to Third Street in the Mission, Potrero Hill, and Dogpatch neighborhoods of San Francisco. The total estimated length of water mains to be replaced is approximately 19,810 linear feet (3.75 miles).
  • Reference:2017-007139ENV
  • Received:Jun 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Sanchez/Octavia Bicycle Connections - The purpose of this memo is to secure environmental clearance for Class II bike lanes on Sanchez Street and Octavia Boulevard. These bike lane upgrades will establish safer connections from the Octavia Boulevard bike route and the Sanchez Street bike route to bike lanes on Market Street. The goal of the Sanchez Street changes is to better connect the bike route on Sanchez Street with the bike lanes on Market Street. To do so, the SFMTA proposes green bike boxes on Sanchez Street in the north and southbound directions to allow people biking a place to wait while turning left onto Market Street on continuing straight onto Sanchez Street. The SFMTA does not build bike boxes unless there is a bike lane on the street. Lead-in bike lanes allow for bikes to have a safe and clear path of travel around stopped vehicles and into the bike box. The SFMTA proposes short, lead-in bike lanes on north- and southbound Sanchez Street to provide a safe path of travel into these planned bike boxes. The goal of the Octavia Boulevard changes is to solve a long-standing area of conflict between bikes and vehicles at the intersection of Octavia/Market. The current configuration forces people biking south on the Octavia frontage road to travel adjacent to motor vehicle traffic in order to cross Market Street. This traffic is often moving at high speeds as drivers prepare to enter the US-101 freeway. The SFMTA proposes to remove the Class I bike path and short segment of Class II southbound bike lanes at this location and instead paint Class II bike lanes on the southbound Octavia Boulevard frontage road from Waller Street to Market Street. The Class I bike path will be filled in with concrete and the Class II bike lane space adjacent to Octavia Boulevard will be filled with a concrete curb extension.
  • Reference:2017-007292ENV
  • Received:Jun 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Brannan Street Bicycle Lanes - The proposed project would install bicycle lanes in both directions on Brannan Street between Division and 8th Streets. The addition of bicycle lanes on these two blocks of Brannan Street provides connectivity to existing bicycle lanes on 8th Street, Division Street, and Potrero Avenue. Additionally, the sidewalks on both sides of Brannan Street west of 8th Street would be widened by approximately six feet.
  • Reference:2017-007264ENV
  • Received:Jun 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFDPW - Islais Creek Bridge Rehabilitation - Islais Creek Bridge is a major link between the Dogpatch/Central Waterfront neighborhoods and the Bayview/Hunter’s Point neighborhoods in San Francisco. It has two vehicle lanes in both directions; a two-track Third Street light rail facility in the median; and pedestrian walkways on each side. There are only two bridges crossing Islais Creek, which flows to San Francisco Bay; the other is the Illinois Street Bridge located approximately 300 feet to the east. The Illinois Street Bridge has one travel lane in each direction, a freight rail track running in the middle over the vehicle lanes, and a shared bicycle/pedestrian path. San Francisco Public Works (Public Works) is proposing to rehabilitate and repair the Islais Creek Bridge (Bridge No. 34C0024) located along Third Street in the City of San Francisco The project is referred to as the Islais Creek Bridge Rehabilitation Project (Project). The Project would include repairing and replacing various components of the bridge to bring it up to current seismic and service standards. The project would extend the bridge's service life an additional 50 years. THE REMAINDER OF THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS IS ATTACHED
  • Reference:2017-006843ENV
  • Received:Jun 01, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Cherry Valley Dam Emergency Valve Repair Project - Valves at the Cherry Valve House (just below the Cherry Lake Dam) require emergency repairs. Inspection and repair of the valves requires the SFPUC to lower the reservoir to access, isolate, and repair the valves. The SFPUC would lower the reservoir in a controlled manner to below the Intake Tower to an elevation that would allow the SFPUC to safely inspect and repair or replace the valves. This could entail lowering the water level to a nearly fully drained elevation. The SFPUC will maintain some water in the reservoir for aquatic refuge and to maintain some downstream flow to Cherry Creek. The full extent of valve damage is unknown. Repair work could involve removing the metal body seat rings and disc seat rings and the associated clamps and other valve components; inspecting and cleaning the components; and installing replacement components as needed.
  • Reference:2017-006848ENV
  • Received:Jun 01, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFDPW: MARINA BOULEVARD - Install new parking bays to replace parking spaces that are currently located within the path of the Bay Trail. 52 parallel parking spaces currently line the northern, bay-side of the Bay Trail, forcing pedestrians and bicyclists to share the trail with vehicles, which creates a safety hazard, and detracts from scenic views. The project proposes to eliminate these parking spaces, and create new parking areas at the southern, street-side edge of the trail, cutting three bays into the raised concrete area that buffers the Bay Trail from the vehicular traffic along Marina Boulevard. While the result will be a net loss of 37 parking spaces, it will create one additional blue zone and 6 new loading zone spaces.
  • Reference:2018-005731ENV
  • Received:May 30, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1408th meeting on 5/11/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU
  • Reference:2017-006684ENV
  • Received:May 30, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:May 11, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - Folsom Street: 11th to 13th Streets Bike Lane Gap Closure - The project sponsor, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), proposes to install buffered and parking protected bike lanes on Folsom Street between 11th and 13th Streets. The main purpose of this project is add a new south/westbound bike lane to close a gap in the bike network between two bike corridors which are on 11th Street and on Folsom Street south of 13th Street. The project also improves the existing north/eastbound bike lane using buffers and parking separation.
  • Reference:2017-006586ENV
  • Received:May 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order #5774 for Public Hearing on 6/2/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2017-006462ENV
  • Received:May 24, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 02, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - Cherry Lake Road Guardrail Installation Project - The proposed project involves the installation of two sections of new metal beam guardrail along the shoulder of Cherry Lake Road at Mile Markers 8.60 and 8.65. The total length would be approximately 200 feet.
  • Reference:2017-006512ENV
  • Received:May 24, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1408 meeting on 5/11/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2017-006311ENV
  • Received:May 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:May 11, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - San Francisco Opera House Rooftop Solar Project - The SFPUC proposes to install a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system and perform minor roof refurbishment activities at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House located at 301 Van Ness Avenue. The low-height, rack-mounted, PV system would consist of approximately 299 solar modules (panels), each measuring approximately 3-1/2 feet by 5 feet. The PV system would be installed flat or tilted with no more than a 10-degree angle. The system would not be visible above the height of the existing 10- to 12-inch parapet wall around the perimeter of the Opera House roof. The PV system would generate approximately 95kW and reduce peak energy demand loads and daily energy consumption for the Opera House. Prior to installation of the PV system, necessary roof refurbishment activities would be conducted including the temporary shifting of the roof layers overlying the existing rubber membrane in order to apply two additional coats of rubber roof membrane to reinforce the existing.
  • Reference:2017-006129ENV
  • Received:May 16, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 12-Inch and 24-Inch Ductile Iron Main Replacement Project on Clayton St and Portola Dr - he SFPUC proposes to conduct water main pipeline replacements along Clayton Street and Portola Drive in the Haight Ashbury, Castro/Upper Market, and Twin Peaks neighborhoods of San Francisco. The total estimated length of water mains to be replaced is approximately 6,515 linear feet (1.23 miles).
  • Reference:2017-006124ENV
  • Received:May 16, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant Digester Gas Utilization Upgrade Project - The SFPUC proposes to conduct equipment replacement and upgrades at various existing buildings at the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant (OSP) located at 3500 Great Highway in the Ingleside District of San Francisco. The proposed Project involves pipe and valve rerouting and replacement at OSP Building 620; replacement of an existing digester gas holding tank at OSP Building 741; replacement of internal combustion cogeneration engines and controls, replacement of electrical gear, and potential ventilation modifications at OSP Building 800; installation of an emergency diesel generator and a diesel-storage tank at Building 821; relocation of two existing digester gas-fed hot water boilers from OSP Building 800 to Building 820; and the installation of a new utilities trench between Buildings 800 and 820.
  • Reference:2017-006119ENV
  • Received:May 16, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5769 for public hearing 5/19/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU
  • Reference:2017-006015ENV
  • Received:May 15, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:May 19, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order #5772 for public hearing 5/26/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2017-006011ENV
  • Received:May 15, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:May 26, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - Auxiliary Water Supply System Pipeline for Mission Bay Project - The proposed Project involves installation of new earthquake-resistant ductile iron pipe (ERDIP) along Terry Francois Boulevard and Mariposa Street as well as appurtenances including gate valves and hydrants to support the AWSS for the Mission Bay area. The proposed Project involves the installation of a total of approximately 3,100 linear feet (0.59 mile) of ERDIP and ductile iron pipe (DIP) hydrant lateral. New pipe diameters would range from 8 to 20 inches. Pipeline appurtenances include 8 AWSS gate valves and 3 AWSS hydrants.
  • Reference:2017-005988ENV
  • Received:May 12, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - North Access Road Bio-Swale Project - Improve the drainage near the I-380 eastbound off ramp by constructing a bio-swale at the northwest Airport property boundary adjacent to the roadway ramp.
  • Reference:2017-009598ENV
  • Received:May 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA Order 5764 for public hearing 5/5/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: MTAB o Approval Date: TBD
  • Reference:2017-005624ENV
  • Received:May 02, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - 'Potholing' Geotech Investigtion Project at Souteast Plant for Power Feed & Primary Switchgear Upgrades - The proposed investigation involves the excavation of 5 "potholes" and 3 trenches to be excavated on the inner road north of the SEP 012 building between the SEP 011 building and the SEP 270 building at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant, plus 3 trenches around the SEP 892 building and 10 potholes and 4 trenches outside Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant between Evans Avenue and Arthur Avenue along Quint Street, in order to confirm the location of existing underground utilities.
  • Reference:2017-005156ENV
  • Received:Apr 26, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - On-Street Vehicle Share Parking Permit Program - The SFMTA seeks to operationalize an ongoing, permanent citywide on-street vehicle share parking permit program based on a small on-street car share parking permit pilot in 2011 and a larger pilot from 2013 to 2016. Based upon evaluation of that pilot experience, the proposed permit program would have the following features and characteristics: Qualification of eligible permitees: Any entity which meets the definition of “Vehicle Share Organization” established in the Transportation Code may seek on-street vehicle share permits. Specific requirements would be enumerated in the Transportation Code and the program policy document. Permitted parking space: An On-Street Vehicle Share Parking permit, a permit issued by the SFMTA that designates exclusive use of an on-street parking space for the permittee Vehicle Share Organization’s shared vehicles. The permit would control and condition parking use in a specific location, as defined in the Transportation Code: Parking space markings and signage: Permitted on-street car share parking spaces would be marked in the same manner as pilot spaces. A two sided sign would be affixed to a short post (approximately 3’ tall, set approximately 18” into the ground) adjacent to the space. The parking space curb would be painted red to mark the curb as a tow away zone, and white lines would be painted to delineate the boundaries of the space on the street. Permit terms and conditions: On-street vehicle share parking permits would be defined and conditioned in the Transportation Code and the program policy document.
  • Reference:2017-005615ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Filbert and Leavenworth Streets Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement - The SFPUC proposes to conduct collection system sewer replacement and upgrades along Filbert Street and Leavenworth Street in the Russian Hill, Marina, and North Beach neighborhoods of San Francisco. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced is approximately 6,480 linear feet (1.22 mile).
  • Reference:2017-005072ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1407th meeting on 4/27/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: TBD
  • Reference:2017-005626ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC- Twin Peaks Boulevard, Broadway/Java/Coleridge/Newhall/Moscow Streets and San Bruno Avenue Sewer Replacement - The SFPUC proposes to conduct collection system sewer replacement and upgrades along residential streets (Twin Peaks Boulevard, Broadway/Java/Coleridge/Newhall/Moscow Streets and San Bruno Avenue) in various neighborhoods of San Francisco. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced or relined is approximately 7,138 linear feet (1.35 mile).
  • Reference:2017-005115ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Cable Car Barn Fall Protection - The SFMTA proposes to issue a contract for the installation of approximately 60 linear feet of rooftop fall protection at the Cable Car Barn at 1201 Mason Street. This fall protection would connect to and match the existing fall protection. It would not be visible from the public right-of-way or accessible to the public. The Cable Car Barn was constructed in 1887 and rebuilt in 1984
  • Reference:2017-005080ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Re-Opening Russ Street between Minna Street and Natoma Street - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to re-open Russ Street between Minna Street and Natoma Street. The project would: • Construct new two-way standard curb ramps at the southeast and southwest corners of the Minna St/Russ St intersection • Remove street planting, planters and concrete bollards to allow for through-vehicular traffic • Install bollards at 6’ on-center within the truncated dome strip to prevent cars from parking on the sidewalk. Depth of excavation for the bollards is 3’-0 with a 9” diameter
  • Reference:2017-005084ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: Police Code to recodify and revamp permit procedures. BOS - File #170443 - Ordinance amending the Police Code to recodify and revamp permit procedures for outdoor amplified sound by providing for distinct permits for Fixed Place Outdoor Amplified Sound, One Time Outdoor Amplified Sound, and Sound Trucks, and establishing fees for those permits, while also providing amplified sound requirements for Place of Entertainment and Limited Live Performance permits; to impose a fee for Sound Monitoring; to increase the fee for One Time Event permits; to declare operation of a business without these various permits (when required) to be a public nuisance; and to strengthen penalties for permit-related violations and noise violations; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2017-005278ENV
  • Received:Apr 25, 2017
  • Status:Open
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 25, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - Crystal Springs Golf Course 20-Year Lease - The SFPUC proposes to lease an existing golf course on SFPUC's Peninsula Watershed lands to the existing tenant under new terms for a term of 20 years. Proposed capital improvements to existing facilities are included in the new lease proposal. These would entail minor alterations to existing facilities, no new ground disturbance, and no vegetation removal with the exception of dead, previously-planted trees. Any subsequent capital improvements to the golf course would be subject to subsequent approvals by SFPUC's Natural Resources Land Mangement Division (NRLMD) and to the provisions of the previously-approved Peninsula Watershed Management Plan (SFPUC 1998), and contingent on future environmental reviews by BEM and EP of specific proposals. The Tenant would continue to carry out existing operations and routine maintenance, as allowed under the existing lease.
  • Reference:2017-005038ENV
  • Received:Apr 24, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Nevada Street One-Way Conversion - The proposed one-way conversion is on Nevada Street between Cortland and Jarboe Avenues. This section of Nevada Street would be converted into a one-way southbound, with one lane of traffic. Existing Conditions - Nevada Street currently has two-way operation with parallel parking on both sides of the street which is approximately 26 feet in width. This leaves 12 feet for current two-way traffic. Proposed Project - This project would establish Nevada Street as having one-way operation between Cortland Avenue and Jarboe Avenue. Existing curbside parking would not be changed as a result of the one-way conversion. The typical cross-section would be seven foot parking lanes on each side of the street, and a 12-foot oneway southbound vehicle lane. The appropriate regulatory signage would be installed including one-way signs, and the corresponding no right turn and no left turn signs at adjacent intersections. The proposed project would not result in changes to transit or loading.
  • Reference:2017-004955ENV
  • Received:Apr 20, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Emergency Repairs along Forest Service Road 1S01 to Mountain Tunnel Adit 5/6 - Proposed road repairs would include removal of storm eroded and unstable material along approximately 50 feet of the roadbed with conventional construction equipment, such as an excavator and/or backhoe. Once the road is excavated down to stable substrate, the road alignment would be backfilled with imported engineered fill back to original grade and the roadbed resurfaced with gravel. Stabilization of the slope on the downhill side of the road will likely be necessary and would involve installation a small retaining wall constructed of rock filled steel gabion cages, stacked concrete bags, or other similar method. Excavated rock/spoil would be reused on-site to the extent feasible for backfill; excess would be hauled offsite. Work crews would implement erosion and sedimentation controls (e.g., fiber rolls along the road edges) upon completion of the repairs, as needed.
  • Reference:2017-004764ENV
  • Received:Apr 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - Taxiway Hot Spot Improvement Project - The proposed project includes two components: realignment of portions of Taxiways T and D, and realignment of Taxiways E, J, F, and F1.
  • Reference:2017-004929ENV
  • Received:Apr 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA Order #5756 for public hearing 4/14/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2017-004249ENV
  • Received:Apr 14, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 14, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Records and Archives Storage Vault Building/ Moc. Modular 9 Project - The proposed Project involves construction/erection of two administrative/office buildings on a single site in the town of Moccasin--an archives vault building and a modular office building with a combined footprint of about 7,500 square feet--and paving of the areas between and around the buildings for parking. Total project footprint would be about 25,000 square feet
  • Reference:2017-004644ENV
  • Received:Apr 14, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - L-Taraval Transit Improvements Sewer Replacement Project - The SFPUC proposes to conduct collection system sewer replacement and realignment along Taraval Street from 15th Avenue to 46th Avenue, along 15th Avenue from Taraval Street to Ulloa Street, and along Ulloa Street from 15th Avenue to Forest Side Avenue in the Outer and Inner Sunset districts of San Francisco. Total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced is approximately 19,924 linear feet (3.77 miles).
  • Reference:2017-004381ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PG&E Edgewood Station Road and Lighting Improvement Project. - Replace eroded roadway and install drainage ditches. Install lighting for emergency night work. Project site is northeast of the intersection of Canada and Edgewood Roads in Woodside.
  • Reference:2017-004347ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - Support Equipment Fueling Station Project - The proposed project would relocate a GSE fueling station, including two above-ground fuel storage tanks, construct a single bay vehicle wash rack, and install associated utility improvement within the AOA.
  • Reference:2017-004933ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPUC - 'Potholing' Geotechnical Investigation Project at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant - The proposed investigation involves a total of 70 potholes to be excavated at locations within the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant between Evans Avenue and Jerrold Avenue and within the Right-of-Way of Jerrold Avenue and Quint Street, in order to confirm the location of existing utilities.
  • Reference:2017-004385ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement and Pavement Renovation Project No. 3 at Various Locations in San Francisco - The proposed project involves sewer pipeline replacement, relining, and upgrades along various roadways in several San Francisco neighborhoods. The total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced or relined is approximately 7,600 linear feet (1.44 mile), and includes portions of Jefferson St., Green St., Scott St., Broderick St., Presidio Ave., Anzavista Ave., Vega St., Funston Ave., Clement St., Valley St., Castro St., Cortland Ave., Ellert St., Quesada Ave., and Casitas Ave.
  • Reference:2017-004389ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1406th meeting on 4/13/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2017-004290ENV
  • Received:Apr 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 13, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - Roof Repairs at 7 SFMTA Facilities - The SFMTA proposes to repair various rooves at seven (7) SFMTA facilities, as outlined below. The various repairs would patch leaks in the buildings’ rooves and qualify as “ordinary maintenance and repairs” under Planning Code Article 10 Section 1005 (e) (3). Facilities: 1) Presidio Division, 949 Presidio Avenue; 2) Cable Car Barn, 1201 Mason Street; 3) Kirkland Operations Bldg., 151 Beach St.; 4) Kirkland Maintenance Bldg., 151 Beach St.; 5) Forest Hill Station; 6) Duboce Tower, Duboce/Church; 7) Cameron Beach, 2301 San Jose Avenue.
  • Reference:2017-004277ENV
  • Received:Apr 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: Sale of SFPUC Parcel (Block 2719C, Lot 23) and adjacent 8,795 square-foot SFPW Parcel - SFPUC’s proposes to adopt the findings that Block 2719C, Lot 23 (“Parcel 23”) is surplus to SFPUC’s needed; approve the terms and conditions of a settlement agreement; authorize the SFPUC General Manager to execute a purchase and sale agreement for Parcel 23 and the adjacent 8,795 square-foot parcel (SFPW Parcel) in San Francisco under the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Public Works Department (Public Works); and authorize a request to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor to approve the SFPUC Parcel sale, subject to the terms of the Purchase and Sale Agreement (the proposed Action). Any proposals for subsequent development of the property by the new owner would be subject to additional CEQA review.
  • Reference:2017-004272ENV
  • Received:Apr 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Geary Rapid West of Van Ness Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves sewer replacements and upgrades along Geary Boulevard from Franklin Street to Stanyan Street in the Western Addition, Inner Richmond, and Presidio Heights neighborhoods of San Francisco. The total estimated length of sewer pipelines to be replaced is approximately 8,975 linear feet (1.70 miles).
  • Reference:2017-004149ENV
  • Received:Apr 04, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Haight Street Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the installation, replacement, or relining of a total of approximately 2,103 linear feet (0.40 mile) of existing pipe iron stone pipe (ISP) and brick sewer. Existing pipe diameters range in size from 12 to 18 inches. Replacement pipe, which would be vitrified clay pipe (VCP) ranging in diameter from 12 to 18 inches, would generally be installed in the same alignments as the existing pipelines (see enclosed plan and profile drawings). One segment of existing brick sewer would be upgraded through installation of cured-in place liner (CIPL). Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind.
  • Reference:2017-004086ENV
  • Received:Apr 03, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Penstocks Rehabilitation Project - The proposed project involves the rehabilitation of sections of one of the2 parallel penstocks that connect the Mountain Tunnel with the Moccasin Powerhouse, located on Priest Street in the Town of Moccasin, Tuolumne County. The project would entail replacement of two sections of penstock, relocation of the point at which the two penstocks split into 4, selective replacement of support saddles, encasement in new concrete jacks of several existing anchor blocks, and spot recoating of the penstock. Duration of work is estimated at 166 days.
  • Reference:2017-004072ENV
  • Received:Apr 03, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5740 for public hearing on 3/31/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU
  • Reference:2017-004269ENV
  • Received:Mar 31, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 31, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order 5737 for public hearing 3/24/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: MTA Board o Approval Date: 3/24/2017
  • Reference:2017-003585ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 24, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - Municipal Railway’s Fiscal Year 2018 MTC Claim for Operating Assistance - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Municipal Railway (SFMTA) has received operating and capital assistance from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) each fiscal year. The funds provide financial support to maintain, and sometimes restore, existing transit services. The SFMTA proposes to apply and eventually accept Operating and Capital Assistance from MTC for Fiscal Year 2018, which would continue to fund existing operations and lease agreements.
  • Reference:2017-003587ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1405th meeting on 3/23/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 3/23/2017
  • Reference:2017-003582ENV
  • Received:Mar 21, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 23, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - Emergency Road Repair on Ohlone Road, Alameda County - The project involves excavating a portion of the existing road down to competent material (approximately 20 feet or less depth). After reaching competent material, the project would place boulders along with compacted structural fill to rebuild the road bed to original grade and cap it with 8 inches of aggregate road base. To stabilize the slope supporting the road, the project would also place boulders and structural fill on the hillside downhill of the road, up to approximately 20 feet beyond the road edge in order to create a stable 1:1(45 degree) slope. To stabilize the slope above the road, the project would also grade the slope to a more stable slope. The existing 18-inch steel culvert would be inspected and either restored or replaced depending on its condition. It may also be elongated approximately 5 feet. Approximately 10 feet by 10 feet by 3 feet of rip rap would be placed at the end of the culvert for energy dissipation and erosion prevention. Upon completion of work, disturbed areas would be seeded with a native seed mix and erosion control matting would be installed. The work would take place within the existing road right-of-way and the road would not widened. Work would be initiated immediately and completed within approximately one week.
  • Reference:2017-003316ENV
  • Received:Mar 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant Security Upgrades Project - The proposed project involves installation of external security cameras on several buildings and various interior security and electrical upgrades. None of the proposed project activities would require excavation or other ground disturbance.
  • Reference:2017-003330ENV
  • Received:Mar 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Rates and Charges for Phase One of the Community Choice Aggregation Service within San Francisco - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes the adoption of rates and charges for supplying greener electricity generation and related services to residential and commercial customers in San Francisco to implement the Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program.
  • Reference:2017-003187ENV
  • Received:Mar 15, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Octavia Boulevard/Oak Street Enhancement and 8th Street Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the construction/replacement of a total of approximately 290 linear feet (0.05 mile) of iron stone pipe (ISP) and vitrified clay pipe (VCP) on portions of Fell Street (at Laguna Street), Oak Street (at Laguna Street and at Octavia Street), and on 8th Street (between Market Street and Stevenson Street).
  • Reference:2017-003193ENV
  • Received:Mar 15, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Southeast Greenhouse Demolition Project - The SFPUC proposes to demolish existing greenhouses and an adjoining administrative building/exhibit hall at 1150 Phelps Street. There are numerous issues with the site structures, including lack of adequate emergency access and ADA compliant access, lack of enough emergency exits for tenants, lack of a fire alarm system and fire sprinklers, exit egress and paths not being code compliant, seismic safety concerns, and excessive corrosion.
  • Reference:2017-003175ENV
  • Received:Mar 15, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Crystal Springs Golf Course Lease - The SFPUC proposes to issue a new a lease for an existing golf course on SFPUC's Peninsula Watershed lands to the existing tenant under new financial terms. The Tenant would continue to carry out existing operations and routine maintenance in the same manner as allowed under the existing lease. Any subsequent proposals for capital improvements would be subject to additional CEQA review.
  • Reference:2017-002732ENV
  • Received:Mar 14, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Emergency Road and Culvert Repairs in Tuolumne County - Due to recent storm damage in Tuolumne County, portions of six different roadways providing access to Hetch Hetchy infrastructure and facilities are in need of emergency repair work, including Cherry Oil Road, Granite Portal Line Road, Cherry Valve House Road, Lower Cherry Aqueduct Road, Lake Eleanor Dam Road, and Communications Facility Road.
  • Reference:2017-002649ENV
  • Received:Mar 03, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5723 for public hearing on 3/3/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Date: 3/3/2017
  • Reference:2017-002463ENV
  • Received:Mar 01, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 03, 2017
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Description: SFO - Storm Drain Pump Station No. 1C, Loadcenter, and Obstruction Lights Improvement Project - In-kind replacement of one airfield drainage pump station and associated storm drainage outfall pipelines; replacement of electrical loadcenter controls; and in-kind replacement of obstruction lights and associated electrical infrastructure on the Air Operation Area.
  • Reference:2017-002482ENV
  • Received:Mar 01, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA - La Playa Pedestrian Improvements Pilot Project - Install a temporary public plaza at the end of the N-Judah line at the intersection of Judah Street, Lay Play and the lower Great Highway.
  • Reference:2017-002330ENV
  • Received:Feb 24, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Parcel: 9900043H
Description: Pier 43 1/2, The Embarcadero - Golden Gate Scenic Steamship Corporation dba Red and White Fleet, a 124-year old San Francisco Excursion tour boat business seeks a new 30-year lease with the Port of San Francisco.The proposed project is to enhance its existing uses for business operations and delivery of public service as follows: Ticket booth facility; Passenger queuing and disembarking; vessel landing and berthing; guest photography and photographic sales; passenger loading and drop off zone; the presentation of educational interpretative displays; retail sales of merchandise; on board food and beverage services; enhance general public circulation within the shoreline corridor; and additional activities, necessary for the support of permitted uses.
  • Reference:2017-002244ENV
  • Received:Feb 23, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 09, 2019
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Description: SFPUC - 2nd Street Improvements Project - The proposed Project would include approximately 455 total linear feet (0.09 mile) of water main replacement and upgrades along various segments along 2nd Street between Market Street and King Street. The new water mains would be constructed of ductile iron pipe (DIP) and would replace existing lined pipe. Existing pipe diameters range in size from 24 to 30 inches and all new pipe would be 24-inch-diameter DIP. Replacement water mains would be installed as close as possible to the existing alignments, but would not be in the same trench footprint as the existing lines. Typically, the new water main alignment would be located 5 feet from the curb face or 3 feet from the concrete parking strip where feasible, based on street occupancy by other utility lines. Short connecting service lines, as well as gate valves, air valves, blow-off, water meters, and other associated appurtenances, would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind.
  • Reference:2017-002276ENV
  • Received:Feb 23, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement No. 1 Project at Various Locations throughout San Francisco - The SFPUC proposes to conduct sewer replacement and upgrades along portions of 11 different roadways throughout San Francisco. The proposed Project would include a total of approximately 9,403 linear feet (1.78 mile) of replacement sewer installation.
  • Reference:2017-002215ENV
  • Received:Feb 22, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement and Upgrades in Bayview and Ingleside Neighborhoods - The proposed project involves the replacement of sewer lines along portions of Charter Oak Avenue, Elmira Avenue, Flora Street, Fitzgerald Avenue, Jerrold Avenue, Revere Avenue, and Stratford Drive in the Bayview and Ingleside neighborhoods.
  • Reference:2017-002205ENV
  • Received:Feb 22, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Water Main Installation Project at Various Locations in the Inner Sunset District - The proposed project involves the construction of water distribution system replacements and upgrades along various blocks of Irving Street between Carl Street and 19th Avenue, along 11th Avenue between Judah Street and Irving Street, and along 12th Avenue between Irving Street and Lincoln Way. The proposed Project would include a total of approximately 9,150 linear feet (1.73 miles) of water main installation and rehabilitation.
  • Reference:2017-002198ENV
  • Received:Feb 22, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Vicente Street Class II Bikeway (Bike Lanes) - SFMTA proposes to install a Class II Bikeway (Bike Lanes) on Vicente Street from Lower Great Hwy to 20th Avenue. The purpose of this project is to improve the bike facilities in the area to make biking more accessible to those ages 8 through 80. The proposed project is located in the southwest quadrant of San Francisco. Vicente Street currently has one eastbound and one westbound vehicle lane with shared lane markings (Sharrows). Vicente Street from Lower Great Hwy to 20th Avenue would continue to have an eastbound and westbound lane and an eastbound and westbound bicycle lane would be added. Vicente Street from 22nd Ave to 24th Ave has existing 45 degree angled parking that will remain; these blocks will only have an eastbound uphill bike lane.
  • Reference:2017-002118ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - New Traffic Signal at Fillmore St and O'Farrell St - The Fillmore Street and O’Farrell Street New Traffic Signal project would improve transit pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle safety, at the intersection of Fillmore Street and O’Farrell Street by installing a new traffic signal. The scope of work includes the installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal poles, a controller cabinet, and accessible pedestrian signals at the All-Way STOP controlled intersection of Fillmore Street and O’Farrell Street. The maximum excavation is three and a half (3.5) feet for the signal pole foundations, eighteen (18) inches for the pull boxes, sixteen (16) inches for the cabinet foundation, and twenty-four (24) inches for the underground conduits.
  • Reference:2017-002116ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5720 for Public Hearing on 2/24/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board / City Traffic Engineer o Approval Date: 2/24/17
  • Reference:2017-002070ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 24, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - 7th Street Improvement Project - The proposed project is located on 7th Street, between 16th and Townsend Streets, and is intended to improve northbound conditions for bicycle and vehicle traffic. The project would remove parking on the east side of 7th Street to allow for (1) two consistent northbound vehicle lanes along the corridor, and (2) a curbside bicycle lane. By removing parking adjacent to the bicycle lane, dooring hazards are eliminated. Additionally, a wider bicycle lane would be provided. Providing two continous northbound vehicle lanes will improve traffic operations approaching Townsend Street. A total of 72 parking spaces would be removed as part of the proposed project.
  • Reference:2017-002114ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Division Street Bikeway Upgrade - This project will upgrade existing bicycle facilities on Division Street, between 11th/Bryant and 10th/Brannan/Potrero streets. The upgraded bicycle facilities will support the City in achieving its Vision Zero goals by implementing more safe and comfortable bikeways on this cycling high injury corridor. There have been a total of 73 injury or fatal traffic collisions in a five-year collision history period (May 31, 2011 to May 31, 2015) at the project location (Division Street between Bryant and Brannan, plus immediate intersections). Of the 73 collisions, 15 (21 percent) involved bicyclists. All of 13th Street and Division Street is on the bicycle high injury network. The project will convert the existing bicycle lane buffer from safe-hit posts to a raised median.
  • Reference:2017-002112ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Vermont Street Traffic Calming Project - Vermont Street Traffic Calming Project is part of the legacy neighborhood traffic calming for Potrero Hill. Our project goal is to slow speeds and improve safety on Vermont Street between Mariposa Street and 16th Street. We will accomplish this by removing the west most lane and filling that space with angled parking. This will have the added effect of reducing the number of lanes that approach 17th/Vermont, which is stop controlled. Having multiple approaches at a stop controlled intersection is not the ideal design for safety. The neighborhood association has a future vision for Vermont, which includes widening the west sidewalk. Our design does not prevent that design from being implemented in the future.
  • Reference:2017-002111ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Market-Octavia Traffic Calming Pilot Project - SFMTA proposes to install traffic calming and safety improvements at four locations within the Hayes Valley Neighborhood. These include lane modifications and installation of back-in angled parking on Fell Street (between Octavia and Gough streets), installation of a traffic diverter on at EB Page Street, vehicle restrictions on Linden and Octavia streets, and installation of a parking lane on Gough Street, between Hayes and Fell streets. The proposed pilot project would include temporary materials, and would be evaluated for a one-year duration before a final determination is made on the project. Attachment A provides further details on the project.
  • Reference:2017-002109ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Lombard Reservoir Sterling Park Fence Installation Project - The proposed Project would replace approximately 850 feet of existing wire fencing with galvanized wrought-iron fencing. The new fence would be approximately 4 feet tall and fence posts would be embedded approximately 16 inches belowground. The proposed activities would not require the trimming or removal of any trees or vegetation.
  • Reference:2017-002102ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1403 Meeting of 2/23/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 2/23/2017
  • Reference:2017-002073ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 23, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - Folsom and Howard Bike Lanes Pilot - The project sponsor, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), proposes to install parking protected bike lanes on Folsom Street from 11th Street to 4th Street and on Howard Street from 6th Street to 11th Street on a pilot basis. Temporary transit boarding islands will also be installed at existing bus stop locations along the two corridors. The project will also include changes in parking and loading, improvements to transit, and other pedestrian safety improvements. The purpose of this project is to provide a greater sense of safety for cyclists on these two streets, improve pedestrian safety, and improve transit facilities. The project is an evolution of the original bicycle lane pilot projects on Folsom Street and Howard Street. The existing Folsom Street buffered bike lanes were reviewed in 2013 under a Class 6 Categorical Exemption (Case No. 2013.1461E) and included removing a lane of traffic. The Howard Street buffered bike lanes were implemented in 2014 without removing a lane of traffic. The proposed parking protected bike lanes pilot project will inform the final design for the permanent Folsom-Howard Streetscape bike improvements under evaluation in the Central SoMa Plan Environmental Impact Report (Case No. 2011.1356E).
  • Reference:2017-002105ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 28, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - California Cable Car Transit Lane - The SFMTA proposes a transit-only lane on eastbound California Street to improve safety for the historic cable cars by addressing a pattern of collisions and near-collisions. The project would convert the left lane of eastbound California Street into a transit-only lane for the two blocks between Powell St. and Grant Ave., which would reduce the number of eastbound general-purpose lanes in this area from two to one. This change would also prevent left turns onto or off of Pratt St. and Sabin St., which are dead-end alleys intersecting California St. in this area. The roadway treatment would be similar in appearance and function to the safety area on westbound California St. approaching Powell St. No vehicles except cable cars, or Muni buses in the event of a cable car bus substitution, would be allowed to enter the transit lane once established. Please refer to the attached drawing for the appearance and extent of the transit lane.
  • Reference:2017-002107ENV
  • Received:Feb 13, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPORT - Special Events, Seasonal & Temporary Uses - SF PORT - The Port of San Francisco has a long history of supporting special events and seasonal activities along The Embarcadero and at facilities under its jurisdiction. In 2015 and 2016, the Port received a CEQA categorical exemption to cover such events through a Port Executive Directive for Special Events, Seasonal and Temporary Uses, authorized by our the Port Director Monique Moyer.
  • Reference:2017-001596ENV
  • Received:Feb 07, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA - Hairball Segments M, N, and O - The purpose of this project is to make three key portions of the Hairball paths safer and easier to use for pedestrians and bicyclists. The project also aims to support citywide efforts such as WalkFirst, Vision Zero, and the SFMTA 2012 Bicycle Strategy to improve non-motorized safety and mobility in San Francisco.
  • Reference:2017-001775ENV
  • Received:Feb 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - M-Oceanview Track Replacement Project - This project involves the replacement and safety upgrades of existing infrastructure used by the SFMTA M-Oceanview MUNI Metro light rail line. The replacement project starts on the Muni Right of Way (ROW) approximately 100 feet north of Eucalyptus Drive; continues south to cross northbound 19th Avenue; along the median of 19th Avenue between Rossmoor Drive and Monte Vista Drive; and 19th Avenue and Junipero Serra Boulevard intersection. The project would replace rail track elements, including track crossings, poles supporting the overhead catenary system, and other rail-related infrastructure needed to support the SFMTA's light-rail system at the intersection including red track pavement in track right of way. The project project would upgrade the exiting traffic signal at 19th Avenue and Rossmoor Drive and add LRV detection to improve transit priority through the intersection. In addition, the project would upgrade the existing sidewalk crossings, and install other pedestrian elements to improve safety and accessibility.
  • Reference:2017-001436ENV
  • Received:Feb 02, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Various Locations Signal and Traffic Modifications (Contract 34) - The Various Locations Traffic and Signal Modifications (Contract 34) project will upgrade existing traffic signals at the following 14 locations. The signal scope of work includes the installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, and signal poles at existing signalized intersections. The maximum excavation is thirteen (13) feet for the signal pole foundations, eighteen inches for the pull boxes, and thirty inches for the underground conduits. Arguello Boulevard at Cabrillo Street is an existing un-signalized intersection receiving new underground conduit and pullboxes in preparation for a future pedestrian beacon. Signal visibility will be improved at the Clement Street and Balboa St/Turk St intersections.
  • Reference:2017-001443ENV
  • Received:Feb 02, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - California/Locust Streets Sewer Replacement - The proposed project involves the replacement of a total of approximately 1,322 linear feet (0.25 mile) of existing pipe iron stone pipe (ISP) and vitrified clay pipe (VCP). Existing pipe diameters range in size from 12 to 16 inches. All new pipe would be VCP ranging in diameter from 15 to 21 inches. Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind. The replacement pipelines would generally be installed in the same alignments as the existing pipelines.
  • Reference:2017-001467ENV
  • Received:Feb 02, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1402 for Meeting on 2/9/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Date: 2/9/2017
  • Reference:2017-001462ENV
  • Received:Feb 02, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 09, 2017
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Description: SFMTA Order 5700 for public hearing 2/3/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Date: 2/3/2017
  • Reference:2017-001459ENV
  • Received:Feb 01, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 03, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - O’Shaughnessy Dam Physical Security Project - The proposed Project involves security system upgrades and replacement at O’Shaughnessy Dam. Various components of the existing electric security system need to be replaced due to aging, lightning damage, and necessary technological upgrades to comply with electrical codes. The Project consists of upgrading the existing Lenel security system; removing and/or replacing outdated or non-functional infrared/motion sensors, sounders, and door contacts; installing additional indoor/outdoor cameras, including two exterior cameras on the dam; and repairing or replacing the existing intrusion system. The Project would also involve installation of cable pathways where they are not currently present, as well as installation of all supporting structures, including core drilling, building penetrations, structural work, conduit, back boxes, pull strings, cable tray and supporting hardware. Once installed the system will include access controlled doors with proximity card readers with pin pads, door contacts, door handles with integrated fingerprint readers, and motion detectors. The proposed Project would involve addition or modification of small equipment on existing structures. No excavation or ground disturbance would be required.
  • Reference:2017-001395ENV
  • Received:Feb 01, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Calaveras Road Emergency Repair Project - The proposed project involves the immediate repair a section of Calaveras Road affected by a recent landslide, and the restoration of full access to the Calaveras Dam construction site. Where the landslide occurred, the SFPUC plans to excavate an approximately 20-foot wide by 400-foot long by 50-foot tall swath into the hillside parallel to and above Calaveras Road to provide adequate passage for large trucks on competent land. The excavation would affect less than one acre and would entail removal of some trees. The hillside would be graded to approximately 45 degrees (1:1) and a bonded fiber matrix with hydroseed would be applied to stabilize the slope while it becomes revegetated. The excavated material may be used to backfill the landslide area on the downhill side of Calaveras Road and/or would be hauled to the Calaveras Dam construction site and/or other previously-approved spoils disposal site in the Sunol Valley.
  • Reference:2017-001340ENV
  • Received:Jan 31, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFDPW - Bulbouts at Bay and Hyde Streets Intersection - Install bulbouts with ADA-accessible ramps at all four corners of the intersection of Bay Street and Hyde Street. Install equipment to monitor the condition of the Alternative Water Supply System. Relocate fire station call box at the northwest corner and other utilities.
  • Reference:2017-001278ENV
  • Received:Jan 31, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Geotechnical Investigations along Modesto Bike Path - The proposed project involves geotechnical investigations at 10 transmission tower locations, including at Towers 423N, 425N, 514S, 516S, 568S, 569S, 601S, 603S, 606S, and 608S in Stanislaus County along Lines 7 and 8 and Lines 3 and 4 of the SFPUC's 115-kilovolt system, each of which are located on either side of five spans with clearance deficiencies for the overhead wires. The objective of the geotechnical investigation is to determine soil subsurface composition and character to guide appropriate design alternatives while minimizing risks to safety and reliability due to potential geological hazards.
  • Reference:2017-001224ENV
  • Received:Jan 30, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - 13th Street Eastbound Bikeway Project - This project will remove a travel lane from eastbound 13th Street from South Van Ness Avenue to Bryant Street, as well as provide an eastbound bicycle facility on 13th Street, between Folsom Street and Bryant streets. This bikeway will close a gap in the bicycle network and supports the City in achieving its Vision Zero commitments by implementing protected bikeways on this bicycling high injury network. From Folsom to Harrison streets, the project will install a Class II buffered bike lane with the option to upgrade to a Class IV protected bikeway. From Harrison to Bryant streets, project will install a Class IV parking protected bikeway: a curbside bike lane, protected by a buffer and floating parking lane. This bikeway design is similar to the existing bike facility on the westbound side of this block.
  • Reference:2017-001180ENV
  • Received:Jan 27, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5698 for public hearing 1/27/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: 1/27/2017
  • Reference:2017-000796ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 27, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - Upper Market Street Safety Project - The goal of the Upper Market Street Safety Project1 (the project) is to increase safety and comfort for people using all modes of transportation along and across Market Street from Castro Street to Octavia Boulevard. This corridor is on the high-injury networks for walking, bicycling, and driving. Consistent with the guidance of the Better Streets Plan, the project includes new curb extensions at several locations designed to shorten crossing distances and increase the visibility of people entering crosswalks, and related transit island and pedestrian refuge improvements. The project also includes parking-protected (Class IV) bike lanes, and changes to traffic circulation to increase safety for people using all modes of transportation. Project construction will include ADA-compliant curb ramps; catch basins or manholes may be relocated, and pull boxes may need to be replaced. All project work will occur within the existing public right-of way, with some work occurring in the Caltrans right-of-way at Market Street/Octavia Street, and the depth of excavation will not exceed 12 feet. The project does not anticipate relocation of any historic light fixtures on Market Street.
  • Reference:2017-000817ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Geotechnical Investigation for the Central Bayside System Improvement Project - The proposed project involves a geotechnical investigation consisting of twenty-five (25) soil borings, potholing for utility locations (along Indiana Street and in Parcel 7), and exploration of the location and dimensions of pile caps (located at 2 Rankin Street site) in support of design for the Central Bayside Sewer Improvements Project. Two of the soil borings would be located in Islais Creek.
  • Reference:2017-000815ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1401st meeting on 1/26/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 1/26/2017
  • Reference:2017-000802ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 26, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - Mariposa Pump Station Dry Weather Pump Station and Force Main Improvements Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of the existing Mariposa Pump Station with a larger one to meet the growing needs of Mission Bay and Potrero Hill neighborhoods. The project also includes the replacement of sewer pipelines on Illinois Street from Mariposa Street down to 22nd Street.
  • Reference:2017-000818ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Automated Photo Enforcement System Upgrade Project - The Automated Photo Enforcement System Upgrade project will install new automated photo enforcement systems at 13 intersections. Also, the project will also remove existing automated photo enforcement systems at 24 intersections. The scope of work includes the installation of new automated enforcement cameras, flashers, poles, cabinets, underground conduit, pull boxes, and ADA compliant curb ramps and the removal of existing automated enforcement cameras, flashers, and poles at locations with existing equipment. The maximum excavation is five (5) feet for the pole foundations, twenty-four (24) inches for the underground conduits and pull boxes, and twelve (12) inches for curb ramps.
  • Reference:2017-000809ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Auxiliary Water Supply System Ashbury Tank Bypass Project - The proposed Project involves installation of new bypass piping to allow the SFPUC to manually bypass the existing Ashbury Tank Valve House and deliver water in the event of a severe seismic event causing both remote control and manual operation of the gate valves located within the valve house to be disabled.
  • Reference:2017-000807ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPW - SF Police Dept. Park Station Rehabilitation (1899 Waller St.) - Structural rehabilitation including new concrete (shotcrete) walls and structural ties. New parapet extensions visible from interior courtyard. Replace concrete generator pad in kind. Replace roofing system. Replace windows in kind, apply waterproofing to the new below-grade shear walls. Install a French drain system. Replace mechanical/electrical/plumbing system. Install new drinking fountain, generator, and fuel supply.
  • Reference:2017-000723ENV
  • Received:Jan 18, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement Project for Portions of Clipper & Clayton Streets, Portola Dr., & Twin Peaks Blvd. - The proposed project involves the replacement of a total of approximately 1,414 linear feet (0.27 mile) of existing vitrified clay pipe (VCP) and iron stone pipe (ISP) with new VCP, construction of approximately 1,342 linear feet (0.25 mile) of new VCP, and installation of cured-in-place liner (CIPL) within approximately 1,240 linear feet (0.23 mile) of existing pipe. Existing pipe diameters range in size from 8 to 18 inches. New pipe diameters would range in size from 12 to 24 inches. Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind. As summarized in Table 1. Collection System Sewer Modifications, a total of approximately 3,996 linear feet (approximately 0.76 mile) of pipeline would be replaced, constructed, or modified. The replacement pipelines would generally be installed in the same alignments as the existing pipelines.
  • Reference:2017-000689ENV
  • Received:Jan 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Holm Powerhouse Rehabilitation Project & Holm and Penstock Powerhouses Oil Containment Project - The proposed project involves implementing interior mechanical and electrical retrofits in Kirkwood and Holm Powerhouses; install oil containment systems around existing transformers on the powerhouse exterior decks; and remove an existing underground storage tank adjacent to Kirkwood Powerhouse. The only ground disturbance for the project would be for the tank removal. Heavy equipment use would entail no more than 10 days of intermittent work.
  • Reference:2017-000694ENV
  • Received:Jan 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Changes to Administrative Procedures Associated with the Calculation of Water and Wastewater Capacity Charges - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of changes to administrative procedures associated with the calculation of water and wastewater capacity charges for developments with onsite water systems resulting from implementation of Article 12C of the City and County of San Francisco Health Code.
  • Reference:2017-000665ENV
  • Received:Jan 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Adoption of Water Use Allocation and Excess Use Charge Program for Projects Complying with the San Francisco Non-potable Water Ordinance - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes adoption of a Water Use Allocation and Excess Use Charge Program (Program) for Accounts Complying with Article 12C of the City and County of San Francisco Health Code.
  • Reference:2017-000667ENV
  • Received:Jan 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFDPW - O'Shaughnessy Slope Emergency Repair - SFDPW - O'Shaughnessy Slope Emergency Repair - Install approx. 80 feet of K-rail barriers at the crest of the rock slope on O'Shaughnessy Boulevard to prevent a potential rockslide
  • Reference:2017-000659ENV
  • Received:Jan 17, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: 425 7th Street - Renovation of County Jail #2 - Renovation of County Jail #2
  • Reference:2017-000401ENV
  • Received:Jan 10, 2017
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1400th meeting on 1/12/17 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 1/12/17
  • Reference:2017-000800ENV
  • Received:Jan 09, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 10, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - 1399 Marin Street Security Lighting and Islais Creek Bollards - The SFMTA proposes to issue a contract to install security lighting and bollards along Islais Creek behind 1399 Marin Street to respond to homeless encampments along the paved trail that borders the creek. The scope of work includes: 1) Security Lighting - Four 2’ diameter concrete foundations with excavation depth of 7’ - Four 30’ high, 5” diameter steel poles, painted silver attached to each foundation - Each pole will be topped by two LED street lights that are 4-1/2” high by 26” long by 14-1/2” wide also painted silver 2) Bollards - Eleven 5’ long 4-1/2” diameter galvanized pipe bollards with a galvanized cap Maximum excavation depth of 1-1/2’ - One of the bollards will be removable for maintenance vehicle access
  • Reference:2017-000268ENV
  • Received:Jan 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - 1399 Marin Street Temporary Generator Installation - The SFMTA proposes to issue a contract for the installation of a temporary diesel generator to power the Overhead Contact System (OCS) invertors at 1399 Marin Street. The installation will occur within the building and will not be visible from the public right-of-way or accessible to the public. An exhaust vent would be installed on the western face of the building. No excavation is required. The generator would be in operations for approximately six months (June 2017).
  • Reference:2017-000254ENV
  • Received:Jan 06, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Fire
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Description: SFPUC - Central Bayside System Improvement Project - SFPUC - The proposed Central Bayside System Improvement Project (CBSIP) would construct a Channel Tunnel to replace the current function of the Channel Force Main, which is to convey the dry and wet weather flows from the Channel Pump Station (CHS) located near Mission Creek to the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant (SEP) located near Islais Creek.
  • Reference:2017-000181ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2017
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Port - San Francisco Bay Rail at Pier 96 - Construct 3,200 feet of track on the north side of Cargo Way on Pier 96 to increase efficiency of existing freight rail operation.
  • Reference:2017-000225ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 05, 2017
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Description: SFPUC - Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant Powdered Activated Carbon Feed Unit Project - The proposed project involves the immediate installation of two side-by-side temporary powdered activated carbon (PAC) systems within the existing plant footprint to address the detection of a dissolved compound called geosmin (a natural byproduct of blue green algae in the water), which can cause taste and odor issues in the drinking water supply, although it is not harmful from a public health standpoint. These systems are portable, pre-engineered and packaged systems that would meter and hydraulically mix PAC into the water system, which would address current taste and odor issues. The temporary PAC units would be approximately 16 feet tall with suspended 900-pound bags. Because of the potential for tipping, the units would be staged on a new, permanent reinforced concrete pad for stabilization purposes. The concrete pad, which would be approximately 10 feet wide, 20 feet long, and up to 2 feet deep, would accommodate both systems. Each system would be connected to existing utilities at the SVWTP, including power, communications, water, and compressed air. Utility connections would not require any excavation.
  • Reference:2017-000149ENV
  • Received:Jan 04, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5692 for public hearing 1/6/2017 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Approval Action Date: 1/6/2017
  • Reference:2017-000794ENV
  • Received:Jan 03, 2017
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 06, 2017
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Description: Pier 50 Bldg. C - A small section of the existing timber fender system needs routine maintenance repair. The "in-kind" repairs to the fender system will consist of replacing missing and damaged fender piles (up to 12 piles) along with their associated chocks and timber framing. These repairs are necessary to assure the ongoing structural integrity consistent with the present use of the pier for marine transportation services.
  • Reference:2016-016604ENV
  • Received:Dec 30, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA - Palou Ave Streetscape Improvement Project and Quesada Ave Bike Lanes - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes the Palou Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project and Quesada Avenue Bike Lanes (proposed project). There are two components of the proposed project. The first is the Palou Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project on Palou Avenue between Rankin and Jennings. The Palou Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project would remove mixed-flow travel lanes between Newhall and Keith streets, change the color of the curbs (i.e., daylighting and establishment of one blue zone), transit stop consolidation for the 23-Monterey and 24-Divisadero Muni bus lines and removal of sharrows from Palou Avenue. The second component of the proposed project would establish a Class II bikeway on a six-block stretch of Quesada Street between Third and Griffith streets. The bikeway would require the removal of five on-street parking spaces at Quesada Avenue and Hawes Street. Project construction of the Palou Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project, which would occur concurrently with the Palou Avenue Complete Streets Project (see “Planned Projects,” page 4), is anticipated to last approximately 1 year. Construction of the Quesada Avenue Bike Lanes is anticipated to last about 30 days. There is no excavation required.
  • Reference:2016-016584ENV
  • Received:Dec 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Irving Street Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of a total of approximately 2,320 linear feet (0.44 mile) of existing pipe with vitrified clay pipe (VCP), construction of approximately 250 linear feet (0.05 mile) of new VCP/culverts, and installation of cured-in-place liner (CIPL) within approximately 1,034 linear feet (0.20 mile) of existing iron stone pipe (ISP). Existing pipe diameters range in size from 8 to 24 inches, and also includes rectangular brick sewer that is 2 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 9 inches. New pipe diameters would range in size from 12 to 30 inches. Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind. A total of approximately 3,604 linear feet (approximately 0.68 mile) of pipeline would be replaced, constructed, or modified. The replacement pipelines would generally be installed in the same alignments as the existing pipelines, along portions of Irving Street, 9th Avenue, 10th Avenue, and 11th Avenue.
  • Reference:2016-016465ENV
  • Received:Dec 27, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - Field Lighting Building #1 Electrical Systemp Upgrade - Demolish and replace 12 kV switch gear, 480V load center and diesel generator; furnish and install wiring and conduits; replace generator fuel tank; replace runway lighting circuit regulator; upgrade taxiway lighting circuit busway duct; replace FLB#! roof; and repaint FLB#1 and generator building exteriors. The purpose of the project is to improve the reliability of runway and taxiway lighting and signage.
  • Reference:2016-016227ENV
  • Received:Dec 20, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPUC - Southern Skyline Boulevard Ridge Trail Extension - SFPUC - Proposed project the Southern Skyline Boulevard Ridge Trail Extension Project. The Project would include extending the Bay Area ridge Trail by approximately 6.5 miles, constructing new trail support facilities, modifying access management programs over existing and proposed trail segments, and conveying a permanent easement over an existing trail segment. The project is proposed for SFPUC lands in the vicinity of State Routes 92 and 35, in San Mateo County.
  • Reference:2016-016100ENV
  • Received:Dec 16, 2016
  • Status:On Hold
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Sansome Street TANSAT Zone at Merchant Street - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes the following parking modification on the west side of Sansome Street between Washington Street and Merchant Street: ESTABLISH –TOW-AWAY, NO STOPPING ANYTIME - Sansome Street, west side, between Washington Street and Merchant Street (extends current red zone to the south by 66 feet and removes 3 commercial metered spaces, Meter #523, #521, #519) The modification is being proposed to improve San Francisco Fire Department access to Firehouse #13 which is located along the east side of Sansome Street, directly across from the three commercial metered spaces #523, #521, #519. The attached turn templates show the operational challenges fire engines have pulling out of Firehouse #13 and turning south to head to emergencies south of Washington Street. No concerns were raised by merchants adjacent to the three commericial metered spaces when outreach was conducted. Five commercial metered parking spaces on the westside of Sansome Street are within 150’ of the proposed change and would remain to accommodate loading demand. There are also an additional eight commercial metered parking spaces within 300’ of the proposed modification. Approximately 230 off-street parking spaces are located at the 3 public garages within a one block radius of Sansome Street, between Washington and Clay streets.
  • Reference:2016-016076ENV
  • Received:Dec 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5690 for public hearing 12/23/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: 12/23/2016
  • Reference:2016-016070ENV
  • Received:Dec 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 23, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - 'Potholing' Investigation for Westside Pump Station Reiability Improvements Project - The proposed project involves the excavation of eleven 12-inch diameter "potholes" to verify the exact locations and depths of existing pipelines at the Westside Pump Station, in support of the design of the SFPUC's proposed improvements at this facility. Potholing would be carried out by the vacuum extraction method. Each of the 11 proposed potholes would be approximately 12 inches in diameter and up to 15 feet deep. The soil would be removed by a vacuum excavation truck approximately 20 feet long and 8 feet wide, or a smaller rig towed by a pickup truck. If the pothole is located in an unpaved area, the soil would be returned to the excavation hole and the ground surface would be returned to pre-Investigation conditions. If the pothole is located in a paved area, the pothole would be filled with a Class 2 aggregate base followed by a cold patch per applicable city standards. Approximately 15 cubic yards of spoils from potholing in paved areas would be collected in steel drums and disposed of appropriately at an approved landfill or reused based on analytical testing results. The Investigation would require approximately 10 working days by a crew of four to five persons. Work hours would be confined to weekdays between 7 A.M. and 5 P.M. Nine of the 11 potholes would be excavated in or immediately adjacent to the Great Highway. This would necessitate closure of one northbound lane of the Great Highway for a period of up to 10 days. The remaining work sites are within the grounds of the Westside Pump Station and would be accessed form the northbound Great Highway via the pump station gates.
  • Reference:2016-015996ENV
  • Received:Dec 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5685 for public hearing 12/16/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: 12/16/2016
  • Reference:2016-016064ENV
  • Received:Dec 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 16, 2016
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Description: SFO - International Terminal Elevated Roadway Concrete Slab and Stormwater Drainage System Replacements - Replacement of cracked slabs with precast concrete slabs, and concrete filled after the precast slabs are in place. New expansion joints would be installed beneath the concrete slabs. The existing elastomeric pads would also be removed and replaced. 680 linear feet of existing concrete slab and roadway pavement would be removed to conduct maintenance on the stormwater drainage system. The stormwater gutter system would be an in-kind replacement, including the iso-flex drain guard membrane and associated drain pipes. Upon completion, the concrete slab and roadway pavement would be reconstructed.
  • Reference:2016-015848ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO - Water Quality Testing and Monitoring Project - The Project consists of the installation of 20 outdoor water sampling stations (18 new and replacement of 2 existing stations).
  • Reference:2016-015856ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO - Runways 19L and 19R Ends Seawall Repair Project - Placement of approximately 2,000 lineal feet of filter fabric and filter materials overlain by riprap along the Bayside of the existing earthen berm. Existing rip rap amounts would be supplemented where necessary. Pavement on the airfield side of the earthen berm would be repaired as necessary to eliminate seepage (see Exhibit 3, Attachment A). The concrete lining on the earthen berm would also be repaired as necessary to eliminate seepage. Sinkholes and potholes on the airfield side of the seawall would be excavated and backfilled for improved stability; however significant mass excavation of soil is not anticipated for this project. No permanent Bay fill is proposed as a part of the project.
  • Reference:2016-015809ENV
  • Received:Dec 09, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Recreation & Park - 6101 Fulton Street - Add ADA-compliant pathway and entry ramp. Modify entryway and door.
  • Reference:2016-015803ENV
  • Received:Dec 09, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement Project along portions of 21 different streets throughout San Francisco - The proposed project involves the replacement and upgrades of sewer lines along portions of 20 different roadways in San Francisco. The proposed Project would include a total of approximately 9,126 linear feet (1.73 miles) of replacement sewer line installation along portions of 3rd Ave. (btwn Fulton & Cabrillo), 11th Ave. (btwn Cabrillo & Balboa), 21st Ave. (btwn California & Lake), 41st Ave. (btwn Geary & Clement), 14th Ave. (btwn Vicente & Ulloa), 43rd Ave. (btwn Quintara & Pacheco), Belvedere St. (btwn Alma & Parnassus + Waller & Haight), Scott St. (btwn Grove & Fulton), Beach St. (btwn Broderick & Divisidero), Greenwich St. (btwn Scott & Pierce), Washington St. (btwn Steiner & Fillmore), Ina Ct. (from Mansfield St. to end), Goethe St. (btwn De Long & San Jose), Huron Ave. (btwn Sickles & Lawrence), Shotwell St. (btwn Precita & Cesar Chavez), Revere Ave. (btwn Jennings & Ingalls), North Point St. (at Broderick), Bay St. (at Divisdero), and Francisco St. (at Divisidero).
  • Reference:2016-015750ENV
  • Received:Dec 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Drainage Sewer Improvements Project at the Intersetion of Urbano Dr. & Victoria St. (+ 7 other intersections in Ingleside Terrace) - The proposed project involves the construction of drainage sewer improvements, including the installation of 26 catch basins/inlets, three manholes, and approximately 283 total linear feet of additional culverts within existing public streets in the Ingleside Terrace neighborhood, specifically at the intersections of Victoria St. & Ocean Ave., Ashton Ave. & Ocean Ave., Pico Ave. & Urbano Dr., Ashton Ave. & De Montfort Ave., Urbano Dr. & Legion Ct., Ocean Ave. & Faxon Ave., and at Miramar Ave. & Ocean Ave.
  • Reference:2016-015526ENV
  • Received:Dec 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement Project on 20th, 26th, 27th, 33rd, 40th Avenues & Stevenson St. - The proposed project involves the replacement and upgrades of approximately 7,159 linear feet (1.36 miles) of sewer lines along portions of 20th, 26th, 27th, 31st, 33rd, and 40th Avenues, as well as Stevenson Street in San Francisco.
  • Reference:2016-015555ENV
  • Received:Dec 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS File No. 161286 - Port PPA dredging - Ordinance approving and authorizing the Executive Director of the Port of San Francisco (“Port”) to execute a Project Partnership Agreement with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”) to allow federal dredging of the Central Basin adjacent to Pier 70 conditioned upon the Port providing a 25% matching share not to exceed $2,242,750 for the initial project costs, and the Port providing a 10% matching share, not to exceed an additional $897,100 for federal maintenance dredging of the Central Basin payable over the following 30 years, for a total matching share from the Port not to exceed $3,139,850; exempting the Agreement from certain requirements of the Environment Code and Administrative Code except to the extent that the Agreement obligates USACE to satisfy any such requirements; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2016-015443ENV
  • Received:Dec 02, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 26, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - 17th and Folsom Permanent Barriers Project - The proposed project involves the installation of approximately 45 permanent receptacles within the sidewalk along 17th Street (between Shotwell Street and Folsom Street) and Folsom Street (between 17th Street and 18th Street) in San Francisco to accommodate the temporary deployment of a post-and-flood barrier system on an as-needed basis. The proposed Project is needed to address stormwater inundation in the neighborhood surrounding 17th, 18th, and Folsom Streets, which are subject to flooding during moderate to heavy storm events.
  • Reference:2016-015300ENV
  • Received:Nov 30, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 'Potholing' Investigation Project along the San Andreas Pipeline No. 2 Right-of-Way Alignment - The proposed Investigation involves a total of 42 "pothole" excavations locations along the alignment of the SAPL 2 right-of-way, within the City of San Bruno to determine the location of utility lines. Individual utility lines would be located in approximately 36 locations, while multiple utility lines would be located within approximately 6 trenches. The depth of each proposed pothole ranges from approximately 3 to 18 feet.
  • Reference:2016-015312ENV
  • Received:Nov 30, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPW - Ingleside SFPD station - San Francisco Public Works proposes a project for the Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing (MEP) upgrade of the San Francisco Police Department’s Ingleside station, to include external-envelope repair. Existing MEP elements are at the end of their operating lives and require replacement. External wood trim is also degraded and requires repair to assure continued function. Existing redwood gutters are at the end of their c. 100 year functional life and are severely compromised at joints and where butt-ended.
  • Reference:2016-015150ENV
  • Received:Nov 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1398 meeting on 12/1/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 12/1/16
  • Reference:2016-015088ENV
  • Received:Nov 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 02, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Arguello Boulevard Traffic Signals - The Arguello Boulevard Traffic Signal project involves traffic signal work at the following locations: Arguello/Lake/Sacramento, Arguello/Clement, Arguello/Anza, Arguello/Balboa/Turk, Arguello/Cabrillo. The scope of work includes the installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, and signal poles at existing signalized intersections. The maximum excavation is thirteen (13) feet for the signal pole foundations, eighteen inches for the pull boxes, and thirty inches for the underground conduits. Arguello Boulevard at Cabrillo Street is an existing unsignalized intersection receiving new underground conduit and pullboxes in preparation for a future pedestrian beacon. Signal visibility will be improved at the Clement Street and Balboa St/Turk St intersections. Moreover, the closed crosswalk across the north side of Clement Street at Arguello Boulevard will be re-opened as part of this project with new pedestrian countdown signals.
  • Reference:2016-015065ENV
  • Received:Nov 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Bosworth Street Uphill Bike Lane - The SFMTA proposes to make safety improvements for people bicycling on westbound Bosworth Street between Hamerton Avenue and the O’Shaughnessy Boulevard shared bicycle/pedestrian path. This project will install a bike lane on westbound Bosworth in this area in the uphill direction, giving a dedicated zone to cyclists and minimizing conflicts with passing vehicles. The main goal of this project is to address community concerns surrounding safety for people biking uphill on Bosworth Street towards the Diamond Heights and Midtown Terrace neighborhoods. This project proposes two design alternatives that will both provide a bike lane on westbound Bosworth Street between Hamerton Avenue and the O’Shaughnessy Boulevard shared bicycle/pedestrian path. When vehicles and cyclists are sharing a roadway in the uphill direction, there can be conflicts caused by fast moving vehicles needing to pass slow moving cyclists. By installing a separate zone and comfortable uphill bike lane for cyclists, vehicle/bicycle passing and therefore potential conflicts are minimized. This is a paint-only project that includes the following elements: Uphill Bike Lane: Both design alternatives (Option A and B) install an uphill bike lane on westbound Bosworth Street between Hamerton Avenue and the O’Shaughnessy Boulevard shared bicycle/pedestrian path. Parking Removal: To provide sufficient space for the uphill bike lane in both options, some unmetered parking will need to be removed on westbound Bosworth Street between Hamerton Avenue and Elk Street.
  • Reference:2016-015072ENV
  • Received:Nov 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Taxi Regulatory Reform - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to amend the Transportation Code to reform and modernize the taxicab medallion system, ensuring a high standard of public safety and customer service, as well as allowing innovation and competition. Taxicab medallion reform is critical because the taxicab medallion sales program is experiencing a notable decrease in demand. This decrease in demand is generally attributed to the rise of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) in San Francisco and the ability of TNC drivers to operate commercially as for hire vehicles without a medallion.
  • Reference:2016-015054ENV
  • Received:Nov 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 06, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Contract 64 - New Traffic Signals at 8 Locations - The Contract 64 New Traffic Signals project proposes to install new traffic signals to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety, at the following 8 locations (7th/Minna, Alemany/Foote, Bryant/Sterling, Campus Way/Owens St, Ellis/Webster, Highland/Mission, Leavenworth/Washington, Mariposa/Pennsylvania)
  • Reference:2016-015051ENV
  • Received:Nov 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5676 for public hearing 12/2/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: 12/2/2016
  • Reference:2016-015058ENV
  • Received:Nov 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 02, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Griffith Pump Station Modernization and Refurbishment Project - The proposed project involves the refurbishment of the equipment within the pump station including pumps, valves, piping, electrical, and HVAC systems. The majority of the work would be carried out within the existing pump station. The only work proposed for outdoors is the replacement of chemical metering pumps, and the installation of two canopies that would be attached to the outside of the existing pump station building. The canopies would be installed to protect electrical and mechanical equipment mounted outside the building, and would be made of fiberglass reinforced plastic. The first would be 9 feet wide by 13 feet long and the second would be 18 feet wide by 23 feet long. The only proposed activities that would take place outside of the existing pump station would be the modification of an existing concrete hatch that leads to an underground sewage transport structure (by the addition of an equipment access hatch into the existing hatch cover), and the relocation of an emergency exit door leading from the underground manifold room. The proposed project would be constructed entirely within the footprint of existing development. No ground disturbance or excavation is proposed.
  • Reference:2016-015030ENV
  • Received:Nov 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 9900031
Description: SFPORT - Per 31, Per 31 1/2, and Pier 33 - The proposed project would replace the existing single dock and gangway with two parallel floating docks (to accommodate three berths) and two gangways accessed from the existing bulkhead.
  • Reference:2017-000188ENV
  • Received:Nov 16, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFPUC - Paul Avenue Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of approximately 777 linear feet of existing iron stone pipe with vitrified clay pipe and construct approximately 121 linear feet of new vitrified clay pipe within Paul Avenue from Crane Street to 3rd Street in the Bayview District. Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind. A total of approximately 898 linear feet (approximately 0.17 mile) of pipeline would be replaced and constructed.
  • Reference:2016-014783ENV
  • Received:Nov 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Lease of 1980 Oakdale Avenue for City Distribution Division - The proposed project involves the lease an existing facility at 1980 Oakdale Avenue, immediately across Newcomb Ave. from City Distribution Division's Newcomb Facility, for a term of five years with an additional five-year option. 1980 Oakdale would provide about 26,000 square feet (sf) of warehouse space, 11,000 sf of office and finished mezzanine space (work space for about 62 employees), and 12,000 sf of paved parking lot (space for about 60 vehicles). The facility is being vacated by an online retailer that has outgrown the space. No modifications to the building or yard would be needed to accommodate CDD uses. CDD would use the leased space to “decompress” space at existing CDD facilities by relocating employees, materials and equipment primarily from the adjacent Newcomb Facility, which would free up space for previously-approved construction there, and potentially make it possible to vacate leased trailers that have provided temporary office space at CDD’s Newcomb and University Mound facilities. 1980 Oakdale would provide temporary holding space for materials relocated from other sites where vacant space is needed to stage upcoming projects (such as the replacement CDD fueling station in the yard across the street); longer term storage space, such as that needed for the stockpiled AWSS materials; and interim staging area for materials for ongoing CDD water pipeline replacement projects. Because of the benefits of adjacency, it is anticipated that most employee relocations would be from the Newcomb Yard. The Project would not include any physical modifications to the existing 1980 Oakdale facility or to CDD’s existing facilities. Any future modifications proposed for these facilities would be subject to subsequent CEQA review.
  • Reference:2016-014749ENV
  • Received:Nov 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS File No.160222 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to prohibit the City from entering into or extending leases for the extraction of fossil fuel from City owned land, and requiring inspections of any such land and evaluation of constructive future uses for such land.
  • Reference:2016-014739ENV
  • Received:Nov 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 02, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant Dystor Evacuation and Polymer System Upgrades Project - The proposed project involves equipment replacement and upgrades at various existing buildings at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant (SEP), including the installation of communication conduit and wiring at SEP Buildings 040/041; installation of a complete Total Solids Analyzer and associated ancillary calibration system in SEP Building 680; installation of a complete Dystor Evacuation System on a new permanent 19-foot-long by 9-foot-wide by 12-inch-deep concrete pad adjacent to the southeastern wall of SEP Building 740; in-kind replacement of two boiler gas boosters in SEP Building 740; and replacement of corroded structural members, in-kind roof replacement, and rehabilitation of gravity belt thickeners at SEP Building 785.
  • Reference:2016-014733ENV
  • Received:Nov 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Verizon Tuolumne Wireless Revocable Leases Project - The proposed project consists of Issuance by SFPUC's Real Estate Division of revocable licenses for Verizon Wireless or its subsidiary to upgrade its existing wireless facilities at two locations; within the existing HHWP utility yard at Intake Hill (designated "Hetch Hetchy near Cherry Lake Road" by Verizon) and on and adjacent the Moccasin Surge Tank, which is located on Priest Street near the upper end of the Moccasin Penstocks. Proposed Work at Cherry Lake Road/ Intake Hill Site. Verizon would lease space inside an existing equipment shelter for installation of new wireless equipment in SFPUC's existing electrical and communications yard on Intake Hill. Microwave antennas and related wireless equipment would be installed near the top of an existing 230 kV lattice tower to replace existing equipment at the same location. The new antennas and other equipment on the tower would be lower than the top of the existing electrical tower. Incidental excavation for cable installation within the yard would be needed. Access to the work site would be via an existing graveled road. All staging and other work would take place on existing graded and graveled surfaces. Proposed Work at Moccasin Surge Tank Site. Verizon's existing microwave antennas are mounted on the Moccasin Surge Tank, an existing water pressure control feature near the top of the Moccasin penstocks. The revocable license would permit the construction of a new 19' X 24 utility enclosure adjacent to the surge tank; replacement of/addition to the antennas on the tank; and trenching between the new utility enclosure and the surge tank antennas.
  • Reference:2016-014656ENV
  • Received:Nov 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5672 for public hearing 11/18/16 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: 11/18/2016
  • Reference:2016-014607ENV
  • Received:Nov 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 18, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - 1570 Burke Avenue - TInterior and exterior alterations to existing 103,900 sq. ft. industrial building containing 750 sq. ft. of accessory office use. Change of use of 4,450 sq. ft. from industrial use to accessory office use. Exterior improvements: replace roof, repair and replace translucent panels in kind, add skylights, and add roll-up doors.
  • Reference:2016-014632ENV
  • Received:Nov 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Pavement Renovation and Sewer Replacement Project on Urbano Dr. & 12 other streets in Ingleside Terrace neighborhood - The proposed project involves the conduction of sewer replacement or reconstruction along portion of 13 streets in the Ingleside Terrace neighborhood of San Francisco. The proposed Project would include a total of approximately 7,108 linear feet (1.34 miles) of replacement sewer installation.
  • Reference:2016-014640ENV
  • Received:Nov 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1397 meeting on 11/10/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 11/10/2016
  • Reference:2016-014610ENV
  • Received:Nov 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 10, 2016
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Description: SFPW - SFPD Pistol Range Modular Structure Replacement (700 John Muir Dr) - Replace existing 1,536 sq. ft. modular training structure with a new 2,226 sq. ft. modular training structure. Regrade existing pavement to support new structure. Add new ADA-compliant ramp and stair. Add underground utility lines. Construct 20' x 4' x 5' deep subsurface stormwater infiltration system south of the new structure. Restore vegetation and restripe parking lot to allow for the same number of parking spaces as currently existing.
  • Reference:2016-014384ENV
  • Received:Nov 04, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPW - Fire Station Door Roundup - The apparatus bay door project will remove the existing apparatus bay doors with frames at 20 fire stations, and install a new frame and door. The window design proposed for each station is given a letter designation in the table opposite, which is keyed to the accompanying plans. Door replacement will require minor new plumbing and/or electrical relocation, and minor framing repairs to accommodate the new door frame. Station 8 will also receive exterior envelope painting, including patching, crack and dent repair, and painting of the exterior, excluding the roof but including rooftop structure (stairs, hose towers, clerestory, etc.).
  • Reference:2016-014171ENV
  • Received:Nov 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Westside Pump Station Reliability Improvements Project - The proposed project involves the construction of a small new 4,500 sf, 1.5-story Electrical Building at the northwest corner of the WSS facility site above the existing underground Westside Transport Box. In addition, a portion of the one-story wing of the existing WSS Main Building would be modified (increased in height by about 5 feet) to accommodate a new, vertical redundant wet-weather bar screen and conveyor system and a new sluice gate operator. The Project would also include construction of a new redundant sewage/stormwater conveyance channel beneath the WSS Main Building’s existing one-story restroom and control room wing. The redundant channel would connect underground to the pumps inside the WSS, to the existing Westside Transport/Storage (WST) Box, and to the forcemain to the Oceanside Plant via 300-feet of new 54-inch forcemain and a new vault at the east side of the Great Highway just south of the WSS south driveway. These modifications would entail open-cut excavations to a depth of up to 65-feet under the sidewalk and part of the northbound curb lane of the Great Highway, adjacent to the WSS. The Project would also include replacement of main wet-weather submersible pumps that are located in the west wet-well south of the Main Building and expansion of the pump room in the Main Building to accommodate enlarged submersible pumps with that would provide redundant/stand-by pump capacity. Other internal improvements to the pump station would include relocation of the restroom, replacement of interior pipe manifolds and other mechanical/electrical equipment, and removal of 480-v low-voltage electrical equipment, which would be replaced by new 4,160-v medium-voltage electrical equipment in the proposed new electrical building. In addition, PG&E would provide new buried electrical feeds to the new electrical building from Skyline Blvd. and along Sloat Blvd. to the WSS.
  • Reference:2016-014160ENV
  • Received:Oct 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Geotechnical Investigation (including 'potholing') for the Souteast Plant Headworks Replacement Project - The proposed project involves three geotechnical borings to determine site specific geotechnical conditions, as well as "potholing" excavations to locate and collect information on existing utilities. Geotechnical borings and potholing would occur on the blocks of Rankin Street and Davidson Avenue adjacent to the Bruce Flynn Pump Station.
  • Reference:2016-014008ENV
  • Received:Oct 27, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - University Avenue Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of a segment of an existing 12-inch-diameter pipeline with 12-inch-diameter vitrified clay pipe (VCP) and the replacement of associated manholes along University Avenue in the Portola District of San Francisco. Short connecting sewer service lines would also be inspected and may be replaced in kind. A total of approximately 444 linear feet (approximately 0.08 mile) of pipeline would be replaced.
  • Reference:2016-013936ENV
  • Received:Oct 26, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5660 for public hearing 10/28/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: 10/28/2016
  • Reference:2016-013836ENV
  • Received:Oct 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 25, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Putnam Street One-Way Conversion - The proposed one-way conversion is on Putnam Street between Cortland and Jarboe Avenues. This section of Putnam Street would be converted into a one-way street northbound, with one lane of traffic. This project would establish Putnam Street as having one-way northbound operation between Cortland Avenue and Jarboe Avenue. Existing curbside parking would not be changed as a result of the oneway conversion. The typical cross-section would be seven foot parking lanes on each side of the street, and a 12-foot southbound vehicle lane. The appropriate regulatory signage would be installed including one-way signs, and the corresponding no right turn and no left turn signs at adjacent intersections. The proposed project would not result in changes to transit or loading.
  • Reference:2016-013809ENV
  • Received:Oct 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5668 for public hearing 11/4/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: 11/4/2016
  • Reference:2016-013842ENV
  • Received:Oct 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 04, 2016
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1396th meeting on 10/27/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 10/27/2016
  • Reference:2016-013832ENV
  • Received:Oct 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 27, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Cable Car Barn Propulsion Gearbox Rehabilitation - The Cable Car Barn Propulsion Gearbox Rehabilitation project proposes to overhaul and refurbish all Cable Car gearboxes presently in use at the Cable Car Barn at 1201 Mason St. and the spare unit presently in storage at the Burke Storage Facility at 1580 Burke Ave. The work includes in-kind replacement of all wear and tear parts internal to the gearbox housing, primarily bearings, seals, and gaskets. Additional inspection to gears, shafts, and other mechanical parts would be performed during gearbox tear down, and will be replaced as needed. No expansion or modification is proposed as part of the rehabilitation. The gearboxes are located within the Cable Car Barn and the Burke Storage Facility and are not visible from the public right-of-way or accessible to the public.
  • Reference:2016-013330ENV
  • Received:Oct 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - 11th Street and Mission Bike Improvements - The SFMTA proposes to make the following modifications on 11th Street between Minna Street and 98 feet northerly of Mission Street: 1) Add bike lanes on Mission Street between Mission Street and Minna Street to close a one-block gap on the 11th Street bike network corridor. The project would add a shared use right turn lane on northbound and southbound 11th Street approaching Mission Street to better delineate vehicle and bike positioning approaching the intersection. Right Lane Must Turn Right except Bike and Muni restrictions would be installed for the turn pockets. 2) Establish a 10 foot long bike box in the right and through-left lane of northbound 11th Street to assist with the bicycle northbound left turn onto Mission Street. The advanced limit line would be continued into the left turn lane in order to accommodate articulated buses that turn right from eastbound Mission Street onto southbound 11th Street. The project would remove: 1) 4 parking spaces on the east side of 11th Street south of Mission Street. 2) 7 parking spaces on the west side of 11th Street north of Mission Street
  • Reference:2016-013343ENV
  • Received:Oct 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Water Main and Sewer Replacment Project on Eureka St, Corwin St, Grand View Ave, & Mangels Ave - The proposed project involves the conduction of water-distribution-system replacement and upgrades along the stretch of Eureka Street between Market Street and 23rd Street, as well as collection-system sewer replacement and upgrades along Eureka and Corwin Streets, and Grand View and Mangels Avenues. The proposed Project would include a total of approximately 6,500 linear feet (1.23 miles) of water main installation and rehabilitation as well as a total of approximately 5,341 linear feet (1.01 miles) of replacement sewer installation.
  • Reference:2016-013222ENV
  • Received:Oct 12, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Foerster St Auxiliary and Mangels/Hearst/Detroit Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the installation of new vitrified clay pipelines (VCP) and the replacement of existing iron stone pipelines (ISP) along portions of Foerster Street, Mangels Avenue, Avenue, Hearst Avenue, and Detroit Street. Project activities would include installation of new and replacement pipelines and replacement of associated manholes. Short connecting sewer service lines would be inspected and may be replaced in kind. A total of approximately 3,162 linear feet (approximately 0.6 mile) of pipeline would be constructed or replaced.
  • Reference:2016-013235ENV
  • Received:Oct 12, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1395th meeting on 10/13/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 10/13/2016
  • Reference:2016-013827ENV
  • Received:Oct 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 13, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - New Traffic Signal at 15th and Dolores - The 15th Street and Dolores Avenue New Traffic Signal project would improve pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle safety, at the intersection of 15th Street and Dolores Avenue by installing a new traffic signal. The scope of work includes the installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal poles, a controller cabinet, and accessible pedestrian signals at the 4-Way STOP controlled intersection of 15th Street and Dolores Avenue. The maximum excavation is three and a half (3.5) feet for the signal pole foundations, eighteen (18) inches for the pull boxes, sixteen (16) inches for the cabinet foundation, and twenty-four (24) inches for the underground conduits.
  • Reference:2016-012949ENV
  • Received:Oct 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPW - Standard Construction Measures - EP to provide input on memo from Public Works Director directing all Public Works staff to incorporate standard construction measures into all Public Works projects.
  • Reference:2016-012909ENV
  • Received:Oct 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA Order 5656 for public hearing 10/14/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-012737ENV
  • Received:Oct 03, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 14, 2016
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1395 for Meeting of 10/13/2016 - One South Van Ness Avenue 7th Floor San Francisco CA 94102 Tel: 415.701.4500 Fax: 415.701.4737 Agenda 1395 Page 4 of 4 Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-013413ENV
  • Received:Sep 30, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 13, 2016
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Description: SFPW - Fire Stations 3, 7, 22, 29, 39, 40, 42, and 49. - SFPW – Minor improvements to Fire Stations 3, 22, 29, 39, 40, 43, and 49. Replace non-original doors at all stations. Reroofing and in-kind replacement of skylights and rooftop equipment at Stations 29 and 39.
  • Reference:2016-012697ENV
  • Received:Sep 30, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA - Dolores Street Median Parking Pilot Program - On August 16th, 2016, the SFMTA Board of Directors authorized SFMTA staff to develop and implement a 16-month pilot project authorizing parking alongside certain Dolores Street center medians between 14th and 18th Streets. The pilot would provide clarity as to the times and dates during which “median parking” (the phrase that will hereafter be used to refer to the practice of parking vehicles in the travel lane adjacent to the Dolores Street center medians) would be permitted. The pilot would likewise increase the safety of Dolores Street for all street users by limiting where and when the parking may occur. SFMTA staff must return to the SFMTA Board of Directors for approval of a median parking pilot prior to its implementation. SFMTA is proposing a 16-month pilot in order to ensure enough time for evaluation, and to ensure enough time to develop and submit a proposal for a permanent program after evaluation and before the conclusion of the pilot.
  • Reference:2016-012705ENV
  • Received:Sep 30, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Geotechnical Investigation for potential repairs to the San Andreas Pipeline No. 2 - The proposed investigation involves a total of 22 geotechnical borings along the alignment of the right-of- way of the San Andreas Pipeline No. 2, within the City of San Bruno, for the purposes of collecting soils and groundwater data.
  • Reference:2016-012573ENV
  • Received:Sep 28, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5651 for public hearing 9/30/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-012735ENV
  • Received:Sep 28, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 30, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Fence Installation Project at Camp Mather Cottage 4 - The project would construct approximately 90 linear feet of 6-foot-high wood fence to enclose the rear yard of an existing modular cottage at SFPUC's Camp Mather in Tuolumne County.
  • Reference:2016-012584ENV
  • Received:Sep 28, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Hazardous Materials Investigation at the Bruce Flynn Pump Station - The proposed project involves a hazardous materials investigation to collect soil samples from 16 boring locations, each eight feet deep, on a vacant portion of a parcel that includes the SFPUC's Bruce Flynn Pump Station, located at 1595 Davison Ave., 1700 Evans Ave., & 398 Quint St.
  • Reference:2016-012292ENV
  • Received:Sep 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Public Works - Fire Station 34 (499 41st Avenue) - Apparatus Bay Door Replacement The apparatus bay door project will remove the existing apparatus bay doors with frames, and install a new frame and bi-fold door. Door replacement will require minor plumbing and/or electrical relocation, and minor framing repairs to accommodate the new door frame. Exterior Envelope Improvements to include restoration of select exterior façade elements including: brick re-pointing and limited replacement, lintel repair and re-coating, replacement of steel windows, replacement of damaged glazing, repainting of stucco in select areas, limited flashing repair, and replacement of metal guard.
  • Reference:2016-012309ENV
  • Received:Sep 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: Public Works - Fire Station 24 (100 Hoffman Avenue) - Apparatus Bay Door Replacement The apparatus bay door project will remove the existing apparatus bay doors with frames, and install a new frame and bi-fold door. Door replacement will require minor plumbing and/or electrical relocation, and minor framing repairs to accommodate the new door frame. Roof Repairs Roof Improvement will include repair of low slope roof, parapet coping/flashing, and lead flashing and replacement of select elements of the roof drainage system. Exterior Envelope Improvements Improvements to include restoration of select exterior façade elements including: brick re-pointing and limited replacement, lintel repair and re-coating, replacement of steel windows, replacement of damaged glazing, repainting of stucco in select areas, replacement of parapet finishes, and limited flashing repair.
  • Reference:2016-012307ENV
  • Received:Sep 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA Order 5648 for public hearing 9/23/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: SFMTA Board o Approval Action Date: 11/8/2016
  • Reference:2016-013839ENV
  • Received:Sep 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 08, 2016
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Description: SFO Storm Drain Pump Station No. 2 Emergency Repair Project - Replace existing structural beams supporting Storm Drain Pump Station No. 2 outfall pipes at San Francisco International Airport.
  • Reference:2016-012157ENV
  • Received:Sep 20, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1394th for Meeting on 9/22/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-012068ENV
  • Received:Sep 19, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 22, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Anza Street Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of 1,451 feet of existing 8-inch sewer lines along Anza Street, between 16th Avenue and 22nd Avenue, with new 12-inch sewer lines.
  • Reference:2016-011982ENV
  • Received:Sep 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5646 for public hearing 9/16/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-012724ENV
  • Received:Sep 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 16, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Turk Street Safety Improvement Project - Improvements for people walking and bicycling on Turk between Mason Street and Gough Street. This project proposes to reduce the number of travel lanes from three to two between Leavenworth and Polk, install protected or buffered bike lanes from Mason to Polk Streets, create left turn pockets, and bike boxes at various intersections, as described below. The purpose of the project is to increase the visibility of pedestrians and people on bikes throughout the corridor, create safer intersection crossings, and reduce the potential for conflicts and collisions. This is a paint-only project and would not involve construction or excavation. The project has been identified as one of the efforts in the Mayoral Executive Directive for Vision Zero to implement the highest achievable safety improvements for bicycling.
  • Reference:2016-011880ENV
  • Received:Sep 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Port - Pier 96 Stormwater Improvement Project - Replace stormwater infrastructure at the south end of Pier 96. Replace two storm drain pipelines with connection to one new outfall structure and one existing outfall structure. Install three backflow prevention devices and two aboveground stormwater treatment units.
  • Reference:2016-011877ENV
  • Received:Sep 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA - 7th Street Safety Project - Installation of a parking-protected bikeway (Class IV) on 7th Street between Market Street and Brannan Street as part of the 7th Street Safety Project (proposed project). The proposed project also consists of minor restriping of streets (i.e., painted safety zones, lane marking changes), colored curb changes, and sign installations. Below-grade excavation required to construct boarding islands would be limited to depths not greater than 2 feet.
  • Reference:2016-011501ENV
  • Received:Sep 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPW - Richmond Police Station MEP Upgrades - Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing upgrades to an existing police station. Exterior improvements that are visible from the public right of way are limited to replacement of brick and mortar around new exhaust fan louvers.
  • Reference:2016-011520ENV
  • Received:Sep 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPW 1250 Jones Street - Upgrade the existing rooftop radio station equipment. Replace the rooftop generator in kind and install a new air conditioning unit to be attached to an existing wall on the roof. Install an 8-foot-deep underground vault below the sidewalk along Jones Street in front of the building. Add new 4-inch-diameter double containment pipe from the vault to the generator that will be mounted on the exterior of the building.
  • Reference:2016-011490ENV
  • Received:Sep 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Temporary Office Trailer Installations to Support the New Headworks Project - The proposed project would involve the installation of four to seven office trailers for use during the design phase of the Southeast Plant Headworks Replacement Project. The temporary office trailers would be located in a 1/2 acre lawn area adjacent to Phelps Street at the the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant.
  • Reference:2016-011561ENV
  • Received:Sep 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Turk Street Safety Improvement Project - safety improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists on Turk between Mason Street and Gough Street. This project proposes to reduce the number of travel lanes from three to two between Leavenworth and Polk, install protected or buffered bike lanes from Mason to Polk Streets, create left turn pockets, and bike boxes at various intersections, as described below. The purpose of the project is to increase the visibility of pedestrians and people on bikes throughout the corridor, create safer intersection crossings, and reduce the potential for conflicts and collisions. This is a paint-only project and would not involve construction or excavation. The project has been identified as one of the efforts in the Mayoral Executive Directive for Vision Zero to implement the highest achievable safety improvements for bicycling.
  • Reference:2016-011517ENV
  • Received:Sep 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Metro Turnback (MMT) ATCS Subway Wiring Project - The SFMTA proposes to replace deteriorating power and communication wiring that run between Muni Metro Turnback tunnel’s equipment room and wayside equipment—including track switch machines, light rail vehicle signals, and axle counters. The MMT tunnel is located between the eastern entry to the Embarcadero Station and the Ferry Portal (The Embarcadero between Howard St. and Folsom St.) A new wiring and wire enclosure system including conduits, raceway, pull boxes, termination circuits, interior components, and cabling would be installed.1 The replacements qualify as “ordinary maintenance and repairs” under Planning Code Article 10 Section 1005 (e) (3).
  • Reference:2016-011485ENV
  • Received:Sep 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO - Police Training Range Improvements Project - Modifications and renovations to existing police training range.
  • Reference:2016-011526ENV
  • Received:Sep 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1393rd meeting on 9/8/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. o Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee o Approval Action Date: 9/8/2016
  • Reference:2016-012058ENV
  • Received:Sep 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - San Joaquin Pipeline Cathodic Protection Stations Refurbishment Project - The proposed project involves rehabilitation of cathodic protection stations at four locations on the San Joaquin Pipeline, a potable water transmission steel pipeline, to prevent corrosive soil and groundwater from compromising the integrity of the water mains. The rehabilitation of the existing cathodic protection stations would include mechanical and minor physical refurbishment activities. This section of the San Joaquin Pipeline shares a right of way corridor with the San Joaquin electrical transmission line. Each work site is an approximately 10-foot by 10-foot fenced enclosure with a ground cover of several inches of gravel, which is maintained free of vegetation. All work activities at each of the four sites would be confined to the existing fenced enclosure and would avoid vegetated areas. No vegetation or tree removal would occur.
  • Reference:2016-011484ENV
  • Received:Sep 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Rain Guage Installation Project - The proposed project involves the installation of tipping-bucket-style rain gauges on the roofs of eight City-owned buildings. The proposed sites are owned and operated by the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department and the San Francisco Unified School District.
  • Reference:2016-011473ENV
  • Received:Sep 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Marin Street Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of approximately 1,800 linear feet of existing 24-inch sewer pipeline, from the Marin Outfall to Third Street, with a 30-inch line in the same alignment and at the same depths, to better serve existing and approved development north of Islais Creek.
  • Reference:2016-011325ENV
  • Received:Sep 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Line Replacement Project on Prospect Ave. - The proposed project involves the replacement of 812 linear feet of an existing 8-inch sewer line with a 12-inch line under Prospect Ave., between Esmeralda Ave. and Coso Ave.
  • Reference:2016-011333ENV
  • Received:Sep 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - 8th Street Safety Project - Installation of a parking-protected bike-way (Class IV) on 8th Street between Market Street and Brannan Street. Minor re-striping of streets, colored curb changes, and sign installations. Excavation to construct boarding islands.
  • Reference:2016-011267ENV
  • Received:Aug 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFO Boarding Area F Gates 78 and 79 Apron Pavement Reconstruction Project - 27,500 square feet of existing asphalt concrete apron would be removed to depths of up to two feet below grade. The demolished area would then be repaved with Portland concrete cement. The aircraft envelope and lead in lines would then be repainted. The existing utilities, including electrical and water lines, would not be changed nor affected by the reconstruction activities.
  • Reference:2016-011238ENV
  • Received:Aug 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA Order 5635 for public hearing 9/2/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-012720ENV
  • Received:Aug 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 02, 2016
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Description: SFO Plot 40 Reconstruction Project - 550,000 square feet of existing asphalt concrete apron would either be ground up to depths of one foot below grade and repaved, or demolished up to depths of two feet below grade and repaved, depending on the condition of the apron pavement. All areas would be repaved with asphalt concrete. The aircraft envelope and lead in lines would then be repainted.
  • Reference:2016-011229ENV
  • Received:Aug 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: MODIFIED SFO High Speed Gate Checkpoint Installation at West Field Security Checkpoint - Enhance and Add to the Existing Vehicle Entry Gate; Remove One Existing Vehicle Exit Gate and Relocate the Other; Shift the Existing AOA Fence; Relocate Romeo Checkpoint Guard Shack on the AOA; Relocate the Vehicle Service Road (VSR); Modify Existing Underground Utilities; Temporary West Field Security Checkpoint
  • Reference:2016-011091ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPW - Fire Station 11 Hose-Tower Removal - Removal of existing non-original apparatus bay doors and install a new frame and bi-fold door. Removal of existing hose-tower. Roof removal and replacement.
  • Reference:2016-011127ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPW - Fire Station 15 Hose-Tower Removal - Removal of existing non-original apparatus bay doors and install a new frame and bi-fold door. Removal of existing hose-tower. Roof removal and replacement.
  • Reference:2016-011137ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPW - Fire Station 21 Hose-Tower Removal - Removal of existing non-original apparatus bay doors and install a new frame and bi-fold door. Removal of existing hose-tower. Roof removal and replacement.
  • Reference:2016-011141ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPW - Fire Station 12 Hose-Tower Removal - Removal of existing non-original apparatus bay doors and install a new frame and bi-fold door. Removal of existing hose-tower. Roof removal and replacement.
  • Reference:2016-011130ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Southeast Outfall Islais Creek Crossing Replacement - SFPUC - Wastewater Enterprise operates and maintains a San Francisco's combined sewer system which collects and treats both sewage and stormwater. The southeast Water Pollution control Plant (SEP) lies between California Interstate 280 and Third Street, south of Islais Creek (Creek), in the City's Bayview-Hunter's Point neighborhood. Treated effluent from the SEP flows through a six-foot-diameter gravity pipe to the Booster Pump Station (BPS) located north of the SEP on the sourthern bank of Islais Creek, imediately west of Third Street. The BPS discharges the treated effluent to the Bay through the Southeast Outfall (SEO). There are two ductile iron (DI) pipes (36-inch and 42-inch) that transport the flow from the BPS. Under Islais Creek, these two pipes, collectively called the SEO Underwater crossing (crossing), were constructed across Islais Creek and are buried in the bottom of the creek bed. The DI force mains were constructed in 1967 and have reached the end of their useful life; the SFPUC proposes to repair and replace the crossing.
  • Reference:2016-011136ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Metro East - Five Track Extension - The SFMTA is procuring additional Light Rail Vehicles that are scheduled to arrive beginning December 2016. The Muni Metro East – Five Track Extension Project (the Project) will provide additional track storage space for the growing fleet of vehicles to be stored inside the MUNI Metro East (MME) Facility. The Project area is within the City and County of San Francisco. The location of the work is mainly bounded by Cesar Chavez Street on the south, Illinois Street on the west, 25th Street on the north, and Maryland Street on the east. The work to be performed consists of the following: 1. Extend five existing at-grade Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) tracks 2. Extend the existing Overhead Contact System to correspond with the extended tracks. 3. Perform general site work which includes soil improvement, paving, lighting, surface drainage system, electrical outlets, hose bibs and underground utility relocation work as required.
  • Reference:2016-011134ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPW Great Highway Reroute - The proposed project will preserve the roadway's function while converting the existing Great Highway northbound lane segment (2lanes) between Skyline and Sloat Boulevards into a single northbound and a single southbound travel lane. These northbound and southbound travel lanes will have 6-foot wide shoulders, but no separation other than double yellow line striping due to the need to accommodate emergency vehicle passage. New catch basins and culverts will be installed as needed for proper drainage of the roadway, and will be connected to the existing sewer main. The existing Class III bicycle lanes will be maintained in both directions. Bicycle lane signage will be installed
  • Reference:2016-011101ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFO Preconditioned Air Units and 400 Hz Ground Power Converter Units Project - Installation of Preconditioned Air Unit (PCA) and Ground Power Unit (GPU) Project. These electrical units would replace the diesel and jet fueled (onboard) auxiliary power units that aircraft use when parked.
  • Reference:2016-011096ENV
  • Received:Aug 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPW - Youth Guidance Center (375 Woodside Avenue) - Replace steeply sloped existing walkway with an ADA-compliant ramp system to the entrance of the Youth Guidance Center. No change to the building.
  • Reference:2016-011000ENV
  • Received:Aug 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Groundwater Test Well Project at Ludeman Lane, Millbrae, CA - The proposed project involves the installation of two groundwater test wells within an existing SFPUC right-of-way at Ludeman Lane and Green Hills Drive in the City of Millbrae. Activities involve drilling two borings down to 650 below ground surface and pumping tests to determine the productivity of the wells, taking 2 to 3 months to complete.
  • Reference:2016-011019ENV
  • Received:Aug 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Port of San Francisco - 19th and Illinois Street - The Port of San Francisco seeks to develop an approximately 60,000 square foot lot at the southeast corner of the intersection of 19th and Illinois Streets as an approximately 250-space surface parking lot. The site is largely undeveloped and partially paved, relatively level, and up to ten feet below the adjacent Illinois Street. The site is bordered to the north and east by Crane Cove Park and the future extension of 19th Street into the park, to the west by Illinois Street, and to the south by existing Buildings 101, 102 and 104 scheduled for renovation by Orton Development Inc. (i.e., the 20th Street Historic Buildings). The project site is currently not publicly accessible. See attached Transportation Assessment.
  • Reference:2016-011016ENV
  • Received:Aug 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 06, 2017
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Description: SFMTA - Radio System Replacement Project - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to replace existing radio system equipment at two existing locations: 1) Clay-Jones (1250 Jones Street) (Block 0221 Lot 044) and 2) Forest Hill (150 Mendosa Avenue) (Block 2207 Lot 040). A third location 3) Fort Miley/VA Hospital (4150 Clement Street) (Block 1313 Lot 023) is included in the project, but is under Federal Jurisdiction and would be subject to its own environmental review process. The project would include the replacement of existing equipment and the addition of new rooftop antennas located at the same sites as the existing equipment. The proposed project is part of a Citywide Radio Replacement and Upgrade Program to upgrade emergency communications facilities for use by fire and police stations and other City Department Emergency Operating Centers.
  • Reference:2016-011003ENV
  • Received:Aug 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5633 for public hearing 8/26/16 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-011123ENV
  • Received:Aug 23, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 26, 2016
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Description: West Field Water Main Replacement Project - Installation of new pipelines and modifications and replacement of existing pipelines.
  • Reference:2016-010691ENV
  • Received:Aug 17, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Mel Leong Treatment Plant Employee Bus Parking Projects - Minor alteration of existing facilities.
  • Reference:2016-010693ENV
  • Received:Aug 17, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA - Subway Elevator Reliability Project - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to execute contracts with private parties involving the as-needed inspection, maintenance, and repair of existing elevators and escalators within SFMTA-owned and/or –operated facilities. The project would replace and/or repair elevator and escalator components, including in the Van Ness, Church, Castro, and Forest Hill Muni Metro stations. At this time, SFMTA operates a total of fifty-two elevators and escalators. Forty elevators and escalators are located in the Muni Metro System. The twelve remaining elevators are located at other facilities. The elevators in the Muni Metro Subway, which provide critical access to platform, station and street levels, have not been upgraded since the system was built in the 1970s. Elevators experience high failure rates as a result, which have led to several recent breakdowns and entrapments. This project will replace several components that are most prone to failure, including door operators, landing doors, cab doors, door tracks, sills and sill angles, thus extending their useful life and improving reliability.
  • Reference:2016-010674ENV
  • Received:Aug 17, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Geotechnical Investigation Project for Mountain Tunnel Long-Term Improvement Project - The proposed project involves the drilling of geotechnical corings along the 12-mile alignment of the SFPUC's Mountain Tunnel to improve understanding of subsurface conditions affecting the condition of tunnel. 12 cores would be drilled, primarily within the SFPUC's Raker Act right-of-way corridor across Stanislaus National Forest land and Bureau of Land Management land. Total ground disturbance would be less than 1/3 acre.
  • Reference:2016-010547ENV
  • Received:Aug 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1392nd meeting on 8/17/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-011125ENV
  • Received:Aug 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 17, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Cryogenic Oxygen Plant Demolition & Liquid Oxygen Systems Upgrades Project at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant - The proposed Project involves removal and replacement of the current liquid oxygen storage tanks and the vaporizers and cooling towers. In addition, the Oxygen Generation Building (SEP 270) would be demolished. The replacement equipment would be located on the north side of the existing transformer. Removal and replacement of these pieces of equipment would include removal of concrete foundations and related piping. To support the new liquid oxygen storage tanks and vaporizers, a new foundation slab approximately 70 feet long by 40 feet wide and 3 feet thick would be poured. The liquid oxygen tanks foundation would be supported by a total of 39 12-3/4 inch diameter steel torque-down piles, a minimum of 55 feet deep.
  • Reference:2016-010393ENV
  • Received:Aug 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5629 for public hearing 8/19/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-010474ENV
  • Received:Aug 09, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 19, 2016
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1391st meeting on 8/11/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-010476ENV
  • Received:Aug 09, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 11, 2016
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Description: 5210 Diamond Heights Boulevard (George Christopher Playground) - Demolition of an existing children's playground. Construction of a new children's playground. Upgrades to additional park structures.
  • Reference:2016-010095ENV
  • Received:Aug 03, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Order 5624 for public hearing 8/5/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-010479ENV
  • Received:Aug 02, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 05, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Bryant Street Bike Network Improvement Project - SFMTA proposed to install bike lanes on both sides of Bryant Street between Division Street and 17th Street. As an active transit corridor for vehicles in revenue service and vehicles traveling to and from the Potrero Division, bicycle lanes will provide the benefit of increased separation between bicyclists and large vehicles. The typical proposed roadway configuration is 9’ curbside on-street parking, 5’ bike lanes, and one 11’ travel lane in each direction. The typical existing roadway configuration is one 25’ travel lane in each direction with curbside on-street parking. Zero on-street parking will be removed for the purpose of installing the bicycle lanes. This project will increase the amount of bicycle lanes on San Francisco streets by 0.6 mile. The proposed bike lanes were not evaluated in the San Francisco Bicycle Plan Environmental Impact Report. In addition to bicycling improvements, this project will also install intersection daylighting to improve pedestrian safety through improved visibility. Intersection daylighting will be installed at the following locations: • Southbound Bryant Street north of 17th Street (Removes 1 on-street parking space) • Southbound Bryant north of 16th Street (Removes 1 on-street parking space) • Westbound 16th Street west of Bryant Street (Removes 1 on-street parking space) • Northbound Bryant Street north of 15th Street (Removes 1 on-street parking space) The extents of this project are part of an active Muni transit route, 27-Bryant. This project will implement bus stop consolidation and relocation for the 27-Bryant. The proposed bus stop consolidation is not related to Travel Time Reduction Proposals identified as part of the Muni Forward program and evaluated in the Transit Effectiveness Project Environmental Impact Report. The combined bus stop consolidations and relocations will result in a total net loss of 3 on-street parking spaces.
  • Reference:2016-009887ENV
  • Received:Jul 28, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation Project for Repair of San Andreas Reservoir Service Road - The proposed project involves two geotechnical borings to a depth of 60 feet below ground surface at two locations along the East Shore Service Road, adjacent to San Andreas Reservoir in San Mateo County, which has been damaged by landslides.
  • Reference:2016-009835ENV
  • Received:Jul 27, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Walkfirst Pedestrian Countdown Signals - The SFMTA Walkfirst Pedestrian Countdown Signals # 1 project aims to improve signal visibility and/or pedestrian crossings at the 17 locations throughout the city. The scope of w ork includes the installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal poles, controller cabinets, and accessible pedestrian signals at existing signalized intersections. The maximum excavation is eleven (11) feet for the signal pole foundations, eighteen (18) inches for the pull boxes, sixteen (16) inches for the cabinet foundation, and twenty-four (24) inches for the underground conduits. In addition, Six (6) foot wide sidewalk bulb-outs are proposed for the northeast and southwest corners of 22nd Street and South Van Ness Avenue, removing one (1) metered and two (2) unmetered parking spaces. Five (5) foot wide sidewalk bulb-outs are proposed for the northwest, southwest, and southeast corners of Acton Street Mission Street and Sickles Avenue, w ith no impact to parking.
  • Reference:2016-009678ENV
  • Received:Jul 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Evening Taxi Zone - Van Ness @ Grove - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes the following parking and traffic modification on the west side of Van Ness Avenue between Grove and Hayes Streets: ESTABLISH – TAXI ONLY ZONE, 6 PM TO 12 MIDNIGHT, DAILY - Van Ness Avenue, west side, from 30 feet to 96 feet south of Grove Street
  • Reference:2016-009695ENV
  • Received:Jul 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1390 for Meeting of 7/28/2016 - Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-009622ENV
  • Received:Jul 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 28, 2016
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Description: SFMTA Order No. 5618 for Public Hearing on 7/29/2016 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1 (c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-009619ENV
  • Received:Jul 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 29, 2016
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Description: 3950 Scott Street - Temporary Harbor Master Office Trailer - Temporary Harbor Master Office Trailer
  • Reference:2016-009616ENV
  • Received:Jul 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - Crocker Amazon Farm Project - The proposed project involves the development of an approximately 10,000 square foot community garden on the approximately 40,000 square foot Amazon Reservoir Tract site. Approximately 18,000 square feet would be graded to a depth of 2.5 feet, approximately 1,667 cubic yards of soil would be excavated, approximately 4,900 square feet would be paved.
  • Reference:2016-009396ENV
  • Received:Jul 19, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 9900026
Description: Port - Pier 26 Fireboat Berth - The Pier 26 north apron repair would involve the removal and replacement of damaged and missing fender piles. The construction work would use substitute materials but would be generally consistent with the original pier apron design including replacing the fender piles. The project would also modify the existing depressed rail bed by placing replacement materials above the rail bed, in order to create a continuous apron deck to allow SFFD staff access between the pier shed and the fireboat and life safety vessels. The existing historic depressed rail and the rail bed structural elements would remain. In addition, the project scope would remove environmentally harmful creosote-treated piles and replace them with steel piles that are smaller in diameter.
  • Reference:2016-009312ENV
  • Received:Jul 18, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 15, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin to Priest Reservoir Fiber Optic Installation - The proposed project involves the installation of fiber optic cable on existing power/telephone lines between the SFPUC facilities at the Town of Moccasin to Priest Reservoir. Most of the new cable would be installed on existing power or telephone poles that are accessible along a maintained transmission corridor or existing access roads. However, three new poles would be required along the route, on the shoulder of a road between the top of the Moccasin Penstocks and the top of Priest Grade. One pole would be 40 feet tall, and the other two would be 30 feet tall above existing grade.
  • Reference:2016-008955ENV
  • Received:Jul 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Roof Replacement Project for Peninsula Watershed Buildings - The proposed project involves the replacement of roofing material on the following buildings within the San Francisco Peninsula Watershed lands: San Andreas Cottage, Davis Tunnel Cottage and Outbuildings, Upper Crystal Springs Cottage, and the Cypress Work Center.
  • Reference:2016-008971ENV
  • Received:Jul 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Owens Street Two-Way Left Turn Lane - Currently, the segment of Owens Street between C Street and 16th Street is unstriped from 40 feet south of C Street to 160 feet north of 16th Street, as shown in Exhibit A. This project will install a center-running, two-way left turn lane on this segment and a left turn pocket at the intersection of Owens Street and C Street, as shown in Exhibit B. The project also includes installation of a left turn only lane on southbound 16th Street at the Owens Street intersection. This project does not preclude implementation of the future improvements (two through lanes in each direction of Owens Street) proposed in the Mission Bay EIR.
  • Reference:2016-008912ENV
  • Received:Jul 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5610 for Public Hearing on 7/15/16 - Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-008951ENV
  • Received:Jul 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 15, 2016
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1389 for Meeting of 7/14/2016 - Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-008947ENV
  • Received:Jul 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 14, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Gates and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Project - The proposed project involves the installation of security gates, related roadway improvements, electric-vehicle charging stations, and security cameras at the SFPUC's facilities in the Town of Moccasin, Tuolumne County.
  • Reference:2016-008905ENV
  • Received:Jul 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD West Portal Playground Improvements - Redesign playground and add new equipment, new seating area.
  • Reference:2016-008794ENV
  • Received:Jul 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - Emergency Repairs along Forest Service Road 1S01 to Mountain Tunnel Adit 5/6 - The proposed project involves emergency repairs to approximately 60 linear feet of Forest Service Road 1S01, which provides access to Mountain Tunnel Adit 5/6 in Tuolumne County.
  • Reference:2016-008769ENV
  • Received:Jul 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Grattan Street One-Way Conversion - The SFMTA proposes a one-way conversion on Grattan Street between Shrader and Cole Streets. This section of Grattan Street would be converted into an eastbound one-way street, with one lane of traffic. Existing curbside parking would not be changed as a result of the one-way conversion. The typical cross-section would be seven foot parking lanes on each side of the street, and a 16-foot eastbound vehicle lane. The appropriate regulatory signage would be installed including one-way signs, and the corresponding no right turn and no left turn signs. In accordance with the proposed one-way eastbound operation of Grattan Street, no turns would be permitted from Cole Street onto Grattan Street in the westbound direction.
  • Reference:2016-008649ENV
  • Received:Jul 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5606 for public hearing 7/1/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-008645ENV
  • Received:Jul 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 01, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Banks Street One-Way Conversion - The SFMTA proposes a one-way conversion is on a two (2) block stretch of Banks Street between Jarboe Avenue and Ogden Avenue. Banks Street from Jarboe Avenue to Tompkins Avenue, and Banks Street from Tompkins Avenue to Ogden Avenue would each be converted into one-way streets southbound, with one lane of traffic. The project would also expand school bus loading zones and daylight a busy corner. This project would establish Banks Street as having one-way operation between Jarboe Avenue and Ogden Avenue. Existing curbside parking would not be changed as a result of the one-way conversion. The typical cross-section would be seven foot parking lanes on each side of the street, and an 11-foot southbound vehicle lane. The appropriate regulatory signage would be installed including one-way signs, and the corresponding no right turn and no left turn signs. Additionally, an approximately 17-foot-long red curb daylighting zone to improve pedestrian visibility would be established on the south side Tompkins Avenue at Prentiss Street.
  • Reference:2016-008383ENV
  • Received:Jun 27, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: Recreation & Park - East Harbor Marina - The SF RPD proposes to place a 15 ft x 15 ft Organoclay Reactive Core Mat® (RCM) cap as an interim remedial measure (IRM) over surface sediments just east of the toe of the riprap and entrance to Slip 58A on the western end of Dock 8 in the San Francisco East Harbor Marina. The purpose of the IRM is to mitigate an occasional seep/sheen point source that occurs during some low tides; the IRM is intended to be a temporary measure until the marina remediation dredging and capping is completed (currently scheduled to begin in summer 2018).
  • Reference:2016-008348ENV
  • Received:Jun 24, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Order 5600 for public hearing 6/24/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. - Approval Action: SFMTA Board; - Approval Action Date: 6/24/2016
  • Reference:2016-008278ENV
  • Received:Jun 23, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 24, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT 1388th meeting on 6/23/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-008647ENV
  • Received:Jun 23, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 23, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Powerhouse Physical Security Upgrades - The project involves internal security modifications to the Moccasin Powerhouse, primarily the addition of small pieces of electronic equipment, as well as the replacement of 170 linear feet of existing fence and the addition of 130 linear feet of new fence in an existing utility yard.
  • Reference:2016-008181ENV
  • Received:Jun 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation for Mariposa Pump Station Dry-Weather Force Main Improvements Project - The proposed geotechnical investigation would provide information to facilitate the design of the Mariposa Pump Station Dry-Weather Force Main Improvements Project. The SFPUC proposes to drill three 8-inch diameter borings to a depth of 150 feet, and seven to a depth of 8 feet, for a total of 10 borings along Illinois Street from Mariposa Street to south of 20th Street.
  • Reference:2016-008099ENV
  • Received:Jun 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - One Henry Adams Bulb-Outs - SFMTA has received a request to approve three corner bulb-outs and two red zones in conjunction with the One Henry Adams Street Project (Planning Department Case No. 2000.618E). One of these bulb-outs on the northwest corner of Alameda and Rhode Island Streets was reviewed and approved as part of the development project as part of Improvement Measure I-TR-22b. As such, SFMTA is seeking environmental evaluation for the remaining two corner bulb-outs and two red zones: 1) One (1) bulb-out at northeast corner of Henry Adams and Alameda Streets; 2) One (1) bulb-out at southeast corner of Henry Adams and Division Streets; 3) One (1) red zone at southwest corner of Rhode Island and Division Streets; 4) One (1) red zone at northwest corner of Rhode Island and Alameda Streets. While being constructed in coordination with the aforementioned development project, these proposals provide utility to pedestrian safety independent from other elements proposed as part of the One Henry Adams Street Project. The proposed bulb-outs would involve excavation of approximately 4-12 feet below ground surface. Approximately eight on-street parking spaces would be removed; however, no loading zones would be removed.
  • Reference:2016-007998ENV
  • Received:Jun 20, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Seismic Reliability and Condition Assessment at Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant - The proposed project involves seismic and structural improvements to Building 042 (Sedimentation Building No. 2) and various underground structures at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant. A maximum of 112 drilled piers would be constructed in either two or three rows around the perimeter of the building. Upon installation of the piers, a four-foot thick matt slab would be poured to strengthen the foundation of the building. To limit the extent of the slab, piers could also be drilled inside tanks 1 and 7. The slab would be below grade and once completed, the areas surrounding the building would either be restored to their general pre-project condition or would support uses related to the surrounding buildings (e.g., utilities which would be installed above the slab and piers). Repairs to spalling concrete and corroding re-bar (involving the removal of corrosion and the sealing of the re-bar) would be made to underground structural elements under Building 240 (Secondary Bypass Junction Structure) and Building 525 (Primary Effluent Channel and Disinfection Facility). None of the proposed repairs would increase the treatment capacity of the SEWPCP, nor would they enlarge the building envelope of any of the buildings or expand the footprint of any of the buildings. The propose work to seismically strengthen the building would be completed whether other projects at the SEWPCP are undertaken or not.
  • Reference:2016-007796ENV
  • Received:Jun 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Water & Sewer Line Replacement Project on Waller, Carmelita, Pierce, Steiner, Fillmore, Webster, & Buchanan Streets - The proposed project involves the replacement and rehabilitation of existing water mains beneath Waller St. (from Octavia St. to Laguna St. and from Buchanan St & Scott St.), Carmelita St. (from Waller St. to Duboce Park), Pierce St. (from Haight St. & Duboce Park), Steiner St. (from Laussat St. & Waller St.), Fillmore St. (from Haight St. to Waller St.), Webster St. (from Haight St. to Waller St.) and at the intersection of Buchanan and Waller Streets. Sewer pipelines would also be replaced under Waller St. (from Scott St. to Divisadero St. and from Divisadero St. to Broderick St.), Carmelita St. (from Waller St. to Deboce Park), and Waller St. (from Fillmore St. to Steiner St. -- a brick sewer would be lined). A total of approximately 5,500 linear feet of water main would be replaced and approximately 1,300 feet of sewer line would be replaced for a total of approximately 6,800 linear feet (or approximately 1.3 miles) of pipeline would be replaced or rehabilitated under this project.
  • Reference:2016-007718ENV
  • Received:Jun 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - New Crystal Springs Bypass Tunnel Repairs Project - The proposed project involves the installation of a concrete swale (300 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 18-inches deep) along a gravel-covered access road that serves the New Crystal Bypass Tunnel, as well as the grading of a new ditch from a sump pump toward a creek and the installation of approximately 50 linear feet of rip-rap. All other repairs would be complete in the interior of the tunnel and would not expand the water-transmission capacity of the tunnel.
  • Reference:2016-007725ENV
  • Received:Jun 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sunol Golf Course Maintenance Project - The proposed project involves the following interim maintenance actions at the currently closed Sunol Golf Course in Alameda County: 1) augment approximately 3,000 linear feet of existing, deteriorated chain-link fencing along the southern margin of the golf course with new T-posts and 6-strand wire fencing, 44-inches tall, which would be installed just inside the existing fence line; 2) maintain golf course grass & vegetation to a height of less than 8 inches using hand tools, mowers, line/blade trimmers, etc., to minimize fire risk. Areas with steep slopes, under trees, and unreachable by mowers would be maintained with hand tools and/or blade/line trimmers; 3) rehabilitate (including reseeding, cultivation of putting-green grass, soil conditioning) and maintain greensward (irrigation, mowing, fertilizing, pesticide treatment, etc.) on 18 existing putting greens; and 4) test, rehabilitate, and repair existing putting green irrigation system, as needed.
  • Reference:2016-007733ENV
  • Received:Jun 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5594 for Public Hearing on 6/17/16 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-007625ENV
  • Received:Jun 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 17, 2016
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Description: 1 Harding Road - Saint Ignatius is proposing to add a floating dock to an existing dock at the Lake Merced boathouse. The existing dock is approximately 40 years old and they are proposing to bolt an extension dock to it. The new dock is an interlocking prefabricated system that does not require construction.
  • Reference:2016-007651ENV
  • Received:Jun 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1387 for Meeting of 6/9/2016 - Temporary Street Closures. Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-007620ENV
  • Received:Jun 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 09, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Webster Street Pedestrian Countdown Signal Upgrade - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to install new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal poles, controller cabinets, and pedestrian signals at the existing signalized intersections outlined below. The maximum excavation depth is eleven feet for signal pole foundations, two feet for underground conduit, eighteen inches for pull boxes, and sixteen inches for cabinet foundations. The following locations are included in this project: 1) McAllister Street and Webster Street, 2) Golden Gate Avenue and Webster Street, 3) Turk Street and Webster Street 4) Eddy Street and Webster Street, 5) Post Street and Webster Street, 6) Sutter Street and Webster Street 7) California Street and Webster Street
  • Reference:2016-007310ENV
  • Received:Jun 02, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPW FY 2016-17 Annual Street Surfacing Program - Street resurfacing within the existing right-of-way on 632 blocks. Seal roadway cracks, replace road base, add/replace ADA-compliant curb ramps, move catch basins and utilities as necessary.
  • Reference:2016-007289ENV
  • Received:Jun 02, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: RPD Twin Peaks - Mt. Sutro Connector Trail - Proposed addition of 1,380 linear feet of (N) trail construction while widening & upgrading 1,570 linear feet of (E) trails. Upgrades to (E) social trails.
  • Reference:2016-007295ENV
  • Received:Jun 02, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFO Perimeter Buoy Replacement - Proposed replacement of 22 (E) buoys and addition of 4 (N) buoys to reestablish the original bay-side security perimeter.
  • Reference:2016-007302ENV
  • Received:Jun 02, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Jerry Garcia Amphitheater in John McLaren Park (61 Shelley Drive) - Install four new wayfinding signs, and one new park identification sign to help visitors navigate to the amphitheater. Repave approximately 1,210 sq. ft. in front of amphitheater. Install new catch basin to improve drainage at site.
  • Reference:2016-007280ENV
  • Received:Jun 02, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - Starr King Elementary School Solar Electric Project - The proposed project involves the roof-top installation of a 60 kilowatt solar electric system, including 294 photovoltaic modules.
  • Reference:2016-007244ENV
  • Received:Jun 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Public Realm Bottle-Fill Stations Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of drinking fountains at 14 various public parks and quasi-public location throughout the City with bottle-fill stations, plus one new location at the Bayview Opera House. Minor excavation may be required at a number of the replacement locations requiring replacement of the foundation. An area 2-1/2 to 3 feet square would be excavated to pour replacement foundations. At the Bayview Opera House site, excavation to install 1/2-inch diameter water pipes and 1-inch diameter sewer pipe 70-feet long and 12-inches wide would be required.
  • Reference:2016-007242ENV
  • Received:Jun 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 1801 Jerrold Avenue Land Reuse Project - The proposed project involves the jurisdictional transfer of 1801 Jerrold Avenue, which is adjacent to the SPFUC's Southeast Pollution Control Plant, from Public Works to the SFPUC. In exchange, Public Works would obtain jurisdiction of the SFPUC's Napoleon Street site, which is adjacent to the DPW Yard. After the jurisdictional transfer is complete, the SFPUC would demolish the decommissioned asphalt plant at 1801 Jerrold Avenue and vacate Quint Street, extending from the Caltrain berm to Jerrold Avenue. Conditions at the Napoleon Street Site would not change.
  • Reference:2016-007250ENV
  • Received:Jun 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Water Main Installation Project on Prospect Ave., Coso Ave., Coleridge St., & Fair Ave. - The proposed project involves the installation of approximately 3,277 linear feet of new 24-inch water mains on Prospect Ave. (from Cortland Ave. to Coso Ave.), on Coso Ave. ( from Prospect Ave. to Coleridge St.), on Coleridge St. (from Coso Ave. to Fair Ave.), and on Fair Ave. (from Coleridge St. to Mission St.).
  • Reference:2016-007175ENV
  • Received:May 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Water Main Installation Project on Prospect Ave., Coso Ave., Coleridge St., & Fair Ave. - The proposed project involves the installation of approximately 3,277 linear feet of new 24-inch water mains on Prospect Ave. (from Cortland Ave. to Coso Ave.), on Coso Ave. ( from Prospect Ave. to Coleridge St.), on Coleridge St. (from Coso Ave. to Fair Ave.), and on Fair Ave. (from Coleridge St. to Mission St.).
  • Reference:2016-007174ENV
  • Received:May 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 48-inch Water Main Replacement on Putnam Street - The proposed project involves the replacement of 1,800 linear feet of an existing 44-inch water main with a 48-inch water main in the same location on Putnam Street, from Peralta Avenue to Cortland Avenue in the Bernal Heights neighborhood.
  • Reference:2016-007164ENV
  • Received:May 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Bay Corridor Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Project - The proposed project involves the construction of new underground and overhead electrical power transmission cables, as well as approximately 90 below-grade concrete vaults for electrical and communications equipment.
  • Reference:2016-007195ENV
  • Received:May 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Rehabilitation of the Sea Water Tunnel Intake to the AWSS Pump Station No. 1 - The proposed project involves upgrades to the tunnel (which is 15 feet below the ground surface) including surface and subsurface accessories and appurtenances. Work would include installation of a HDPE sleeve liner, repair of concrete, the installation of interior bolts, and the replacement of a valve. No dewatering would be required and most of the work would be done inside the tunnel by divers. One vault that opens at ground level within the Embarcadero would be enlarged from a 3-foot diameter manhole to a 5-foot by 5-foot access door hatch. No excavation is proposed. The project is located under the Embarcadero and Townsend Street, extending from the eastern side of the Embarcadero to 100 feet west of Second Street.
  • Reference:2016-007190ENV
  • Received:May 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Pink Triangle on Christmas Tree Point 2016 - Temporary installation of a banner at Christmas Tree Point (Twin Peaks) illuminated by portable floodlights from dusk on June 24, 2016 until 11:50 PM on June 26, 2016.
  • Reference:2016-007144ENV
  • Received:May 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: SFMTA - Turk and Leavenworth Bulb-Outs - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to construct three (3) concrete sidewalk bulb-outs at the intersections of Eddy and Leavenworth Street, Turk and Leavenworth Street, and Turk and Jones Street. These bulb-outs would replace three existing painted safety zones (PSZs) and would occupy approximately the same area. The three bulb-outs would be installed at the following locations: • Eddy Street/Leavenworth Street – pedestrian bulb on southeast corner • Turk Street/Leavenworth Street – pedestrian bulb on southwest corner • Turk Street/Jones Street – pedestrian bulb on southeast corner No more than three parking spaces would foreseeably be removed as part of the project, though likely no parking loss would result. The proposed bulb-outs would require excavation to a depth of approximately three feet in the public right-of-way.
  • Reference:2016-006928ENV
  • Received:May 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5587 for Public Hearing on 6/3/2016 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-006887ENV
  • Received:May 25, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 03, 2016
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Description: SFPUC Reliable Power Project - The SFPUC is proposing to conduct long-term vegetation management activities on the 230kV power transmission right-of-way between Holm and Kirkwood Powerhouses and Warnerville Switchyard. The vegetation management program would address the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) reliability standard (FAC-003-3) for right-of-way vegetation management. The project also includes culvert maintenance and replacements (200-300 culverts) on transmission access roads in order to ensure access to the transmission line. In addition, a sand storage shed is proposed for construction to store sand for winter road maintenance and access. The proposed shed would be located near the top of Intake Hill near Cherry Lake Road in Tuolumne County. Because the proposed new structure would be located outside the City of San Francisco the tree planting and tree removal regulations identified in Items 4a and 4b below do not apply.
  • Reference:2016-006868ENV
  • Received:May 24, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Moscone Center Garage Public Art Gift - The SFMTA proposes to accept and permit a gift of public art, to be installed on the Moscone Center Parking Garage at 255 3rd Street. The Moscone Center Garage is owned by the SFMTA and was constructed in 1983. The art will be commissioned from the artist Barry McGee by Sites Unseen, a project to place public art in Yerba Buena District alleyways. The project is produced by Sites Unseen, a fiscally-sponsored initiative of the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District. The artist will create and install a multi-part mural in approximately seven locations on the Moscone Garage. There will be five artwork elements on the exterior of the garage, and two smaller artwork elements on the interior of the garage. The mural will include colorful, abstract, graphic elements as well as text-based elements. The depiction mural shall be installed on the Moscone Garage as depicted in Exhibit A. The San Francisco Arts Commission approved the design and location of the art on March 16, 2016.
  • Reference:2016-006790ENV
  • Received:May 23, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: 1125 Fillmore Street - Northern Police Station Roof Replacement - Seismic, structural, electrical and plumbing improvements to an existing police station. Replace roof .
  • Reference:2016-006672ENV
  • Received:May 19, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Police
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Description: SFMTA - Arguello Boulevard Safety Project - Near Term Improvements - The SFMTA proposes to make safety improvements for people walking and bicycling on Arguello Boulevard between Fulton Street and West Pacific Avenue. This project will use paint treatments to increase the visibility of pedestrians and people on bikes, provide buffered bike lanes to further separate bikes from motor vehicles, and create safer intersection crossings. This is a paint-only, near-term project.
  • Reference:2016-006612ENV
  • Received:May 19, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Mission and Trumbull Traffic Signal Upgrade - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to upgrade existing traffic signals located at the intersection of Mission Street and Trumbull Street. The proposed project involves the replacement of existing signal poles, foundations, signal conduits, pull boxes, signal heads, a new cabinet, and other related traffic signal hardware. The project would be constructed in conjunction with San Francisco Public Works street repaving. Specific locations for traffic signals and associated hardware are shown in Appendix A. Traffic signal conduit and pull box installation would entail excavation of approximately two (2) feet in depth, while traffic signal installation would entail excavation of approximately nine (9) feet in depth. Each new/upgraded traffic signal would also include attached pedestrian signals.
  • Reference:2016-006659ENV
  • Received:May 19, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: Port of San Francisco - SWL 321 Electric Service - Add new electrical service to support lighting and parking attendee station at surface parking lot located between The Embarcadero, Green Street and Front Street. Install underground 3” conduit and wiring and a 10” x 20” x 63” electrical service pedestal. The trench along Front Street will be 1.5’ x 2.58’ x 106’. The total area affected will be 411 sf.
  • Reference:2016-006517ENV
  • Received:May 18, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 1386 for Meeting of 5/26/2016 - Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-006577ENV
  • Received:May 18, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:May 26, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Order # 5584 for Public Hearing on 5/27/2016 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-006581ENV
  • Received:May 18, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:May 27, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Kirkwood Penstock Short-Term Risk Reduciton Mesasures Project - The project involves constructing a new foundation monitoring warning system, consisting of 3 monitoring stations and 43 prisms, as well as repairs of damaged concrete on the on the penstocks foundations and cleaning out the existing drainage system.
  • Reference:2016-006349ENV
  • Received:May 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Overhead Contact System Switch Relocation - Presidio Avenue - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to relocate an existing Overhead Contact System (OCS) switch 60 feet north on west side on Presidio Avenue between Sacramento and California Streets. The scope of work includes removing the existing switch, guy wires and attachments and reinstalling the switch at the proposed location along with new guy wires and OCS attachments. There would be no excavation involved with this work. See attached plans for specific locations.
  • Reference:2016-006361ENV
  • Received:May 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1385th meeting on 5/12/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: ISCOTT / Approval Action Date: 5/12/2016
  • Reference:2016-006257ENV
  • Received:May 12, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 12, 2016
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Description: Port of San Francisco - Pier 38 Improvements - The proposed project would undertake a number of building repairs to accommodate proposed activities related to the development of testing of self-driving trucks. At project completion, the proposed uses on site would include the installation, calibration and repair of guidance systems on the test trucks, the machining and repair of system components, and related design and engineering work. Up to 20 diesel truck cabs (no trailers) would be stored and worked on inside the pier shed but would not be fueled or test-driven on the premises. The proposed use would employ approximately 100 staff on the project site and would take up approximately 85,000 sf (approximately 88%) of the pier’s shed building. To accommodate the proposed uses, up to five temporary office trailers (totalling approximately 5,000 sf) would be placed inside the shed building, with employee parking for up to 30 vehicles designated along the shed’s south side. In addition, various repairs would be undertaken to the existing structure to address building code violations, which include replacing broken windows, resurfacing the shed floor, minor repairs to utility services, exiting and path-of-travel repairs, and other minor life safety improvements. The proposed use would operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. A lease between the Port and the lessee would allow these uses for up to 12 months.
  • Reference:2016-006188ENV
  • Received:May 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA - Lower Stockton Improvement Project - The Lower Stockton Improvement Project proposes to establish a transit, bicycle and pedestrian mall on Stockton Street between Market Street and Post Street. This section of Stockton Street has been closed to vehicular traffic since 2012 due to construction on the Central Subway. In the recent past, the street has been temporarily re-opened to pedestrians only during the holiday season (Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day) in a program called the “Winter Walk.” Owing to the success of the Winter Walk in promoting economic development and creating public space in the heart of the City, the local business community has asked City staff to re-design Stockton Street into a street with a similar feel to the temporary Winter Walk, and use this design to return the street to the public in 2018 in place of the original street.
  • Reference:2016-006060ENV
  • Received:May 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Pulgas Balancing Reservoir Communications Conduit Project - The proposed project involves the installation of a 2-inch diameter conduit made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) for a new access-control security system. This conduit would extend from the Pulgas Balancing Reservoir, located at 56 Canada Road in Redwood City, to the Pulgas Dechloramination Facility, located at 80 Canada Road, across the street.
  • Reference:2016-006090ENV
  • Received:May 10, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS File No. 160383 - Ordinance amending the Environment Code to prohibit the sale of food service ware and other specified products including packing materials that are made from polystyrene foam or that are non-recyclable and non-compostable; setting an operative date of January 1, 2017; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2016-005945ENV
  • Received:May 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 26, 2016
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Description: BOS File No. 160381 Charter Amendment and Business and Tax Regulations Code - City Responsibility and Parcel Tax for Street Trees - Charter Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to transfer responsibility for the maintenance of street trees to the City and establish a special fund primarily to pay for such maintenance and the maintenance of trees on San Francisco Unified School District property; to amend the Business and Tax Regulations Code to add a special parcel tax primarily to fund the City’s maintenance of street trees and the maintenance of trees on San Francisco Unified School District property; to increase the City’s appropriations limit by the amount of the parcel tax for four years from November 8, 2016; and to affirm the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2016-005941ENV
  • Received:May 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 22, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Kirkland, Scott & Flynn Tank Upgrade Project - Removal, replacement & repair of (E) fuel dispensers &storage tanks at three separate sites.
  • Reference:2016-005915ENV
  • Received:May 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: RPD - Arrowhead Reservoir at Sharp Park - Drain Arrowhead Reservoir in Sharp Park to eliminate potential predators and to restore and enhance potential habitat for California red-legged frog and San Francisco garter snake. Draining would occur over two to five consecutive days in summer/fall 2016 and would be accomplished by opening an existing 10-inch water main valve. The contents of the reservoir would drain into the adjacent remediated rifle range. Arrowhead Lake would refill naturally by rainwater during the 2016-2017 rainy season.
  • Reference:2016-005919ENV
  • Received:May 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RPD - Conservatory of Flowers support structures - Legalize four structures previously installed on the site: three temporary trailers installed in 2007 as office and support space for volunteers and staff, and the Orchid Pavilion erected in 2008 as event space for the Conservatory.
  • Reference:2016-000223ENV
  • Received:May 05, 2016
  • Status:On Hold
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA - Municipal Railway's FY16-17 MTC Claim for Operating Assistance - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Municipal Railway (SFMTA) has received operating and capital assistance from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) each fiscal year. The funds provide financial support to maintain, and sometimes restore, existing transit services. The SFMTA proposes to apply and eventually accept Operating and Capital Assistance from MTC for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, which would continue to fund existing operations and lease agreements.
  • Reference:2016-005862ENV
  • Received:May 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Demolition of Abandoned Structure at Lake Merced - The project involves the demolition of a one-story wood frame shed, approximately 100 feet square, located at the San Francisco Police Department Pistol Range at Lake Merced. Handheld tools would be used to demolish the structure and remove the debris.
  • Reference:2016-005685ENV
  • Received:May 02, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS Referral: File No. 160381 - Charter Amendment and Business and Tax Regulations Code - City Responsibility and Parcel Tax for Street Trees - Charter Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to transfer responsibility for the maintenance of street trees to the City and establish a special fund primarily to pay for such maintenance and the maintenance of trees on San Francisco Unified School District property; to amend the Business and Tax Regulations Code to add a special parcel tax primarily to fund the City’s maintenance of street trees and the maintenance of trees on San Francisco Unified School District property; to increase the City’s appropriations limit by the amount of the parcel tax for four years from November 8, 2016; and to affirm the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2016-005535ENV
  • Received:Apr 28, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS File No. 160383 - Ordinance amending the Environment Code to prohibit the sale of food service ware and other specified products including packing materials that are made from polystyrene foam or that are non-recyclable and non-compostable; setting an operative date of January 1, 2017; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2016-005537ENV
  • Received:Apr 28, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC - Van Ness Bus Rapid Transit Street Lighting Improvement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement/installation of 19 streetlights to improve both roadway and pedestrian lighting at various location s along Van Ness Avenue in advance of the approved SFMTA Bus Rapid Transit Project. For each new streetlight, the SFPUC would install a 17-inch by 30-inch concrete pull box in the sidewalk to pull wires between fixtures. The project also involves the replacement of the two existing active series loop circuits, in order to limit the number of streetlights that would be out of service at any one time.
  • Reference:2016-005522ENV
  • Received:Apr 28, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD - Bay View Park Improvements - Proposed expansion of (E) playground slightly into the surrounding lawn; installation of (N) picnic tables and BBQ grills near the Keith Street entrance that were displaced by the northwest path at the edge of the field, repair the sports field and replace/add several exterior lights near the playground.
  • Reference:2016-005458ENV
  • Received:Apr 27, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC Proposal to Adopt Customer Self-Generation Program Implementing Net Energy Metering and Shared Renewable Energy Schedules - The proposed action by the SFPUC would direct the SFPUC General Manager to implement the Net Energy Metering schedule for SFPUC retail electricity customers, as required by State of California Public Utilities Code Section 2827. For net electricity producers (over the course of a 12-month period), the SFPUC General manager would develop a Net Surplus Electricity Compensation Rate. SFPUC electricity customers would also qualify for the Shared Renewable Energy Program where benefits would be extended to multi-tenant and multi-meter facilities located on the same or contiguous properties as the qualified renewable energy facilities.
  • Reference:2016-005487ENV
  • Received:Apr 27, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Palou Ave. Complete Streets Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the repair or replacement of 3,684 linear feet of existing sewers under portions of Palou Ave. in the Bayview/Hunters Point neighborhood.
  • Reference:2016-005436ENV
  • Received:Apr 26, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Bicycle Wayfinding Signs - While ground breaking when first implemented, the current bicycle wayfinding system falls short of modern best practices in bicycling signs. The lack of clear and intuitive signs presents barriers to entry for novice bicyclists and confusion or lack of signs results in cyclists on roadways without designated facilities. In accordance with the City’s Transit First policy and the SFMTA’s Bicycle Strategy and Strategic Plan goal to make transit, walking, bicycling, taxi, ridesharing and carsharing the preferred means of travel, Sustainable Streets proposes updating the legacy bicycle route wayfinding system to reflect improvements to the bicycle network and to meet current wayfinding best practices. This effort would be funded by an Active Transportation Program (ATP) state grant and local Proposition K funds. Replacement and new signs will be installed in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Planning Department’s Historic Preservation Bicycle Wayfinding Signage Guidelines and Procedures Memorandum.
  • Reference:2016-005328ENV
  • Received:Apr 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Embarcadero Removal of Peak Hour Tow-Away - SFMTA proposes to rescind peak-hour tow-away restrictions along the Embarcadero at the following locations: 1) West side of Embarcadero from Broadway to 300 feet north of Washington Street 2) West side of Embarcadero from 240 feet south of Washington Street to Don Chee Way 3) East side of Embarcadero from Folsom Street to Howard Street No reduction in the number of travel lanes and no modification to parking or loading zones.
  • Reference:2016-005335ENV
  • Received:Apr 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Sloat Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements - The SFMTA, in coordination with Caltrans, proposes a series of improvements along Sloat Boulevard between 19th Avenue and 36th Avenue. The project would install one traffic signal at the intersection of Sloat Boulevard and El Mirasol Place. Also, the project would install bus and pedestrian bulb-outs at Sloat Boulevard/21st Avenue – pedestrian bulb on southwest corner, and bus bulb on northwest side (both extending into Sloat Boulevard), Sloat Boulevard/26th Avenue – pedestrian bulbs at northwest and southwest corners (both extending into Sloat Boulevard), Sloat Boulevard/El Mirasol Place – pedestrian bulbs on northeast corner (extending into both Sloat Boulevard and El Mirasol Place) and southeast corner (extending into Sloat Boulevard only), Sloat Boulevard/36th Avenue – pedestrian bulb on northwest corner (extending into 36th Avenue). Furthermore, the project would install daylighting at the following locations: 21st Avenue, east side, south of Sloat Boulevard, 26th Avenue, east side, south of Sloat Boulevard, Middlefield Drive, east side, south of Sloat Boulevard, El Mirasol Place, west side, north of Sloat Boulevard, Slyvan Place, east side, south of Sloat Boulevard, Sloat Boulevard, north side, east of 36th Avenue. In order to construct the pedestrian bulb-outs, the project would relocate four Muni bus zones which are served by Muni Route 23.
  • Reference:2016-005337ENV
  • Received:Apr 22, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 1384 for Meeting of 4/28/2016 - Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-005242ENV
  • Received:Apr 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 28, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Order 5568 for Public Hearing on 4/29/16 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-005239ENV
  • Received:Apr 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 29, 2016
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Description: RPD McLaren Park Community Garden Renovation - Renovate and expand existing 20,000 sq. ft. community garden. Create ADA-accessible entrance and upper terraced area. Add raised garden beds, 1-2 prefab tool sheds, compost bins, benches, tables, new irrigation, fencing, pathways, and landscaping. Expand footprint of garden to south approx. 2,000 sq. ft.
  • Reference:2016-005262ENV
  • Received:Apr 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA - WalkFirst New Signals and Pedestrian Improvements - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to install new traffic signals and streetlights at nine (9) intersections. The scope of work includes the installation of underground conduit with a maximum excavation of approximately two (2) feet and poles with a maximum excavation of approximately twelve (12) feet. Pull boxes are also to be installed at a depth of approximately two (2) feet. See attached plans for specific locations. Sidewalk bulbs to accommodate curb ramps are proposed on the northeast corner of Geneva and Delano and on the northwest corner of Geneva and Esquina. The bulbs will remove one (1) unmetered parking space at both locations. A raised median island is proposed for the western crossing of Geneva at Esquina, replacing the existing painted median island. Existing median islands are proposed to be removed at three (3) intersections.
  • Reference:2016-005201ENV
  • Received:Apr 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPW - 1499 Hampshire Fence Replacement - Proposed removal of (E) chain-linked fence beneath (E) onramp structure at Potrero Ave at Cesar Chavez St and installation of (N) industrial-grade wrought iron fencing.
  • Reference:2016-005112ENV
  • Received:Apr 19, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt CleanPowerSF Net Energy Metering Schedule, Net Surplus Compensation Rates and New Time of Use Rates for Residential Customers - The proposed action involves the adoption of rates, tolls, fares, and charges related to the Net Energy Metering Schedule in support of solar and other renewable energy technologies in San Francisco.
  • Reference:2016-004972ENV
  • Received:Apr 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PORT OF SF - 19th & Illinois Street Parking Lot - Proposed construction at 250 parking spaces @ 19th/Illinois Street to serve Warriors and neighborhood parking.
  • Reference:2016-004949ENV
  • Received:Apr 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFPUC - Polk Streetscape Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement or repair of existing sewer lines along portions of Polk Street, North Point Street, Olive Street, Austin Street, and Frank Norris Street, totaling approximately 4,005 linear feet.
  • Reference:2016-004923ENV
  • Received:Apr 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Amendment to Revocable License for Propoed Upgrades to Existing Cellular Antenna - The SFPUC proposes to amend its existing revocable license to Sprint Corporation in order to accommodate Sprint's proposed upgrades to its existing cellular antenna, located on the roof of Building 800 at the Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant at 1701 Jerrold Avenue.
  • Reference:2016-004913ENV
  • Received:Apr 14, 2016
  • Status:Open
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Amendment to Revocable License for Proposed Upgrades to Existing Cellular Antenna - The SFPUC proposes to amend its existing revocable license to Sprint Corporation in order to accommodate Sprint's proposed upgrades to its existing cellular antenna, located on the roof of Building 800 at the Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant at 1701 Jerrold Avenue.
  • Reference:2016-004912ENV
  • Received:Apr 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Street Light Area Improvements Project - The proposed project involves the installation of 48 new street lights & poles along portions for 14 different streets throughout San Francisco. Each new streetlight pole would be 28-feet tall and would use light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Minor trenching would be required, 18-inches deep and 12-inches wide, with the length varying (100-feet to 700-feet long) depending on the location of the nearest power supply.
  • Reference:2016-004867ENV
  • Received:Apr 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Solar Electric Project at the San Francisco Police Academy - The proposed project involves the installation of solar electric system (200 to 270 kW) mounted on newly installed carports at the San Francisco Police Academy (350 Amber Drive), in the Diamond Heights Neighborhood. Approximately 833 panels would be required to generate 270 kW and approximately 615 panels would be required to generate 200 kW. The carports would be 15 to 20 feet tall, and depending on the number of panels installed, would be 20 to 30 feet wide by 115, 225, or 266 feet long.
  • Reference:2016-004875ENV
  • Received:Apr 13, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - O'Shaughnessy Chalet Remodel Project - The proposed project involves three primary components: 1) a remodel of the existing kitchen; 2) a resetting of the hinges of the exterior entry door on the west side of the building so that the door swings inward instead of outward, using hardware consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Rehabilitation; and 3) install a 100-gallon propane tank at the exterior of the building. Two locations on the west side of the building are being considered, in an area where infrastructural equipment is already present.
  • Reference:2016-004797ENV
  • Received:Apr 12, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Wholesale Revenue Requirement and Water Suply Agreement Charges for Fiscal Year 2017 - The SFPUC proposes the adoption of rates, fees, and charges for supplying water to SFPUC wholesale customers during the Fiscal Year 2017, to become effective July 1, 2016.
  • Reference:2016-004687ENV
  • Received:Apr 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Power Rates, Fees, and Charges for Furnishing Electric Power to Retail Customers for FY 2016-17 to FY 2017-18 - The SFPUC proposes the adoption of rates, fees, and charges for furnishing electric power to retail customers during the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 through Fiscal Year 2017-2018 to become effective July 1, 2016 and July 1, 2017.
  • Reference:2016-004678ENV
  • Received:Apr 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Proposal to Adopt Power Rates, Fees, and Charges for Furnishing Electric Power to Certain Municipal Department for FY 2016-17 to FY 2017-18 - The SFPUC proposes the adoption of rates, fees, and charges for furnishing electric power to certain municipal departments of the City and County of San Francisco and other public or governmental agencies during the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 through Fiscal Year 2017-2018, to become effective July 1, 2016 and July 1, 2017.
  • Reference:2016-004685ENV
  • Received:Apr 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 1383 Meeting of 4/15/2016 - Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-004617ENV
  • Received:Apr 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 15, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement & Pavement Renovation Project in SOMA, Bernal Heights, & Excelsior Districts 2016 - The proposed project involves the replacement and rehabilitation of approximately 5,403 linear feet of existing sewers in the SOMA, Bernal Heights, & Excelsior Districts. Portions of the following streets would be affected: 11th St., 12th St., Kissling St., Cesar Chavez St., Diamond St., Mississippi St., Rhode Island St., Athens St., Bancroft Ave., Elsie St., Madrid St., & London St.
  • Reference:2016-004543ENV
  • Received:Apr 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement & Pavement Renovation Project in the Haight-Ashbury, Tenderloin, & Diamond Heights Districts 2016 - The proposed project involves the replacement and rehabilitation of approximately 5,363 linear feet of existing sewers in the Haight-Ashbury, Tenderloin, & Diamond Heights Districts. Portions of the following streets would be effected: Steiner St., Laguna St., Eddy St., Delancy St., Dixey Alley, Woodside Ave., O'Shaughnessy Blvd., & Diamond St.
  • Reference:2016-004568ENV
  • Received:Apr 06, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - Ground Handling Services Relocation Project - Proposed demolition of an (E) joint ground handling services building (Building 11 ). (E) Building 11 uses require relocation while the Airport explores other potential permanent sites for several displaced uses.
  • Reference:2016-004400ENV
  • Received:Apr 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPUC - San Joaquin Pipelines Solar Arrrays Expansion Project - The proposed project involves the installation of 21 additional solar panels and cyclone fence enclosures at each of three locations along the San Joaquin pipelines in Stanislaus and Tuolumne Counties where solar panels were previously installed (see case no. 2007.1129E, as amended).
  • Reference:2016-004480ENV
  • Received:Apr 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Port of SF - Amador Street - Piers 90-94 Backlands - Proposed site grading, creation of an access road, (N) utilities, including landscape swales and beautification around the site perimeter and creation of leasing "pads".
  • Reference:2016-004338ENV
  • Received:Apr 04, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA - Van Ness Station ATCS Subway Wiring Project - The SFMTA proposes to replace deteriorating power and communication wiring that runs between Van Ness Station’s equipment room and wayside equipment—including track switch machines, light rail vehicle signals, and axle counters—in the Muni Metro Tunnel. A new wiring and wire enclosure system including conduits, raceway, pull boxes, termination circuits, interior components, and cabling will be installed.1 The replacements qualify as “ordinary maintenance and repairs” under Planning Code Article 10 Section 1005 (e) (3).
  • Reference:2016-004250ENV
  • Received:Apr 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Geneva Avenue/Munic Street-South Hill Boulevard Muni Layover Reconfiguration - The southern terminal for the Muni 43 Masonic Line is located between the adjacent intersections of Geneva Avenue/Munich Street and Munich Street/South Hill Boulevard. The proposed project would create a layover location that could accommodate two coaches that would be separated from general traffic lanes. This would include installation of a raised concrete median island. It would be constructed concurrently with a San Francisco Department of Public Works (DPW) roadway resurfacing project at the same general location.
  • Reference:2016-004245ENV
  • Received:Apr 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order 5562 for public hearing 4/15/2016 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board Approval Action Date: 4/15/2016
  • Reference:2016-004258ENV
  • Received:Apr 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 15, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Order #5557 for Public Hearing on April 1, 2016 - Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-004191ENV
  • Received:Mar 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 01, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 1382 Meeting of 3/24/2016 - Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations includin street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-004193ENV
  • Received:Mar 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 24, 2016
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Description: SFPW - Palou Complete Street Project - Streetscape improvements amd traffic calming along Palou Avenue between Barneveld Avenue and Crisp Road, and at the intersection of Oakdale Avenue and Phelps Street; roadway replacement. installation of median islands, landscaping, lighting, decorative crosswalks, signage, and paving. Creation of pedestrian plazas at Quint/Palou/Silver intersection and at Jennings/Palou. Concurrent sewer line replacement has independent utility (a separate but concurrent project).
  • Reference:2016-004209ENV
  • Received:Mar 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Wanerville Switchyard Upgrades Project - The proposed project involves the following improvements to the SFPUC Warnerville Substation (located on Warnerville Road in Oakdale, CA): replacement of transformers, upgrades to circuit breakers and control equipment, the construction of a new control room, and replacement of the perimeter fence.
  • Reference:2016-004225ENV
  • Received:Mar 31, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC Collection System Division Facilities Consolidation Project - The proposed project involves the clearing, grading, and development of the Griffith Pump Station -- located at the southeast corner of Shafter Avenue and Griffith Street in the Hunters Point neighborhood -- for the temporary relocation of the administrative and sewer operations staff of the SFPUC's Collection System Division, who are currently housed in modular offices at 160 Napoleon Street, in the Bayview district. For this purpose, the project proposes shallow grading of the fill onsite (3 to 4 feet), followed by paving to relocate 16 modular office trailers, then gaging them together to form a one-story field office building measuring approximately 94 feet by 120 feet that would support about 45 employees. The project also involves the development of 120 onsite parking spaces for employees' personal vehicles and 49 spaces for trucks and operations equipment, as well as a vactor waste station for the collection and separation of rain water & debris collected from the City's catch basins, a tent-like maintenance bay, and a below-grade confined-space training area.
  • Reference:2016-004087ENV
  • Received:Mar 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - Superbay Hangar Fire System - Proposed replacement, realignment & renovation of (E) deficient superbay hangar structure at SFO.
  • Reference:2016-004065ENV
  • Received:Mar 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Ongoing Maintenance on Port of San Francisco Property - The proposed project is the Port's regular program of repair and maintenance activities, and fill removal ("Port-wide maintenance program"). The standard construction measures ("Measures") that will be followed by Port staff or contractors in execution of Port-wide maintenance program.
  • Reference:2016-003866ENV
  • Received:Mar 24, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: Peninsula Watershed Mgmt Plan - Review of Plan for Water Dept's San Mateo County Watershed Management
  • Reference:1996.222EENV
  • Received:Mar 24, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Light Rail Service Changes Planned for Spring 2016 - As part of the Muni service changes that are planned to occur in spring 2016, the following rail frequency changes are planned. • All Muni Metro routes (J, K, L, M, N, T) weekend frequency. All Muni Metro rail routes (J, K, L, M, N, T) would switch to Saturday frequencies of 10 minutes between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. and to Sunday frequencies of 12 minutes between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Existing Saturday frequencies during this time period are 10 minutes on the L and N, 12 minutes on the K/T and M, and 15 minutes on the J. Existing Sunday frequencies during this time period are 12 minutes on the J, K/T, and M, and 12 minutes on the L and N.
  • Reference:2016-003935ENV
  • Received:Mar 24, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Forward / TEP TTRP.L Pilot - The following pilot project is proposed by the Muni Forward and Vision Zero groups to address safety concerns for riders boarding and alighting the L Taraval in the Sunset. Taraval Street is on the City’s high-injury network for pedestrians, with nearly half of pedestrian injuries on the street occurring when riders board or alight the L Taraval. As part of the L Taraval Rapid Project, boarding islands are proposed at all stops on Taraval Street that currently do not have them. Due to merchant requests for alternatives that do not require the removal of parking, however, the SFMTA has developed a set of pilot proposals at five of these L Taraval stops that would attempt to provide a safer boarding and alighting experience without removing parking. The pilot would be implemented in April 2016 or soon after, and would last for six months. Evaluation would be conducted before the pilot, midway through it, and six months into the pilot to determine whether it is an acceptable long-term option to achieve necessary safety objectives at the pilot locations.
  • Reference:2016-003932ENV
  • Received:Mar 24, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Owl Service Expansion (Routes 48, 44, 108) - The project is an extension of the service hours for Muni routes 44 and 48 to include the overnight "Owl" time period. The routes would serve a shortened version of their full daytime routes. Currently, route 44 does not provide service after approximately 1:30 a.m. or before approximately 6 a.m. Route 48 does not provide service after approximately 12 a.m. or before approximately 6 a.m. The new expanded service hours would include providing service at 30-minute headways on both routes through the hours that currently do not have service. A map of the proposed routes is attached. Additionally, service on existing route 25 would be increased from 40/45 minutes to 30 minutes during the owl service hours (approximately 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.)
  • Reference:2016-003938ENV
  • Received:Mar 24, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPW - Newburg St. Slope Stabilization - Stabilize approximately 35' wide x 25' high slope in public right-of-way at intersection of Castro/Newburg/27th Streets. Clear vegetation, place steel drapery mesh, anchor drapery to the slope with tie-backs, apply approximately 15 square feet of shotcrete, and hydroseed with an erosion-control seed mix to introduce vegetation that will grow through and conceal the drapery system and further stabilize the slope.
  • Reference:2016-003680ENV
  • Received:Mar 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 18, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Operating Budget for FY 2017 and 2018 - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes an operating budget for the Fiscal Years 2017 and 2018. The two year operating budget includes changes to revenues and expenditures for the agency, including the establishment, modification, structuring, restructuring or approval of rates, tolls, fares or other charges by the SFMTA.
  • Reference:2016-003707ENV
  • Received:Mar 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPW Materials Testing Lab (2000 Oakdale Ave.) - Lease and tenant build-to-suit of private property for relocation of the Public Works Materials Testing Lab. Exterior window, door, and entry ramp alterations.
  • Reference:2016-003687ENV
  • Received:Mar 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPW - Evans Avenue Transportation Improvement - Proposed transportation improvement, incorporating roadway base repair and roadway surfacing on Evans Avenue. Installation of ADA mandated new curb ramps and upgrades to (B) curb ramps, and sewerage improvements.
  • Reference:2016-003690ENV
  • Received:Mar 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Lombard Street Water Main Upgrades Project - The proposed project involves the replacement and rehabilitation of the existing water mains beneath Lombard Street, between Van Ness Avenue and Richardson Avenue/Broderick Street), for a total of approximately 7,530 linear feet (approximately 1.01 miles).
  • Reference:2016-003545ENV
  • Received:Mar 17, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2016-003494ENV
  • Received:Mar 16, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 10, 2016
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Description: SFMTA Order #5550 for Public Hearing on 3/18/2016 - Operation, Repair, Maintenance, Minor alteration of (E) streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails & similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-003496ENV
  • Received:Mar 16, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 18, 2016
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation for Southeast Outfall Islais Creek Force Main Replacement Project - The proposed geotechnical investigation involves a maximum of 13 soil borings, to a depth of 150 feet below ground surface, on either side of and within Islais Creek using truck- and barge-mounted drill rigs. Fewer borings many be required based on the alignment selected for the proposed replacement force main outfall at this location.
  • Reference:2016-003493ENV
  • Received:Mar 16, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5553 for Public Hearing on 3/25/2016 - Operation, Repair, Maintenance, Minor alteration of (E) streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails & similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-003491ENV
  • Received:Mar 16, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 25, 2016
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Description: Rec & Park - Angelo Rossi Playground (600 Arguello Blvd.) - Proposed improvements and upgrades to the existing Rossi Pool building and Natatorium, located at the southeast corner of Arguello Boulevard and Anza Street. The project will also create of an accessible path to the building entrance from Arguello and an accessible exit path to Anza.
  • Reference:2016-003487ENV
  • Received:Mar 16, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: DPW - Evans Avenue Transportation Improvement Project - Transportation improvement, incorporating roadway base repair and roadway resurfacing, on Evans Ave. between Cesar Chavez St. and Hunters Point Blvd. The project also includes Americans with Disabilities Act- (ADA) mandated installation of new curb ramps and upgrades to existing curb ramps, and sewerage improvements.
  • Reference:2016-003480ENV
  • Received:Mar 16, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA - Powell-Stockton Improvement Project (Lower Stockton) - This project envisions the closure of portions of Powell and Stockton Streets to auto traffic to facilitate improvements for pedestrians, bicycles, and transit on these streets. Private autos would be prohibited to drive on Powell St between Sutter and Ellis Sts. Commercial vehicles, transit vehicles and taxis would continue to operate on this segment. Sidewalks along Powell between Geary Blvd and Ellis St would be widened by approximately 10 ft to provide more space for pedestrian circulation. The project explores closing Stockton Street to general traffic between Post and Ellis. Options for reallocation of the space are being explored, but it is envisioned that the project would create a pedestrian plaza alongside a transit right of way in the closed area. Cul-de-sacs where Ellis St and 4th St meet Market are also being explored as options to calm traffic and provide better access to businesses. The Powell-Stockton Improvement Project is part of the City's Vision Zero program which aims to eliminate all traffic-related fatalities by 2024 and is also part of SFMTA's Muni Forward program which seeks to improve transit safety, efficiency and reliability. Project improvements along 4th Street and Stockton Streets are contiguous with the area included in the Central Subway Project construction area (as defined in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Statement / Subsequent Environmental Impact Report)
  • Reference:2016-003410ENV
  • Received:Mar 15, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - District 7 Speed Radar Signs II - The District 7 Speed Radar Signs II project will visualize vehicle speeds at two locations in San Francisco’s Supervisorial District Seven. The scope of the work includes the installation of new poles and foundations to support the signs, as well as the installation and programming of the signs. The maximum excavation of the foundation is six to eight feet depending on the support structure. The following locations are included in this project: 1. Ulloa Street between Forest Side Avenue and Madrone Avenue 2. Ulloa Street between Madrone Avenue and Wawona Street
  • Reference:2016-003324ENV
  • Received:Mar 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Towing and Storage Service Agreement and Related Transportation Code Modifications - The SFMTA proposes to enter in to a new agreement for towing and disposal of abandoned and illegally-parked vehicles, and to make modifications to relevant sections of the San Francisco Transportation Code. The current agreement is a revenue agreement, which means that the contractor does not invoice the SFMTA for their expenses; they receive their payment from the public through a list of various fees for service (tow, storage, lien processing, auction, etc.). Under the new agreement, the contract type will change from revenue to expenditure. The contractor will invoice the SFMTA for a fixed monthly “management” fee, as well as for variable (per vehicle) fees for towing, dolly/flatbed use, transferring the vehicle between facilities when needed, lien processing and auction services. In order to recoup those costs paid to the contractor, the SFMTA will now charge the public directly for fees previously collected by the contractor. SFMTA previously approved a waiver of administrative and towing fees for stolen vehicles, as well as a 48-hour grace period before storage fees begin to accrue. This waiver had only applied to San Francisco residents; however, SFMTA proposes to expand this waiver to include both San Francisco and non-San Francisco residents. The current fee schedule for fees charged to the public would also be altered, including but not limited to Administrative Fees, Tow Fees, Transfer Fees, Storage Fees, and Auction Fees. This includes all changes to the towing agreement and Division II, Section 305 of the San Francisco Transportation Code in MTA Board Resolution 16-024 and changes proposed for MTA Board consideration at the March 15, 2016 meeting.
  • Reference:2016-003316ENV
  • Received:Mar 11, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 15, 2016
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Description: SFO Plot 11 Parking Garage - Construct a seven-story, 590,000 sq. ft., 1,500-space parking garage on northeastern corner of Plot 11 @ SFO.
  • Reference:2016-003198ENV
  • Received:Mar 09, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPUC - Peninsula Pipelines Seismic Upgrades, Phase 3 - The proposed project involves the replacement of a 570-foot segment of the Sunset Reservoir Branch of the San Andreas Pipeline Number 2 (which is 54"-diameter potable water pipeline) in a new alignment through Stern Grove Park, using trenchless construction methods. Thirty six mature trees would be removed and replaced elsewhere at locations selected by the Park Arborist that are outside of the proposed new pipeline alignment so as to conform with the SFPUC's Integrated Vegetation Management Policy. The project also involves the replacement or modification of various appurtenances on the Sunset Supply Pipeline in the City of South San Francisco and in the Town of Colma (see Table 1 of the SFPUC's Categorical Exemption Request letter), which would be carried out by accessing existing facilities via existing underground vaults (no excavation previously undisturbed soils would be required). In addition, the project involves improvements to the existing San Andreas Pipeline Numbers 2 and 3 in the Parkside District of San Francisco (identified in Table 2 of the SFPUC's Categorical Exemption Request letter). Of these additional project elements, only the 570-foot segment through Stern Grove Park would require the excavation of a new alignment (no excavation of previously undisturbed soils would be required for the other items listed in Table 2).
  • Reference:2016-003161ENV
  • Received:Mar 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Traffic Signals and Conduits - Contract 2821J - The SFMTA proposes to install new and/or upgraded traffic signals and traffic signal conduits at the twenty (20) intersections in coordination with street paving through San Francisco Public Works. Traffic signal conduit installation would entail excavation of approximately two (2) feet in depth, while traffic signal installation would entail excavation of approximately 3.5 feet in depth. In addition to each location receiving new/upgraded traffic signals and traffic signal conduits, the existing signal infrastructure and signal hardware would be upgraded. Each new/upgraded traffic signal would also include attached pedestrian signals.
  • Reference:2016-003066ENV
  • Received:Mar 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Operator Convenience Facility at Fulton and 7th - SFMTA proposes to construct an Operator Convenience Facility near the intersection of Fulton Street and 7th Avenue, providing a secure restroom for Muni operators in the field and mainly serving the 5-Fulton bus route. Currently, a portable restroom exists at the intersection to serve this purpose in the interim. This portable facility would be replaced by the proposed Convenience Facility. The restroom is proposed to be located on the public sidewalk adjacent to Golden Gate Park. The existing sidewalk along the South side of Fulton Street is 6.5 ft. wide adjacent to Golden Gate Park. The roadway width is 69 ft. Curb ramps exist on all 4 corners of both intersections at Fulton and 7th Avenue as well as Fulton and 8th Avenue. The proposed restroom will be placed on the South side, mid-block of Fulton, between 8th and 7th Avenues. Because of the narrow sidewalk, the proposed project would also construct an approximately 6 ft. wide bulb-out in order to maintain a sufficient 5 ft.-wide travel path for pedestrians around the restroom. Approximately three (3) parking spaces would be removed to accommodate the proposed bulb-out. In order to accommodate the proposed Operator Convenience Facility at Fulton Street and 7th Avenue, the project would excavate within the public right-of-way for sewer, water, and electrical utility connections. The sewer main runs along the North side of Fulton Street. The excavation required for the new sewer lateral would be approximately 10 feet deep x 2 ft. wide x 69 ft. long. The water main runs along the South side of Fulton St. The excavation required for the new water lateral would be approximately 5 ft. deep x 1 ft. wide x 30 ft. long. The electrical conduit would require excavation of approximately 3 ft. deep x 1 ft. wide x 100 ft. long.
  • Reference:2016-003076ENV
  • Received:Mar 07, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Roof and Skylight Repairs at 21 SFMTA Facilities - The SFMTA proposes to repair various rooves and skylights at twenty-one (21) SFMTA facilities, as outlined below. The various repairs would patch leaks in the buildings’ rooves and/or skylights and qualify as “ordinary maintenance and repairs” under Planning Code Article 10 Section 1005 (e) (3).
  • Reference:2016-002999ENV
  • Received:Mar 04, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Central Bayside System Improvement Project Geotechnical Investigation 2016 - The proposed project involves a geotechnical investigation consisting of three soil borings in support of the design of the Central Bayside Sewer Improvements Project: one in the Bayview District at 2 Ranking Street (between Davidson Avenue and Islais Creek); one at the intersection of Mission Bay Drive and Owens Street in the Mission Bay neighborhood; and one on the southwest corner of the intersection of 16th Street and Owens Street in the Mission Bay Redevelopment Area.
  • Reference:2016-003020ENV
  • Received:Mar 04, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Curb Ramps at Judah Street and 27/28/29th Avenue - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to install new curb ramps at three intersections in order to comply with ADA standards and to enhance the accessible path of travel to the N-Judah stop at the intersection of 28th & Judah. These curb ramps would be constructed in tandem with the Sunset Tunnel Trackway Improvement project, but would serve independent purpose by enhancing the accessibility of intersection crossings. The following locations are included in this project: 1. Judah St. & 27th Ave. 2. Judah St. & 28th Ave. 3. Judah St. & 29th Ave.
  • Reference:2016-002991ENV
  • Received:Mar 04, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - AWSS 2016 Clarendon Water Supply Project - The proposed project involves a new 850-foot long, 20-inch diameter pipeline for the Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS) with five new underground vaults adjacent to Clarendon Avenue in the Twin Peaks neighborhood, as well as an aboveground air gap and panel enclosure located within the right-of-way (but outside of the roadway) of Dellbrook Avenue and La Avanzada Street. This area is located northwest of the Summit Reservoir (Summit Reservoir Water Facilities) and approximately 250 from the Existing Palo Alto Pump Station, both of which provide potable water to high-elevation areas of the City. The new pipeline trench would be dug approximately 12-feet deep and 4-feet wide. The five new underground vaults would reach a maximum of 10-feet deep and would measure 48-inches by 48-inches. The new aboveground air gap and panel enclosure with be constructed within a 10-foot long, 20-foot wide, and 10-foot tall fenced-in area. A 1-foot wide perimeter around the fenced area would be graded to direct stormwater toward the nearest catch basin. The proposed project also involves the motorization of one existing AWSS open-control gate valve, located at the eastern corner of Twin Peaks Boulevard at Clarendon Avenue, changing it from local manual operation to remote-controlled motorized operation. The existing 6-foot by 6-foot concrete valve vault in Twin Peaks Boulevard would be demolished and replaced with a new vault measuring 7-feet by 9-feet. A new below-grade battery vault (4-feet wide by 6-feet long by 3-feet deep), controller pedestal (3-feet wide by 3-feet long by 4-feet tall), antenna pole, and PG&E electric meter pedestal would be installed within the sidewalk alignment. The maximum depth of excavation for these facilities would be 11 feet.
  • Reference:2016-002811ENV
  • Received:Mar 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD Moscone Playground (East) Renovation (1800 Chestnut St) - Renovate existing playground. Replace playground equipment. Replace perimeter fencing, pathways, irrigation, park site furniture and landscaping.
  • Reference:2016-002701ENV
  • Received:Feb 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: District 7 Speed Radar Signs - The District 7 Speed Radar Sign project will visualize vehicle speeds at four locations in San Francisco’s Supervisorial District Seven. The scope of the work includes the installation of new poles and foundations to support the signs, as well as the installation and programming of the signs. The maximum excavation of the foundation is six to eight feet depending on the support structure
  • Reference:2016-002670ENV
  • Received:Feb 26, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA 19th Avenue and Junipero Serra Boulevard Improvements - The 19th Avenue and Junipero Serra Boulevard Improvements Project (the project) would improve pedestrian safety, accessibility, and transit reliability. The project area is at the intersection of 19th Avenue (State Route 1) and Junipero Serra Blvd.
  • Reference:2016-002667ENV
  • Received:Feb 26, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order #5543 for Public Hearing on 2/26/16 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-002677ENV
  • Received:Feb 26, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 26, 2016
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Description: Outer Mission Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Installations - The SFMTA proposes to install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs)—enhanced pedestrian crossing signs that use flashing beacons to alert motorists of pedestrian crossings—at seven intersections, all of which are ranked in WalkFirst, a framework that prioritizes infrastructure investments based on high incidence of vehicle-pedestrian collisions.
  • Reference:2016-002674ENV
  • Received:Feb 26, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5545 for Public Hearing on 3/4/16 - Establishment of multiple parking zones. CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-002452ENV
  • Received:Feb 23, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 23, 2016
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1380 Meeting of 2/25/16 - Temporary Street Closures. Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-002455ENV
  • Received:Feb 23, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 25, 2016
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1379 Meeting of 2/11/2016 - Temporary Street Closures. Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-002459ENV
  • Received:Feb 23, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 11, 2016
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Description: Order #5539 for Public Hearing on 2/12/16 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities and CEQA Guidelines Section 15304(h): Minor public alterations to land including the creation of bicycle lanes on existing rights-of-way.
  • Reference:2016-002466ENV
  • Received:Feb 23, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 12, 2016
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Description: SFO - Runway 10R-28L Overlay or Reconstruction, New Taxiway F2, and Taxiway S Realignment Project - The Airport Commission proposes to overlay or reconstruct areas of Runway 10R-28L that are in need of repair and have varying degrees of pavement failure. Other associated work with the runway overlay / reconstruction includes: (1) improving surrounding stormwater drainage; (2) replacing existing runway centerline lights with light-emitting diode (LED) lights; (3) reinstalling runway status light (RWSL) infrastructure, as needed, along the length of the runway; and (4) applying pavement markings and striping to the runway and adjacent taxiways to improve visibility and enhance safety for aircraft operations. About 238,700 square yards of runway pavement could be overlaid or reconstructed, depending on the condition of the runway pavement.
  • Reference:2016-001783ENV
  • Received:Feb 09, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: DPW - 1899 Waller Street (Park Police Station ADA Upgrades) - Minor ADA upgrades and renovation at Park Police Station.
  • Reference:2016-001757ENV
  • Received:Feb 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: DPW - 1 Sergeant John V Young Street (Ingleside Police Station ADA Upgrades) - Minor alternations and remodel for ADA compliance at Ingleside Police Station.
  • Reference:2016-001753ENV
  • Received:Feb 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: DPW - 2345 24th Avenue (Taraval Police Station ADA Upgrades) - Minor alterations for ADA upgrades and renovations at San Francisco Police Department Taraval Police Station.
  • Reference:2016-001765ENV
  • Received:Feb 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: DPW - 461 6th Avenue (Richmond Police Station ADA Upgrades) - Minor work for ADA upgrades and renovation at San Francisco Police Richmond Station.
  • Reference:2016-001761ENV
  • Received:Feb 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: DPW - 350 Amber Drive (SFPD Academy ADA Upgrades) - Minor alterations and renovation for ADA upgrades to Police Academy.
  • Reference:2016-001770ENV
  • Received:Feb 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: Port - 2016 Special Events - Annual approval for special events on Port property
  • Reference:2016-001590ENV
  • Received:Feb 04, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFO - U.S. Coast Guard Rolling Gates Renovation Project - One (1) on-airfield security guard shack would be installed west of the rolling gate/AOA fence and North Access Road; Two existing gate drivers/motors would be replaced in-kind to maintain operability of the rolling gate/AOA fence; and Additional dome security cameras would be mounted to two existing poles – one immediately east of the rolling gate/AOA fence on the shoulder of North Access Road and the other immediately west of the rolling gate/AOA fence on the secure airfield.
  • Reference:2016-001548ENV
  • Received:Feb 03, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA - Towing and Storage Service Agreement and Related Transportation Code Modifications - The SFMTA proposes to enter in to a new agreement for towing and disposal of abandoned and illegally-parked vehicles. The current agreement is a revenue agreement, which means that the contractor does not invoice the SFMTA for their expenses; they receive their payment from the public through a list of various fees for service (tow, storage, lien processing, auction, etc.). The contractor also collects from the public on the SFMTA’s behalf administrative towing and storage fees to recover the SFMTA’s costs for managing all aspects of the towing program, including PCOs, dispatchers, contract administration, hearings and other support services. Under the new agreement, the contract type will change from revenue to expenditure. The contractor will invoice the SFMTA for a fixed monthly “management” fee, as well as for variable (per vehicle) fees for towing, dolly/flatbed use, transferring the vehicle between facilities when needed, lien processing and auction services. In order to recoup those costs paid to the contractor, the SFMTA will now charge the public directly for fees previously collected by the contractor. Additionally, SFMTA previously approved a waiver of admistrative and towing fees for stolen vehicles, as well as a 48-hour grace period before storage fees begin to accrue. This waiver had only applied to San Francisco residents; however, SFMTA proposes to expand this waiver to include both San Francisco and non-San Francisco residents. Additionally, the SFMTA will reduce the Administrative and Towing Fees, but raise the Auction Service Fees as compared to those which were previously charged by the contractor.
  • Reference:2016-001429ENV
  • Received:Feb 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Contract for Metro Green Track #9 Door Repair - The SFMTA proposes to repair one (1) roll-up door at the Metro Green light rail vehicle maintenance yard (2200 San Jose Ave). The track #9 door connects the maintenance shop and yard and is located on the northwest corner of the facility, approximately 300 feet from the Ocean Ave/I-280 overpass (see attached photo). The roll-up door tracks would be replaced in-kind. The door is visible from the public right-of-way and is not publically accessible. The Metro Green facility was constructed in 1977.
  • Reference:2016-001420ENV
  • Received:Feb 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - 949 Presidio Roof Overhang Repair - The SFMTA proposes to repair the Presidio Bus Maintenance Facility roof at 949 Presidio Ave. The scope of work would repair a gutter and damaged plaster on an overhang at the southeast corner of the facility. The building was constructed in 1912.
  • Reference:2016-001423ENV
  • Received:Feb 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - 1399 Marin Roof Repair - The SFMTA proposes to repair the Marin Facility roof at 1399 Marin Street (Block 4380, Lot 010). The scope of work would repair seams between segments of corrugated metal roofing at four locations – total 920 linear feet. Fall protection cables would also be installed on both sides of the roof. The building was constructed in 1951.
  • Reference:2016-001426ENV
  • Received:Feb 01, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Parcel: 9900039
Description: Hard Rock Cafe at Pier 39 - Total interior renovation of the (E) restaurant. Reconstruction of (E) entryway. Modification of (E) roof to include (N) dormers. Additional signage.
  • Reference:2016-001371ENV
  • Received:Jan 29, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 29, 2016
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Description: SFMTA Order #5532 for Public Hearing on 1/29/16 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
  • Reference:2016-001251ENV
  • Received:Jan 27, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 29, 2016
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1378 Meeting of 1/28/2016 - Categorically exempt from CEQA: CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 Class 4(e) minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment, including carnivals, sales of Christmas trees, etc. and/or Section 15305 Class 5(b) minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events.
  • Reference:2016-001248ENV
  • Received:Jan 27, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 28, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Polk Street Traffic Signal Modifications - The Polk Street Traffic Signal Modifications project will improve signal visibility and pedestrian crossings at 12 signalized intersections along Polk Street. The scope of work includes the installation of new vehicular signals, underground conduit, pull boxes, signal poles, controller cabinets, and accessible pedestrian signals at existing signalized intersections. The maximum excavation for the signal poles would be eleven feet. This project would be constructed in tandem with the improvements planned through the Polk Street Improvement Project in accordance with San Francisco Public Works code in order to reduce disruption to the public right-of-way and efficiently utilize City resources. However, the proposed project is independent of the SFPW project as it is intended to upgrade deteriorated infrastructure, rather than to improve bicycling and walking conditions, as set forth in the Polk Street Improvement Project.
  • Reference:2016-000945ENV
  • Received:Jan 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO - Courtyard 3 Connector Project (10072) - Proposed construction of post-security passenger connector between Terminals 2 and 3. Minor re-pavement and excavation @ ground level.
  • Reference:2016-000857ENV
  • Received:Jan 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Recreation & Park - Fiber Installation at Crossover Drive in Golden Gate Park - The project would install two 1.25’ HDPE ducts, approximately 1,850 feet in length, by directional bore method in Golden Gate Park (GGP) along Crossover Drive from Fulton Street to an AT&T Manhole 130 feet north of the centerline of John F. Kennedy Drive. There are seven bore pits planned, one in Fulton Street, one in Park Presidio, and five in the Crossover Driver right-of-way; these are 3 feet by 5 feet openings in the pavement for the bore equipment’s deployment. The bore pits will be approximately 2 feet deep and the conduit will be approximately 4 feet deep.
  • Reference:2016-000940ENV
  • Received:Jan 21, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - Burton High School Solar Electric Project - The proposed project involves the installation of approximately 462 rack-mounted solar panels (3.5' x 5' each) to create a 150 kilowatt solar electric system on the roof of the Burton High School Classroom Building, located at 400 Mansell St.
  • Reference:2016-000761ENV
  • Received:Jan 19, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Borings at Stern Grove - The proposed project involves a total of two 6-inch diameter geotechnical borings at locations within Stern Grove Park, in support of the eventual replacement of the Sunset Reservoir Branch of the San Andreas Pipeline No. 2, which passes through this location.
  • Reference:2016-000649ENV
  • Received:Jan 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Street Light and Pedestrian Pole Assessment and Replacement Project - The proposed project involves a condition assessment of each SFPUC street and pedestrian light pole and base throughout San Francisco. While the project would include the assessment of decorative poles, historic poles, and other pole types e.g., cast iron, aluminum), they would not be replaced under this project. Steel and concrete poles found to be in need of replacement would be replaced with poles either 25.5 feet or 20 feet tall, and would be equipped with either a single 6-foot arm for sidewalk installation, or double arms for installation on roadway medians. Over the first five years of the project, 1,164 concrete poles 40 years old or older would be assessed, and 530 steel poles 30 years old or older would be assessed. Approximately 45 concrete poles and 383 steel poles are predicted to be replaced during that period. Where the condition of a pole is beyond rehabilitation, the pole would be replaced in kind. No ground disturbing activities are anticipated or proposed.
  • Reference:2016-000632ENV
  • Received:Jan 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Port of San Francisco - Special Events - (1) - Bridge Lights/Illuminate the Arts (2) - Elastin (On) Conference/Elastics Research
  • Reference:2016-000627ENV
  • Received:Jan 14, 2016
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: Illinois and 20th Streets - In 2014 the Planning Department issued a Community Plan Exemption (CPE) for the 20th Historic Buildings Rehabilitation Project (Case #2013.1168E) to the Port of San Francisco for the rehabilitation of 10 historic buildings at Pier 70. These buildings are contributing resources that form the core of the Union Iron Works Historic District which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Port seeks to amend the CPE to include the demolition of Buildings 40 and 117 because of their relationship to the 20th Street Historic Buildings Rehabilitation Project.
  • Reference:2016-000346ENV
  • Received:Jan 08, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFPUC - 19th Ave. Combinded City Project Sewer Replacement - The proposed project involves the replacement of approximately 15,855 linear feet, or 3 miles, of sewer lines along 19th Avenue between Lincoln Way and Junipero Serra Boulevard.
  • Reference:2016-000102ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Twin Peaks Figure 8 Pilot Project - The proposed Project includes a road closure and conversion of a one-way road to two-way operation on Twin Peaks Boulevard from Christmas Tree Point Road to the intersection south of the southern peak. Both segments of Twin Peaks Boulevard leading up to the Figure 8 are one lane in each direction and the Figure 8 has adequate roadway capacity for the amount for vehicle traffic. The project will collect data and public comment on the proposal during the duration of the pilot. Data will then help inform future analysis of a permanent road closure.
  • Reference:2016-000117ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Forest Hill Station Restroom Roof Repair - The SFMTA proposes to repair the Forest Hill Station restroom roof. The repair would patch leaks in the building’s roof. The building was constructed in 1918.
  • Reference:2016-000090ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: Order #5526 for Public Hearing on 1/8/16 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2016-000087ENV
  • Received:Jan 05, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 08, 2016
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Description: SFMTA - Terry A. Francois Blvd. Two-Way Bikeway Project - Modify existing bike facilities on Terry A. Francois Blvd. between 3rd St and Mariposa St/Illinois St and 3rd St between the north side of the 3rd St (Left O'Doul) Bridge and Terry A. Francois Blvd.
  • Reference:2016-000016ENV
  • Received:Jan 04, 2016
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Addendum - Golden Gate Avenue Bicycle Lane and Road Diet - Programmatic SF 2005 Bicycle Plan program with several project specific level projects. Ammend Transportation Element and Downtown Area Plan of General Plan. Ammend Planning Code sections: 155, 155.1, 155.4, 155.5. Addendum to the EIR issued on February, 2012 for the Lee Avenue bicycle lane. Addendum to the EIR issued on March, 2012 for the Cesar Chavez East bicycle lane. Addendum filed on 10/29/12 for the Great Highway Bicycle Lane. Addendum filed on 3/22/13 for the 2nd Street Improvement Project.
  • Reference:2007.0347E_21
  • Received:Dec 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Relocation of Contactors' Assistannce Center to 150 Exectutive Park Blvd., suite 1300 - The proposed project involves the execution of a lease and proposed tenant improvements to relocate the SFPUC Contractors' Assistance Center from 5 Thomas Mellon Circle, suite 168, to 150 Executive Park Boulevard, suite 1300. All work would be conducted entirely within the property at 150 Executive Park Boulevard, including the area identified for project staging.
  • Reference:2015-018107ENV
  • Received:Dec 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Baden Valve Lot Air Compressor Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of air compressors, pressure tank, and associated circulating pumps at the SFPUC's Baden Valve Lot in the City of South San Francisco. The existing air compressors and pressure tank currently sit on a concrete pad on the east side of the valve lot, approximately 135 feet north of the intersection of El Camino Real and West Orange Avenue. A new concrete pad, measuring 20-feet wide by 10-feet long by 18-inches deep, would be poured and on which a pre-fabricated building would be constructed to house the replacement air compressors (three) and pressure tank. The pre-fabricated building would have a pitched roof ranging from 8- to 10-feet tall. In order to pour the new concrete pad, the site would be graded to a depth of 6 inches. The replacement air compressors and pressure tank would be connected to existing utilities, avoiding the need for additional trenching.
  • Reference:2015-016560ENV
  • Received:Dec 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Upgrades to Flare Controls and Stacks at Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant - The proposed project involves the removal and replacement of existing waste gas burners and flare stacks, associated piping, and electrical controls. The project would require driving soldier piles to construct a new retaining wall, as well as excavation and the pouring of a new concrete slab foundation measuring 41 feet, 9 inches wide by 34 feet, 9 inches long, located adjacent to the existing Waste Gas Burner Building (building 821). The replacement flare stacks would be approximately 29 feet tall. Once the existing waste gas burners and flare stacks are removed from Building 821, the openings in the roof would be sealed.
  • Reference:2015-016448ENV
  • Received:Dec 14, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Contract 63 - Flashing Beacons, Streetlight and Sidewalk Bulbs Pedestrian Improvement Project - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) intends to enter into a contract to install rectangular rapid flash beacons (RRFBs) at four (4) intersections and a new streetlight at one (1) intersection. The scope of work includes the installation of underground conduit with a maximum excavation of approximately two (2) feet and poles with excavation of approximately nine (9) feet. Pull boxes are also to be installed at a depth of approximately two (2) feet. See attached plans for specific locations. Six (6) foot by twelve (12) foot sidewalk bulbs to accommodate curb ramps are proposed on the north side of California at Commonwealth and on the west side of Mabini at Folsom. The California at Commonwealth bulb would not remove any parking. The Mabini at Folsom bulb and associated curb cuts will remove three parking spaces (1 passenger loading/unloading, 1 metered, 1 yellow metered).
  • Reference:2015-016338ENV
  • Received:Dec 11, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFMTA - Transportation Code Modifications: Transit/Parking Violations and Penalties - The SFMTA proposes the following amendments to Division I and Division II of the San Francisco Transportation Code: 1) Establish transit violations and penalties for failure to give up a seat to a Senior or Person with Disability and to create a separate category of violations for youth, allowing these to be processed administratively, rather than in the courts. 2)Initiate cost recovery fees for the administration of a Transit and Parking Citations Work Credit and Payment Plan program. By payment of this fee, customers would be able to either make installment payments over time or volunteer with approved organizations and City Departments to obtain work credit. During this time, late penalties and special collections fees would not be assessed.
  • Reference:2015-016334ENV
  • Received:Dec 11, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO Building 575 - Trailer and AOA Fence Realignment - (1) place a pre-fabricated trailer north of Building 575; (2) install a canopy over a pedestrian walkway between the northern end of Building 575 to the trailer; (3) install associated electrical power and data cables to accommodate the conference room trailer; and (4) realign the existing Aircraft Operations Area (AOA) fence.
  • Reference:2015-016328ENV
  • Received:Dec 11, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1376 Meeting of 12/17/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-016283ENV
  • Received:Dec 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 17, 2015
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Description: Order # 5518 for Public Hearing on 12/18/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-016286ENV
  • Received:Dec 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 18, 2015
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Description: Order #5514 for Public Hearing on 12/4/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-016277ENV
  • Received:Dec 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 04, 2015
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Description: ISCOTT Agenda 1375 Meeting of 12/3/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-016280ENV
  • Received:Dec 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 03, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - Transportation Code Modifications: Parking Meter Fees - The SFMTA proposes the following amendments to the Transportation Code for all parking meters citywide: 1) Rescind Parking Meter Card Transaction Fee 2)Raise Parking Meter Fees by $0.25 Approval Action: SFMTA Board
  • Reference:2015-016250ENV
  • Received:Dec 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFPUC - Replacement of Awning on Admin. Bldg. at Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant - The proposed project involves the replacement of an existing awning /canopy on the front of the administrative building (building 930) at the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant with an awning of approximately the same dimensions, comparable design and materials.
  • Reference:2015-016172ENV
  • Received:Dec 08, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: DPW Sidewalk Slicing - Cut horizontally into existing heaved concrete sidewalk sections to flatten the surface at various locations throughout San Francisco on an as-needed basis. The purpose of the project is to improve the usability of the sidewalk by reducing trip hazards.
  • Reference:2015-015876ENV
  • Received:Dec 03, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Town of Sunol Fire Pump - The proposed project involves the installation of a new pump facility in the Hetchy Yard, which is located at 11772 Main Street, in the Town of Sunol, and would consist of a fire pump, electrical panel, and a diesel standby generator mounted on a concrete pad. The equipment would be supplied with electrical service from a new pole onsite, provided with water by two new short pipeline connections to the existing potable water system, and protected by a row of new bollards. The new 60kW diesel generator would be used for emergency backup power for the new pump. It would be tested for 20 minutes monthly, but otherwise would be run only in the event of an electrical power failure.
  • Reference:2015-015848ENV
  • Received:Dec 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - T-Third Traffic Signal Detection Upgrade - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposes to replace the video-based vehicle detection systems currently installed along the T-Third Street Light Rail Corridor with a wireless system. The wireless system is more reliable and accurate than the existing video cameras. The scope of work includes installing wireless sensors in the roadway with a maximum depth of excavation of one (1) foot. Wireless access points will also be installed on existing poles and physically connected to the existing traffic signal controller via existing conduit. Existing controllers and cabinets can accommodate wireless detection and no upgrades are needed.
  • Reference:2015-015495ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - Folsom Street Tow-Away No Parking Anytime - The SFMTA proposes to establish a TOW-AWAY NO PARKING ANY TIME zone at Folsom Street, north side, from Bernal Heights Boulevard to 261 feet westerly (towards Ripley Street along narrow section) and Folsom Street, south side, from Bernal Heights Boulevard to 327 feet westerly (towards Ripley Street along narrow section)
  • Reference:2015-015498ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - Sunnydale/Santos Transit Shelter Replacement - The SFMTA proposes to demolish and replace the Muni transit shelter located on Sunnydale Avenue near the intersection of Santos Street and Sunnydale Avenue (Coordinates 37.712224, -122.417534). This shelter was constructed more than 45 years ago; however, it was evaluated in a Historic Resource Evaluation Report and Preservation Team Review conducted by the Planning Department and was found to neither be an individual historic resource nor a contributor to a historic district.
  • Reference:2015-015499ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Port - Pier 80 Shed A for Emergency Winter Shelter - Proposed use of 10,000 square feet of Pier 80 Shed A to establish temporary, emergency winter shelter for the December 2015 to March 2016 time frame or until the wet weather ceases.
  • Reference:2015-015475ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 24, 2015
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Description: Port - Pier 29 Emergency Winter Shelter - Proposed use of 10,000 square foot area within Pier 29 to establish temporary, emergency winter shelter for the December 2015 to March 2016 time frame or until the wet weather ceases.
  • Reference:2015-015473ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 24, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - John Yehall Chin Safe Routes to School Project - The John Yehall Chin Safe Routes to School project emerged from a walking audit with school staff. The proposed project seeks to enhance safety and walkability for students attending John Yehall Chin Elementary School and other community members in the neighborhood. The project would construct curb extensions at three locations: ?? The southwest corner of the intersection of Kearny Street and Bush Street ?? The southeast corner of the intersection of Kearny Street and Jackson Street ?? The northwest corner of the intersection of Sansome Street and Pacific Avenue In addition, the project would install a raised crosswalk along Kearny Street crossing Nottingham Place, a location used by many students who ride the 8X bus. Because pending legislation already prohibits parking along Sansome Street at Pacific Avenue, the project would result in the removal of two parking spaces. The project would involve the relocation of catch basins, but avoids all high-pressure fire hydrants and valves. Curb ramps at all intersections would be upgraded to meet standards. Excavation for the construction of bulbs would be no deeper than 12 feet. The project is not being proposed in conjunction with any programs for extensive replacement or installation of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, or sidewalk bulbs.
  • Reference:2015-015491ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Port – Pier 43.5 and Seawall 9 Repair - Routine repair and maintenance project at Fisherman's Wharf.
  • Reference:2015-015443ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA - Muni Metro Subway Tunnel Crossover Door Replacement - The SFMTA proposes to issue a contract for the removal and replacement of thirteen (13) subway tunnel crossover doors. These doors allow trains to cross over between the inbound and outbound tunnels for operational flexibility and railcar turnbacks. The doors are located within the tunnel and are not visible from the public right-of-way or accessible to the public.
  • Reference:2015-015500ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Pine Lake Pump Station Upgrades - The project involves the construction of an underground concrete wastewater storage structure between the Pine Lake Pump Station and an adjacent underground wet-weather storage box. The proposed storage structure would measure approximately 42-feet long and 21-feet wide along the longest dimensions, and approximately 16-feet deep. A raised manhole cover 30-inches in diameter and a steel access door (4-foot by 4-foot) with a nine-inch concrete curb would be the only exposed structures visible at grade once the wastewater storage structure is completed and the approximate pre-construction site grade is restored.
  • Reference:2015-015147ENV
  • Received:Nov 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1374th meeting on 11/12/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-015001ENV
  • Received:Nov 12, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 12, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Order 5510 for public hearing 11/17/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-015000ENV
  • Received:Nov 12, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 17, 2015
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Description: Pavement to Parks - Francis Scott Key - Install recreational facilities onto a San Francisco Unified School District-owned parking lot.
  • Reference:2015-006485ENV
  • Received:Nov 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Description: DPW FY 2015-16 Annual Micro-Surfacing Program - 435 blocks -- each block would be under construction for about 2-3 days. Seal roadway cracks, replace road base, add/replace ADA-compliant curb ramps, move catch basins and utilities as necessary.
  • Reference:2015-014697ENV
  • Received:Nov 05, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - San Andreas Pipeline No. 2 Repair Project 2015 - The project involves the replacement of 130 feet of pipeline (54" in diameter), as well as the restoration of the parking lot paving and landscaping (8,500 sq. ft.), and the replacement of the park's entry kiosk and electrical connection, at the Junipero Serra County Park in San Mateo County.
  • Reference:2015-014674ENV
  • Received:Nov 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5493 for Public Hearing on 10/30/2015 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities. Order # 5493 for Public Hearing on 10/30/15 CatEx
  • Reference:2015-014680ENV
  • Received:Nov 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 30, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Color Curbs Order #5499 - Categorically exempt from Environmental Review: CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1(c): Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities. SFMTA Color Curbs Order #5499 for Public Hearing on 11/6/15
  • Reference:2015-014681ENV
  • Received:Nov 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 06, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - Roof and Gutter Repairs at Seven SFMTA Facilities - SFMTA proposes to issue a contract for various roof and gutter repairs at seven (7) facilities, including (2380 Jackson St., 3600 Mission St., 375 Laguna Honda Blvd., 98 Russia St., 1508 Bancroft Ave., Church and Duboce, and 2301 San Jose Ave.). The proposed project includes various repairs would patch leaks in the buildings’ roofs, skylights and/or gutters. No replacement or other work is proposed.
  • Reference:2015-014678ENV
  • Received:Nov 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:MTA Special Work Order
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Description: SFO - Taxilanes H and M (M1 and M2) Realignment Project - Realign taxilanes, adjacent vehicle service roads, fences and utility lines.
  • Reference:2015-014568ENV
  • Received:Nov 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Transit Center District Area Plan - Folsom Street Design Update - SFMTA Transit Center District Area Plan: Planning Code, Zoning Map, and General Plan Amendments
  • Reference:2007.0558ENV-02
  • Received:Nov 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Order #5501 for Public Hearing on 11/13/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-014524ENV
  • Received:Oct 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 13, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - Stockton Street Road Diet Pilot Project - To provide data that will inform future decisions on a sidewalk widening on Stockton Street.
  • Reference:2015-014458ENV
  • Received:Oct 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Proposed temporary pilot installation of Personal Wireless Services Facilities, for Verizon Wireless, within JC Decaux Kiosks - Proposed temporary pilot installation of Personal Wireless Services Facilities, for Verizon Wireless, within nine (9) existing JC Decaux heritage kiosks, along Market Street between Beale and Taylor Streets. Installations will occur completely within existing kiosks with no associated external (outside kiosk) equipment, trenching, electric meters, or surface mounted facilities. See attached four (4) page summary letter marked as Exhibit A.
  • Reference:2015-014413ENV
  • Received:Oct 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 28, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - Motorization of Two Gate Valves Project, 2015 - The proposed project would motorize one open control gate valve of the Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS), changing it from local manual operation to remote controlled motorized operation, which would be located underground at Bayshore Blvd and Cesar Chavez St. The proposed project would also repair an existing underground motorized AWSS open control gate valve, actuators, and conduit, including the replacement of approximately 250 linear feet pipeline, located within the centerline of Van Ness Ave. at Bay St.
  • Reference:2015-014325ENV
  • Received:Oct 27, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Roof and Skylight Repairs at Three SFMTA Facilities - Roof and skylight repair at Flynn Division (1940 Harrison St.); roof repair at Presidio Division (949 Presidio Avenue); and roof repair at Kirkland Division (151 Beach Street).
  • Reference:2015-014158ENV
  • Received:Oct 22, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - OCS Special Work at Mission and Main - The SFMTA proposes to install an Overhead Contact System (OCS) at the intersection of Mission and Main Streets. The project involves installation of wire curve segments, switch and crossover assemblies, pulloffs, support wires, pole bands, and one (1) trolley pole with foundation. The project would interconnect to the existing overhead wire system which would remain in place. The new OCS segment would allow for temporary re-routes of Muni Trolley coaches traveling northbound on Main Street to turn left onto Mission Street westbound. The project would include all necessary wire aligning, adjusting, tensioning and testing.
  • Reference:2015-014103ENV
  • Received:Oct 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Contract for Woods Maintenance Roll-Up Door Replacement - The SFMTA proposes to issue a contract for the replacement of one (1) roll-up door at the Woods Maintenance Yard (1001 22nd Street). The door serves the SFMTA Body repair shop and is located on Tubbs Street, approximately 100 feet from the intersection of Tubbs St. and Indiana Street (see attached photo). The entire roll-up door assembly will be replaced in-kind including the roll-up door, door motor and hollow metal swing pass door.
  • Reference:2015-014042ENV
  • Received:Oct 20, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 16, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - Eleanor Dam Condition Assessment Project - The SFPUC proposes a concrete coring investigation involving approximately 12 concrete cores within Lake Eleanor Dam. The worksite would be accessed by vehicle via Forest Route 1N14 and on foot. Work would be conducted along the dam crest and along the base of the upstream and downstream faces of the dam. Concrete core samples would be extracted from the dam and tested for strength properties and examined to assess overall composition, condition, and quality. The investigation would occur when the reservoir is fully dewatered.
  • Reference:2015-013979ENV
  • Received:Oct 19, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Geotechnical Investigation for Transmission Line Clearance Mitigation Project - The proposed investigation involves geotechnical borings at four sites along SFPUC electrical transmission lines located near the South Fork/Ferretti Road right-of-way and the north side of State Route 120, near the town of Colfax Springs, Tuolumne County.
  • Reference:2015-014001ENV
  • Received:Oct 19, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD Francisco Park (851 Bay St. & 2445 Hyde St.) - Convert inactive reservoir and open space into a 4.5-acre public park with a lawn, playground, dog run, pathways, stairways, view terraces, historic interpretive area, and an approximately 1,600-square-foot maintenance/public restroom building. Vacate Francisco Street between Hyde and Larkin Streets to become part of the new park.
  • Reference:2015-005865ENV
  • Received:Oct 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: DPW Twin Peaks Blvd Culvert Repair and Extension - Repair and extend drainage facilities along Twin Peaks Blvd. northwest of the curve in the roadway between the two peaks, above Aquavista Way.
  • Reference:2015-013822ENV
  • Received:Oct 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1373 Meeting of 10/22/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment and minor alterations in land use limitations, including street closings and equipment for special events. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee
  • Reference:2015-013851ENV
  • Received:Oct 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 22, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - South Ocean Beach Short-Term Erosion Protection Project - Over the next 5 years, the SFPUC proposes to place temporary erosion protection measures in areas vulnerable to erosion that would threaten the Lake Merced Tunnel at South Ocean Beach if left unaddressed. The project includes sand backpassing (a measure that has already been implemented twice by the SFPUC) and the installation of sand bags. Sand backpassing may occur as frequently as once annually. Sandbag placement would occur on an as-needed basis. Triggers for sand backpassing and sandbag placement would be outlined in a monitoring program developed for this project. Sand backpassing involves moving sand from north Ocean Beach to erosion hot spots in south Ocean Beach. Sandbag structures would be placed when specific notches develop.
  • Reference:2015-013754ENV
  • Received:Oct 14, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 100 Block of Eddy Daylighting and Parking Restrictions - Categorical exemption for operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-013524ENV
  • Received:Oct 08, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Central Shops Relocation and Land Transfer Project - The proposed project involves the SFPUC's purchase of two parcels (1975 Galvez Ave., Assessor's block 5250, lot 016; and 555 Selby St., Assessor's block 5250, lot 015) for use by the San Francisco General Services Agency (GSA), as well as the GSA's leasing of one parcel (450 Toland St., Assessor's block 5230, lot 018), to be used as the new site of the city's Central Shops facility. The project also involves the demolition of existing structures and the construction of a new Central Shops building on the two parcels at Selby and Galvez, as well as tenant improvements to the existing structure at 450 Toland St. Subsequently, the existing Central Shops operations at 1800 Jerrold Ave. would be moved to the new facilities and the existing site would be cleaned-up for eventual use by the SFPUC's Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant.
  • Reference:2015-013572ENV
  • Received:Oct 08, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: DPW - 2420J Bonview Street Retaining Wall - Proposal for retaining wall improvement along Bonview Street, in order to mitigate the impact of future soil and debris falling into immediate area.
  • Reference:2015-013388ENV
  • Received:Oct 07, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: DPW - 2700J San Marcos Street Retaining Wall - Proposal for retaining wall improvement along San Marcos Street in order to mitigate the impact of future soil and debris falling onto the immediate area.
  • Reference:2015-013383ENV
  • Received:Oct 07, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFO - Building 10 Demolition Project - Proposed demolition of a modular building on Airport property and conversion of the site to airfield uses.
  • Reference:2015-013397ENV
  • Received:Oct 07, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Addendum - Second St Improvement Project Supplmental EIR to the Bicycle Plan EIR - Programmatic SF 2005 Bicycle Plan program with several project specific level projects. Ammend Transportation Element and Downtown Area Plan of General Plan. Ammend Planning Code sections: 155, 155.1, 155.4, 155.5. Addendum to the EIR issued on February, 2012 for the Lee Avenue bicycle lane. Addendum to the EIR issued on March, 2012 for the Cesar Chavez East bicycle lane. Addendum filed on 10/29/12 for the Great Highway Bicycle Lane. Addendum filed on 3/22/13 for the 2nd Street Improvement Project.
  • Reference:2007.0347E_20
  • Received:Oct 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: DPW 2433J Brotherhood Way Sidewalk - Install curb ramps along Brotherhood Way (south side) from Thomas More Way to St. Charles Ave. The purpose of the project is to provide pedestrian facilities that meet current ADA standards by upgrading existing ramps, constructing connecting sidewalk, and constructing new ramps at crossings where no ramps presently exist.
  • Reference:2015-013314ENV
  • Received:Oct 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: DPW 2534J Diamond Heights Sidewalk - Construct new sidewalk and curbs at locations along Beacon Street, Topaz Way, and Gold Mine Drive in the Diamond Heights Neighborhood to improve connectivity for pedestrian facilities. Construct new pedestrian guardrail along steep slopes and new small retaining walls.
  • Reference:2015-013317ENV
  • Received:Oct 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Third Street Corridor Lighting Rehabilitation Project - The project involves the replacement of approximately 700 luminaires along Third Street and Bay Shore Boulevard. The existing metal halide lights would be replaced with light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures. Neither the light poles nor arms would be replaced. No ground-disturbing activities would be required.
  • Reference:2015-013285ENV
  • Received:Oct 05, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5487 for Public Hearing on 10/16/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-013203ENV
  • Received:Oct 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 16, 2015
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1372 Meeting of 10/8/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee
  • Reference:2015-013204ENV
  • Received:Oct 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 08, 2015
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Description: Ocean Avenue West Bike Improvements - Categorical exemption for minor public alterations in the condition of land including the creation of bicycle lanes on existing rights-of-way. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: SFMTA Board
  • Reference:2015-013219ENV
  • Received:Oct 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Potholing Investigation at Stern Grove - The project involves the excavation of 9 "potholes" within Stern Grove Park in order to identify the exact location of existing underground utilities within a proposed alignment for a future water main replacement project at this location.
  • Reference:2015-013163ENV
  • Received:Oct 01, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Water Main Replacement on Pachecho St., 10th Ave., & nearby side streets - The project involves the replacement of approximately 6,993 linear feet (~1.32 miles) of water mains, as follows: along 10th Ave. between Pacheco St. & Quintara St.; on Pacheco St. between Alton Ave. & 10th Ave.; on Alton Ave. between Pacheco St. & Casteñada Ave.; on Casteñada Ave. between Ventura Ave. & Magellan Ave.; on Magellan Ave. between Casteñada Ave. & Sola Ave.; on Ventura Ave. between Ortega Ave. & Linares Ave.; on Linares Ave. between 8th Ave. & Ventura Ave.
  • Reference:2015-013155ENV
  • Received:Oct 01, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Treasure Island Emergency Fire Suppression Suction Connections - Installation of three suction connections at three separate locations along the Treasure Island northern shoreline to provide San Francisco Fire Department access to an emergency backup water supply for its fire suppression activities on Treasure Island in the event of an expanding incident concurrently severs the primary water supply to Treasure Island's fire hydrants.
  • Reference:2015-013076ENV
  • Received:Sep 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Description: SFO Terminal 2 Aircraft Parking Enhancement Project - Modify the existing aircraft parking area at Terminal 2 to add one aircraft parking position. Replace an existing passenger boarding bridge with a multiple aircraft ramp system to allow two aircraft to be served by a single gate. Install a hydrant fueling pit and a ground power unit.
  • Reference:2015-013077ENV
  • Received:Sep 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPUC - Marin St. Sewer Replacement, Indiana St. to Marin St. Outfall - The project involves relining an existing 24-inch sewer pipe and adding a new 15-inch sewer pipe in the same trench, above the existing 24-inch line.
  • Reference:2015-012959ENV
  • Received:Sep 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Tenderloin Pedestrian Street Lighting Improvement Project - The project involves the installation of approximately 100 new LED (light emitting diodes), pedestrian-scale street lights that would match the existing historic-style street light poles on Taylor Street and Golden Gate Avenue. The new street lights would be installed on O'Farrell St., Ellis St., Eddy St., Turk St., Golden Gate Ave., Jones St., Leavenworth St., Hyde St., Larkin St. between Taylor St. and Larkin St. (east - west) and between Geary St. & Market St. (north - south).
  • Reference:2015-012965ENV
  • Received:Sep 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS File No. 150914: Affordable Housing as Principal Use - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to permit affordable housing as a principal use and not requiring a conditional use permit for affordable housing in other zoning districts, except in RH zoning districts and on designated public open space or property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Department.
  • Reference:2015-012706ENV
  • Received:Sep 23, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC - Chinatown Green Alley Project - The proposed project involves street improvements on Spofford Street, between Clay Street to the south and to Washington Street to the north. Stormwater management proposed for Spofford Street would consist of four large flow-through bio-retention planters. Each planter would be approximately four feet wide and three feet deep, ranging from 7 to 26 feet long, and with a minimum five-foot offset from building facades.
  • Reference:2015-012554ENV
  • Received:Sep 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5480 for Public Hearing on 10/2/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-012483ENV
  • Received:Sep 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 02, 2015
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1371 Meeting of 9/24/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee
  • Reference:2015-012403ENV
  • Received:Sep 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 24, 2015
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1370 Meeting of 9/10/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee
  • Reference:2015-012402ENV
  • Received:Sep 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 10, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - Emergency Water Wheeling Agreement to Skylonda Mutual Water Company by California Water Service Company & SFPUC - The proposed project involves a Letter of Agreement between the California Water Service Company and the SFPUC for the benefit of the Skylonda Mutual Water Company to deliver one million gallons of water per month for a period of five months (October 2015 to February 2016) in order to address a lack of locally available water, as recognized by the San Mateo Office of Emergency Services (8/25/15). No construction would be required to wheel water from the SFPUC and the California Water Service Company to the Skylonda Mutual Water Company.
  • Reference:2015-012382ENV
  • Received:Sep 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Harrison Street Lighting Improvement Project - The proposed project involves the installation of 9 new street lights on one block of Harrison St., between Spear St. and the Embarcadero.
  • Reference:2015-012305ENV
  • Received:Sep 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Replacement Project - Naples St., Munich St., Sagamore St., & Alemany Blvd. - The proposed project involves the replacement and rehabilitation of existing sewers along Naples St. (between France Ave. and Silver St.), along Munich St. (between France Ave. & Naylor St.), along Sagamore St. (between Orizaba Ave. and San Jose Ave.), along Alemany Blvd. (between Bright St. and Orizaba Ave.). A total of approximately 10,877 linear feet (approximately 2.06 miles) of sewer lines would be replaced and rehabilitated under this project.
  • Reference:2015-012287ENV
  • Received:Sep 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Cherry Dam Outlet Valve Replacement Project - The proposed project involves the replacement of the primary valve outlet at the Cherry Dam valve house, located within the Stanislaus National Forest in Tuolumne County. Installation of the replacement valve would require replacing a portion of the metal access walkway that leads to the valve house. Electrical equipment inside the valve house would also be replaced and manually controlled exterior lights would be added to the valve house entrance.
  • Reference:2015-012316ENV
  • Received:Sep 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order #5475 for Public Hearing on 9/25/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-012205ENV
  • Received:Sep 11, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 25, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation for Westside Pump Station Redundant Force Main and Reliability Improvements Project - The proposed geotechnical investigation involves the drilling of eight 6" bores to a depth of 50' to 125' below ground surface at the SFPUC's Westside Pump Station, located at the intersection of Sloat Blvd. and the Great Highway.
  • Reference:2015-012132ENV
  • Received:Sep 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - Perimeter Intrusion Detection System Project - Install 13,500 linear feet (lf) of new electrical and telecommunications duct banks, repair up to 4,000 lf of existing duct bank, and install security cameras and radar equipment at 10 points on the SFO airfield.
  • Reference:2015-012102ENV
  • Received:Sep 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5468 for Public Hearing on 9/18/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-011490ENV
  • Received:Sep 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 18, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - Excelsior Neighborhood Water & Sewer Line Replacement & Pavement Renovation Project 2015 - The project involves the replacement of potable water mains on the following streets in the Excelsior neighborhood: along Russia Ave., between London & Lisbon Streets, between Lisbon & Edinburgh Streets, between Edinburgh & Vienna Streets, between Vienna & Moscow Streets, between Moscow & Prague Streets, between Prague & La Grande Ave.; along La Grande Ave. end-to-end; along Vienna Street between Russian & Persia Avenues; along Prague Street from its end to Russia Avenue, between Russia & Persia Avenues, between Persia & Brazil Avenues, between Brazil & Excelsior Avenues, which totals ~8,645 linear feet (~1.64 miles). The project also involves the replacement of sewer lines on the following streets in the Excelsior neighborhood: along Russia Avenue between Paris & Lisbon Streets, between Naples & Vienna Streets, between Athens & Munich Streets, between Munich Street & La Grande Avenue; along Vienna Street between Russia & Persia Avenues, which totals ~1,780 linear feet (~0.34 miles). In addition, the project involves curb-to-curb pavement renovation along the following streets in the Excelsior neighborhoods: along Russia Avenue between La Grande Avenue & Mission Street; along Vienna Street between Persia & Russia Avenue; along Prague Avenue from approximately 200 feet south of the intersection with Excelsior Avenue to the north side of the Crocker Amazon Playground.
  • Reference:2015-011381ENV
  • Received:Sep 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Port Event at Rincon Restaurants - Private party at Waterbar and EPIC Steak interior and patio and some public space on Oct 2, 2015 from 7-11 pm.
  • Reference:2015-011372ENV
  • Received:Sep 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: DPW - 2245 Jerrold Ave. - Demolish two existing 2,225 sf and 875 sf buildings and construct a 30,344 sf new San Francisco Fire Department Emergency Medical Building and a new three-story parking structure.
  • Reference:2015-011249ENV
  • Received:Sep 01, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: OCII ENV 1450 Franklin Street - Historic resource mitigation monitoring
  • Reference:2015-011131ENV
  • Received:Aug 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure
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Description: SFO - Westfield Security Checkpoint Project at SFO - Proposed: (1) Replacement of (E) 1-lane checkpoint gate with (N) 2-lane reinforced gate; (2) removal of (E) vehicle exit gate and relocation of other to south end; (3) shift of AOA fence; (4) Relocation of checkpoint guard shack; (5) re-painting of vehicle service road; and (6) modification of underground utilities.
  • Reference:2015-011139ENV
  • Received:Aug 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO - Relocation of Transportation Network Company Holding ot at SFO - Proposed: (1) Repurposing of long term surface parking lot for use exclusively for limousines; and (2) redevelop of lot at southern end of airport for TNC holding.
  • Reference:2015-011141ENV
  • Received:Aug 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPUC - Gas Holder Evacuation System Project at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant - The proposed project involves the installation of a concrete equipment pad and a digester-gas evacuation system/digester-gas pressure booster system at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant, which would include mechanical valves, a blower, mechanical accessories and piping, as well as controls.
  • Reference:2015-011088ENV
  • Received:Aug 27, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: MTA Bulding Security Upgrade Project - California Transit Security Grant Program purchase and installation at One South Van Ness Ave.
  • Reference:2015-010964ENV
  • Received:Aug 25, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Pier 28 Verizon Wireless Cellular Antenna Facilities - Install cellular antenna facilities on the roof of Pier 28. Rooftop facilities include nine antennas and remote radio units (RRUs) air condenser units. Install approx. 3,500 sq. ft. equipment room within the pier shed, including 25 kW gas generator and two air handler units. Install a 17" by 30" sidewalk utility box. Antennas and RRUs will be painted to match the clerestory backdrop.
  • Reference:2015-010924ENV
  • Received:Aug 25, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 28, 2015
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Description: DPW - Hallidie Plaza Elevator Guardrail Replacement - Proposed in-kind replacement of elevator components and guardrail at the Hallidie Plaza.
  • Reference:2015-010830ENV
  • Received:Aug 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: RPD Marina Green Triangle - Proposed replacement of the gravel perimeter path of public fitness courts with synthetic turf or decomposed granite. Make temporary physical fitness court permanent.
  • Reference:2015-010827ENV
  • Received:Aug 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5463 for Public Hearing on 9/4/15 - SFMTA Order # 5463 for Public Hearing on 9/4/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-010810ENV
  • Received:Aug 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 04, 2015
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Description: DPW Central Shop Relocation - Proposed demolition and relocation of the GSA Central Shops.
  • Reference:2015-010774ENV
  • Received:Aug 20, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1369 Meeting of 8/27/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee
  • Reference:2015-010683ENV
  • Received:Aug 19, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 27, 2015
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Description: DPW Telegraph Hill at Chestnut St Rock Slope Improvement Project - Stabilize northeast slope of Telegraph Hill along the Chestnut Street right-of-way above the intersection of Winthrop and Chestnut Streets via rock anchors, wire mesh anchors, dowels, wire mesh slope netting, and shotcrete.
  • Reference:2015-010681ENV
  • Received:Aug 19, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Mountain Tunnel Access & Adit Improvements Project - The proposed project involves improvements to existing adit-access roads, construction staging areas, and adits associated with the Mountain Tunnel Adits 5/6 and 8/9 located within the Tuolumne County portion of the Stanislaus National Forest. In addition, the project involves the installation of instrumentation and communications systems at Big Creek and Second Garrotte shafts and at South Fork East Adit.
  • Reference:2015-010632ENV
  • Received:Aug 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO: Boading Area F, Passenger Boarding Bridge and Modernization Project - Replace five passenger boarding bridges. Reconfigure aircraft parking areas and install two new hydrant fueling pits.
  • Reference:2015-010548ENV
  • Received:Aug 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA Color Curbs - Order #5459 Public Hearing 8/28/2015 - Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities. Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer Approval Date: 8/28/15
  • Reference:2015-010487ENV
  • Received:Aug 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 28, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - Modifications to Digester Number 10 at SEWPCP - The proposed project involves the removal of the floating cover (wooden decking with steel superstructure) of Digester Number 10, along with the corbels attached to the interior of the digester's reinforced concrete wall, and removal of the central mixing "cyclone" and other appurtenant mechanical equipment. New digester mixing pumps and piping would replace the existing. Piping between Control Building Number 2 (Building 680) and Digester Number 10 would also be replaced. A fixed steel cover attached to the top of the digester would replace the existing floating cover.
  • Reference:2015-010486ENV
  • Received:Aug 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Replacement of Building 521 at SEWPCP, Disinfection Upgrades, & Short-Term Lease of 2 Rankin Street - The proposed project involves replacing Building 521 at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant with a new, one story, 1,600 sq. ft. building (522), adjacent to Building 522, that would perform the same disinfection functions as Building 521, but with new, upgraded equipment. Other proposed repairs include: replacement of isolation sluice gate inboard and outboard of the disinfection contact channel, replacement of electric valve actuators with hydraulic valve actuators, repair or replacement of corroded wall thimbles at the sluice gates, and installation of three control panels to operate the hydraulic valve actuators. Adjacent to the new Building 522 would be a new Number 3 Water Pumping Station, which would involve the replacement of five pumps and the necessary piping to serve the existing primary and secondary clarifiers. Various structural and corrosion repairs would be made to Building 530. The project also involves a short-term lease of 2 Rankin Street for construction staging, management, and parking.
  • Reference:2015-010484ENV
  • Received:Aug 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Upgrades to Primary & Secondary Clarifiers at SEWPCP - The project involves the replacement of tank covers, handrails around the covers, and exhaust ducts within Buildings 042 at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant. The odor control system that serves this building would also be replaced. Within Building 230, the mechanism inside the Secondary Sedimentation Tanks (clarifiers), including the suction header, influent well, center column, sludge manifold, scum box, scum skimmer, drive box, and access bridge would be demolished and replaced for 8 of the 16 tanks (1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, & 16). Cracks in the concrete walls of the tanks would also be repaired. The other eight clarifiers would be evaluated under a subsequent contract and similar repairs and equipment replacement would be completed at a later date.
  • Reference:2015-010479ENV
  • Received:Aug 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Cherry/Eleanor Tunnel Filter & Channel Maintenance Project - The project involves the removal and disposal of naturally accumulated silt and debris in the channel and water-intake filter within Lake Eleanor that leads to the tunnel with which Lake Eleanor is connected to Cherry Lake.
  • Reference:2015-010397ENV
  • Received:Aug 12, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - New Combined Primary & Activated Sludge Sewage Storage Tank at SEWPCP - The proposed project involves the installation of a new 10-foot diameter, 10,000 gallon, fiberglass sewage storage tank, complete with piping and appurtenances within the Solids Treatment Facilities, adjacent to Building 750, near the Jerrold Ave. entrance to the facilities.
  • Reference:2015-010395ENV
  • Received:Aug 12, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFDPW & SFPUC Roadway Improvements & Sewer Replacement, Santa Rita Ave. - The proposed project involves the replacement of existing sewer pipeline with new 12-inch vitrified clay pipes (VCP) under Santa Rita Ave. between Mesa Ave. and San Marcos Ave., and under Santa Rita Ave., between 98 Santa Rita Ave. and the end of the street in the Forest Hill neighborhood.
  • Reference:2015-010235ENV
  • Received:Aug 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Muni Subway Station End-of-Platform Gate Replacement - The SFMTA proposes in-kind replacement of existing end-of-platform gates in nine (9) Muni subway stations: Castro, Church, Civic Center, Embarcadero, Forest Hill, Montgomery, Powell, Van Ness, and West Portal. The gates are located at both ends of the station platforms, for both the inbound and outbound directions, for a total of four (4) gates to be replaced at each station. In sum, the proposed project would replace 36 gates. The gates allow restricted access to tunnel catwalks solely for authorized persons. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: SFMTA Staff Award of Contract
  • Reference:2015-010175ENV
  • Received:Aug 07, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1367 Meeting of 8/13/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee
  • Reference:2015-010082ENV
  • Received:Aug 06, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 13, 2015
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Description: MTA - Powell Street Car-Free Zone Pilot Project - Proposed project to provide data that will inform future permanent legislation establishing a car-free zone on Powell Street between Ellis Street & Geary Street. 18-month evaluation period from 11/2015-5/2017, allowing SFMTA staff to collect traffic data on a year-round basis, while providing for a settling period where drivers adjust their behavior in response to the closure.
  • Reference:2015-010035ENV
  • Received:Aug 05, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Administration Building Physical Security Upgrade - The project involves the installation of small electronic security devices and an interior doorway turnstile in the existing administration building at the SFPUC's Moccasin compound in Tuolumne County, and would be implemented consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Rehabilitation.
  • Reference:2015-009987ENV
  • Received:Aug 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation for AWSS Clarendon Water Supply Project - The SFPUC proposes a geotechnical investigation involving 7 borings to support the design of the proposed AWSS Clarendon Water Supply Project. These borings would be conducted within La Avanzada St./Palo Alto Ave. and Dellbrook Ave. rights-of-way. The proposed geotechnical investigation of subsurface soils would provide information necessary for the analyses, design, and construction of an underground water supply basin and valve vault at this location.
  • Reference:2015-009957ENV
  • Received:Aug 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5448 for Public Hearing on 8/14/15 - SFMTA Order # 5448 for Public Hearing on 8/14/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-009868ENV
  • Received:Aug 03, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 14, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - Transportation Code Modification: Waiver for Towing and Storage Fees - Transportation Code Modification: Waiver for Towing and Storage Fees: The SFMTA proposes to amend the Transportation Code to formalize the Agency’s current practice of offering waivers for towing and administrative fees paid by the public in cases such as car theft.
  • Reference:2015-009743ENV
  • Received:Jul 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: DPW Third Street Bridge Corrosion Repair Project - Rehabilitation to maintain continued use of the bridge, including corrosion mitigation and recoating, concrete counterweight and curb repairs. Some in-kind replacement and repair of damaged steel members and possibly some deck replacement and accessibility upgrades.
  • Reference:2015-009647ENV
  • Received:Jul 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFPUC - Holloway Ave. Water Main Replacement Project - The proposed project seeks to replace 1.15 miles (6,100 linear feet) of water mains under Holloway Ave., between Harold Ave. and Ashton Ave.
  • Reference:2015-009610ENV
  • Received:Jul 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech Investigation for New Headworks Project - The proposed geotechnical investigation involves a total of seven geotech borings that would be conducted primarily within the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant, within and along the block bounded by Rankin Street and Evans Avenue southeast to Quint Street. Approximately three borings would be conducted along the sidewalk of Evans Avenue right-of-way.
  • Reference:2015-009615ENV
  • Received:Jul 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA West Portal Transit Signal Priority - The proposed project would create a Transit Signal Priority (TSP) system on existing Muni facilities along West Portal Avenue between Ulloa Street and St. Francis Circle. The project would upgrade transit signal and wireless communications systems, install a pedestrian Flashing Beacon System (FBS), and install Vehicle Tagging Systems (VTS). VTS detects the presence of oncoming Light Rail Vehicles (LRV) and communicates with nearby traffic signals for LRV priority. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: Staff Job Order Contract Issuance
  • Reference:2015-009351ENV
  • Received:Jul 23, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Muni Metro Rail Grinding - The SFMTA proposes to refurbish the existing trackway in the Muni Metro tunnel, from Castro Station to Embarcadero Station. In order to achieve a smoother ride for passengers as well as increase the life of the rail, the Agency proposes to grind the steel rails. Rail grinding would occur along both sets of steel rails in the inbound and outbound directions for the approximately 3.2 mile trackway segment. Grinding would occur as necessary in continuous stretches of track and/or in specific areas. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: Award of Contract
  • Reference:2015-009213ENV
  • Received:Jul 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Order # 5444 for Public Hearing on 7/31/2015 - SFMTA Order # 5444 for Public Hearing on 7/31/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-009122ENV
  • Received:Jul 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 31, 2015
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1367 Meeting of 7/23/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee
  • Reference:2015-009045ENV
  • Received:Jul 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 23, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Order 5429 for public hearing 6/26/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-008939ENV
  • Received:Jul 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1364th meeting on 6/11/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-008920ENV
  • Received:Jul 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Order 5392 for public hearing 4/3/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-008950ENV
  • Received:Jul 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Order 5426 for public hearing 6/19/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-008932ENV
  • Received:Jul 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Order 5399 for public hearing 4/17/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-008948ENV
  • Received:Jul 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1365th meeting on 6/25/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-008946ENV
  • Received:Jul 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: 490 South Van Ness Avenue - The proposal is to purchase the property for 100% affordable housing; the property is a vacant and abated former gasoline station entitled for 72-units.
  • Reference:2015-007815ENV
  • Received:Jul 13, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: SFMTA Various Locations Pedestrian Countdown Signals Contract #3 - SFMTA proposes the installation of new vehicular signals, pedestrian countdown signals, underground conduits, underground sidewalk pull boxes, signal poles, above-ground controller cabinets, accessible pedestrian signals, and ADA compliant curb ramps at existing signalized intersections. The maximum excavation for various project elements could reach up to 12 feet in depth. Traffic signal pole foundations would reach about 11 feet in depth, but most are about 4 feet deep. Underground conduits would be installed across the streets and under sidewalks in trenches approximately 1 foot wide and 2-3 feet deep. Controller cabinet foundations would involve excavation of approximately 2 feet. Underground pull boxes involve excavation of up to 2 feet in depth. Approval Action: Staff Award of Contract
  • Reference:2015-008799ENV
  • Received:Jul 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Traffic Signals and Conduits Pedestrian Improvement Project - Approval Action: Staff Award of Contract
  • Reference:2015-008798ENV
  • Received:Jul 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 28, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - Twin Peaks Tunnel Project - Track rehabilitation - SFMTA Twin Peaks Tunnel.
  • Reference:2015-008803ENV
  • Received:Jul 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - King Street Bicycle Lane Project - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Proposed removal of (E) bicycle lanes and pavement messages. Upgrade crosswalks. Upgrade and replace bicycle lanes, installation of new bicycle queue boxes, Ssnsys detectors and turn restrictions.
  • Reference:2015-008703ENV
  • Received:Jul 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Color Curbs - SFMTA Order #5440 Public Hearing 7/24/2015 - Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities. Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer Approval Date: 7/24/2015
  • Reference:2015-008759ENV
  • Received:Jul 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 24, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - Vicente St.-19th Ave. Utility Potholing Investigation - The proposed investigation seeks to identify the exact locations of existing underground utilities along Vicente St., from 19th Ave. to 25th Ave., and along 19th Avenue, from Vicente to Sloat Blvd., for the purpose of designing a new 36-inch diameter potable water pipeline along this same alignment (the proposed installation of which would be reviewed separately for CEQA compliance) through the vacuum excavation of 19 "potholes", 8 to 12 inches in diameter and 5-feet deep. In addition, a single trench 8-feet long by 8-feet wide by 8-feet deep would be dug at the intersection of 25th Avenue and Vicente Street to establish the exact location of an existing 54-inch potable water pipeline. Once the investigation is completed, the areas with the potholes and trench would be restored to according to standards set by the Department of Public Works. The investigation would be completed in one month, working Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm.
  • Reference:2015-008693ENV
  • Received:Jul 09, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RED Sale of Property: 30 Van Ness Avenue - Sale of four-story office building over ground floor retail/commercial. Current uses to continue during planning for development of a high rise residential tower. No physical changes to the building.
  • Reference:2015-008571ENV
  • Received:Jul 09, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: SFPUC - Moccasin Network Operation Center Physical Security Upgrades - Installation of interior and exterior small-scale electronic security equipment for a non-historic building at the SFPUC's Moccasin facility.
  • Reference:2015-008695ENV
  • Received:Jul 09, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: DPW Brotherhood Way Community Garden - Convert a 21,000-square-foot unmaintained lot into a public access community garden.
  • Reference:2015-008548ENV
  • Received:Jul 07, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: King Street Bicycle Lane - The Project is a suite of bicycle safety improvements on King Street from Townsend Street to Third Street and on Townsend Street from King Street/The Embarcadero to Second Street. Since there is redundancy in the bicycle network at this location, improvements and guidance will be installed to promote the Townsend Street bicycle route from The Embarcadero to destinations to the southwest and the San Francisco Bay Trail to the south. The King Street bike lane and sharrows from Second Street to Third Street will be removed. King Street between Second and Third streets is prioritized under the Vision Zero SF initiative for safety improvements due to a fatal traffic collision between a bicycle rider and a concrete mixing truck.
  • Reference:2015-008426ENV
  • Received:Jul 06, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Order #5438 Public Hearing 7/17/2015 - Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities. Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-008410ENV
  • Received:Jul 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 17, 2015
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Description: BOS File No. 150271 - Ocean Ave NCT - File No. 150271: Ordinance amending the Planning Code and the Zoning Map to rezone properties facing Ocean Avenue, between Phelan Avenue and Howth Street, from the RH-2 and RM-1 Use Districts to the Ocean Avenue Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) District, and to include them in the existing Ocean Avenue NCT District; rezone properties facing Ocean Avenue, between Paloma Avenue and 19th Avenue, from NC-1 to NCT-1; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Section 302 findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2015-008342ENV
  • Received:Jul 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT Agenda 1366 (July 9, 2015) - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU. Approval Action: ISCOTT Committee
  • Reference:2015-008256ENV
  • Received:Jul 01, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 09, 2015
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Description: RPD Tank HIll Park Box Step Replacement (100 Twin Peaks Blvd) - Replace existing steps from Belgrave Avenue with new timber-framed, 4' wide box steps.
  • Reference:2015-008221ENV
  • Received:Jun 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Mission Streetscape Plan - Addendum - Addendum to MDSP MND - 16th and Harrison Bicycle Lane
  • Reference:2008.1075ENV-05
  • Received:Jun 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Public Hearing Agenda 7/10/2015 Order #5436 - Operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities. Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU Approval Action: City Traffic Engineer
  • Reference:2015-008080ENV
  • Received:Jun 26, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA UN Plaza Vent Grate Repair/Replace - Approval Action: Contract Approval by Staff
  • Reference:2015-008095ENV
  • Received:Jun 26, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Commuter Shuttle Program - Make permanent the 18-month commuter shuttle pilot program (2013.1591E).
  • Reference:2015-007975ENV
  • Received:Jun 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFAC Marina Earthquake Memorial Project (800 Marina Blvd.) - Public memorial dedicated to the events of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake sponsored by the San Francisco Arts Commission. The memorial will consist of an open gathering space surrounded by low, rammed earth walls and landscaping. Text and imagery will be inlaid into the memorial's vertical surfaces.
  • Reference:2015-007682ENV
  • Received:Jun 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Description: SFMTA Potrero Yard Door Replacements (2500 Mariposa Street) - Replace three telescoping garage doors at the Potrero Yard bus maintenance and storage facility. The three doors to be replaced face Mariposa Street nearest to the corner of Hampshire Street.
  • Reference:2015-007568ENV
  • Received:Jun 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Hayes Valley Intersection Daylighting - Establish new and extended red curb zones at 20 intersections in the Hayes Valley neighborhood to improve pedestrian visibility and safety. Reduce two existing red zones in response to recent changes in bus transit routing.
  • Reference:2015-007564ENV
  • Received:Jun 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC Biosolids Digester Facilities Enviornmental and Geotechnical Investigation - The proposed environmental and geotechnical investigation involves 52 rotary and split-spoon auger borings to depths of approximately 20 to 100 feet in the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant, Central Shops Vehicle Maintenance Facility, and the decommissioned Department of Public Works Asphalt Plant in the Bayview/Hunters Point neighborhood. Upon completion of the geotechnical investigation, the auger locations would be restored to their general, pre-investigation condition in accordance with Department of Public Heath geotechnical and environmental site investigation standards. The investigation would be completed in about 35 days.
  • Reference:2015-007554ENV
  • Received:Jun 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Newcomb Avenue Street Lighting Improvment Project. - The proposed project involves the installation of six new decorative street lights to match the existing street lights, supplementing Newcomb Avenue street lighting levels. Each street light installation would require pouring a new pole foundation, installation of a new light pole and fixture, a pull box, conduit wires, trenching, pulling wires, and power service connection.
  • Reference:2015-007519ENV
  • Received:Jun 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 8-inch Ductile Iron Water Main Installaion on Green Street. - The proposed project would replace and repair the existing 8-inch water main under Green Street, between Broderick and Laguna Streets and between Octavia and Gough Streets.
  • Reference:2015-007532ENV
  • Received:Jun 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 12-inch & 16-inch Water Main Replacement on 7th St. from Howard St. to 16th St. - The proposed project would replace existing water mains on 7th Street, between Howard Street and 16th Street, with 12-inch and 16-inch ductile iron pipe. The replacements include 6-inch connections to hydrants and other shore ancillary connections along the alignment. These replacement water mains would run along both sides of the street, in the parking lanes.
  • Reference:2015-007528ENV
  • Received:Jun 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Towing Contract Renewal - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU
  • Reference:2015-007388ENV
  • Received:Jun 11, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: RPD Golden Gate Park - 45th Ave. Boat Playground - Add 465 sq. ft. restroom building to existing playground at 45th Ave and Lincoln Way.
  • Reference:2015-007421ENV
  • Received:Jun 11, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RED City Hall Centennial Celebration - San Francisco City Hall Centennial Celebration on Friday, June 19th, from 6 – 11 pm, at Civic Center Plaza. The event includes a multi-media light display involving the temporary installation of projectors and associated mechanical equipment on the roofs of the Asian Art Museum and Main Library.
  • Reference:2015-007148ENV
  • Received:Jun 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: RED Digital Multimedia Projection System at City Hall - Permanent projection lighting.
  • Reference:2015-007149ENV
  • Received:Jun 09, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: BOS 150569 - BOS File 150569
  • Reference:2015-007285ENV
  • Received:Jun 09, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA Vicente Street Bicycle Lanes Project - Upgrade existing sharrows on Vicente St. between 14th and 17th Aves. to Class II bicycle lanes in both directions.
  • Reference:2015-006976ENV
  • Received:Jun 03, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Port - Nuestros Silencios at Harry Bridges Plaza - Temporary art installation, July to October 2015.
  • Reference:2015-006950ENV
  • Received:Jun 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: DPW - SFPD Horse Comfort Station Fence Replacement and Drainage Improvements - Install French drain collection system and integrate this piping system with the Golden Gate Park combined sewer. Replace the wooden retaining wall and chain link fencing around the horse corral with a new 3' tall concrete retaining wall and steel post and rail ranch-style fencing approx. 550 linear feet in total. New wall and fence will match height of existing.
  • Reference:2015-006715ENV
  • Received:May 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: SFMTA Order 5418 for public hearing 06/05/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-006735ENV
  • Received:May 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 05, 2015
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Description: 950 Golden Gate Ave. (RPD Margaret S Hayward Playground & James P Lang Fields) - Demolition, renovation and/or consolidation of park structures, including buildings, storage, and restrooms. Improved park access. Replacement of sports courts and fields, children's play area, and related amenities. Lot line adjustment: expand Dept. of Emergency Management (DEM) property to the south and reduce DEM property to the east resulting in a net increase of park land of approx. 7,733 sq. ft.
  • Reference:2015-006744ENV
  • Received:May 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RPD Lake Merced Boat Dock Replacement - Replace and extend existing dock, improve accessibility by adding two ADA parking spaces, and add vehicle path.
  • Reference:2015-006724ENV
  • Received:May 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RED Pink Triangle on Christmas Tree Point 2015 - Temporary installation of banner from June 26-29, 2015.
  • Reference:2015-006713ENV
  • Received:May 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: SFMTA Order 5412 for public hearing 05/22/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-006729ENV
  • Received:May 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 22, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Order 5421 for public hearing 06/02/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-006731ENV
  • Received:May 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 02, 2015
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1363rd meeting on 05/28/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-006736ENV
  • Received:May 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 28, 2015
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Description: 1750 OAK ST - Installation of security cameras and installation of muntin cap at conservatory roof.
  • Reference:2014.0690ENV
  • Received:May 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: 355 MCALLISTER ST - The proposed project includes removal and reconfiguration of the two existing playgrounds along Larkin Street. Work is to include new play equipment, curbs, railings and paving, plantings areas, and lighting.
  • Reference:2015-005727ENV
  • Received:May 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Bicycle Barometers and Bicycle Counters Installation - Install bicycle barometers on the sidewalk adjacent to the bicycle lane at 3 locations and install bicycle counters within the bicycle lane at 50 locations.
  • Reference:2015-006391ENV
  • Received:May 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - Free Muni Fares for 2015 APTA Annual Meeting attendees - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-006206ENV
  • Received:May 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Project - Replace existing headworks facility with new headworks facility; modify the Bruce Flynn Pumping Stations; and replace the Southeast Lift Station.
  • Reference:2015-006224ENV
  • Received:May 18, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA 1150 25th St Lease: Relocation of SFMTA Overhead Lines Division - Lease and limited interior improvements to an existing warehouse.
  • Reference:2015-006220ENV
  • Received:May 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Transportation Code Modifications: Parking Meter Cost Recovery Fees - Amend the Transportation Code to allow SFMTA to charge customers paying for parking meters a $0.25 for use of credit cards or the Pay-by-Phone service.
  • Reference:2015-006217ENV
  • Received:May 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1362nd meeting on 5/14/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-006204ENV
  • Received:May 14, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 14, 2015
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Description: SFPUC proposal to Adopt Rates and Charges for Phase 1 of Communinty Choice Aggregation Service within San Francisco - The SFPUC proposes the adoption of rates and charges for supplying greener electricity generation and related services to residential and commercial customers in San Francisco, in order to implement the Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program.
  • Reference:2015-005685ENV
  • Received:May 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - EV Charging Station and Ground Transp. Lots - Install four EV charging stations, install two canopies, restripe parking stalls, and enhance landscaping at the existing cell phone parking lot. Place eight charter bus stalls and 12 limo stalls on the western edge of the existing cell phone lot. Convert shuttle van parking lot to long-term surface parking lot. Relocate shuttle van staging area about 1.3 miles south to the western corner of the UA pilot parking lot. Install about 175' of cable line below ground.
  • Reference:2015-005615ENV
  • Received:May 05, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA FY2015-2016 MTC for Operating Assistance - Funds provide support to maintain and sometimes restore existing transit services.
  • Reference:2015-005629ENV
  • Received:May 05, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: DPW 2798 Broadway Major Encroachment Permit: Driveway Improvements - Replacement of existing fence and installation of two retractable bollards at the entry to the existing driveway, new street tree, and trench drain.
  • Reference:2015-004824ENV
  • Received:Apr 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Parcel: 1700001
Description: 50 Bowling Green Drive - Golden Gate Park Tennis Center Upgrade Project - Update and upgrade the facility in Golden Gate Park by Rec and Park Department. Replace existing clubhouse with new two-story clubhouse in new location. Replace courts. Reconfigure entry.
  • Reference:2015-005479ENV
  • Received:Apr 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Bicycle Share Project - Establishment of a permanent bike share program following the bike share pilot project (2012.0573E).
  • Reference:2015-005492ENV
  • Received:Apr 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: DPW Spofford Chinatown Living Alley Project - Green infrastructure project to manage stormwater, including bioretention planters, raised entry to the alley at Clay Street, truncated domes, resurfacing, benches, and lighting.
  • Reference:2015-005419ENV
  • Received:Apr 29, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: BOS 150365 - Accessory Dwelling Units in 24th St - Noe Valley NCD - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (also known as Secondary or In-Law Units) within Board of Supervisors District 8; amending the Administrative Code to provide that an Accessory Dwelling Unit constructed with a waiver of Code requirements is subject to the San Francisco Rent Ordinance if the existing building or any existing dwelling unit is already subject to the Rent Ordinance; making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and directing the Clerk to send a copy of this Ordinance to the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
  • Reference:2015-005350ENV
  • Received:Apr 28, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Informational
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA Order No. 5406 for public hearing 5/1/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-005220ENV
  • Received:Apr 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 01, 2015
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1360th meeting on 4/9/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-005219ENV
  • Received:Apr 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 09, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Airport Taxi Charge Pass Through - Increase the taxicab surcharge rate for passengers whose trips originate at SFO from $2 to $4.
  • Reference:2015-005201ENV
  • Received:Apr 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 05, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Taxi Medallion Pilot Program - Waive the FY 2015-2016 medallion renewal fee for individuals who purchased their medallion under the SFMTA Medallion Pilot Program and Medallion Transfer Program.
  • Reference:2015-005202ENV
  • Received:Apr 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 05, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Marin Facility Door Installation (1399 Marin Street) - Reframe and widen an existing rear exit doorway in the warehouse from 18'6" to 22' and install a new electrically operated heavy-duty steel door.
  • Reference:2015-005184ENV
  • Received:Apr 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Parcel: 4353009
Description: SFMTA Marin Facility Rehabilitation (1399 Marin Street) - Interior rehabilitation of existing MTA maintenance/repair/warehouse facility to accommodate and process new buses. Place four portable office trailers adjacent to the warehouse, install related electrical and plumbing connections, and locate eight shipping containers in the facility yard for storage purposes.
  • Reference:2015-005076ENV
  • Received:Apr 22, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: RPD Coit Tower Food Kiosk and Pioneer Park Lighting Improvements - Install refreshment kiosk at west side of parking lot north of Coit Tower; vacate small portion of Greenwich (paper) Street and transfer property to RPD to install kiosk.
  • Reference:2015-005093ENV
  • Received:Apr 22, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Kansas and Marin Streets Sewer Improvement Project - The SFPUC proposes the installation of a new sewer connection between the Marin Street sewer and the sewer line known as the "Contract C wet weather facility," consisting of approximately 350 feet of 102-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) that would be installed underground but on piles. The project also proposes an overflow connection structure between the new auxiliary sewer and the existing Marin Street sewer, an angled access manhole, and a connection collar to the existing Contract C wet-weather box structure (see figure 1.2). As part of this project, the SFPUC would also seek to acquire a 35-foot wide by 355-foot long permanent easement along the western property line of the parcel at 2575 Marin Street from the owner of that parcel for the construction and maintenance of the proposed new auxiliary sewer pipeline. This project revises, replaces, and supersedes the one described in case number 2015.003607ENV (for which a Categorical Exemption was issued on 3/23/15), in order to account for the proposed demolition of a structure at 2575 Marin Street.
  • Reference:2015-005036ENV
  • Received:Apr 21, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Adoption of Wholesale Revenue Requirements and Water Supply Agreement Charges for Fiscal Year 2016 - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes the adoption of rates, fees, and charges for supplying water to SFPUC Wholesale Customers during the Fiscal Year 2016 to become effective July 1, 2015. The proposed rate schedule reflects the terms of the 2009 Water Supply Agreement (WSA) between the City and County of San Francisco and the Wholesale Customers, approved by the SFPU Commission under Resolution Number 09-0069 on 4/28/2009.
  • Reference:2015-004881ENV
  • Received:Apr 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Great Highway Shoreline Erosion Protection - SFPUC - Great Highway Shoreline Erosion Protection
  • Reference:2015-004806ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Project Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Irving Street Water Main Replacements - SFPUC - Irving Street Water Main Replacements
  • Reference:2015-004795ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Project Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Central Shops Relocation and Land Transfer Project - The proposed project involves the SFPUC's purchase of two parcels (1975 Galvez Ave., Assessor's block 5250, lot 016; and 555 Selby St., Assessor's block 5250, lot 015) for use by the San Francisco General Services Agency (GSA), as well as the GSA's leasing of one parcel (450 Toland St., Assessor's block 5230, lot 018), to be used as the new site of the city's Central Shops facility. The project also involves the demolition of existing structures and the construction of a new Central Shops building on the two parcels at Selby and Galvez, as well as tenant improvements to the existing structure at 450 Toland St. Subsequently, the existing Central Shops operations at 1800 Jerrold Ave. would be moved to the new facilities and the existing site would be cleaned-up for eventual use by the SFPUC's Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant.
  • Reference:2015-004781ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 7560002
Description: RPD - Silver Tree Building, Glen Canyon Park, Re-Roof - Replace roof
  • Reference:2015-004804ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
  • Approval Action Date:May 28, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - 19th Avenue Sewer Replacement - SFPUC - 19th Avenue Sewer Replacement
  • Reference:2015-004788ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Project Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 19th Avenue AWSS Replacements - SFPUC - 19th Avenue AWSS Replacements
  • Reference:2015-004790ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Pending Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Alameda Creek Recapture Project - The Alameda Creek Recovery Project would recover up to 9,800 acre-feet/year of water that is released from Calaveras Reservoir or bypassed around the Alameda Creek Diversion Dam during future operations of Calaveras Dam, and reintroduce the water into the regional water system. Implementation of the Alameda Creek Recapture Project would enable the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to recapture the in-stream releases by collecting water that infiltrates into Pond F2, located in the Sunol Valley adjacent to Alameda Creek about 6 miles north of Calaveras Reservoir. Key project facilities proposed for construction include pumping systems on floating barges within Pond F2, 1,600 feet of overhead power lines extending from the Hetch Hetchy Water & Power Calaveras Electrical Substation to Pond F2, and approximately 1,000 feet of 36-inch-diameter pipeline to convey the recaptured water to the existing 36-inch Sunol Pipeline.
  • Reference:2015-004827ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Irving Street AWSS Replacements - SFPUC - Irving Street AWSS Replacements
  • Reference:2015-004802ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Pending Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Irving Street Sewer Replacements - SFPUC - Irving Street Sewer Replacements
  • Reference:2015-004799ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Project Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - 19th Avenue Water Main Replacements - The project involves the replacement of approximately 12,700 linear feet (~2.4miles) of water mains along 19th Avenue from Lincoln Way to Junipero Serra Blvd.
  • Reference:2015-004783ENV
  • Received:Apr 16, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD Willie Woo Woo Playground Improvements - Improvements to existing playground, including site accessibility and access (including the adjacent alley that runs from Sacramento Street to Clay Street); improvements to sport courts, playground, and clubhouse; regrade and repave walkways; upgrade ramps and stairways to meet current ADA standards; repair or replace fencing and retaining walls; resurface playground; renovate clubhouse.
  • Reference:2015-004676ENV
  • Received:Apr 14, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: North Shore Pump STation 2015 Geotechnical Investigation - The proposed investigation consists of a total of four geotechnical soil borings at the North Shore Pump Station at the northeast corner of the block bounded by North Point Street and Kearny Street.
  • Reference:2015-004600ENV
  • Received:Apr 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Upper Yosemite Creek Daylighting Project - Construct an open channel and associated improvements along the streetscape right-of-way in the northeast corner of McLaren Park and along the edge of the University Mound Reservoir parcel. Construct subsurface detention/retention tanks under Louis Sutter Playground in McLaren Park.
  • Reference:2015-004546ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 4046002
Description: Crane Cove Park - Pier 70 - The proposed project would involve 1) the construction of a new, approximately 9.8-acre shoreline park (Crane Cove Park), 2) an extension of 19th Street for park access and circulation, 3) creation of Georgia Street which would connect 20th Street to the 19th Street extension, 4) the relocation of the BAE Shipyard entrance from 20th Street to the terminus of the 19th Street extension and rerouting BAE Shipyard truck traffic from 20th Street to the 19th Street extension, and 5) street improvements along the eastern side of Illinois Street.
  • Reference:2015-001314ENV
  • Received:Apr 10, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 13, 2015
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Description: Auxiliary Water Supply System 19th Ave. Flexible Connections Project - The proposed project would construct new Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS) pipeline crossings underneath 19th Ave. at these five locations: Lawton St., Pacheco St., Santiago St., Ulloa St. and Ocean Ave. The new pipes would be 12-inch diameter ductile iron and would be located adjacent to the crosswalks on the intersection side at a depth of approximately three to eight feet below finished grade, depending on the location of existing utilities. The total length of all crossing pipelines would be approximately 1,120 feet (~0.21 mile).
  • Reference:2015-004515ENV
  • Received:Apr 09, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Presidio Middle School ADA Drop-off Zone (450 30th Avenue) - Construct an ADA compliant handicapped drop-off zone at the front entry to the school as part of the Presidio Middle School's (450 30th Avenue) general modernization project.
  • Reference:2015-004151ENV
  • Received:Apr 09, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: Auxiliary Water Supply System Replacement on Irving St. & 19th Ave. - The proposed project would replace or construct new Auxiliary Water Supply System (AWSS) pipelines along Irving St. and 19th Ave and would connect two dead-end pipelines along Irving St., with the intent of providing significant hydraulic benefits and improvement of emergency fire suppression water delivery to some areas of the Sunset District. The pipeline work would consist of: a new 20-inch pipeline along Irving St. between 7th and 9th Avenues; replacement of existing 12-inch pipe with 20-inch pipe along Irving Street between 9th and 19th Avenues; and replacement of existing 12-inch pipe with 20-inch pipe along 19th Ave. between Irving and Kirkham Streets. Underground valve boxes (consisting of a manhole cover to access the box containing valves) would be replaced with larger underground valve vaults. These vaults would be located at: Irving St., approximately 75 feet west of 9th Ave.; the intersection of Irving St. & 11th Ave.; the intersection of Irving St. & 15th Ave.; approximately 60 feet south of the intersection of Irving St. and 17th Ave.; and at 19th Ave., approximately 50 feet south of Irving St. Each replacement vault would be 11 feet by 8 feet by 7 feet deep. Work could also include the installation of an approximately 2-feet by 3-feet by 4-feet located on the sidewalk in the vicinity (location to be determined). Trenches would be dug 8-inches wide and 3-feet deep for electrical conduits, as well as 12-inches wide and 2-feet deep for a sump pump discharge line that would be connected with the nearest sewer manhole. Lengths of both trenches would vary depending on the location selected for the controller cabinet. The total length of the AWSS Project along Irving St. and 19th Ave. would be approximately 5,070 (0.96 mile). All construction work would be conducted in the public right-of-way.
  • Reference:2015-004510ENV
  • Received:Apr 09, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Safer Market Street Project - Safety improvements along Market Street between 3rd and 8th Streets, including new turn restrictions for private vehicles, extension of transit/taxi-only lanes to 3rd St., and other supplemental treatments.
  • Reference:2015-004278ENV
  • Received:Apr 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: DPW 1011 Turk St. - Install approximately 400 feet of underground conduit and related facilities.
  • Reference:2015-004240ENV
  • Received:Apr 03, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Other
  • Approval Action Date:May 18, 2015
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Description: SFO Building 710 Parking Lot Improvements - Install automated entry/exit parking barriers and associated fencing at the Building 710 surface parking lot; and install 2,000 linear feet of fiber optic cables using an existing spare conduit that runs from the Rental Car Center vault to a vault located west of Building 710 and then to Building 710.
  • Reference:2015-004079ENV
  • Received:Mar 31, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: DEM South Hill Tower Replacement - Install 60' tall tower adjacent to existing 40' tall tower on San Bruno Mountain (near 57 Alta Vista Way, Daly City). The tower supports communication facilities used by the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management and SFMTA. The 40' tall tower will be demolished after the 60' tower becomes operational.
  • Reference:2015-004078ENV
  • Received:Mar 31, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Description: RPD Walter Haas Connector Trail - Construct 580' long, 3-4' wide connector trail with box steps between Walter Haas Playground Park and Beacon Street/Billy Goat Hill Park. Enact erosion control measures and install protective fencing. Remove hazardous trees and restore native plants in the decommissioned informal trail area.
  • Reference:2015-003999ENV
  • Received:Mar 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
  • Approval Action Date:May 06, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - Additional Commuter Shuttle Bus Zone (Potrero Ave / 25th Street) - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-003825ENV
  • Received:Mar 25, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 07, 2015
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1359th meeting on 3-26-2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-003776ENV
  • Received:Mar 25, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 26, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - West Portal Rail-Drainage Improvement - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-003823ENV
  • Received:Mar 25, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: DPW Annual Street Repair Program FY2015-2016 - Paving, bulb-outs, and curb ramp work at 961 blocks throughout the city. Some work would occur concurrent with sewer and water main replacement projects.
  • Reference:2015-003696ENV
  • Received:Mar 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: Port March 2015 Special Events - Special Events on Port property 9/12/15 and 9/6/15
  • Reference:2015-003672ENV
  • Received:Mar 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 26, 2015
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Description: SFMTA 13th St Wesbound Bicycle Facility - Bicycle facilities on 13th St between 11th St/Bryant St and Folsom St. Purpose of the project is to connect the Division St bike lanes to the Harrison St and Folsom St bike lanes.
  • Reference:2015-003692ENV
  • Received:Mar 24, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Kansas and Marin Streets Sewer Improvement Project - The SFPUC proposes to construct a new auxiliary sewer to serve as a connection between the existing combined Marin Street sewer and the "Contract C" wet-weather facility. The project involves installation of approximately 350 feet of 102-inch-diameter reinforced concrete pipe on piles, an overflow connection structure between the new auxiliary and the existing Marin Street sewer, an angled-access manhole, and connection collar to the existing Contract C wet-weather box structure. The SFPUC would also need to acquire a 35-foot wide by 355-foot long permanent easement along the western property line, from the owner of the 2575 Marin Street parcel, for construction and maintenance of the proposed auxiliary sewer pipeline.
  • Reference:2015-003607ENV
  • Received:Mar 23, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SF Port - Pier 33 1/2 - The Port of SF proposes a change of use from previous office space to retail/restaurant at Pier 33 1/2 with a lease of approximately 2,000 sf of the Pier 33 1/2 bulkhead building for Queen's Louisiana Po'-Boy Café LLC.
  • Reference:2015-003363ENV
  • Received:Mar 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: 12-inch Ductile Iron Water Main Replacement on 6th St. from Market to Howard Streets and on Taylor from Pine to Market Streets - The proposed project would replace existing water mains with ductile iron pipe (DIP) under the following streets (segments in parentheses): 6th St. (btwn Market & Mission; btwn Mission & Howard), Taylor St. (btwn Pine & Hobart Alley; btwn Hobart Alley & O'Farrell; btwn O'Farrell & Golden Gate), Sutter St. (btwn Taylor & Mason), Post St. (btwn Taylor & Mason), Isadora Duncan Lane (up to intersection with Taylor), for a total of 6,619 linear feet (~1.25 miles). The replacement water mains would be installed in a new alignment adjacent to the existing mains because potable water service must be maintained during construction. Once the replacement water mains have been installed, the existing mains would be capped in place. Trench dimensions for installation of the new water mains would be approximately three to four feet wide and three to four feet deep. Once the pipeline work has been completed, the pavement surfaces would be restored according to Dept. of Public Works standards.
  • Reference:2015-003300ENV
  • Received:Mar 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Bryant Street Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project would replace and repair the existing sewers under Bryant Street between 8th and 11th Streets. A total of approximately 1,038 linear feet (~0.20 miles) of pipeline would be replaced and repaired under this project. The replacement pipeline would be installed in the same alignment as the existing pipeline, generally running down the centerline of the street. Typical trench width would be approximately four feet. Trench depth would average approximately 10 feet. After the sewer pipeline replacement and repairs are complete, street pavement would be renovated according to Dept. of Public Works standards.
  • Reference:2015-003289ENV
  • Received:Mar 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 17th, 33rd, & 37 Ave. Sewer Replacement Project - The proposed project would replace or repair the existing sewers under the following streets in San Francisco (linear feet and segment along which in parentheses): 17th Ave. (658' btwn Lincoln & Irving), 33rd Ave. (601' btwn Ulloa & Vicente), 37th Ave. (655' btwn Ulloa & Vicente), Anderson St. (432' btwn Powhattan & Eugenia), Ellsworth St. (533' btwn Eugenia & Cortland), Ingalls St. (309' btwn Egbert & Fitzgerald), Julian St. (568' btwn 14th St. & 15th St.), Maple St. (278' btwn Washington & Clay), Moultrie St. (398' btwn Tompkins & Ogden), and Revere St. (606' btwn Keith & Jennings), which totals 5,038 linear feet (0.95 miles).
  • Reference:2015-003294ENV
  • Received:Mar 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Stanford Heights Reservoir Piezometer Well Demolition - The proposed project consists of the decommissioning and demolition of one groundwater monitoring well at Stanford Heights Reservoir that will no longer be monitored. The well would be drilled out using either a hollow-stem auger or rotary wash drilling equipment. The approximately 10 cu. yds. of spoil from the demolition would be collected in 55-gallon drums and hauled off-site to an approved landfill for disposal. Concrete or asphalt debris removed from the site would either be recycled or disposed of according to the provisions of the San Francisco Construction and Demolition Debris Ordinance. The contractor would backfill the bore and restore the affected area to its general pre-disturbance condition.
  • Reference:2015-003286ENV
  • Received:Mar 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1358th meeting on 3/12/15 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-003066ENV
  • Received:Mar 12, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 12, 2015
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Description: Sigfox micro Wireless Telecommunications Services 'internet of things' network - Addition of one-rooftop mounted 2 meter-tall omni-whip antenna for a Sigfox micro Wireless Telecommunications Services "internet of things" network. Facilities to be installed by City staff (including Department of Technology). Harvey Milk Library (1 Jose Sarria Court), Marina Library (1890 Chestnut Street), Library Administration Building (190 9th Street), and Main Library (100 Larkin Street).
  • Reference:2015-003037ENV
  • Received:Mar 11, 2015
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 11, 2015
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Parcel: 1700001
Description: RPD Hellman Hollow Water Fountain - Replace one (1) water fountain in Hellman Hollow at Golden Gate Park. Replacement model: Bottle Filler Model #10145 in green.
  • Reference:2015-002831ENV
  • Received:Mar 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 26, 2015
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Description: Holloway Green Street Project - The Holloway Green Street project would implement green infrastructure along nine blocks of Holloway Ave. starting at Ashton Ave. and extending just past Lee Ave., in the Ingleside Neighborhood. The project would improve the residential street into a greener, more pedestrian- and bike-friendly corridor by incorporating multi-functional green infrastructure technologies. Corner bulb-outs containing bioretention planters would provide traffic calming and improve pedestrian safety while removing stormwater from the combined sewer system. A Categorical Exemption was previously issued for this proposed project in August of 2014 (Case No. 2014.1319E). However, due to a miscalculation in the number of parking spaces that would be removed, the project is now revised to clarify that the project would result in the loss of 6 on-street parking spaces over a 9-block stretch.
  • Reference:2015-002821ENV
  • Received:Mar 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5383 for public hearing 3-6-2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-003822ENV
  • Received:Mar 05, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 06, 2015
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Description: SFO Terminal 3 West Renovation Project - Expansion and renovation of San Francisco International Airport Terminal 3
  • Reference:2015-002670ENV
  • Received:Mar 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA-San Jose Ave & I-280 Pilot Project - Pilot Project Phase II to remove one lane of traffic on the northbound I-280 San Jose Avenue Off-ramp.
  • Reference:2015-002663ENV
  • Received:Mar 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 26, 2015
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Description: Alameda Creek Recapture Project Potholing Investigation - To support the design of the proposed Alameda Creek Recapture Project, the SFPUC proposes a "potholing" investigation to locate the joints of its 36" Sunol Pipeline in Alameda County near the Town of Sunol. Potholing involves the digging of holes in a pattern in order to determine the exact alignment of underground infrastructure. In this case, the investigation would occur between Calaveras Road, Alameda Creek, and San Antonio Creek. Excavation would be approximately 15 to 20 in length, 4 to 5 feet wide and 4 to 8 feet deep. This soil would be used to backfill the pothole once the pipeline survey concludes, and the site would be restored to its general pre-investigation condition once the pothole is refilled and compacted.
  • Reference:2015-002620ENV
  • Received:Mar 03, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1357th meeting on 2/26/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-002244ENV
  • Received:Feb 26, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 26, 2015
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Description: Balboa Park Station and Plaza Improvements - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-002235ENV
  • Received:Feb 26, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Lake Eleanor Water Supply Tank Rehabilitation Project - The SFPUC proposes to perform external in-kind repairs to an existing 20,000 gallon wooden water tank that is the primary source of non-potable water to the Lake Eleanor campground, and to the National Park Service bunkhouse and cottage, which are located within Yosemite National Park, although the tank is owned by the SFPUC. Consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, the project proposes repairs to the tank decking and roof supports that were damaged in the 2013 Rim Fire, repairs to the tank cover, as well as the insertion and attachment of a new flexible vinyl liner into the interior of the tank to prevent leaking.
  • Reference:2015-001922ENV
  • Received:Feb 19, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1355th meeting on 1/22/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-001848ENV
  • Received:Feb 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 22, 2015
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Description: Visitation Valley Green Nodes Project - The proposed project is a green infrastructure project in the City's Sunnydale watershed that is designed to manage and treat stormwater onsite through features such as rain gardens and bioretention planters. The Visitation Valley Green Nodes project is a compilation of distinct green infrastructure subprojects ("nodes") at different locations within the Sunnydale watershed. The first node, identified as the Leland Avenue Rain Garden, is adjacent to the McLaren Park Community Garden on an open parcel owned by the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Dept., at the end of Leland Ave. The second node, identified as the Sunnydale Avenue Mini-Plaza, is at the intersection of Sunnydale Ave. and Rutland St. This project was previously issued two Categorical Exemptions (Case Nos. 2014.1320E and 2015-001605ENV). However, due to miscalculations in the number of parking spaces that would be removed, the project application was resubmitted for subsequent environmental review.
  • Reference:2015-001869ENV
  • Received:Feb 18, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1354th meeting on 1/8/2014 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-001843ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 08, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Order 5381 for public hearing 2/27/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-001853ENV
  • Received:Feb 17, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 27, 2015
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Description: RPD FY 2015-2016 Budget Open Space Fund - FY 2015-2016 budget for the Open Space Fund. The Open Space fund provides funding for various Recreation and Park Department programs, including: recreation programs, urban forestry, community gardens, volunteer programs, and the natural areas program.
  • Reference:2015-001552ENV
  • Received:Feb 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: DPW Annual Street Repair Program FY2014-2015 - Paving, sewer work, water line replacements, bulb outs and curb ramps at about 450 blocks throughout the city. No change in parking or travel lanes.
  • Reference:2015-001599ENV
  • Received:Feb 12, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: Port Special Events Request 2/5/15 - Three special events on Port property 4/1315 to 6/20/15.
  • Reference:2015-001613ENV
  • Received:Feb 12, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 09, 2015
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Description: Visitation Valley Green Nodes Project - The proposed project is a green infrastructure project in the City's Sunnydale watershed that is designed to manage and treat stormwater onsite through features such as rain gardens and bioretention planters. The Visitation Valley Green nodes project is a compilation of distinct green infrastructure subprojects ("nodes") at different locations within the Sunnydale watershed. The first node, identified as the Leland Avenue Rain Garden, is adjacent to the McLaren Park Community Garden on an open parcel owned by the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department at the end of Leland Avenue. The second node, identified as the Sunnydale Avenue Mini-Plaza, is at the intersection of Sunnydale Avenue and Rutland Street. This project was previously issued a Categorical Exemption (Case No. 2014.1320E). However, due to miscalculations in the number of parking spaces that would be removed, the project application was resubmitted for subsequent environmental review.
  • Reference:2015-001605ENV
  • Received:Feb 12, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1356th meeting on 2/12/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-001852ENV
  • Received:Feb 11, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 12, 2015
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Description: SFMTA Order 5376 for public hearing 2/13/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-001840ENV
  • Received:Feb 05, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 13, 2015
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS REQUEST Feb. 2015 - Special event on Port property 3/8/15.
  • Reference:2015-001203ENV
  • Received:Feb 04, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 05, 2015
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Description: SFO Taxiway F2 Construction and Runway 28R Localizer Repavement - Construct new taxiway on the southern end of Runway 10R-28L, and reconstruct or slurry seal pavement around Runway 28R
  • Reference:2015-001169ENV
  • Received:Feb 03, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 03, 2015
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Description: Westside Recycled Water Treatment Facility 2015 Potholing Project - The proposed investigation involves a total of 58 "potholes" to be excavated at locations within and adjacent to the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant between the Great Highway and Skyline Blvd. The potholes would located above existing pipeline sites to confirm the location and depth of previously buried utilities.
  • Reference:2015-001107ENV
  • Received:Feb 02, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO Terminal 3 West Renovation Project - Building expansion to allow for 165,000 sf of new space and renovation of the interior areas.
  • Reference:2015-001119ENV
  • Received:Feb 02, 2015
  • Status:Void
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Port January 2015 Special Events - PORT SPECIAL EVENTS REQUEST 1/21/15 for Pier 48 event on 2/9/15.
  • Reference:2015-001062ENV
  • Received:Jan 30, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 21, 2015
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Description: SFMTA 9th and Division Bike and Ped Improvements - Vision Zero project on Division between 10th/Potrero and Vermont and 9th between Brannan and Division.
  • Reference:2015-000830ENV
  • Received:Jan 27, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant Biosolids Digesters - Replacement of existing biosolids digesters and related facilities at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant.
  • Reference:2015-000644ENV
  • Received:Jan 21, 2015
  • Status:Public Review Period
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Port - 501 & 555 Cesar Chavez St. and Annex on Pier 80 - Renovate existing 15,000 sf office building (501 Cesar Chavez); construct new 8,900 sf warehouse building (555 Cesar Chavez); and replace 100 surface parking places with 125-space 4,950 sf accessory parking structure (Annex on Pier 80).
  • Reference:2015-000517ENV
  • Received:Jan 15, 2015
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 141298 Noise Regulations Relating to Residential Uses Near Places of Entertainment - Ordinance amending the Building, Administrative, Planning, and Police Codes to require attenuation of exterior noise for new residential structures.
  • Reference:2015-000451ENV
  • Received:Jan 14, 2015
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA Order 5367 for public hearing 1/16/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-000397ENV
  • Received:Jan 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 17, 2015
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Description: SFPUC Long-Term Interconnection Agreement with Port of Oakland - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) proposes to enter into a 20-year interconnection agreement with the Port of Oakland for use of the Davis electric transmission substation in Oakland, California and point of delivery of low-cost Federal power provided by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) for continued electrical power service to serve Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island under the jurisdiction of the Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA). The interconnection agreement between the SFPUC and the Port of Oakland to authorize use of the Davis electric transmission substation was originally authorized on 9/29/98 under Commission Resolution Number 98-0242. Entry into the proposed new agreement would not authorize nor require the construction of any new facilities.
  • Reference:2015-000396ENV
  • Received:Jan 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5371 for public hearing 1/23/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-000395ENV
  • Received:Jan 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 17, 2015
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Description: SFMTA - Safer Streets Campaign - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-000394ENV
  • Received:Jan 13, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA Order 5363 for public hearing 1/9/2015 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-000398ENV
  • Received:Jan 09, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 17, 2015
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Description: SFPUC Sewer Replacement, Grafton Ave. & Garfield St. - The proposed project involves replacement of existing sewer pipelines with new 12-inch and 15-inch vitrified clay pipes (VCP) under Garfield Street between Head and Victoria Streets, Grafton Avenue between Orizaba and Bright streets, Grafton Avenue between Faxon and Jules streets, Grafton Avenue between Plymouth and Miramar avenues, and Grafton Avenue between Lee and Brighton avenues in the Ingleside Planning District in the City of San Francisco.
  • Reference:2015-000270ENV
  • Received:Jan 08, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC Water Service Contract w/ US Dept. of Energy, L. Livermore National Lab. - SFPUC proposes to execute a 10-year water service contract with the US Dept. of Energy for continued potable water service to the L. Livermore National Laboratory. No physical changes to the piping, pump station, or water meters would be required for the 10-year extension of the service contract, which was originally authorized on 7/19/1960 under Commission Resolution No. 20,401.
  • Reference:2015-000268ENV
  • Received:Jan 08, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Twin Peaks Tunnel Drainage System Cleaning/Inspection - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2015-000188ENV
  • Received:Jan 07, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Port Pier 9 Floating Dock and Gangway - Replace existing passenger ramp and floating dock on the south side of Pier 9 with a smaller floating dock and gangway for use by research and other vessels.
  • Reference:2015-000144ENV
  • Received:Jan 06, 2015
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS REQUEST 12/24/14 - Special event on Pier 48 Feb 3-6, 2015.
  • Reference:2014-003239ENV
  • Received:Dec 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 30, 2014
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Description: Burlingame Rector Porche Audi Parking Lot - Construction of a 6-foot tall chain link fence at existing parking lot on SFPUC right-of-way in Burlingame.
  • Reference:2014-003238ENV
  • Received:Dec 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD Synthetic Turf Replacement at Three Sites - Replace synthetic turf at Garfield Square, Franklin Square, and Youngblood Coleman Park. Repair/replace chain link fencing around each field. Modify irrigation system for field maintenance. Install new park signs and banners. Remove approximately seven eucalyptus trees from Franklin Square.
  • Reference:2014-003108ENV
  • Received:Dec 24, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS REQUEST 12/22/14 - Five special events on Port property from 1/28/15 through 9/27/15
  • Reference:2014-003075ENV
  • Received:Dec 23, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA - Replace Eight Transit Shelters - Replace eight transit shelters at eight locations: SW corner 21st/Chattannoga; NW corner Duboce/Noe; NE corner Laguna Honda/Forest Hill; south side Parnassus/Langley Porter; NW corner Quntara/14th; and SE corner Sunnydale/Santos.
  • Reference:2014-003012ENV
  • Received:Dec 22, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFO West Field Water Main and United Airlines MOC Backflow Preventer Project - Replace an existing 12-inch water main and replace en existing backflow preventer system on airport property.
  • Reference:2014-002779ENV
  • Received:Dec 16, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO Airfield Hydrant and Boarding Area G Water Main Replacement Projects - Install two hydrants; extend waterline; replace existing water main inkind to enhance firefighting capabilities. Approx. 5,000 linear feet of pipeline to be installed.
  • Reference:2014-002776ENV
  • Received:Dec 16, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: RPD Alta Plaza Park Improvements - The proposed project is a park master plan for phased improvements at Alta Plaza Park. Scope of work for Phase 1 (funded) improvements occurs on the north side of the park (except as noted) and includes: a. Irrigation system replacement; b. Landscape replacement on north side of park and at several park entrances; c. Replacement of asphalt walkways with concrete; d. Repair or embellishment of retaining walls at park entrances; e. Perimeter French drains on all sides of the park; f. New, central arbor and paving; and g. New or replacement of site furniture (benches, trash receptacles, bike rack, etc.) Scope of work for future phase improvements, as funding is made available, would include: h. Landscaping replacement on the south side of the park; i. Replacement of asphalt walkways with concrete; j. Repair or embellishment of retaining walls at park entrances; k. Pathway lighting; l. Installation of new trellis for maintenance storage container that requires the removal of an existing walkway; m. Installation of an underground cistern system; and n. New or replacement of site furniture (benches, trash receptacles, bike rack, etc.) on the south side of the park.
  • Reference:2014-002747ENV
  • Received:Dec 15, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: DPH SFGH Buildings 5 and 80/90 Seismic Improvements - Seismic improvements and interior renovation of San Francisco General Hospital Building 5 (constructed circa 1980) and Building 80/90 (constructed circa 1934).
  • Reference:2014-002709ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Health
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Description: SFPUC HHWP Moccasin Cottages Handrail Saftey Project - The SFPUC proposes to install code-compliant handrails, stairs, and staircase landings for the front entries to five cottages (numbers 13 through 17).
  • Reference:2014-002706ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO Variable Message and Overhead Guide Sign Replacement Project - Replace 23 variable message signs (VMS) mounted on sign bridges above Highway 101 ramps; replace 85 exiting sign panels; install infrastructure upgrades for power and telecommunications to support the new VMS.
  • Reference:2014-002716ENV
  • Received:Dec 12, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: DPW 3700 California Major Encroachment Permit - Install 77 linear feet of 2-4" HDPE conduit below Cherry Street from the west side of 3700 California Street the east side of 3800 California Street. This work will add additional capacity to Sutter Health's data system.
  • Reference:2014-001591ENV
  • Received:Dec 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: Motorization of Three Auxilliary Water Supply System Gate Valves - The proposed project would motorize three Open Control Gate Valve locations that are part of the Auxillary Water Supply System (AWSS), which are currently operated manually. This project would convert them to remote-controlled motorized operation. All three Open Control Gate Valve locations would require the installation of ductile iron gate valves in concrete vaults. Location 1 (at Sacramento & Kearny Streets) and Location 2 (at 17th & Dolores Streets) have existing cast iron gate valves that cannont be converted to remote acuation, and would therefore need to be replaced. The actuated gate valve at Locaction 3 (Bayshore Blvd. between Cesar Chavez & Marin Streets) would be located south of the existing gate valve location due to construction constraints.
  • Reference:2014-002546ENV
  • Received:Dec 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Mariposa Pump Station Interim Reparis & Force Main Modification - Replace 157 feet of existing 12" diameter sewer pipe with new 24" diameter high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe within the same alignment of existing pipe, which runs east-west in the intersection of Terry Francois Boulevard, Mariposa Street, and Illinois Street, on the south side of a large sub-surface concrete transport/storage sewer box. Also, replace existing manhole associated with the Mariposa Pump Station with an underground junction structure measuring 10' by 6' by 6.5' by 13.5' deep. Proposed modifications to an existing 20" force main and Mariposa Pump Station also include a 40' long section of new 14" diameter force main that would connect the Pump Station to the existing 20" force main. Depth of excavation down to 15' below ground surface. Area of excavation, 1,219 sq. ft. Amount of excavation, 572 cubic yards.
  • Reference:2014-002522ENV
  • Received:Dec 08, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Sunset Boulevard Greenway Project - The Sunset Blvd. Greenway Project would implement green infrastructure along 16 blocks of Sunset Blvd. between Sloat and Irving Streets. The project would manage stormwater from 16 blocks of Sunset Boulevard with 90 separate rain gardens and six infiltrations gallteries. The project project would also incorporate an outdoor learning lab with seatin sand signs arounds a large rain garden to provide outdoor education. Seeating at six bus stops areas would also be replced to provide an integrated design with adjacent rain gardens.
  • Reference:2014-002443ENV
  • Received:Dec 05, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Order 5354 for public hearing 12/5/2014 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014-002684ENV
  • Received:Dec 03, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 05, 2014
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT 1352nd meeting on 12/4/2014 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014-002685ENV
  • Received:Dec 03, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 17, 2015
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Description: SFMTA-Mission/South Van Ness/Otis Intersection Improvements - Intersection improvements including bulbouts, separated bike lane, transit island and elimination of pork chop.
  • Reference:2014-002258ENV
  • Received:Dec 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Hetch Hetchy Powerhouse SCADA System Upgrades - Upgrade electrical equipment at SFPUC, Holme, Kirkwood and Moccasin powerhouses.
  • Reference:2014-002112ENV
  • Received:Nov 26, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 2015A Power Enterprise Bond Sale - Sale of revenue bonds to finance planning and feasibility studies for potential future actions at various SFPUC power facilities.
  • Reference:2014-002115ENV
  • Received:Nov 26, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Don Pedro Reservoir Crossing 115kV & 230kV Transmission Lines - Replacement of four exisiting electrical power transmission towers with four new monopoles at Don Pedro Reservoir in Tuolumne County to meet regualtory requirements for minimum clearance above water.
  • Reference:2014-002073ENV
  • Received:Nov 25, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Port Special Event Request dated 11/20/14 - Yahoo Holiday Party at Pier 48 Shed and Aprons on 12/6/14.
  • Reference:2014-002040ENV
  • Received:Nov 24, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 29, 2014
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Description: RPD Mountain Lake Park Aeration Facility - Install electrical service facilities (33"x27"x36" high cabinet, concrete pad, and underground conduit) west of playground to operate aeration pumps to improve the biological health of Mountain Lake.
  • Reference:2014-001952ENV
  • Received:Nov 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: DPW Irving Street Repaving Project - The Irving Street Repaving Project would occur along the Irving Street right-of-way from Arguello Street to Great Highway. The proposed project would repave the roadway surface. The existing roadway configuration and striping would remain.
  • Reference:2014-001917ENV
  • Received:Nov 20, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: PUC - Pine Lake Pump Station Upgrade Geotech Investigation - Geotechnical investigation for the SFPUC's proposed Pine Lake Pump Station Upgrade Project.
  • Reference:2014-001734ENV
  • Received:Nov 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Cruise Terminal Plaza - Note to File Cruise Terminal Plaza
  • Reference:2014-001430ENV
  • Received:Nov 14, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Description: SFMTA Order 5350 for public hearing 11/21/2014 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014-001373ENV
  • Received:Nov 13, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 05, 2014
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Description: PUC - San Antonio Reservoir Evaporation Suppression Pilot Study, Oil Film Detection - Proposed investigation to determine the feasibility of radar detection of a thin film of food-grade canola oil on the surface of San Antonio Reservoir. Successful radar detection of the oil film would be the first stage of an investigation to determine the feasibility of monolayer films applied to the surface of reservoirs to suppress evaporation losses by up to 75 percent. The investigation would be conducted over a 6 to 12 month period during which an inflatable boat would be used to apply approximately 250 milliliters (approximately 8.5 fluid ounces) of canola oil to the surface of the reservoir every 3 days. The proposed investigation would detect the oil film using 3 different methods, including satellite-based synthetic aperture radar in low-Earth orbit, ground-based radar mounted on a tripod approximately 5 feet tall on the SFPUC watershed lands, and aerial flyovers conducted at high altitude. A portable storage shed (to store the boat and supply of canola oil) would be temporarily erected on the SFPUC watershed lands adjacent to Indian Creek Road. The shed would measure 10 feet by 14 feet and would be assembled on-site. The shed would be staked to the ground temporarily to avoid being damaged in high winds. No excavation or grading would be required. A marine radar antenna would be mounted on a camera tripod 5 feet tall on a hill approximately 800 feet from the shed location.
  • Reference:2014-001256ENV
  • Received:Nov 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Columbus Bike Lanes/Road Diet - Remove a northbound through lane on Columbus Ave between Jackson St and Broadway to accomodate northbound and southbound bike lanes on Columbus Ave between Washington/Montgomery Streets and Broadway.
  • Reference:2014-001163ENV
  • Received:Nov 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 05, 2014
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Description: SEWPCP Bldgs. 522 & 530 Geotech Investigation - A Class 6 Cat. Ex. was issued on 9/10/14 for a geotechnical investigation associated with the SFPUC's proposed new building (Bldg. 522) at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant (SEWPCP). That proposed geotechnical investigation has since been amended to include additional geotech borings around existing Bldg. 533 to assess its current structural integrity. Both investigations at the SEWPCP now comprise one proposed investigation project.
  • Reference:2014-000955ENV
  • Received:Nov 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA Electronic Bicycle Lockers - Installation and maintenance of 28 electronic bicycle lockers at four SFMTA off-street parking facilities.
  • Reference:2014-000770ENV
  • Received:Oct 31, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Port Pier 70 PCB Transformer Removal - Remove and dispose of 12 PCB electric transformers located within the Pier 70 ship repair yard.
  • Reference:2014-000668ENV
  • Received:Oct 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 25, 2014
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Description: DPW Annual Curb Ramp Program for FY2014-2015 - Sixty intersections. Involves demolition of sidewalk, curb, gutter and roadway as needed; resetting utility boxes and castings; installation of curb ramps, sidwalk, curb gutter, and roadway; and restriping of crosswalks.
  • Reference:2014-000656ENV
  • Received:Oct 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
  • Approval Action Date:May 18, 2015
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Description: BOS File #141023 - BOS File #141023: Ordinance approving a Develoment Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and 181 Fremont Street, LLC, for certain real property, known as 181 Freemont Street, located in the Transbay Redevelopment Project Area, consisting of two parcels located on the east side of Fremonth Street, between Mission and Howard Streets; making findings of conformity with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1(b); and waiving certain provisions of Administrative Code, Chapter 56, and Planning Code, Section 249.28
  • Reference:2014-000410ENV
  • Received:Oct 24, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS File #141036 - BOS File #141036: Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to provide an exception for permanent residents to the prohibition on short-term residetnial rentals and compliance; to establish an application fee for the registry; amending the Planning Code to claify that short-term residential rentals shall not change a unit's type as residential; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014-000388ENV
  • Received:Oct 24, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS File #141006 - BOS File 141006: Resolution imposing interim zoning controls requiring conditional use authorization for new office uses facing 2nd Street, from King to Folsom Streets, for eighteen months; and making environmental findings, inculding findings of consistency with the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014-000407ENV
  • Received:Oct 24, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS File #120814 - BOS File #120814: Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish the Fillmore Street Nieghborhood Commercial District along Fillmore Street between Bush and McAllister Streets; amending various other Code sections to make conforming and other technical changes; amending the Zoning Map to add the Fillmore Street NCD; affirming the Planning Department's California Environmental Quality Act determination; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014-000414ENV
  • Received:Oct 24, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS File #140980 - BOS File #140980: Ordinance ordering the summary street vacation of a portion of Raccoon Drive, between Twin Peaks Boulevard and Saint Germain Avenue; approving a quitclaim of the City's interest in the vacation area; approving a public access easement over a portion of the vacation area; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the actions contemplated in this legislation are consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing official acts in connectin with this Ordinance.
  • Reference:2014-000423ENV
  • Received:Oct 24, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS File #120796 - BOS File #120796: Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish the Divisadero Street Neighborhood Commercial District (NCD) along Divisadero Street between Haight and O'Farrell Streets, deleting the Divisadero Street Alcohol Restricted Use District (RUD), amending various other Code sections to make conforming and other technical changes, amending the Zoning Map to add the Divisadero Street NCD and deleting the Divisadero Street RUD, affirming the Planning Department's Califronia Environmental Quality Act deterrmination; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014-000421ENV
  • Received:Oct 24, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA Order 5342 for public hearing 10/31/2014 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014-000304ENV
  • Received:Oct 23, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS File #140970 - BOS File #140970: Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to provide a new method for calculating the interest on residential rental security deposits beginning March 1, 2015
  • Reference:2014-000323ENV
  • Received:Oct 23, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC Sewer Replacemen Crescent and Hudson - Project involves the replacement of existing sewer pipelines with new 12" and 18" vitrified clay pipes (VCP) under Crecent Ave, btwn Mission & Murry Streets, and btwn Bache & Andover Streets; under Hudson Ave btwn Mendell & Lane Streets, in the Bernal Heights and South Bayshore Planning Districts of San Francisco. Replacement sewer pipelines would be installed within the same alignment as the existing pipelines, running in the centerline of the affected streets. The total length of the sewer pipeline replacement would be 2,015 linear feet, ot 38/100 of a mile.
  • Reference:2014-000246ENV
  • Received:Oct 22, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC Water Main Installation Clement and Arguello - Update to case no. 2013.1066E (Class 2 Cat Ex), which involves the replacement of a total of 6,000 linear feet of existing water mains with new 8-inch ductile iron pipes (DIP) under Arguello Boulevard, between Sacramento Street and Geary Boulevard, and under Clement Street between Arguello Boulevard and 14th Avenue in the Inner Richmond District. Francisco. The revised project adds another block of water main installations on Arguello Blvd, from Sacramento St. to Lake St., and adds water main replacements on Geary Blvd. from Arguello Blvd. to 2nd Ave. The project would now total 8,000 linear feet.
  • Reference:2014-000241ENV
  • Received:Oct 22, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: DPW TWIN PEAKS BLVD RECYCLING PAVEMENT RENOVATION - Cold in-place recycling pavement renovation on Twin Peaks Blvd. between Panorama Dr. and the southernmost fork of Twin Peaks Blvd.
  • Reference:2014.1578E
  • Received:Oct 15, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 28, 2015
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Description: SFPUC Water Main & Sewer Replacement on Haight & Hayes - Water main replacement on Haight St. btwn Asbury & BuchananStreets. Sewer pipeline replacement on Haight St. btwn Masoninc & Buena Vista, btwn Buchanan & Webster, btwn Fillmore & Pierce; and on Hayes St. btwn Laguna & Steiner, btwn Scott & Divisadero, btwn Lyon & Clayton.
  • Reference:2014.1582E
  • Received:Oct 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO SUPERBAY HANGAR GAS LINE + OIL SEPARATOR - Three minor utility infrastructure projects near the Superbay Hangar: (1) install 1,100 ft. natural gas pipeline and abandon portions of existing conduit; (2) install 23' x 14' underground oil/water separator; and (3) replace 120 ft. storm drainage pipeline.
  • Reference:2014.1570E
  • Received:Oct 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: BOS 141041 - Resolution receiving and approving annual reports for the Fisherman's Wharf Community Benefit District and Fisherman's Wharf Portside Community Benefit District for FYs 2009-2013, submitted as required by the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994, Section 36650 (California Streets and Highways Code, Sections 36600, et seq.), and the Districts' management contracts with the City
  • Reference:2014.1602E
  • Received:Oct 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: PUC Priest Reservoir Hydraulic CylinderReplacement - Replacement in-kind of an existing hydraulic cylinder that operates a valve btwn Priest Reservoir and the Priest Power Tunnel. The cylinder is atached to a gate tower in Priest Reseroir. The project would entail the draining of Priest Reservoir for a period of two weeks to provide access to the valve.
  • Reference:2014.1580E
  • Received:Oct 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Moccasin Reservoir Gate Tower 2 Catwalk Upgrade - Replacement of wooden planks with "Grate-Lock" galvanized steel safety grating to enhance employee safety.
  • Reference:2014.1581E
  • Received:Oct 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS REQUEST 9/9/14 - Monthly report for special events on Port property.
  • Reference:2014.1565E
  • Received:Oct 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS REQUEST 10/6/14 - Monthly report for special events on Port property.
  • Reference:2014.1566E
  • Received:Oct 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA EDDY/ELLIS TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRAGES - Modify existing traffic signals at five intersections: Eddy/Jones, Eddy/Leavenworth, Eddy/taylor, Ellis/Mason, and Ellis/Taylor.
  • Reference:2014.1556E
  • Received:Oct 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC Geotech Boring at Oceanside WPCP - Geotechnical boring to gain information necessary for desiging foundations and support systems for a replacement gas flare control structure.
  • Reference:2014.1576E
  • Received:Oct 08, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PUC Water Well Easement Agreement - Easement agreement btwn the PUC and the Golden Gate Primitive Baptist Church of Oakland for the operation and maintenance of water wells in the Sunol Valley, adjacent to Niles Canyon Road.
  • Reference:2014.1526E
  • Received:Oct 06, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 28, 2014
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Description: PUC Geotech Investigation for AWSS - 1 Geotechnical boring is proposed at 16th Ave. & Irving St. to deterime the suitability of that site for a new underground cister, as part of the Auxiliary Water Supply System.
  • Reference:2014.1516E
  • Received:Oct 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PUC Webster St. water main & sewer replacement - Replacement of existing water mains with new 8" ductile iron pipes (DIP) under Webster St. btwn Green St. & Broadway, btwn Pacific Ave. & Sacramento St., and btwn California & Bush St. Plus, replacement of sewer pipelines along Webster St. btwn Vallejo St. & Broadway, btwn Jackson & Washington Streets, btwn Clay & Sacramento Streets, btwn Pine & Wilmot Streets, O'Farrell & Ellis Streets, and btwn Eddy St. & Golden Gate Avenue. The project would also replace the sewer line along Jackson St. btwn Buchanana & Webster Streets.
  • Reference:2014.1523E
  • Received:Oct 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 3179011
Description: RPD Balboa Pool Renovation - Seismic upgrade and renovation of existing pool and natatorium; minor exterior site improvements; accessibility improvements; new mechanical enclosure at rear; and associated improvements to building systems.
  • Reference:2014.1512E
  • Received:Oct 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: PUC West Portal Ave.water main & sewer replacement - Replace water mains and sewer pipelines under West Portal Ave. btwn 15th Ave. & Ulloa St., and under Quintara St. btwn 10th Ave. & 14th. Ave.
  • Reference:2014.1524E
  • Received:Oct 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PUC Crystal Springs Pipeline No. 1 segment removal - Removal of a deteriorated elevated segment of the 36"-diamter Crystal Springs Pipeline No. 1 that was abaondoned in-place approximately 40 years ago. Segment of concern is on the north side of Crystal Springs Road, about 1 mile below the Lower Crystal Springs Dam, and is ~80' long, supported on wooden stanchions across a natural drainage.
  • Reference:2014.1515E
  • Received:Oct 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140979 - Ordinance amending the Park Code to Authorize flexible pricing at Gleneagles Golf Course in McLaren Park; approving the amendment and extension of a nine year lease with Gleneagles Golf Partners, LP, for operation of the Gleneagles Golf Course commencing on the effective date of this Ordinance and ending November 30, 2022, for 7% of gross revenues, subject to conditions, incentives, participation rent, and rent credits; and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2014.1603E
  • Received:Sep 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Mission District Streetscape Plan - Valencia St - Mission/Valencia Green Gateway Project is a joint PUC/MTA/DPW project that would reconfigure Valencia St between Mission St and Cesar Chavez St. Project to be re-evaluated as a note to file under the Mission Streetscape Plan (Case No. 2008.1075E)
  • Reference:2014.1499E
  • Received:Sep 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: RPD MCLAREN PARK BASKETBALL COURT IMPROVEMENTS - Resurface existing half-size basketball court.
  • Reference:2014.1488E
  • Received:Sep 26, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: PG&E Revocable Licence for Warnerville Substation - SFPUC proposed to issue a revocable license to allow PG&E's use of CCSF lands within and adjacent to the SFPUC's Warnerville Substation to upgrade equipment inside an existing control room and install underground electrical conduits to connect the upgraded equipment to PG&E's existing 230 kV transmission lines for improved communications along the transmission line.
  • Reference:2014.1475E
  • Received:Sep 24, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Cherry Creek Pilot Filtration Plant Project - SFPUC proposed to install a temporary mobile filtration plant on existing paved areas at Holm Power House on Cherry Creek (phase 1) and at the Early Intake Bunkhouse on the Early Intake Reservoir (phase 2) to conduct filtration studies. The plant would be used for approximately six weeks at each location and then would be removed from the site.
  • Reference:2014.1476E
  • Received:Sep 24, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC Sewer Replacement - Replacement of existing sewer pipelins with new 12, 18, and 21" diameter vitrified clay pipe (VCP) under Vicente Street btwn 14th & 18th Avenues, and btwn West Portal Ave. and Madrone Ave., under Forest Side Ave. btwn Ulloa and Vicente Streets, and under Ocean Ave. btwn Woodacre Drive and 19th Ave. Roadways would be repaved curb-to-curb following construciton.
  • Reference:2014.1514E
  • Received:Sep 24, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: DPW Mission & Valencia Green Gateway Project - Mission & Valencia Sts Green Gateway Project. Project entails wideing sidwalk areas to improve pedestrian access and allow for biorention planters to be installed.
  • Reference:2014.1285E
  • Received:Sep 23, 2014
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: PORT SEPTEMBER 2014 EVENTS 2 - Special events on Port property.
  • Reference:2014.1443E
  • Received:Sep 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Parcel: 2488001
Description: RDP STERN GROVE (TROCADERO) CLUBHOUSE IMPROVEMENTS - Replace deck, ramp, and guardrails for ADA compliance.
  • Reference:2014.1427E
  • Received:Sep 18, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 140951 - Urgency Ordinance approving an interim zoning moratorium to prohibit the conversion or replacement of Production, Distribution, and Repair uses in the proposed Central South of Market Plan Area bounded by Market Street on the north, Townsend Street on the south, 2nd Street on the east, and 6th Street on the west, for 45 days, affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and making findings of consistency with the eight priority policies of Planning Code Sectin 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1592E
  • Received:Sep 16, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140950 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to mandate reduction of the nonessential City vehicle fleet, implement modern technology-based systems in measuring utilization of the fleet and vehicle access, and allow the City Administrator to document the existence of the restrict assignments of underutilized vehicles; require that officers and employees seek to use care sharing sevices first instead of City owned vehicles; authorize the City Administrator to enter into master agreements with vendors for the procurement of car sharing services; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.1593E
  • Received:Sep 16, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140806 - Ordinance amending the Health Code, Article 38, to require an enhanced ventilation system for sensitive use projects within the Air Pollutant Exposure Zone and establishing document review fees; amending the Building Code to correspond to the Health Code changes; and making environmental findings, and findings under the California Health and Safety Code; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward this Ordinance to the California Building Standards Commission upon final passage.
  • Reference:2014.1594E
  • Received:Sep 12, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140381 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to provide an exception for permanent residents to prohibition on short-term residential rentals under certain conditions; to create procedures, including a registry administered by the Planning Department, for tracking short-term residential rentals and compliance; to establish an application fee for the registry; amending the Planning Code to clarify that short-term residential rentals shall not change a unit's type as residential; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.1595E
  • Received:Sep 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Town of Sunol Fire Supression Project - revised - This case considers minor updates and additions to a previously exempted and approved project, Case No. 2013.0913E.
  • Reference:2014.1405E
  • Received:Sep 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SF PORT - August Special Event - SF Port Special Event - Jefferson & Hyde, SWL 301, Pier 45 Shed A, Pier 43, Pier 27, Pier 23.5, Pier 15
  • Reference:2014.1548E
  • Received:Sep 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: PORT SWL 301 - Install temporary restrooms and booths at locations indicated above under Project Address. The installation would be for the duration of Fleed Week (October 9, 2014-October 12, 2014). This event would not hinder access to the general event areas or views.
  • Reference:2014.1550E
  • Received:Sep 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 10, 2014
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Description: DPW SFMTA Garage Waterproofing Project - Waterproofing improvements to four parking garages.
  • Reference:2014.1351E
  • Received:Sep 08, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: Port September Special Events - Special event on Port property.
  • Reference:2014.1369E
  • Received:Sep 08, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 15, 2014
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Description: BOS 140688 - Declaraton of Policy - Supporting Use of Proposed Vehicle License Fee Increase for Transportation Infrastructure Projects
  • Reference:2014.1596E
  • Received:Sep 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: 2014 Ocean Beach Sand Maintenance Project - 1) To remove sand from in front of the O'Shaughnessy Seawall in order to maintain public access on the promenade and stairwells that have been blocked by sand build-up; 2) to provide bluff protection in high-risk areas that threaten CCSF infrastructure; 3) to enhance beach access in the erosion hotspot area south of Sloat Blvd.; and 4) to reduce the need to implement more engineered bluff protection measures in the short term.
  • Reference:2014.1387E
  • Received:Sep 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PUC Visitacion Valley Green Nodes Project - Installation of a rain garden at the wsetern end of Leland Avenue and Visitacion Avenue; and installation of bioretention planters in bulbouts on the south side of Sunnydale Avenue and at the south ends of Rutland Street at the T intersection with Sunydale Avenue. 9.18.2014 Visitacion Valley Green Nodes Project: The proposed project is a green infrastructure project in the City's Sunnydale watershed, which is designed to manage and treat stormwater onsite through features such as rain gardens and bioretention planters.
  • Reference:2014.1320E
  • Received:Aug 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PUC Holloway Green Street Project - Installation of 23 bioretention planters and permeable pavement at various liocations along Holloway Avenue 9.18.14 Holloway Green Street Project: The proposed Holloway Green Street Project is a green infrastructure project in the Lake Merced watershed which is designed to manage and treat stormwater onsite through features such as bioretention planters and permeable pavement.
  • Reference:2014.1319E
  • Received:Aug 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SEWPCP BLDG 522 Geotech Investigation - Geotechnical & geoarchaeological investigations in support of a proposed new electrical control building for the site, which would be known as "Building 522." Geotech investigation involves 9 rotary wash borings to a depth of btwn 80' and 100', as well as 3 to 6 shallow hand auger borings to a depth of 5'. Borings would be 6" to 8" in diameter. 8 to 10 direct push geoprobe borings to a depth of 15' would be required for the geoarchaeological investigation.
  • Reference:2014.1386E
  • Received:Aug 26, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PUC/Caltrans easement at Larkspur Dr, San Mateo Cn - Caltrans is seeking permanent and temporary access easements from the SFPUC on its Peninsula watershed lands for access to two Caltrans pump stations on Larkspur Drive, for repair and maintanence activities. All repair work will be carried out by Caltrans. The subject of this cat ex is for the easements, only.
  • Reference:2014.1347E
  • Received:Aug 25, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Reasonable Modification Ordinance - The proposed ordinance would amend Section 305 of the Planning Code to add Section 305.1 to establish a process for persons with disabilities to request for reasonable modifications to their residential properties.
  • Reference:2014.0156E
  • Received:Aug 25, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS - 2ND AUGUST 2014 REQUEST - Four special events from 9/12/14-10/11/14
  • Reference:2014.1281E
  • Received:Aug 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Sep 15, 2014
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Description: Water Main Replacement - Replacement of 8-inch water mains in McAllister Street between Masonic and Divisadero; Fulton Street between Divisadero and Fillmore; and Grove Street between Steiner and Fillmore
  • Reference:2014.1273E
  • Received:Aug 20, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140844 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to amend the definition of Formula Retaill to include businesses that have 19 or more outlets worldwide; expand the applicability of Formula Retail controls to other typs of uses; require Conditional Use authorization for Formula Retail establishments in the C-3-G district with facades facing Market Street, between 6th Street and the intersection of Market Street, 12th Street and Franklin Street; delete the requirement for Conditional Use authorization when a Formula Retail establishment changes operator but remains the same size and use category; define intensification and abandonment for Formula Retail uses; require Formula Retail uses to comply with performance guidelines; amend the Conditional Use criteria for Large-Scale Retail Uses except for General and Specialty Grocery stores, to require an aconomic impact study and establish new fees for said study; amend neighborhood Commercial Districts that required Conditional Use for Financial and Limited Financial Services to principally permit Financial and Limited Financial Sevices; delete the Conditinoal Use requirement for Walk-Up Facilities that are not set ack 3 feet; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302 findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.1389E
  • Received:Aug 19, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140875 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to amend the Third Street Alcohol Restricted Use District to allow Alcoholic Beverage Control Type 23, "Small Beer Manufacturer" Licenses; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.1598E
  • Received:Aug 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140709 - Resolution authorizing negotiation of a Joint Powers Agreement with the City of Richmond to establish a Homeownership Stabilization Authority to assist homeowners with trouble mortgages.
  • Reference:2014.1597E
  • Received:Aug 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC - North Point Facility Outfall Project - The proposed North Point Facility (NPF) Rehabilitation Project (Project) would improve the NPF effluent outfall system through which primary treated and disinfected wastewater is discharged to the San Francisco Bay as needed during large storm events. The Project would ensure that NPF discharges comply with current regulatory mandates. The discharge outfall system is comprised of an 8-foot diameter, reinforced concrete sewer from the NPF along Bay Street to The Embarcadero where it splits into two, 6-foot diameter, reinforced concrete sewers and extends to just prior to the seawall where it splits again into four, 4-foot diameter cast iron "outfall pipes" that extend to nearly the ends of Piers 33 and 35 (two pipes suspended under each pier between the pier piles). At approximately 100 feet from the pier ends, the outfall pipes bend to the Bay floor (supported on piles) and extend 85 feet to the pier ends. The 85-foot sections are referred to as "diffusers" because they contain numerous ports (10-inch holes) through which the treated effluent is discharged and diffuses into the water column. Proposed Project components include: 1) cleaning and repairing the reinforced concrete sewer, 2) cleaning and structural relining of the cast iron outfall pipes, 3) replacing the outfall pipes from the bends to the Bay floor and the diffusers, 4) installing corrosion protection on the outfall pipes and supports, and 5) installing air release valves at the NPF Post-chlorination Building and on each outfall (below the pier deck).
  • Reference:2014.1261E
  • Received:Aug 18, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140882 - Resolution approving a contract with Siemens Industry, Inc., to procure up to 260 light rail vehicles, associated servies, spare parts, special tools, training, and documentation in an amount not to exceed $1,192,651,577 for a term no to exceed 15years, to commence following Board approval; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.1574E
  • Received:Aug 15, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS 8/22/14 & 9/19/14 - Gap event at 250 The Embarcadero and Bay Area Heart Walk.
  • Reference:2014.1245E
  • Received:Aug 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 140877 - Ordinance amending the Downtown Support Special Use District to allow the Planning Commission to authorize a monetary contribution to satisfy on-site open space requirements, exclude certain features from floor area ration and gross floor area calculations, establish and fund to accept the monetary contributions and provide that the monies deposited shall be used for recreation and open space in the South of Market (SOMA) area, provide that the SOMA Community Stabilization Fund Community Advisory Committee shall advise on the administration of the fund, affirming the Planning Department's California Environmetnal Quality Act determination; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.1599E
  • Received:Aug 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140876 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to place vertical controls on the conversion of designated landmark buildings to office use in PDR-1-D and PDR-1-G Districts; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.1390E
  • Received:Aug 13, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC - Advanced Rainfall Prediction - The proposed project would provide the the SFPUC with better rainfall forecasting capabilities. SFPUC would procure and install three new radar stations, one X-band radar system, one ARO system and one C-Band System within San Mateo and Sonoma Counties. Project componets would include mounting 5 to 25 fott radar sysyems on existing towers and platforms or on new foundations at these locations.
  • Reference:2014.1228E
  • Received:Aug 12, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 295 Terry Francois Blvd (Pier 48 1/2) - Interior and exterior renovations to existing two-story restaurant building. Exterior changes include repair, new signage and awnings, and new 160 sf restroom building north of the existing building, and a 229 sf addition behind the building.
  • Reference:2014.1224E
  • Received:Aug 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 03, 2015
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Description: AWSS Pump Sta. 1 Seawater Tunnel Maintenance Clean - Removal of sediment from the terminus and in front of the Pump Station No. 1 intake, located in the northwest corner of the bain within Berth 30-40, using divers and diver-operatated, low velocity, suction pump and hose system. Approximately 36 cuibic yards of sediment would be removed using a hopper barge, and eventually trucked way and disposed, requiring approximately 3 to 4 truck trips.
  • Reference:2014.1242E
  • Received:Aug 05, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS REQUEST 7/28/14 - Special events on Port property.
  • Reference:2014.1199E
  • Received:Aug 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 140855 - Urgency Ordinance approving an extension of the interim zoning moratorium on changes of institutional use in a portion of the Univesity Mound neighborhood bounded by Highway 280 on the north, Wayland Street on the south, University Street on the east, and Cambridge Street on the west, for 10 months and 15 days, affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and making findings of consistency with the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1298E
  • Received:Aug 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed - Approved
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140120 - Ordinance amending the Building Code to require that existing private elementary and secondary schools obtain an evaluation by a licensed structural engineer for performance during a future earthquake, to assess a fee for Building Department eview and related evaluation processing, to exempt certain buildings from evaluation requirements, to provide that buildings where voluntary seismic retrofit work is done to specified standards shall not be identified as a seismic hazard under later-enacted local building standards, and to require that a building changing to a school occupancy classification comply with the evaluation requirements; making environmental findings and findings under the California Health and Safety Code; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward this Ordinance to the Califronia Buidling Standards Commission upon final passage.
  • Reference:2014.1297E
  • Received:Jul 31, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC Moccasin Powerhouse Generators RewindProject - Replacement of the stator cores and coils of Generators No. 1 & No. 2 at the Moccasin Powerhouse to uprate each generator from 57.5 MegaVoltAmps (MVA) to 61 MVA. Project would also invlove rehabilitation of the rotor field poles (with new pole cores and resinsulated field coils), replacement of the rotor pole/rim tail connection system with a new T-tail connection system, and a supply of a new rotor rim for each generator following inspection and testing.
  • Reference:2014.1184E
  • Received:Jul 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140806 - Ordinance amending the Health Code, Article 38, to require an enhanced ventilation system for sensitive use projects within the Air Pollutant Exposure Zone, and establishing document review fees; amending the Building Code to correspond to the Health Code changes; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.1295E
  • Received:Jul 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140805 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to require a Construction Emissions Minimization Plan and monitoring for public projects withing the Air Pollutant Exposure Zone, as mapped pursuant to Health Code, Article 38; amending the Administrative and Environmental Codes to reflect these requirements; and making Envioronmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.1296E
  • Received:Jul 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140805 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to require a Construction Emissions Minimization Plan and monitoring for public projects within the Air Pollutant Exposure Zone, as mapped pursuant to Health Code, Article 38; amending the Administrative and Environment Codes to eflect these requrements; and making environmetal findings.
  • Reference:2014.1294E
  • Received:Jul 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS - AUG-DEC 2014 - Four special events from 8/1/14 to 12/17/14.
  • Reference:2014.1154E
  • Received:Jul 25, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 25, 2014
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Description: BOS 131120 - ordinance amending the Planning Code, by adding a new Section 789, to establish the Broadway Alcohol Restricted Use District on parcels with street frontage on Broadway, between Columbus Avenue and Montgomery Street; amending the Zoning Map, Sheet SU-02, to designate the Broadway Alcohol restricted Use Distrct; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1292E
  • Received:Jul 23, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140775 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to amend the definition of Residential Unit and clarify the requirements for a Residential Conversion of a Residential Hotel Unit regulated under Administrative Code, Chapter 41; making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1293E
  • Received:Jul 23, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 0001001
Description: PORT JULY 2014 LEASES - Monthly report from Port.
  • Reference:2014.1126E
  • Received:Jul 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 25, 2014
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST JULY 2014 - Private event at Rincon Park on 8/31/14.
  • Reference:2014.1127E
  • Received:Jul 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 25, 2014
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Description: SFPUC South Fork Yard Communications Tower - Installation of a 30' tall lattice tower with 6' diameter microwave dish antenna to provide direct communication between the SFPUC's South Fork Yard and other SFPUC facilities.
  • Reference:2014.1182E
  • Received:Jul 18, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140821 - Resolution imposing interim zoning controls for an 18-month period to claify the definition of a Business Sign in Planning Code, Section 602.3, affirming the Planning Department's environmental determination; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1291E
  • Received:Jul 17, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Dolores Street Water Main & Sewer Replacment - Repaving of Dolores Street between Market Street and Cesar Chavez, and concurrent repair and replacment of the water and sewer mains.
  • Reference:2014.1118E
  • Received:Jul 17, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 110548 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to: 1) delete minimum parking requirements for specified zoning districts and making maximum parking requirements in specified zoning disricts consistent with the requirements in Neighborhood Commercial Transit Districts; 2) remove conditional use requirements for higher residential densiities in specified zoning districts; 3) make surface parking lots a nonconforming use in the Washington-Broadway Special Use District; 4) make Automotive Use definitions consistent and delete references to deleted sections of the Code; 5) amend the Zoning Map to consolidate the two Washington-Broadway Special Use Districts and revise the boundaries; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.1289E
  • Received:Jul 16, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140776 - Ordinance amending the Police Code to reduce estrictions on the location of, and lessen permitting equirements for, mechanical amusement devices and arcades, and remove obsolete Code provisions; and making envionmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.1290E
  • Received:Jul 16, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140724 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to delete the prohibition against a non-residential use exceeding $25,000 square feet in the Regional Commercial District; to authorize a nighttime entertainment use in the Western SoMa Mixed Use-Office Zoning District within 200 feet of any property within a Residential Enclave or Residential Enclave-Mixed District where a nighttime entertaiment use existed within five years prior to an application to re-establish the use; and affirming the Planning Department's California Environmental Quality Act determination and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1286E
  • Received:Jul 15, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 120473 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow exceptions from Code requirements for historic buildings or when converting a nonconforming use in an existing building to a permitted residential use; modify the requirements for surface parking lots; modity conformity, accessory use, streetscape, and public open space requirements in specified use districts; remove reference to deleted sections of the Code; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1287E
  • Received:Jul 15, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140725 - Ordinance creating Underground District No. 360 on Ringold Alley from 8th Street to 9th Street; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.1288E
  • Received:Jul 15, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Cherry Lake Road Repair - Repair an approximately 500-foot long section of Cherry Lake Road providing access to the SFPUC Cherry Valley Valve House in a remote area of Tuolumne County
  • Reference:2014.1076E
  • Received:Jul 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PIER 38 IMPROVEMENTS - Repair and improvements to existing structure.
  • Reference:2014.1070E
  • Received:Jul 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:May 26, 2015
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Description: SFO International Terminal Boarding Area A Enhancements - Replace 17 passenger boarding bridges (PBBs) at eight gates; install one new PBB at one gate; repaint/shift aircraft parking envelopes to accommodate larger aircraft within existing ramp areas; upgrade associated utilities at all gates; and relocate 10 fuel pits. The project would not increase aircraft operations or capacity at SFO.
  • Reference:2014.1054E
  • Received:Jul 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed - Approved
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: BOS 140729 - Resolution approving and authorizing a lease for the historic buildings having an address at 400-600 20th Street east of Illinois Streets at Pier 70 between the Port Commission and Orton development, Inc., or its affiliate, Historic PIer 70, LLC, a California limited liability company, for a term of 66 years to commence following Board approval.
  • Reference:2014.1086E
  • Received:Jul 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: AWSS Cisterns - Installation of 18 underground cisterns at within various intersections.
  • Reference:2014.1062E
  • Received:Jul 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: PORT SPECIAL EVENTS JULY 2014 - Monthly report for Port events.
  • Reference:2014.1055E
  • Received:Jul 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 25, 2014
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Description: BOS 140740 - Initiative Ordinance - Planning Code - City Housing Balance Requirement. Motion ordering submitted to the voters an Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish in the approval and construction of new housing, a balance of 70%-30% between market rate housing and affordable housing; and to require a conditional use permit for new market rate housing if the balance of affordable housing is not maintained, at an election to be held on November 4, 2014; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.1087E
  • Received:Jul 08, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: 1300 PHELPS ST - SFPUC/Southeast Community Center - Interior and exterior alterations to an existing building, which houses the Southeast Community Center. No expansion of square footage. No change of use or occupancy.
  • Reference:2014.1115E
  • Received:Jul 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 330 NEWHALL ST - SFPUC WWE Collection System Divis - WWE Collection System Divison Facilities Consolidation Project, invloving interior and exterior alterations of existing office building. No expansion of building envelop, no change of use or occupancy.
  • Reference:2014.1113E
  • Received:Jul 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Ocean Avenue Corridor Design Project - Project Title: Ocean Avenue Corridor Design Project. Project Boundary: Phelan Ave - San Jose Ave Description: Community Planning effort to improve the pedestrian experience along Ocean Avenue and improve connections between the Balboa Park Station and City College.
  • Reference:2014.0989E
  • Received:Jul 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Description: SFMTA - 6TH ST PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Remove vehicle lanes, install bicycle lanes, widen sidewalks, raise crosswalks, and install right-turn pockets on 6th Street between Market and Howard Streets.
  • Reference:2014.1010E
  • Received:Jul 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 140735 - Resolution imposing interim zoning controls requiring conditional use authorization for office conversion in landmark buildings in PDR-1-D (Production, Distribution, and Repair: Design) and PDR-1-G (Production, Distribution, and Repair: General) Districts for an 18-month period; and making environmental findings, including findings of consistency with the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1024E
  • Received:Jun 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140736 - Resolution imposing interim zoning controls for an 18-month period in the Castro Street Neighborhood Commercial district to require a Conditional Use Authorization by the Planning Commission under Planning Code, Section 303(i), for a proposed use that has been determined to be Formula Retail even if a project sponsor subsequently removes one or more distinguising Formula Retail Use features from the project proposal; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and with the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.1023E
  • Received:Jun 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Piazza St. Francis - Piazza St. Francis, aka The Poets Plaza, consists of the closure of Vallejo St. between Columbus Ave and Grant Ave to create the old world vision of the proposed Italian Piazza which connects ecology with the urban community.
  • Reference:2013.1599E
  • Received:Jun 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Description: Camp Mather Challenge Course - Construction of various outdoor recreational facilities, including ropes, cables, wooden platforms, swings, ladders, etc. to create an obstacle course at Camp Mather, Tuolumne County.
  • Reference:2014.0982E
  • Received:Jun 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: South Fork Access Road Rock Slide Repair - Removal of approximately 200 cubic yards of rock slide debris and slope stabilization to restore roadway access to Hetch Hetchy water system south fork adit facility.
  • Reference:2014.0976E
  • Received:Jun 26, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Little Yosemite Fish Passage Project - The SFPUC is proposing to construct the Little Yosemite Fish Passage Project to improve upstream passage conditions for adult anadromous steelheaed along a 0.4 mile area of Alameda Creek. Proposed improvements would include constructing concrete weirs shaped like boulders in three locations along Alameda Creek. Construction would take four months.
  • Reference:2014.0956E
  • Received:Jun 23, 2014
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Downtown High School Solar Power Project - Installation of 225 solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of the Downtown High School
  • Reference:2014.0944E
  • Received:Jun 18, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Cesar Chavez School Solar Power Project - Installation of 184 solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of the Cesar Chavez Elementary School
  • Reference:2014.0943E
  • Received:Jun 18, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Thurgood Marshall High School Solar Power Project - Installation of 306 solar photovoltaic panels on roof of school
  • Reference:2014.0947E
  • Received:Jun 18, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140687 - Minimum Wage - Motion ordering submitted to the voters an ordinance amending the Administrative Code to increase the minimum wage for employees in San Francisco to $12.25 per hour on Mya 1, 2015, with annual increases, reaching $15.00 per hour in 2018, followed thereafter by annual cost-of-living increases; following 2015, provide only for annual cost-of-living increases in the minimum wage for two narrow categories of employees; and include the City government and In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority as employers subject to the Minimum Wage Ordinance at an election to be held on November 4, 2014.
  • Reference:2014.0962E
  • Received:Jun 17, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: PORT LEASES JUNE 2014 - Monthly report for Port lease agreements and permits.
  • Reference:2014.0932E
  • Received:Jun 17, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 25, 2014
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Description: Port - June Special Events - Eight special events on Port property, June-November 2014
  • Reference:2014.0928E
  • Received:Jun 17, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 25, 2014
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Description: BOS 140628 - Ordinance amending the Health Code to set patient rates and other services provided by the Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 2014, and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0920E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140627 - Repair and Demolition Fund - Ordinance amending the Building Code to authorize use of the Repair and Demolition fund specified in Bullding Code, Section 102A.13, to address costs associated with private property owner responsibility to stabilize Telegraph Hill, as part of the Rock Slope Improvement Project, and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Enivornmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2014.0919E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140642 - Increase the berthing license fee - Ordinance amending the Park Code to require the Controller to increase the berthing license fees for the West Harbor of the San Francisco Marina Small Craft Harbor each year by 3% or the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is highter, until September 1, 2043; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0918E
  • Received:Jun 06, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 4154002
Description: SFO - EV Charging Station and Ground Transp. Lots - Relocate cell phohone parking lot and ground transportation staging areas; install four EV charging stations with 75 public stalls; install 300' cable line below ground.
  • Reference:2014.0850E
  • Received:Jun 05, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: BOS 140594 - Ordinance amending the Subdivision Code to adopt a fee to set survey monuments and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2014.0900E
  • Received:Jun 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140593 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to eliminate 4 fees, including the installment Agreement Processing Fee, the Refund Processing Fee, the Fee for information Analysis Request for Information Technology and the Reactivation Fee for Closed Cases; making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0899E
  • Received:Jun 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140592 - Ordinance amending the Building Code to reduce all fees for staff services by 7% for a 6 month period and affirming the PLanning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2014.0898E
  • Received:Jun 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Water Pipeline Cathodic Protection WD-2770 - Installation of cathodic protection systems at various locations in San Francisco, Daly City, Millbrae, San Bruno and South San Francisco to prevent corrosion of Crystal Springs Pipeline No 1 and San Andreas Pipelines Nos 1 & 2.
  • Reference:2014.0818E
  • Received:May 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140307 - 2 Henry Adams Street - Ordinance designating 2 Henry Adams Street (aka Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Building), Assessor's Block No. 3910, Lot No. 001, as a Landmark under Planning Code, Article 10; making environmental findings, and adopting findings pursuant to the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0921E
  • Received:May 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS - Art Enrichment - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to define "art enrichment"; allow aggregation of art enrichment funds for use on a City property rather than only the funding department's property; allow the Arts Commission to reserve up to 10% of the art enrichment budget for maintenance and conservation; allow art enrichment funds to be used exclusively for maintenance and conservation under limited circumstances; and to clarify references to the Arts Commission's jurisdiction over works of art consistent with the Charter; and makin environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0821E
  • Received:May 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140556 - Charter Amendment - Population-Based Adustment to General Fund Appropriation to the Transporation fund. Charter Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter to adjust the required annual appropriation from the General fund to the Transportation fund annually to reflect increased in the population of San Francisco at an election to be held on November 4, 2014; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0820E
  • Received:May 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: RPD KEZAR TRACK REPLACEMENT & IMPROVEMENTS - Replace track in kind; install new furnishings (e.g., slot drain, fountains, goal posts, sand catchers, take off boards, shot put sand fines).
  • Reference:2014.0811E
  • Received:May 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 140555 - Charter Amendment - Rainy Day Reserve Charter amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charer to provide for a City Reserve and a School Reserve withing the existing Rainy Day Reserve at an election to be held on November 4, 2014.
  • Reference:2014.0897E
  • Received:May 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: DPW - 19TH AVE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENT PHASE II - 19th Ave from Wawona St to Eucalyptus St. Remove concrete paving wihtin 5' median; install drought-tolerant plants.
  • Reference:2014.0806E
  • Received:May 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: PORT LEASES MAY 2014 - Monthly report for Port lease agreements and permits.
  • Reference:2014.0804E
  • Received:May 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: RPD - PIONEER PARK (1 Telegraph Hill Blvd) - Replace 12 bollard light fixtures along outside edge of the sidewalk on the upper and lower terraces.
  • Reference:2014.0801E
  • Received:May 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Parcel: 2719C021
Description: Pink Triangle on Christmas Tree Point 2014 - From June 27-June 30, 2014.
  • Reference:2014.0803E
  • Received:May 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Real Estate
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Description: SFMTA COMMUTER SHUTTLE PILOT PROGRAM - 18-month pilot project to allow private commute shuttles to use selected Muni bus stops for passenger pick-up and drop-off.
  • Reference:2013.1591E_7
  • Received:May 26, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 10, 2014
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Description: BOS 140507 - Chater Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter, Sections A8.428 and A8.432, to provide retiree healthcare benefits to employees who transferred to the City and County of San Francisco from the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco or the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agney of the City and County of San Francisco.
  • Reference:2014.0857E
  • Received:May 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140485 - rdinance authorizing the Public Utilities Commission's General Manager to enter into a long-term interconnection agreement with Pacific Gas and Electric Company for a solar power Project at the North Beach Branch Library at 850 Columbus Avenue, to commence following Board approval and continue indefinately unless terminated; authorizing the Public Utilities Commission's General Manager to enter into similar lont-term interconnection agreemetns in the future; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority polices of Planning Code, Sectino 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0896E
  • Received:May 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Sewer Replacement Project WW-595 - Replacement of exisiting sewer pipelines less than one mile in total length within existing rights-of-way of 3rd, 7th, 8th, 25th, 33rd, and 42nd Avenues and Baker and Welsh Streets
  • Reference:2014.0816E
  • Received:May 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 26, 2014
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Description: BOS 130788 - Ordinace amending the Planning Code to expand the definition of formula retail to include businesses that have eleven or more outlets worldwide, and to include businesses 50% or more owned by formula retail businesses; expand the applicability of formula retail contols to other types of retail uses; expand the notification procedures for formula retail applications; require an economic impact study as part of the formula retail conditinoal use application; change administrative fees to pay for staff review time of such studies; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0805E
  • Received:May 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 8722001
Parcel: 8722008
Description: GSW Event Center & Mixed UseDevelopment - GSW Arena LLC (GSW), an affiliate of Golden State Warriors, LLC, which owns and operates the Golden State Warriors National Basketball Association (NBA) team, proposes to construct a multi-purpose event center and a variety of mixed uses, including office, retail, open space and structured parking on an approximately 11-acre site (Blocks 29 to 32) within the Mission Bay Redevelopment Plan Area of San Francisco. The proposed event center would host the Golden State Warriors basketball team during the NBA season, as well as provide a year-round venue for a variety of other uses, including concerts, family shows, other sporting events, cultural events, conferences and conventions. GSW has entered into an agreement to purchase the project site from the current site owner, an affiliate of The project is subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a number of local, state, and federal approvals.
  • Reference:2014.1441E
  • Received:May 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Other
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Description: Sewer Pipeline Replacement Project WW-595 - Replace existing sewer pipelines of less than 1 mile in total length within right-of-ways of 3rd, 7th, 8th, 25th, 33rd, 42nd Avenues and Baker and Welsh Streets.
  • Reference:2014.0768E
  • Received:May 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Municipal Power Rates FY 2014/15-2015/16 - Adoption of electrical power rates for certain municipal departments and other public agencies for FY 2014/15 and 2015/16.
  • Reference:2014.0770E
  • Received:May 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:May 27, 2014
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Description: PORT EVENTS APRIL-JULY 2014 - Six events on Port property.
  • Reference:2014.0771E
  • Received:May 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 140512 - Resolution declaring the intention of the Board of Supervisors to establish a property-based business improvement district (community benefit district) known as the "Lower Polk Community Benefit District" and levy a multi-year assessment on the parcels in the district; approving the Management District Plan and Engineer's Report, and proposed boundaries map for the district; ordering and setting a time and place for a public hearing thereon; approving the form of the Notice of Public Hearing and Assessment Ballot Proceeding, and Assessment Ballot; making environmental findings; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to give notice of the public hearing and balloting as required by law.
  • Reference:2014.0895E
  • Received:May 16, 2014
  • Status:Approved
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: 4101 Third Street - The project site at 4101 Third Street is an approximately 7,200-square-foot, triangular vacant lot in the Bayview neighborhood and within the Bayview Industrial Triangle Redevelopment Plan Area. The project site is lot is located on a roughly triangular-shaped block bounded by Hudson Avenue to the northeast, Newhall Street to the southeast, and Innes Avenue to the southwest.The proposed project would demolish the existing parking lot and construct an approximately 36,130- square-foot, 60-foot-tall, five-story mixed-use residential building. The building would include 32 dwelling units and approximately 3,780 square feet of ground floor and mezzanine-level single retail space fronting Third Street. The residential portion of the building would consist of 15 one bedroom units, 15 two bedroom units, and two three bedroom units. The approximately 1,740-square-foot ground- floor garage would provide space for eleven cars utilizing some parking stackers (8 standard vehicle parking spaces, 1 Americans with Disabilities [ADA]-accessible space, and 2 car share spaces) would be provided in an approximately 1,740-square-foot garage accessed via a new 10-foot-wide curb cut on Hudson Avenue. Thirty-two Class I bicycle parking spaces will be provided in ground floor bicycle room, accessible via Newhall Street or through the residential lobby fronting Third Street. Ten Class 2 bicycle parking spaces will be provided adjacent to the project on the same block. The proposed project would include excavation of approximately 300 cubic yards of material to a maximum depth of eight feet below grade. The proposed project would retain all of the existing street trees on the project site and provide an additional seven street trees on Newhall Street, five street trees on Hudson Avenue, and two street trees on 3rd Street. A bulbout and parklet are proposed on the southeastern portion of the block, to increase the sidewalk width along Newhall Street. The five-story mixed-used building would encompass approximately 22,580 gross square feet of residential space, 3,780 gross square feet of commercial space, 1,740 gross square feet of parking space, and 8,020 gross square feet of common space. Open space would be provided through a common roof garden and a private deck.
  • Reference:2014.0748E
  • Received:May 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure
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Description: Geotechnical investigation - Six 6-inch diameter geotechnical borings
  • Reference:2014.0740E
  • Received:May 13, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140371 - Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Contest Promotions, LLC, against the City and County of San Francisco for $375,000; the lawsuit was filed on September 22, 2009, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Case No. Cv-09-4434 SI (MEJ); entitled Contest Promotins, LLC, v. City of San Francisco, et al.; other material terms of said settlement include resolution of Notices of Violations for unpermitted general advertising signs.
  • Reference:2014.0761E
  • Received:May 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPort - Pier 70 Area - BAE Lease Renewal - Demolition of 3 vacant industrial buildings that are contributors to the Port's Union Iron Works Hist District and the removal of 12 PCB Transformers
  • Reference:2014.0713E
  • Received:May 08, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 26, 2015
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Description: BOS 140448 - Resolution authorizing the execution and performance of a Transfer Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and 1500 Page Street, LLC, a California limited liability company, for the transfer of real property and improvements located at 1500 Page Street, for the development of 16 units of affordable housing for persons with developmental disabilities and one manager's unit; authorizing the execution and performance of an Option to Ground Lease and a Ground Lease between the Cit and County of San Francisco and Mercy Housing California 57 , a California limited partnership; adopting findings under the Califonia Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings hat the conveyance is consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0706E
  • Received:May 05, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140410 - Resolution approving the Special Transit Fare (Fast Pass(R)) Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District, with a term of July 1, 2014, throught June 30, 2020.
  • Reference:2014.0712E
  • Received:May 05, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 8719002
Parcel: 8719006
Parcel: 8719007
Description: SFPORT - Seawall Lot 337 Temporary Events - Install movable platforms, improve landscaping, seating and gathering space on a space occupied by a parking lot for year around public space activation
  • Reference:2014.0672E
  • Received:May 05, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:May 13, 2014
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Description: BOS 140063 - Ordinance amending the Public Works Code, by adding Section 792, to establish a permit program for plazas on the public right-of-way; and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2014.0709E
  • Received:May 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140062 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code by amending Sections 234, 234.1, and 234.2 in order to modify and make technical amendments to the provisions of Public Use Zoning Districts, affirming the Planning department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0710E
  • Received:May 02, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140382 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to change the designation of 1007 Market Street (aka James G. Walker Building), Assessor's Block No. 3703, Lot No. 078, from Category V (Unrated) to Category III (Contributory) under Planning Code, Article 11; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0708E
  • Received:May 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131064 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to expand the definition of "bona fide eating place" to include a definition based on food sales per occupant and exempting certain bona fide eating places from the definition of "bar"; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0711E
  • Received:May 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140381 Short-Term Rentals - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to provide an exception for permanent residents to the prohibition on short-term residential rentals under certain conditions; to create procedures, including a registry administered by the Department of building Inspection, for tracking short-term residetnial rentals and compliance; to establish an application fee for the registry; amending the Planning Code to clarify that short-term residetnial renal shall not change a unit's type as residential; and making envirnmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0707E
  • Received:May 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: 7th Street Water Main Replacement - Replacement of existing 16-inch water main
  • Reference:2014.0659E
  • Received:Apr 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD - Natural Areas Maintenance Projects - Lake Merced - Maintenance Glen Canyon - Brush Clearing Mount Davidson - Brush Clearing McLaren Park - Brush Cleaning
  • Reference:2014.0654E
  • Received:Apr 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Dept. of Environement - Hay Road Landfill Project - The proposed project would have the City of San Francisco enter into an agreement to haul San Francisco waste by truck to Hay Road landfill in Vacaville, Solano County for a period of 10 years from the current location of Altamont Landfill in Livermore, Alameda County.
  • Reference:2014.0653E
  • Received:Apr 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Other
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 01, 2015
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Description: Pier 31 1/2 & 33 - Replace canopies, seating, bike racks, and signage.
  • Reference:2014.0621E
  • Received:Apr 23, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 06, 2015
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Description: SFMTA-33 STANYAN POLE REPLACEMENT - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014.0598E
  • Received:Apr 22, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 140340 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish a special use disrict in the Central city South of Market Area to balance market rate housing and affordable housing and to require a conditional use permit for market rate housing if the balance is not maintained; amending the Zoning Map to establish this special use district; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0663E
  • Received:Apr 18, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 1313029
Description: RPD - LINCOLN PARK STEPS - Repair steps. Apply decorative tiles and install handrails. Alterations to benches for ADA compliance. Remove bullnoses on steps.
  • Reference:2014.0566E
  • Received:Apr 17, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 140311 - Resolution approving the acquisition of 28 Avigation Easements from various property owners in San Mateo County required for the San Francisco International Airport's Noise Insulation Program (Project); adopting findings that the Project is categorically exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act Class1: Existing Facilities; adopting findings that the acquistion is consistent with the City's General Plan, and eight priority policies of City Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing the Director of Property and Mayor to execute documents, make certain modifications and take certain actions in furtherance of this Resolution.
  • Reference:2014.0660E
  • Received:Apr 17, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140283 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to rezone McCoppin Street from Valencia Street to its terminus on Market Street from NC3-T/85-X, and 40-X, to P(Public)/Open Space as part of the establishment of McCoppin Hub Plaza, making findings under the California Environmental Quality Act, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0661E
  • Received:Apr 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140319 - Ordinance amending the Public Works Code to establish the requirements for Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permits; to set fees for obtaining such permits; to make the provisions of the Ordinance retroactive; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0662E
  • Received:Apr 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA-SFPark Permanent Program - Permanent program following 6/30/14 expiration of pilot program to study adjustment of parking rates.
  • Reference:2014.0535E
  • Received:Apr 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 140318 - Ordinance waiving the fee required by Public Works Code, Sectino 724.1(b), for temporary street space occupancy permits on certain designated City streets on Saturday, May 10, 2014, Satruday, may 17, 2014, and Saturday, June 21, 2014, as a part of Small Business Week Sidewalk Sales.
  • Reference:2014.0546E
  • Received:Apr 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: MTA - Lombard Temporary Weekend Closure - MTA is considering the temporary closure of a two-block portion of eastbound Lombard Street between Larkin and Leavenworth Streets. Lombard Street would remain open to local residential traffic. The closure of the Crooked Street block between Hyde and Leavenworth streets is to prevent queuing and consflicts with pedestrians created by the large numbers of people in motor vehicles that seek to drive down this hill during peak summer weekends. The dates of the closure would be as follows: Saturday and Sundays in June: 12, 22, 28, 29, Friday 4th of July, Saturday and Sundays in July: 5, 6, 12, 13 The street closure times would be approximately noon to 6:00pm. The closure will be discontinued if the FMTA or neighborhood groups requestion it see problems that require reversal of the temporary street closure schedule, or on July 13. SFMTA will have enforcement supervisors on site to monitor conditions and report back on results.
  • Reference:2014.0530E
  • Received:Apr 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: 140509 MTA-2014 GO Bond: Transportation 2030 - The City and County of San Francisco is proposing Transportation 2030, a $500 million General Obligation Bond (Bond) to improve road conditions, transit service, and street safety in San Francisco. The Transportation 2030 Bond will fund critical transportation infrastructure needs to improve Muni service, and make streets safer for all users. To better serve the people of San Francisco, transit needs to be faster, more reliable, and better aligned with current customer needs. At the same time, the city needs to invest in its streets to create a safer, more enjoyable environment. This $500 million Bond will address the urgent need to improve the streets and safety for all users and fund Muni infrastructure upgrades for more efficient and reliable operations.
  • Reference:2014.0524E
  • Received:Apr 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: 2401 KEITH ST - Addition to existing Southeast Health Center. Total addition is approximately 28,000 sf, 3-story building which will house a facility for behavioral health service. Addition will not exceed height and bulk limitations.
  • Reference:2012.1103E
  • Received:Apr 10, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Health
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 07, 2016
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Description: Water and Wastewater Capacity Rates - Adoption of water and wastewater capacity charges for new service, increased service or change in service for fiscal year 2014/15
  • Reference:2014.0531E
  • Received:Apr 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:May 13, 2014
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Description: SFMTA - Mansell Corridor Road Diet - The Mansell Corridot Improvement's project limits are Mansell Street between University Street and Brazil Avenue and Persia Street between Brazil and Dublin streets (Mansell turns into Persia and Brazil). The road diet would reduce Mansell Street to one travel lane in each direction (generally removing one travel lane in each direction_ and moving all vehicles to south of the existing median; conversion of the Mansell Street roadway north of the median into a pedestrian and bycycling zone; median changes to the edge of roadway; and limiting green waste storage to one side of Brazil Avenue, which is already closed to vehicles (but open to bicycles and pedestrians).
  • Reference:2014.0515E
  • Received:Apr 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed - Approved
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Retail Water Rates - Adoption of retail water rates for FY 2014/15-2017/18
  • Reference:2014.0498E
  • Received:Apr 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:May 13, 2014
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Description: Connection Fees & Miscellaneous Fees & Charges - Adoption of connection fees and miscellaneous fees and charges to reflect the cost of providing services for fiscal year 2014/15
  • Reference:2014.0496E
  • Received:Apr 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:May 13, 2014
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Description: Retail Wastewater Rates - Adoption of retail wastewater rates fro FY 2014/15-FY 2017/18
  • Reference:2014.0499E
  • Received:Apr 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:May 13, 2014
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Description: Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan - SFPUC adoption of 2013 Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan
  • Reference:2014.0494E
  • Received:Apr 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 22, 2014
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Description: College Hill Demonstration Garden - Construciton and operation of a demonstration garden, including an outdoor classroom, planting beds, plant nursery and a rain garden. An "Eco Pod" would be installed to serve as the work station and storage building for staff to operate the Demonstration Garden. A composting toilet would also be installed to serve students, teachers and staff at the Garden.
  • Reference:2014.0490E
  • Received:Apr 01, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140235 - Ordinance requiring the Planning department to include certain informational questions regarding anti-discriminatory housing policies based on sexual orientation and gender idientity on a project sponsor's application for specified residential and mixed-use projects, requiring an annual report from the Human Rights Commission on the data collected from such applications, and affirming the Planning Department's California Environmental Quality Act determination.
  • Reference:2014.0478E
  • Received:Mar 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 6361034
Description: RPD Kelloch Velasco Park Lighting & Court Surface - The project would replace six existing 25' tall light poles with eight 15' tall light poles in approximately the same locations for pedestrian safety, install six new light poles approximately 25'tall at the basketball courts, and slurry seal two existing cracked basketball courts with new surfacing, and replace the basketball poles, hoops, and backboards.
  • Reference:2014.0453E
  • Received:Mar 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 18, 2014
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Description: BOS 131146 - Ordinance amending the Subdivision Code to authorize the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to reject appeals of the condominium conversion fee when the appeal does not challenge the relationship or nexus between the impact of development and the amount of the fee charged, to modify the fee deferral process administered by the Department of Public Works, to allow conversions to proceed with a gap in ownership occupancy due to foreclosure, and affirming the Planning Department's California Environmental Quality Act determination.
  • Reference:2014.0477E
  • Received:Mar 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140236 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Mission Alcoholic Beverage Special Use District, to allow mini-golf courses functionally and/or physically integrated with a restaurant use to obtain liquid licenses; and making environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302 findings, and findings of consistency with the Geneal Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0479E
  • Received:Mar 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 0001001
Description: PORT LEASES & PERMITS MARCH 2014 - Monthly report for Port lease agreements and permits.
  • Reference:2014.0447E
  • Received:Mar 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Parcel: 0245002
Description: RPD - Huntington Park Playground Replacement - RPD - Huntington Park Playground Renovation including replacement playground equipment, replacement playground fence and matting, and playground benches. No other work.
  • Reference:2012.0892E_5
  • Received:Mar 26, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 131205 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to address various revisions to Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR), integrated PDR, and small enterprise workplace zoning controls to facilitate the establishment of such uses; amending the Administrative Code to delete requirements concerning reporting on integrated PDR, affirming the Planning Department's California Environmental Quality Act determination; and making Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0664E
  • Received:Mar 20, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140181 - Resolution granting revocable permission to Ivy Grove Partners, LLC, to occupy a portion of the public right-of-way to install and maintain planter bulb-outs and irrigation lines on Ivy Street fronting 401 Grove Street (Block No. 0808, Lot No. 036), conditioning the permit, affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0545E
  • Received:Mar 20, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 4052001
Description: PORT - Pier 70 BLDG 12 SPECIAL EVENTS - Temporary special events until 12/31/17.
  • Reference:2014.0403E
  • Received:Mar 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA Wiggle Neighborhood Green Corridor Project - Traffic calming and green infrastructure; divert southbound vehicles on Scott to turn onto Fell.
  • Reference:2014.0397E
  • Received:Mar 17, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA-San Jose Ave & I-280 Pilot Project - Pilot project to remove a lane of traffic on northbound San Jose Ave between the I-280 off-ramp and Randall Street.
  • Reference:2014.0396E
  • Received:Mar 17, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 23, 2014
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Description: Yerba Buena Island Water Main Replacement - Replacement of 125 linear feet of 12-inch water main pipeline, one existing valve vault and two gate valves
  • Reference:2014.0358E
  • Received:Mar 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO West-of-Bayshore Water System Improvements - Replacement of two of the three existing Airport water pipelines that connect with the SFPUC main water line at El Camino Real in Millbrae and San Bruno.
  • Reference:2014.0369E
  • Received:Mar 11, 2014
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Parcel: 4502A002
Description: Islais Creek Outfall Upgrades - Upgrades to two existing wastewater outfalls that discharge treated wastewater from the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant into Islais Creek
  • Reference:2014.0346E
  • Received:Mar 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140036 Dwelling Unit Density - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to exclude Affordable Housing Units as defined from density calculation for projects that provide at lease 20% of their units as Affordable Units and amending density calculations under certaing scenarios.
  • Reference:2014.0348E
  • Received:Mar 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: RPD4-8 Guy Place Conversion to Park - Convert former parking lot into a public park
  • Reference:2014.0344E
  • Received:Mar 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Lower Cherry Lake Aquaduct Rehabilitation - Emergency repair and replacement of facilities related to the Lower Cherry Lake Aquaduct damaged by the rim fire and/or critical to addressing 2014 drought emergency.
  • Reference:2014.0333E
  • Received:Mar 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 131208 - Ordinance amending the San Francisco Health Code, by adding Article 11A, requiring: 1) the Department of Public Health (DPH) to provide written information outlining the rights and responsibilities of tenants, property owners, and Pest Control Operators regarding the prevention and treatment of bed bug infestations; 2) DPH to develop a training curriculum on bed bug abatement; 3 owners to respond to bed bug infestation complaints; 4) property owners to disclose bed bug infestation history for the previous two years; 5) DPH to collect and publish bed bug data on a quarterly basis; 6) establishing enforcement procedures; and 7) making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0357E
  • Received:Feb 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140120 - Ordinance amending the Building Code to require that existing elementary and secondary schools obtain an evaluation by a licensed structural engineer for performance during a future earthquake, and assessing a fee for Building Department review and related evaluation processing; requiring that a building changing to a school occupancy clasification comply with the evaluation requirements; making environmental findings, and findings under the California Health and Safety Code; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward this Ordinance to the California Building Standards Commission upon final passage
  • Reference:2014.0394E
  • Received:Feb 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Persia Triangle Streetlight Upgrade - Upgrade 12 existing streetlights with LED fixtures
  • Reference:2014.0312E
  • Received:Feb 26, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT AGENDA 2/27/14 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014.0299E
  • Received:Feb 25, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 140122 - Ordinance recognizing Small Buisness Month in May 2014; amending the Planning Code and the Building Code to retroactively waive fees for the month of May for certain facade improvements; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings, including environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0313E
  • Received:Feb 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Rockwood Court Streetlight Installation - Install two new streetlights
  • Reference:2014.0289E
  • Received:Feb 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 0001001
Description: PORT LEASES & PERMITS FEBRUARY 2014 - Monthly report for Port lease agreements and permits.
  • Reference:2014.0287E
  • Received:Feb 20, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 131148 - Ordinance amending the Planning and Building Codes to provide a process for granting legas status to existing dwelling units constructed without the required permits, and establishing a fee for administering the authorization program; amending the Administrative Code t provide that a dwelling unit was subject to the Rent Ordinance before legalization will remain under the Rent Ordinance, and requiring the property owner to provide relocation assistance to displaced tenants; making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and directing the Clerk to submit this Ordinance to the California Department of Housing and Community Development in accordance with state law.
  • Reference:2014.0307E
  • Received:Feb 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: 300 SPEAR ST - Street light replacement
  • Reference:2014.0269E
  • Received:Feb 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140097- MCD Controls on Ocean Avenue - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to require that, in the Ocean Avenue Neighborhood Commercial Transit District, a Medical Cannibis Dispensary (MCD) may be allowed withing 500 fee of another MCD as a conditional use, provided that no other Citywide regulation governing the proximity of MCDs to each other becomes law; affirming the Planning Department's California environmental Quality Act determination; and making Planning Code, Sectin 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0306E
  • Received:Feb 19, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140062 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Sections 234, 234.1, and 234.2, in order to modify and make technical amendments to the provisions of Public Use Zoning Districts; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0258E
  • Received:Feb 13, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140063 - Ordinance amending the Public Works Code, by adopting Section 792, to establish a permit program for plazas on the public right-of-way; and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2014.0259E
  • Received:Feb 13, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140061 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code, by adding Chapter 94, Sections 94.1 through 94.7, to establish a Plaza Program that coordinates City activities in some City-owned plazas on public property and public right-of-way; createa process to identify stewards to activate plazas under the jurisdiction of the Division of Real Estate and regulate such plazas; establishing administrative fees for the Plaza Program; and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2014.0257E
  • Received:Feb 13, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140064 - Ordinance amending the Police Code to include "Plazas" as identified in Administrative Code, Chapter 94, as a type of limited live performance locale, and establish various requiements applicable to such Plazas; and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
  • Reference:2014.0260E
  • Received:Feb 13, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: PORT LEASES & PERMITS JAN 2014 - Monthly report for Port lease agreements and permits.
  • Reference:2014.0222E
  • Received:Feb 12, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFMTA ISCOTT AGENDA 2/13/14 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014.0223E
  • Received:Feb 12, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 10, 2014
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Description: PORT MAINTENANCE 2014 - Annual approval for Port maintenance, repair, and alteration permits; encroachment permits; and information gathering.
  • Reference:2014.0208E
  • Received:Feb 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: PORT EVENTS 2014 - Annual approval for special events on Port property.
  • Reference:2014.0207E
  • Received:Feb 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
  • Approval Action Date:Apr 29, 2015
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Description: BOS 140100 - Resolution approving an agreement with the nonprofit Owners' Association for Administration/Management of the established property-based Community Benefit District known as the "Top of Broadway Community Benefit District", pursuant to Section 36651 of the California Streets and Highways Code, to commence following Board approval.
  • Reference:2014.0200E
  • Received:Feb 05, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA Order 5221 for public hearing 2/14/14 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014.0190E
  • Received:Feb 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 140037 - Draft Ordinance amending the Planning Code by creating a definition for ownership of building containing two or more dwelling units, or possession thereof under a written contract to purchase or transfer ownership, by persons, firms, companies, corporations or partnerships, where persons, firms, companies, corporations or partnerships have or may have an undivided ownership interest in the property; by agreement have an exclusive right of occupancy to an individual dwelling unit; where the dwelling unit have not been mapped as a condominium, community apartment or stock cooperative per Subdivision Code, Article 9; creating a requirement for the Planning department to review the proposed project for compliance with the Planning Code and any applicable design guidelines approved by the Planning Commission; requiring any application for conversion of an existing building from One Ownership to Fractionalized Ownership to meet all applicable provisions of the City's Housing, Building and City Planning Codes including standards for fire and life safety consistent with new construciton, pending Board approval.
  • Reference:2014.0229E
  • Received:Feb 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA - PARKING RATES N. BEACH & VALLEJO ST - Adjust parking rates at the North Beach and Vallejo Street parking garages, and give the Director of Transportation the authority to adjust rates in the future.
  • Reference:2014.0189E
  • Received:Feb 04, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC RIM FIRE RESTORATION & MAINTENANCE - Restoration and maintenance of SFPUC property damaged by the 2013 Rim Fire.
  • Reference:2014.0181E
  • Received:Feb 03, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO-Storm Drain Pump Stations Replacement - Replace mechanical equipment and drainage outfall pipes at three locations (1A, 1B, 1C) on the airport's airfield operations area.
  • Reference:2014.0170E
  • Received:Jan 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: PPSU Phase 3 San Adreas Pipeline - Evaluate the condition of the existing San Andreas Pipeline No. 2 (aka Sunset Reservoir Branch) at 5 locations via potholing and 7 locations via soil borings. Potholes would measure 10 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 9 feet deep. Soil borings would be approx. 6 inches diameter to a max. depth of 50 feet.
  • Reference:2014.0173E
  • Received:Jan 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFO - FIRE FACILITY REPLACEMENT & SFC RECONSTRUCTN - Replace Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Building No. 3 (ARFF-3) and reconstruct South Filed Checkpoint (SFC) Shelter.
  • Reference:2014.0169E
  • Received:Jan 30, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
  • Approval Action Date:Jun 17, 2014
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Parcel: 0001001
Description: SFMTA Order 5215 for public hearing 1/31/14 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014.0167E
  • Received:Jan 29, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 10, 2014
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Parcel: 6961004
Description: SFMTA- J. DENMAN MS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL - Pedestrian safety improvements at Alemeny/Onandaga and Ocean/Otsego
  • Reference:2014.0162E
  • Received:Jan 28, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC Street Light Rehab - Rehab and LED conversion of approx. 258 light poles along Guerrero St and Geneva Ave.
  • Reference:2014.0150E
  • Received:Jan 27, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140036 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to exclude Affordable Housing Units as defined from density calculations for projects that provide at least 20% of their units as Affordable Units and amending density calculations under certain scenarios; adopting findings, including environmental findings, Section 302 findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority polices of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0171E
  • Received:Jan 24, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 140038 - Resolution approving an agreement with the nonprofit Owners' Association for Administration/Managment of the renewed and expanded property-based Community Benefit District known as the "Centeral Market Community Benefit District," pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Section 36651, to commence following Board approval
  • Reference:2014.0137E
  • Received:Jan 22, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Water Main Replacement WD-2706 - Replacement of existing 12-inch water mains within existing public right-of-way less than 1-mile in total length.
  • Reference:2014.0117E
  • Received:Jan 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 5280001
Description: 750 Phelps Street - Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant grit removal pilot project
  • Reference:2014.0118E
  • Received:Jan 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 140009 - Ordinance amending the Housing Code to allow the storage of tenants' personal items other than automobiles in the garages of homes, apartment buildings, and residential hotels; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0139E
  • Received:Jan 21, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA ER TAYLOR ELEMENTARY BULBS - Install bubl-outs at all four corners of the intersection.
  • Reference:2014.0104E
  • Received:Jan 16, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Parcel: 4502A002
Description: Islais Creek Flushing Valve Upgrade - Installation of valve acuation system at exisiting Islais Creek sewage discharge box.
  • Reference:2014.0101E
  • Received:Jan 16, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Stamford-type Baffle Pilot Project at SEWPCP/SFPUC - The SFPUC proposes installation of a Stamford-type baffle around the interior of one of the 16 clarifiers. The baffle would be installed six (6) feet above the clarifier floor and would project out five (5) feet from the wall of the clarifier. When the clarifier is operational, the baffle would be submerged below the surface of the water. The pilot project would involve putting the clarifier through a series of tests to determine whether the baffle installation improves clarifier performance. Samples would be collected from the modified and an unmodified tank. Should the pilot project improve clarifier performance to meet regulatory requirements, all 16 clarifiers would be modified to install the baffles. An application for subsequent environmental review would be filed if the decision is made to install baffles in all 16 clarifiers. If performance does not meet expectations the baffles would be removed. Concrete or asphalt debris removed from the project site would either be recycled or disposed of according to the provisions of the San Francisco Construction and Demolition Debris Ordinance.
  • Reference:2014.0158E
  • Received:Jan 16, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Geotech at Yosemite Creek & Baker Beach - Geotechnical investigation of soil properties and infiltration rates to facilitate design of the Yosemite Creek Daylighting Project and Baker Beach Green Street Project.
  • Reference:2014.0098E
  • Received:Jan 15, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD - NOE COURTS PARK IMPROVEMENTS - Convert existing tennis court to multi-use tennis/basketball court. Convert existing basketball court to people-only use lawn. Convert existing lawn to dog-friendly zone. Replace trees, add seat walls, tables, fences, gates and drinking fountain; renovate existing restrooms.
  • Reference:2014.0096E
  • Received:Jan 15, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA Order 5213 for public hearing 1/24/14 - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014.0090E
  • Received:Jan 14, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Market Street Wi-Fi Pilot Project - San Francisco Department of Technology - Categorical Exemption - Install up to 144 (124 installed to date) Wi-Fi routers (aka Access Points or APs) on existing structures along a 3.9-mile section of Market St. between Castro and Spear Streets for publicly operated wi-fi service.
  • Reference:2014.0080E
  • Received:Jan 13, 2014
  • Status:Under Review
  • Initiating Agency:Technology
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Description: Wiggle Neighborhood Geotech Investigation - Geotech investigation involving 4 inflitration pits (4'x6'x3' deep) to determine water infiltration velocity, in support of the proposed Wiggle Neighborhood Green Corridor Project, Phase II. Site 1, south of Page St., btwn Scott and Pierce. Site 2, East of Pierce St., btwn Page and Haight. Site 3, East of Pierce St., btwn Haight and Waller. Site 4, South of Waller St., btwn Pierce and Steiner.
  • Reference:2014.0116E
  • Received:Jan 13, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 0209017
Description: RPD-733 Kearny St Replace Bathroom - Replacement of a free-standing restroom building in a public park
  • Reference:2013.1550E_3
  • Received:Jan 09, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RPD Geneva Community Garden Phase 1 - Create 3,900 sf community garden on vacant lot.
  • Reference:2014.0046E
  • Received:Jan 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFMTA ORDER 5209 for 1/17/14 public hearing - Categorical exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2014.0045E
  • Received:Jan 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA COMMUTER SHUTTLE PILOT PROGRAM - 18-month pilot project to allow private commute shuttles to use selected Muni bus stops for passenger pick-up and drop-off.
  • Reference:2013.1591E_3
  • Received:Jan 07, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 10, 2014
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Description: SFMTA - NACTO GUIDE ADOPTION - Adopt National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Urban Street Design Guide (2013) for use as an additional reference in transportation planning and design projects and programs.
  • Reference:2014.0030E
  • Received:Jan 06, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 131207 - Ordiance amending the Environmental Code to restrict the sale or distribution on City property of drinking water in plastic bottles of 21 ounces or less, set city policy to increase the availability of drinking water in public areas, and bar the use of City funds to purchase bottled water; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0069E
  • Received:Jan 06, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131185 - Resolution approving the acquistion of 33 Avigation Easements from various property owners in San Mateo County to replace expiring Avigation Easements required for the San Francisco International Airport's Noise Insulation Program (Project); adopting findings that the Project is categorically exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act, Class 1: Existing Facilities; adopting findings that the acquistion is consitent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing the Director of Property to execute documents, make certain modifications, and take certain actions in furtherance of this Resolution.
  • Reference:2014.0070E
  • Received:Jan 06, 2014
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131216 - Resolution authorizing the Department of Technology to accept and expend a gift of $608,000 in cash from San Francisco Citizens Initiative for Technology and Innovation in order to provide free, wireless Internet access to the public in certain parks and recreational facilities in San Francisco and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2014.0227E
  • Received:Jan 03, 2014
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 0799001
Description: RPD - ALAMO SQUARE RESTROOM AND IRRIGATION UPGRADE - Construction of a new ADA accessible restroom and landscaping improvements. 8.29.2014 Alamo Square Park Restroom & Irrigation Upgrade Project: renovation of existing restroom, construction of a new unisex restroom, replacement of the site's irrigation system, and parkwide landscape upgrades.
  • Reference:2013.1334E
  • Received:Dec 31, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 131178 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to change the designation of 660 California Street, Assessor's Block No. 0241, Lot No. 011 (a.k.a. the Old St. Mary's Rectory), from Category V (Unrated) to Cateogry III (Contributory) under Planning Code, Article 11; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2014.0022E
  • Received:Dec 31, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131163 - Resolution endorsing the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) ZA-1 Embarcadero-Potrero 230kV Transmission project revised term sheet among the Port Commission, Office of Economic Workforce and Development, and PG&E.
  • Reference:2014.0017E
  • Received:Dec 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131162 - Ordinance
  • Reference:2014.0019E
  • Received:Dec 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Market Street Water Main Installation - Installation of water mains in Market Street between Church and Pearl Streets and between 9th and 12th Streets.
  • Reference:2013.1892E
  • Received:Dec 27, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD - Crocker Amazon Park Upgrades - Trail improvements and stairway and bench replacement for ADA compliance.
  • Reference:2013.1888E
  • Received:Dec 26, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 10, 2014
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Description: SFPORT - Monthly Leases Dec 2013 - SFPORT - Monthly Leases Dec 2013
  • Reference:2013.1875E
  • Received:Dec 24, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 131161 - Ordinance amending Zoning Map, Sheets ZN01, ZN07, ZN08, HT07, HT08 and SU07, to revise use districts and height and bulk districts for parcels adjacent to and withing the Western South of Market Plan Area; to extend the Van Ness and Market Downtown Residential Special Use District; and making environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1895E
  • Received:Dec 24, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131148 - Ordinance amending the Planning and Building Codes to provide a process for granting legal status to existing dwelling units constructed without the required permits, and establishing a fee for administering the authorization program; amending the Administrative Code to provide that a dwelling unit that was subject to the Rent Ordinance before legalization will remain under the Rent Ordinance, and requiring the property owner to provide relocation assistance to displaced tenants; making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Sectin 101.1; and directing the Clerk to submit this Ordinance to the California Department of Housing and Community Development in accordance with state law.
  • Reference:2014.0230E
  • Received:Dec 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 0001001
Description: SFMTA - ELECTRIC VEHICLE PROJECT - SFMTA - ELECTRIC VEHICLE PROJEC: Purchase 25 fixed battery electric vehicles
  • Reference:2013.1883E
  • Received:Dec 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPORT - Pier 70 Historic Core Project - Historic Rehabilitation of Building 101, 102, 104, 113-114-115-116, 122, 123 and Building 14
  • Reference:2013.1168E_3
  • Received:Dec 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: Water Main Replacement Market Street - Replacement of existing water mains with 8-inch, 12-inch, and 16-inch ductile iron pipes.
  • Reference:2013.1851E
  • Received:Dec 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Moccasin Transformer Replacement - Demolish existing concrete pad, electrical line, and transformer and replace at immediately adjacent site.
  • Reference:2013.1843E
  • Received:Dec 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Public Hearing Order 5202 - SFMTA - Public Hearing Order 5202
  • Reference:2013.1876E
  • Received:Dec 17, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: 16' & 8' Ductile Iron Water Main Replacement - Potoable water mains would be replaced along Geary Blvd. btwn 10th & 36th Avenues
  • Reference:2013.1854E
  • Received:Dec 12, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 12/19/13 - SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda 12/19/13
  • Reference:2013.1840E
  • Received:Dec 12, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - Resolution associated w/ PKG - SFMTA - Resolution associated w/ PKG related fees & residential PKG permit requirements
  • Reference:2013.1835E
  • Received:Dec 09, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 10, 2014
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Description: SFMTA - Public Hearing Order No.5196 - SFMTA - Public Hearing Order No.5196
  • Reference:2013.1839E
  • Received:Dec 09, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Rim Fire Emergency Repairs - Repair of SFPUC facilities and properties damaged as a result of the 2013 Rim Fire disaster.
  • Reference:2013.1795E
  • Received:Dec 09, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 23, 2013
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Parcel: 1403007
Description: RPD - DuPont Restrooms - Replacement of an existing restroom structure with a new structure of comparable size
  • Reference:2013.1789E
  • Received:Dec 09, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 131086 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish the 1500 Page Street Affordable Housing Special Use District (SUD) for the property located at 1500 Page Street (Assessor's Block No. 1223, Lot No. 004) and repeal the provisions establishing the 1500 Page Street Residential Care SUD; amending the Zoning Map to add the 1500 Page Street Affordable Housing SUD, delete the 1500 Page Street Residential Care SUD, and modify and height and bulk limit for the lot; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1793E
  • Received:Dec 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda Temporary St Closure - SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda Temporary St Closure
  • Reference:2013.1776E
  • Received:Dec 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 131085 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Section 249.35A, to allow a grocery store that may be defined as a formula retail use; making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority prolicies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1785E
  • Received:Dec 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 3611013
Description: RPD - Jose Coronado Playground - Playground remodel and upgrades
  • Reference:2013.1767E
  • Received:Dec 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
  • Approval Action Date:Dec 11, 2013
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Description: BOS 131023 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, by adding a new section, to establish the Outer Mission Street Neighborhood Commercial District along Mission Street between Alemany Boulevard and the San Francisco-San Mateo County line; repealing the Excelsior Alcohol Restricted Use District and adding controls on liquor establishments to the new Neighborhood Commercial District; amending various sections to make conforming and other technical changes; amending the Zoning Map to rezone specified properties to the New Neighborhood Commercial District; and making environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the Priority Policies of Plannind Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1786E
  • Received:Dec 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131086 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish the 1500 Page Street Affordable Housing Special Use District (SUD) for the property located at 1500 Page Street (Assessor's Block No. 1223, Lot No. 004) and repeal the provisions establishing the 1500 Page Street Residential Care SUD; amending the Zoning Map to add the 1500 Page Street Affordable Housing SUD, delete the 1500 Page Street Residential Care SUD, and modify the height and bulk limit for the lot; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1893E
  • Received:Dec 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131085 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Section 249.35A, to extend the effective date for the Fulton Street Grocery Store Special Use District; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1894E
  • Received:Dec 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131118 - Ordinance designating 1712-1716 fillmore Street (aka Marcus Books and Jimbo's Bop City), Assessor's Block No. 0684, Lot No. 020, as a landmark under Planning Code, Article 10; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1784E
  • Received:Dec 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131121 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, to amend the Third Street Alcohol Restricted Use District, to allow Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Type 2, "Winegrower" licenses; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1783E
  • Received:Nov 27, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131120 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, by adding a new Section 789, to establish the Broadway Alcohol Restricted Use District on parcels with street frontage on Broadway, between Columbus Avenue and Montgomery Street; amending the Zoning Map, Sheet SU-02, to designate the Broadway Alcohol Restricted Use District; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1791E
  • Received:Nov 26, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SEWPCP Booster Pump Conduit Repair - Repair and replacement of damaged cable conduits for South East Water Pollution Control Plant
  • Reference:2013.1722E
  • Received:Nov 25, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Baker Street & Sutter Street Water Mains - In-kind replacement of 8-inch water mains within existing public street right-of-ways.
  • Reference:2013.1736E
  • Received:Nov 25, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 131128 - Resolution approving amendments to the Moscone Expansion District Management District Plan for the business-based business improvement district, known as the "Moscone Expansion District," in accordance with the California Streets and Highways Code, Section 36636, to require the monthly assessment, collection, and transfer of fees by the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collection; and an agreement with the nonprofit Owners' Association for administration/management of the District in accordance with the California Streets and Highways Code, Section 36651.
  • Reference:2013.1787E
  • Received:Nov 25, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131127 - Resolution approving an amendment to the San Francisco Tourism Improvement District Management District Plan in accordance with the California Streets and Highways Code, Section 36636, to require monthly assessment, collection, and distribution of fees by the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector
  • Reference:2013.1782E
  • Received:Nov 25, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131087 - Ordinance amending the Park Code to distinguish rights in permits for areas and facilities open to the public and rights in permits for events closed to the public; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1727E
  • Received:Nov 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA - ORDER 5194 - SFMTA - ORDER 5194
  • Reference:2013.1750E
  • Received:Nov 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: RPD - GG Park Replanting Project - Replanting project at GG Park - EEA dated 11/05/13
  • Reference:2013.1712E
  • Received:Nov 21, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 131131 - Resolution corecting Resolution No. 362-13, which granted revocable permission to the Municipal Transporation Agency to occupy portions of the public right-of-way to insall an maintain two new operator convenience facilities at the terminus of various Muni bus routes; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1732E
  • Received:Nov 21, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131119 - Ordinance amending the Transportation Code, Division I, to clarify the definition for "Paking Meter" to include electronic pay stations, and change the time for parking at inoperable or broken parking meters, from two hours to the maximum time permitted for the parking meter, and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1731E
  • Received:Nov 21, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131068-3 - Rosolution imposing interim zoning controls to require that for a 12-month period in the area bounded by Market Street from Van Ness Street east to 5th Street on the north side and east to 2nd Street on the south side, 2nd Street south to Brannan Street, Brannan Street west to Division Stree, and South Van Ness Street north to Market Street: 1) certain building permits for commercial buildings shall require the posting of a notice and 15-day delay in starting the work; and 2) the re-establishment of a commercial use that has been converted to residential use shall require Planning Commission approval through either an authorization under Planning Code, Section 320, et seq. or a conditional use authorization; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1729E
  • Received:Nov 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.1749E
  • Received:Nov 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Parcel: 0245002
Description: RPD - Huntington Park Playground Replacement - RPD - Huntington Park Playground Renovation including replacement playground equipment, replacement playground fence and matting, and playground benches. No other work.
  • Reference:2012.0892E_3
  • Received:Nov 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 131063 - Addition of Dwelling Unit - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow the construction of an additional dwelling unit or units within the existing envelope of a residential building or auxiliary structure on the same lot (In-Law Units) on any parcel in the Castro Street Neighborhood Commercial District and within 1,750 feet of the District boundaries, excluding any lot within 500 feet of Assessor Block No. 2623, Lot Nos. 116 through 154
  • Reference:2013.1674E
  • Received:Nov 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: PUC-Geotech Inv. for 17th & Folsom Wet Weather Sto - Geotech investigation for 17th & Folsom Wet Weather Storage Project
  • Reference:2013.1664E
  • Received:Nov 13, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 21, 2013
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Parcel: 0209017
Description: RPD-733 Kearny St Replace Bathroom - Replacement of a free-standing restroom building in a public park
  • Reference:2013.1550E
  • Received:Nov 13, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Wiggle Neighborhood Green Corridor Project - Geotech investigation into soil properties and infiltration rates to facilitate design of the Wiggle Neighborhood Green Corridor project
  • Reference:2013.1643E
  • Received:Nov 12, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 131064- Bona Fide Eating Place - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to expand the definition of "bona fide eating place" to include a definition based on food sales per occupant; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1668E
  • Received:Nov 12, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 131059 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow non-conforming secondary structures in a C-3-R Zoning District to be demolished and rebuilt to the prior non-confirming size under certain conditions; making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1669E
  • Received:Nov 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: MTA Order #5183 for public hearing 11/15/13 - Categorical/statutory exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes, authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per MTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2013.1634E
  • Received:Nov 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - Polk Street Improvement Project - The Polk Street Improvement Project will include enhancements to bicycle infrastructure including bicycle lanes, raised cycletracks, and bicycle signals. Street lighting equipment will be upgraded, and landscaping will be added to above and below-ground planters. Bus and corner bulbouts as well as raised crosswalks and red visibility curbs will be installed at strategic locations. Along the entire corridor, traffic signal timing and offsets would be adjusted at the signalized intersections to slow vehicle traffic progression and improve traffic signal operations for pedestrians and bicyclists. Traffic signal equipment, including pedestrian countdown signals and bicycle signals, will be modified at various intersections.
  • Reference:2013.1721E
  • Received:Nov 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 03, 2015
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Description: MTA Order #5188 for public hearing 11/22/13 - Categorical/statutory exemption for minor alterations to existing facilities, non-physical changes, and other minor changes. Authority delegated to designated SFMTA staff per SFMTA/Planning MOU.
  • Reference:2013.1635E
  • Received:Nov 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda & Temporary Street Closures - SFMTA - ISCOTT Agenda & Temporary Street Closures
  • Reference:2013.1689E
  • Received:Nov 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 27, 2013
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Description: 1001 POTRERO AV - Replace existing entry ramp with ADA-compliant ramp at San Francisco General Hospital Building 9.
  • Reference:2013.1602E
  • Received:Nov 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Health
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Description: Geotechnical Investigations - Geotechnical Investigations for Chinatown Green Alleys and Visitation Valley Green Nodes Projects.
  • Reference:2013.1596E
  • Received:Nov 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 131068 - Resolution imposing interim zoning controls to prohibit, for a 12-month period, the issuance of building permits for certain commercial uses in the area bounded by Market Street from Van Ness Street east to 2nd Street, 2nd Street south to Brannan Street, Brannan Street west to Division Street, and South Van Ness Street north to Market Street and to require the Planning and Building Departments to complete a study of the conversion of commercial spaces to residential uses in this area; and making environmental findings, and findings for consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Plannign Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1667E
  • Received:Nov 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: MTA - Sunset Tunnel Rehab Project - MTA - Sunset Tunnel Rehab Project
  • Reference:2013.0612E_3
  • Received:Oct 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Fell Street Water Main Replacement - Replacement of approximately 6,000 linear feet of existing water mains beneath Fell Street in the Panhandle area.
  • Reference:2013.1577E
  • Received:Oct 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA COMMUTER SHUTTLE PILOT PROGRAM - 18-month pilot project to allow private commute shuttles to use selected Muni bus stops for passenger pick-up and drop-off.
  • Reference:2013.1591E
  • Received:Oct 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed - Withdrawn
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 10, 2014
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Description: Central Bayside Geotechnical Investigation - Twenty-seven soil borings and three cone penetration tests
  • Reference:2013.1572E
  • Received:Oct 28, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 20, 2013
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Description: SFPORT - Oct 2013 LEASES - SFPORT - Oct 2013 LEASES
  • Reference:2013.1565E
  • Received:Oct 26, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFPORT - Sept 2013 LEASES - SFPORT - Sept 2013 LEASES
  • Reference:2013.1564E
  • Received:Oct 26, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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  • Reference:2013.1553E
  • Received:Oct 24, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Sunset and Holloway Green Streets Geotech - Twenty geotechnical borings at various locations along Sunset Blvd. and Holloway Street
  • Reference:2013.1544E
  • Received:Oct 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Auxillary Water Supply System Geotech - Soil borings at various locations for design of potential AWSS cisterns.
  • Reference:2013.1538E
  • Received:Oct 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 20, 2013
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Description: Oakdale Avenue Water Main Replacement - Replacement of approximatley 2,000 linear feet of 8-inch water main pipeline.
  • Reference:2013.1507E
  • Received:Oct 17, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130999 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Zoning Use District Map ZN01, to provide for eligibility to sell transferable development rights for property at 133-135 Golden Gate Avenue (St. Boniface Church and Rectory); and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2014.0018E
  • Received:Oct 16, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA - Pilot Folsom St - 4th to 11th - SFMTA - Pilot Folsom St - 4th to 11th
  • Reference:2013.1461E
  • Received:Oct 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 130998 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, by adding Section 102.37 and amending Section 204.1, to allow cottage food Operation as an accessory use for dwelling units and increase the allowable area for accessory uses in dwelling units; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1513E
  • Received:Oct 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 3775103
Description: RPD-South Park Renovation - RPD-South Park Renovation for review under Rec/Park Dept. 2012 Bond CatEx (2011.1359E)
  • Reference:2013.1462E
  • Received:Oct 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 130938-2 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise deadlines for certain Transit Impact Development Fee (TIDF) exemptions; eleminate project-specific references in exemptions applicable to redevelopment areas, and make such exemptions dependent on the terms of the controlling development agreement, redevelopment plan, interagency agreement or other ontract entered into by the City; require that the TIDF be calculated based on the rate in effect and the time of issuance of the first construction document; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1467E
  • Received:Oct 10, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130968 - Ellis Act Preference - Ordinance amending the Administrative and Planning Codes to provide a preference in occupying units or receiving assistance under all affordable housing programs adminisered or funded by the City, including all former San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Affordable housing programs administered or funded by the City, to certain tenants being evicted under the Ellis Act, California Government Code, Section 7060 et seq.; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Codes, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1468E
  • Received:Oct 09, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA - Meter and paystation procurement - SFMTA - Meter and paystation procurement
  • Reference:2013.1490E
  • Received:Oct 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.1419E
  • Received:Oct 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Parcel: 0001001
  • Reference:2013.1418E
  • Received:Oct 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: 100 Edmonds Road, Redwood City - Install 600 linear feet of 6-foot-high chain-link fence around the permitter of existing Redwood Center building.
  • Reference:2013.1412E
  • Received:Oct 04, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Nov 21, 2013
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  • Reference:2013.1421E
  • Received:Oct 04, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - DEWEY BLV TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN - SFMTA - DEWEY BLV TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN: Speed humps, traffic islands, traffic circles, raised crosswalks & extension of median islands
  • Reference:2013.1405E
  • Received:Oct 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 130937 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to reduce the daily use fee for film productions with budgets less than $100,000 from $100 per day to 450 per day; expand the definition of film productions and low-budget film productions eligible for the Film Rebate Program to include episodes of a web series; and extend the Film Rebate Program expiration date from June 30, 2014, to June 30, 2015, and correspoindingly increase the current funding cap from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 subject to annual appropriation; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1514E
  • Received:Oct 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130882 - Ordinance amending the Park Code to set temporary reduce greens fees for the Harding Park Golf Course from December 2, 2013, through no later than May 31, 2014, to accommodate the renovaton of the greens; and making enviromental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1510E
  • Received:Oct 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA - Masonic Ave Traffic Signal - SFMTA - Masonic Ave Traffic Signal Visibility Improvements
  • Reference:2013.1489E
  • Received:Sep 26, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Streetlight Installation - Install streetlights at various locations: 15th St. (X- Vermont St. and San Bruno Ave), Revere Ave (at corner of Fitch St.), 26th St. (X- Kanas and Rhode Island Sts.), Iowa St. (X- 22nd and 25th Sts.). Includes four power poles 38-30 feet high. Pendant lights attached to underside of 280 freeway would be approx. 20 feet above grade.
  • Reference:2013.1359E
  • Received:Sep 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130864 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to transfer proposed child care facility oversight from the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families to the Office of Early Care and Education; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1400E
  • Received:Sep 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130862 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow an existing Tourist Hotel to rent rooms to homeless veterans for a period of time without abandoning the Tourist Hotel use classification; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1401E
  • Received:Sep 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: RPD - Telegraph Hill Soil Stabilization - RPD - Telegraph Hill Soil Stabilization Project
  • Reference:2013.1346E
  • Received:Sep 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2012.1350E_3
  • Received:Sep 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Parcel: 0706001
Description: RPD - KIMBELL PLAYGROUND - Replace the restroom facilities; modify clubhouse; upgrade playstructures; renovation of lawns; restoration of pathways; upgrade infrastructure including lighting and irrigation, improve accessibility; tree removal
  • Reference:2012.0134E_3
  • Received:Sep 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: San Andreas Dam Spillway Repairs - Minor repair and maintenance of San Andreas Dam spillway, consiting of grouting and sealing cracks in concrete surface.
  • Reference:2013.1336E
  • Received:Sep 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.1353E
  • Received:Sep 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: RPD - 3861 24TH ST - Removal of existing parking lot, construction of new park. Park would include play areas, a stage, irrigation system, landscaping, furnishings, concrete paths, fencing, storage building, and restroom building. Public sidewalk improvements fronting the site on the south side of 24th Street. Weekly farmer's market will continue to operate on the site.
  • Reference:2013.0082E_3
  • Received:Sep 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Parcel: 7283004
Description: RPD - Harding Park Golf Course Maintenance - Harding Park Golf Course Maintenance
  • Reference:2013.1335E
  • Received:Sep 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: BOS 130789 - Ordinance amending the Health Code to require massage practitioners licensed by San Francisco to wear photo identification cards when working; deny Massage Establishment permits to applicants convited of spcified crimes; to provide an appea process for person denied a Massage Establishment permit; to establish health and safety requirements for all Massage Establishments; to establish penalties for violations of Article 29 governing Massage Practitioners and Massage Establishment; to require notice of violations to be sent to the owner(s) of property where Massage Establishments are located; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1303E
  • Received:Sep 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130785 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to allow San Francisco-based employees to request flexible or predictable working arangements to assist with care giving responsibilities, subject to the employer's right to deny a request based on business reasons; to prohibit adverse employment actions based on caregiver status; to prohibit inteference with rights or retaliation against employees for exercising rights under the Ordinance; to require employers to post a notice informing employees of their rights under the Ordinance; to require employers to maintain records regarding compliance with the Ordinance; to authorize enforcement by the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement, including the imposition of remedies and penalties for a violation and an appeal process for an employer to an indepent hearing officer; to authorize waiver of the provisions of the Ordiance in acollective bargaining agreement; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1268E
  • Received:Sep 06, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Street Light Installation - Installation of four streetlights
  • Reference:2013.1239E
  • Received:Sep 04, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 1800 JERROLD AV - Construction of a replacement sodium hypochlorite chemical feed station.
  • Reference:2013.0908E_3
  • Received:Sep 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Sewer Replacement Project WW-568 - Repair and replacement of existing sewer pipelines of less than one mile in length withing public street right-of-ways.
  • Reference:2013.1233E
  • Received:Aug 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Sewer Replacement Project WW-585 - Repair and replacement of existing sewer pipelines of less than one mile in length withing public street right-of-ways.
  • Reference:2013.1234E
  • Received:Aug 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - TRAFFIC CALMING CENTRAL RICHMOND - SFMTA - TRAFFIC CALMING CENTRAL RICHMOND: Establish pedestrian islands & establish "No Pkg Anytime" zones
  • Reference:2013.1266E
  • Received:Aug 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Water Main Replacement - Replacement of existing water main pipelines
  • Reference:2013.1235E
  • Received:Aug 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.1265E
  • Received:Aug 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Parcel: 7283004
Description: SFPUC - Pacific Rod & Gun Club Site Remediation - Remedial excavation of contaminated soils from 0.5 to 4 feet below ground surface. Preliminary estimated total volume of soil to be excavated at the site is 30,600 cubic yards.
  • Reference:2013.1220E
  • Received:Aug 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Oct 23, 2014
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Description: SFPUC 8' & 12' Ductile Iron Pipe Main Installation - Replacement of 6,100 total linear feet of existing water mains with new 8" & 12" ductile Iron pipes (DIP) under 21st St (btwn Hampshire & Shotwell), under Bryant St (btwn 21st & 22nd and 24th & 25th), under Ford St (btwn Noe & Sanchez), under Hancock St (btwn Noe & Church), and under Cumberland St (btwn Dolores & Guerrero). The replacement pipelines would be installed parallel to but in a slightly off-set alignment to the exisiting pipelines. Once the replacement pipelines are installed and operational, the existing pipelines would be capped and left in place.
  • Reference:2013.1204E
  • Received:Aug 27, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.1187E
  • Received:Aug 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 130790 - Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations, Planning, and Police Codes to change the limits of Parking Tax Occupancy Simplification for residential properties by increasing, from five to 10, the numbe of parking spaces residential buildings may rent to non-residents and increasing the gross revenue they may earn from rent from $4,000 to $12,000 per quarter and from $15,000 to $40,000 annually; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan and eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1199E
  • Received:Aug 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
  • Approval Action Date:Aug 22, 2014
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  • Reference:2013.1175E
  • Received:Aug 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: As-Needed Sewer Replacement - Replacement of existing sewer pipelines of less than one mile in length withing public street right-of-ways.
  • Reference:2013.1232E
  • Received:Aug 21, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.1244E
  • Received:Aug 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.1157E
  • Received:Aug 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Building Inspection
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  • Reference:2013.1149E
  • Received:Aug 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: Non-Potable Water Program - Amendment to non-potable water (grey water) program ordinance
  • Reference:2013.1173E
  • Received:Aug 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130788 - Expanding Formula Retail - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to expand the definition of formula retail to include businesses that have eleven or more outlets worldwide, and to include businesses 50% or more owned by formula retail businesses; expand the applicability of formula retail controls to other types of retail uses; expand the notification procedures for formula retail applications; require an economic impace report as part of the formula retail conditional use application; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1166E
  • Received:Aug 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130786 - Ordinance repealing the current Fire Code in its entirety and replacing that code with a new 2013 San Francisco Fire Code consisting of the 2013 California Fire Code and portions of the 2012 International Fire Code, together with San Francisco amendments, with an operative date of January 1, 2014; amending the current Fire Code, Section 511.2, to exempt any building that is covered by Section 511.2 and is equipped with a fire service access elevator pursuant to California Building Code, Section 3007, from the requirement to install an air replenishment system, with an operative date of 30 days after enactment; adopting findings of local conditinos pursuant to California Health and Safety Code, Section 17958.7; directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward San Francisco's amendments to the California Building Standards Commission and State Fire Marshal; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1165E
  • Received:Aug 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130783 Nonconforming Uses Enlarge Alter or Rec - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to permit the enlargement, alteration or construction of a dwelling or other housing structure that exceeds the permitted density of the district if dwelling units are principally permitted in the district and enlargement, alteration or reconstruction does not extend beyond the building envelope as it existed on January 1, 2013; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.1164E
  • Received:Aug 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130782 - Ordinance amending the Building Code to modify some of the evaluation and retrofit criteria for the Mandatory Eathquake Retrofit Program and add seismic members to the Board of Examiners; amending the House Code to require a Report of Residential Building Record (3R Report) to include information on whether a building is included in the program and whether the rquired upgrade has been completed; adopting environmental findings and findings of local conditions under the California Health and Safety Code; and directing the Cleark of the Board to forward the legislation to specified state agencies.
  • Reference:2013.1163E
  • Received:Aug 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Water Main Replacement - Replace approximately 6,000 linear feet of water main pipelines beneath Arguello and Clement Streets.
  • Reference:2013.1066E
  • Received:Aug 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Baker Street Outfall Backflow Prevention Valve - Installation of a backflow prevention valve inside of existing sewer to prevent inflow of seawater during high tides.
  • Reference:2013.1050E
  • Received:Aug 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130041-2 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise the criteria for residential demolition, conversion, and merger and to standardize those definitions accross use districts; establish a strong presumption in favor of preserving dwelling units in enforcement of Code requirements; and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.1103E
  • Received:Aug 06, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC SEWPCP HVAC & Mechanical Upgrades - The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission SFPUC’s SEP provides treatment of combined sanitary and stormwater wastewater generated in the eastern half of San Francisco. Due to the continuous and corrosive nature of wastewater treatment process operations, the condition of various HVAC equipment and mechanical systems at SEP are deteriorated and in need of replacement. This equipment has reached the end of its useful life and/or is no longer able to operate efficiently due to excessive corrosion and wear. The SFPUC proposes to repair and replace various HVAC equipment and mechanical systems at SEP.
  • Reference:2013.1044E
  • Received:Aug 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD - Sharp Park - RPD - Sharp Park restoration project
  • Reference:2013.1008E
  • Received:Jul 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2013.0998E
  • Received:Jul 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Parcel: 0308001
Description: UNION SQUARE ICE RINK - Temporary ice rink from Nov 7, 2013 - January 20, 2014.
  • Reference:2013.0993E
  • Received:Jul 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RPD - KEZAR TRIANGLE - Landscaping improvements, including new plantings, pedestrian pathways, irrigation, seating, a kiosk, signage, and temporary art displays.
  • Reference:2013.0983E
  • Received:Jul 25, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Southeast Community Facility ADA Improvements - Interior and exterior improvements, including replacement of signage, and repairs to pathways and restrooms to meet ADA standards.
  • Reference:2013.0966E
  • Received:Jul 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: As-needed Sewer Repair Contract WW-584 - Small-scal emergency repairs to address leaking sewers and citywide risk assessment of sewer pipelines.
  • Reference:2013.0980E
  • Received:Jul 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 1800 & 1801 JERROLD AV - The SFPUC proposes a geotechnical investigation involving a maximum of twenty-five (25) soil borings (10 at the Asphalt Plant site and 15 at the Central Shops site) as identified on the attached Proposed Boring Exploration Plan (Plate Number 1 i n the Revised Proposal for Geologic, Geotechnical and Environmental Services, prepared for the SFPUC by Geotechnical Consultants, Inc., dated June 20, 2013). In addition, a total of 15 cone penetrometer (CPT) sounds (5 at the Asphalt Plant site and 10 at the Central Shops site) would be conducted. Hollow stem auger and mud rotary drilling techniques would be employed and drilling could extend to a maximum depth of 200 feet below ground surface (bgs) depending on depth of bedrock. In addition to the geologic and geotechnical data, core samples would be analyzed to conduct an environmental site assessment, which would identify whether hazardous materials are present and characterize any potential hazardous materials. Cuttings would also be evaluated by a professional archeological consultant for evidence of sub-surface cultural resources.
  • Reference:2013.0974E
  • Received:Jul 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Seacliff Pump Station No. 2 Standby Generator - The project seeks to repair deteriorated elements on the exterior of the pump station structure and replace the existing fence and window screens in kind. Mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and other upgrades would be within interior of the facility and would not alter the exterior appearance in any way. The most significant elements of the project would be the removal of the existing trailer-mounted generator (which would be attached to a truck and towed away) and installation of a new generator of the same capacity inside the pump station. This would provide both security benefits and noise buffering.
  • Reference:2013.0952E
  • Received:Jul 17, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - 5 FULTON TEP PILOT - Convert a portion of the route into a limited-stop service during weekday daytime hours, with supplemental service provided to all local stops between Fulton/6th Ave and the Transbay Terminal; bus stop changes; and roadway geometry changes.
  • Reference:2013.0943E
  • Received:Jul 16, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Sunol Water Pipeline Repairs - Repair and replacement of three sections of leaking water transmission pipeline totaling 1,300 linear feet
  • Reference:2013.0942E
  • Received:Jul 16, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SEWPCP Elevation Survey Potholing - Potholing along 10 locations along the Southeast Outfall Force Main at the SEWPCP facility to understand potential force main settlement.
  • Reference:2013.0939E
  • Received:Jul 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPORT - JULY 2013 LEASES - SFPORT - JULY 2013 LEASES
  • Reference:2013.1263E
  • Received:Jul 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: South Fork Adit Road Rockfall Fence Replacement - Repair and replacement of a rockfall catch fence along South Fork Adit Road, above the South Fork of the Tuolumne River.
  • Reference:2013.0927E
  • Received:Jul 12, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130712 Interim Market Street Formula Retail - Resolution imposing interim zoning controls requiring conditional use authorization for formula retail uses, as defined, on Market Street, from 6th Street to Van Ness Avenue, subject to specified exceptions, for 18 months; and making findings, including findings of consistency with the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0954E
  • Received:Jul 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130744 - Ordinance amending the Police Code to prohibit the use of aircraft, self-propelled, or buoyant objects to display any sign or advertising device in the airspace over the 34th America's Cup course area; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0938E
  • Received:Jul 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130661 - Ordinance amending the Police Code to prohibit the use of aircraft, self propelled, or buoyant objects to display any sign or advertising device in the airspace over the 34th America's Cup course area; and making environemental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1170E
  • Received:Jul 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Pilarcitos Fog Monitoring Project - Installation of instrucments to study the contribution of fog to the watershed water balance within the Pilarcitos Creek Watershed in San Mateo County.
  • Reference:2013.0924E
  • Received:Jul 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 1800 JERROLD AV - Construction of a replacement sodium hypochlorite chemical feed station.
  • Reference:2013.0908E
  • Received:Jul 10, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Town of Sunol Fire Suppression - Fire fighting water system in Sunol Valley
  • Reference:2013.0913E
  • Received:Jul 10, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
  • Approval Action Date:Jan 16, 2014
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  • Reference:2013.0907E
  • Received:Jul 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: BOS 130677 - Resolution imposing interim zoning controls for an 18-month period requiring CU authorization for Limited Fiancial Service & Business or Professional uses in the Upper Market NCTD
  • Reference:2013.0887E
  • Received:Jul 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130459-2 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Mission Alcoholic Beverage Special Use District controls, to allow the transfer of liquor licenses and relocation of uses under specified circumstances, to restrict the sale of alcohol for off-site consumption, and to exempt from the controls grocery stores and certain institutional, arts, and other uses; establishing operating conditions for certain establishments with a liquor license; amending the Valencia Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District controls to restrict the conversio of existing ground floor retail uses to restaurants; and making environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.0955E
  • Received:Jul 02, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: City Hall Exterior Lighting Retrofit Project - Exterior lighting upgrades at City Hall
  • Reference:2013.0867E
  • Received:Jul 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 4271041
Description: Alabama & 25th Streets Water Main Replacements - Replacement of existin water main pipes beneath Alabama Street between 19th and Cesar Chavez and beneath 25th Street between Harrison and York Streets
  • Reference:2013.0866E
  • Received:Jun 28, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Early Intake Shoo-Fly Pole Installation - Installation of 6 temporary power poles and reconfiguration of electrical connections at SFPUC Early Intake Switchyard on Cherry Lake Road in Tuolumne County
  • Reference:2013.0865E
  • Received:Jun 27, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130419 - Resolution of Intention - Community Benefit District - Top of Broadway
  • Reference:2013.1466E
  • Received:Jun 24, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130470 - Resolution of Intention - Renew and Expand the Central Market Community Benefit District
  • Reference:2013.0881E
  • Received:Jun 24, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Mission & Valencia Green Gateway Geo Investigation - Geotechnical investigations for the Mission and Valencia Green Gateway Project consisting of five 10-inch diameter by 10-foot deep borings and five 4-foot by 4-foot by 30-inch deep trenches.
  • Reference:2013.0833E
  • Received:Jun 21, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 6527 Calaveras Road - Sunol Valley Quarry - SMP-30 Quarry Geotechnical Testing
  • Reference:2013.0832E
  • Received:Jun 21, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0824E
  • Received:Jun 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPORT - JUNE 2013 LEASES - SFPORT - JUNE 2013 LEASES
  • Reference:2013.0827E
  • Received:Jun 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: 166 OTIS ST - Replacement of existing cooling tower on top of SF Human Service Agency building.
  • Reference:2013.0816E
  • Received:Jun 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130622 - Motion ordering submitted to the voters an Ordinance amending teh Administrative Code to allow San Francisco based employees who are caregivers to request flexible working arrangements, subject to the empoloyer's right to deny a request based on specified undue hardship; require that employers give advance notice of changes in an employee's work schedule; prohibit adverse employment actions based on caregiver status; prohibit interference with rights or retaliation against employees for exercising rights under the Ordinance; require employers to post a notice informing employees of their rights under the Ordinance; require employers to maintain records regarding compliance with the Ordinance; authroize enforcement by the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement, including the imposition of remedies and penalties for a violation, and an appeal process to an independent hearing officer, authroize waiver of the provisions of the Ordiance in a collective bargaining agreement; and making environmental findings to the voters of the San Francisco at an election to be held on November 5, 2013.
  • Reference:2013.0845E
  • Received:Jun 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Westside Pump Station/Great Highway - Westside Pump Station discharge manifold repair and maintenance.
  • Reference:2013.0796E
  • Received:Jun 13, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130542 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to increase the monthly fee for representative payee services to $39 dollars per month; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0840E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130543 - Ordinance amending Administrative Code Section 8.14 to adjust the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner's fee for providing certain documents and services; to add a fee for a new service; to delete certain fees; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0841E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130546 - Ordiance amending the Fire Code to increase the fees for certain Fire Department services, and making environmental findings
  • Reference:2013.0842E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130537 - Ordinance approving and authorizing a Lease and Management Agreement between the City and the San Francisco Botanical Garden Society for the San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum in Golden Gate Park, with an initial term of 10 years with two ten-year extension options; waiving the non-resident admission fee in Park Code, Section 12.46(d) for certain persons and entities as set forth in the Lease and Management Agreement; ratifying prior acts in connectin with this Ordinance; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0838E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130539 - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to reduce video and digital video disc fees and to increase reproduction of photographs for commercial purposes.
  • Reference:2013.0839E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130547 - Ordinance amending the Health Code to set patient rates and other services provided by the Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2015, and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0843E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130548 - Ordinance amending the Park Code by updating the berthing fees for the East and West Harbor; reauthorizing the non-resident entrance fee to the Botanical Garden; establishing a facility rental fee for the Lake Merced Boathouse; and repealing obsolete fee provisions; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0844E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130550 - Ordinance amending the Police Code Article 24, Section 2404.1, to increase the fee for a Street Artist Certificate in accordance with the applicable Consumer Price Index when necessry in order to ensure recovery of the cost of administering and enforcing the provisions of the Street Artists Ordinance; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0837E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130549 - Ordinance amending he Planning Code to modify when the Controller is required to issue various reports and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with General Plan
  • Reference:2013.0836E
  • Received:Jun 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 5710005
Description: College Hill Reservoir Geotechnical Investigation - Geotechnical investigation consisting of three 8-inch diameter by 50-foot deep borings necessary for engineering design of SFPUC College Hill Reservoir outlet structure replacement project.
  • Reference:2013.0759E
  • Received:Jun 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Free Transit Service - SFMTA - Free Transit Service
  • Reference:2013.0786E
  • Received:Jun 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Grimmer-Rebello Ranch Conservation Easement - Purchase of a 640-acre conservation easement on the Grimmer/Rebello Ranch in the Arroyo Hondo watershed approximatley 10 miles east of Calavaras Dam in unincorporated Alameda County.
  • Reference:2013.0742E
  • Received:Jun 06, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0785E
  • Received:Jun 04, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: Westside Pump Station Knife Gate Valve Replacement - In-kind replacement of two deteriorated knife gate valves at the SFPUC Westside Pump Station.
  • Reference:2013.0704E
  • Received:Jun 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Mission & Valencia Green Gateway Geotech Borings - Four 10-inch diameter, 10-foot deep borings and and four 4-foot square, 30-inch deep infiltration pits at: (1) Valencia between Caesar Chavez 7 Duncan; (2) Valencia between Tiffany & Mission; (3) Tiffany & Duncan; (4) Valencia & 25th.
  • Reference:2013.0697E
  • Received:Jun 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130486 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Section 703.3, to expand the definition of formula retail uses in the Hayes-Gough Neighborhood Commercial Transit District; and making environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.0765E
  • Received:May 31, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130459 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Mission Alcoholic Beverage Special Use District controls, to allow the transfer of liquor licenses under specified circumstances, to restrict the sale of alcohol for off-site consumption, and to exempt grocery stores and certain institutional, arts, and other uses from the controls; establishing operating conditions for liquor-related uses; amending the Valencia Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District controls to restrict the conversion of existing ground floor retail uses to restaurants; and making environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.0764E
  • Received:May 31, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130462 - Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code, by adding Article 15A "Public Realm Landscaping, Improvement and Maintenance Assessment Districts," to provide for establishment of assessment disricts to finance landscaping, improvements, and maintenance of Public Realm areas (outdoor spaces open to the public), including parks, parklets, sidewalks, landscaped areas, plazas, and gardens; to authorize the purchase of real property with assessment funds, where property will be a Public Realm area, and the district will provide landscaping, improvements and/or maintenance; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0766E
  • Received:May 31, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0686E
  • Received:May 31, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFO - On-Airport Hotel Development - The proposed project would involve the construction of a new on-airport hotel that would be 249,602 sf and would contain 403 guest rooms. The proposed hotel would be approximately 144 feet tall and would have 296 off-street parking spaces.
  • Reference:2013.0683E
  • Received:May 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFO - Administrative/Office Facilities - The proposed project would demolish two existing buildings, including an adminstrative office building and a museum building, and construct a two new administrative office building to consolidate various SFO divisions. The proposed new administrative buildings would total 261,300 sf. Additionally, the project would construct two employee parking structures that would contain 980 parking spaces.
  • Reference:2013.0680E
  • Received:May 30, 2013
  • Status:Closed - Cancelled
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFPORT - May 2013 LEASES - SFPORT - May 2013 LEASES
  • Reference:2013.0672E
  • Received:May 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: DPW - FIRE HOUSE 44 - DPW - FIRE HOUSE 44
  • Reference:2013.0666E
  • Received:May 28, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
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Description: BOS - Housing Trust Fund provisions - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to add a definition of "significant increse in residential development potential" consistent with the Housing Trust Fund provisions in Charter Section 16.110; and 2) making environmental findings and findings of consistency with general plan.
  • Reference:2013.0700E
  • Received:May 24, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: MTA- Extension of On-Street Car Sharing Pilot Proj - MTA-Extension of On-Street Car Sharing Pilot Project
  • Reference:2013.0664E
  • Received:May 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - San Bruno Jail Waterline Emergency Repair - Statutory Exemption Request under CEQA for Repair of San Bruno jail Water Pipeline, San Mateio County, California
  • Reference:2013.0699E
  • Received:May 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: San Bruno Avenue Streetlight Installation - Installation of 64 16-foot tall streetlights and related underground electrical connections within the San Bruno Avenue public right-of-way between Silver Avenue and Wilde Avenue
  • Reference:2013.0649E
  • Received:May 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Ulloa Street Streetlight Installation - Installation of two 18-foot high streetlights and related underground electrical connections within the Ulloa Avenue public right-of-way between Rockaway Avenue and Waithman Way
  • Reference:2013.0648E
  • Received:May 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: 1570 07TH AV - Five-year permit for continued operation of Garden for the Environment
  • Reference:2013.0642E
  • Received:May 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS - 130464 - Ordinance amending Administrative Code, Chapter 31, to provide for appeal to the Planning Commission of a Planning Department determination that an exempt project modification does not require a new decision under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0702E
  • Received:May 16, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 5280001
Description: 750 Phelps Street - In-kind replacement of seven 40-foot segments of 24-inch return activated sludge pipelines on the roof of Building 200 at the SFPUC Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant
  • Reference:2013.0621E
  • Received:May 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0678E
  • Received:May 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: Moccasin Buildings Repair - Minor repair and rehabilitation to SFPUC buildings within the Moccasin Historic District, in the Town of Moccasin, Tuolumne County.
  • Reference:2013.0615E
  • Received:May 14, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130400 - Ordinance amending the Health Code to exempt massage practitioners who are certified by the State of California and massage establishments that employ only state-certified massage practitioners from requiremetns for obtaining a permit from the Health Department; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1403E
  • Received:May 14, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: MTA-MUNI FY 2013-2014 MTC Operating Assitance - MTA-MUNI FY 2013-2014 MTC Operating Assitance
  • Reference:2013.0608E
  • Received:May 14, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 130401 - Ordinance amending the Health Code to require electronic applications for registration of hazardous materials and for underground storage tanks be filed through the California Environmental Reporting System, to eliminate the requirement that registration of hazardous materials plans include a program for reduction of hazardous materials, and to provide for fee adjustment; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.1399E
  • Received:May 14, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0613E
  • Received:May 14, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 130402 - Ordinance amending the Health Code by repealing miscellaneous sections relating to tattooing and adding Article 40 to require body art practitioners to register with the Department of Public Health (DPH) and to annually renew registration, and to require permanent and temporary body art facilities to obtain and annually renew permits with DPH; amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code by adding fees relating to body art permits and licenses; and making environmental findings
  • Reference:2013.1402E
  • Received:May 14, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: Holm and Kirkwood Powerhouses Microwave System - Installation of microwave communication dishes and associated equipment at the SFPUC Intake Radio, anyon Portal Valve House, Granite Portal Valve House, Burnout Ridge, Tower 48S, and South Fork Maintenance Yard in Tuolumne County.
  • Reference:2013.0590E
  • Received:May 10, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Laurel Heights Sewer & Water pipeline replacement - Replacement of existing sewer and water pipelines within the ROWs of Clay, Cherry and Collins Streets in the Laurel Heights neighborhood.
  • Reference:2013.0591E
  • Received:May 10, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0687E
  • Received:May 09, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: 1719 ALABAMA ST - Raise upper level roof, add three bedrooms. install additional windows to upper level, add two restrooms.
  • Reference:2013.0566E
  • Received:May 06, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
  • Approval Action Date:Jul 17, 2015
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Description: SFO-Terminal 3 Expansion - SFO-Terminal 3 Expansion
  • Reference:2013.0562E
  • Received:May 04, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: MTA - Sunset Tunnel Rehab Project - MTA - Sunset Tunnel Rehab Project
  • Reference:2013.0612E
  • Received:May 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0605E
  • Received:May 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0552E
  • Received:May 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2013.0905E
  • Received:May 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS - 130372 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code to create the Third Street Formula Retail Restricted Use District; amending Zoning Map Sheet SU10, for property located on Third Street between Williams Avenue and Egbert Avenue; and making findings, including environmental findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.0701E
  • Received:May 02, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130369 - Ordinance amending Building Code, Section 106A.3.2.4, Health Code, Section s 1220 through 1237, and adding Section 1219, to expand the boundaries and types of projects for which soil testing is required and to require testing of groundwater under specificed circumstances; amending Public Works Code, Article 20, to eliminate soil testing provisions; renumbering code sections in Health Code, Article 22A; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0643E
  • Received:May 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130340 - Ordinance amending Park Code, Section 7.21, to authorize Farmer' Markets on recreation and Park Department property to operate more than once a week, and specifying the applicable permit fee; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0645E
  • Received:May 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0601E
  • Received:Apr 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0600E
  • Received:Apr 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0603E
  • Received:Apr 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0604E
  • Received:Apr 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFMTA - TSP CUSTOMER FIRST - SFMTA - TSP CUSTOMER FIRST: 14/14 L Mission; 8X/8AX/8BX Bayshore Express; N Judah; Flynn & Potrero
  • Reference:2013.0599E
  • Received:Apr 29, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0657E
  • Received:Apr 26, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 130182-2 - Ordinance amending the Police Code to clarify permit requirements and procedures, as well as to expand suspension, citation,
  • Reference:2013.0644E
  • Received:Apr 25, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130318 - Ordinance amending the Transportation Code, Division I, Section 4.4, to authorize the Service Authority for the Abatement of Abandoned Vehicles (the San Francisco Municipal Transporation Agency Board) to extend the $1 abandoned vehicle abaement fee on all vehicles registered to City residents for ten years, from June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2023, and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0618E
  • Received:Apr 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 120669 - Ordinance 1) amending the Subdivision Code by adding Section 1396.4 to adopt a condominium conversion impact fee applicable to certain buildings that would be permitted to converted during a six year period, and subject to specified requirments, including lifetime leases for non-purchasing tenants.
  • Reference:2013.0619E
  • Received:Apr 17, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0556E
  • Received:Apr 16, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Parcel: 9900099
Description: SFPORT - Pier 92 - Install public aret mural and lighting on west facade of taller
  • Reference:2013.0474E
  • Received:Apr 16, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 130248-2 - Ordinance amending Administrative Code, Chapter 31, to provide for appeals under the California Environmental Quality Act to the Board of Supervisors of environmental impact reports, negative declarations, exemption determinations, and determinations on modified projects; to clarify and update existing Chapter 31 procedures, including without limitation: to provide for the Planning Department or Planning Commission to approve all exemption determinations; to require the Planning Department to establish an electronic notification system; to expand noticing of exempt projects; to require new noticing when filing notices of exemption and notices of determination; to revise noticing of negative declarations and environmental impact reports for plans of 20 acres or more; to provide an expanded role for the Historic Preservation Commission; and making environmetal findings.
  • Reference:2013.0634E
  • Received:Apr 12, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 99001100
  • Reference:2013.0447E
  • Received:Apr 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: Ocean Beach Parking Lot Repair - Replacement of approximately 100 feet of concrete curb wall and gutter on the west side of the Great Highway Ocean Beach parking lot
  • Reference:2013.0432E
  • Received:Apr 09, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0488E
  • Received:Apr 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0427E
  • Received:Apr 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: Richmond District Sewer Replacement - Replacement of exisiting sewer pipelines
  • Reference:2013.0426E
  • Received:Apr 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: Potrero Hill Sewer Replacement - Sewer pipe replacement within ROW of 20th, Arkansas, Connecticut, Mississippi, Missouri, and Wisconsin Streets
  • Reference:2013.0418E
  • Received:Apr 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: St. Rose Community Garden/2600 Block of Marlboroug - Installation of community garden within portion of SFPUC Bay Division Pipeline 1 & 2 ROW at the St. Francis Center in unincorporated San Mateo County.
  • Reference:2013.0415E
  • Received:Apr 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0417E
  • Received:Apr 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 0834004
  • Reference:2013.0416E
  • Received:Apr 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0405E
  • Received:Apr 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 130285 - Ordinance waiving the fee required by Public Works Code, Section 724.1(b), for temporary street space occupancy within certain designated streets in the City and County of San Francisco on Saturday, May 11, 2013, and Saturday May 18, 2013, as part of Small Business Week Sidewalk Sales.
  • Reference:2013.0596E
  • Received:Apr 02, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130244 - Health, business and Tax Regulations Code - Regulate and Establish Annual Fees - Cottage Food Operations
  • Reference:2013.0595E
  • Received:Apr 02, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130284 - Ordinance recognizing Small Business Month in May 2013; amending the Planning Code, Sections 302, 355(a), and 355(e); and amending Building Code, Tables 1A-A, and 1A-E, to waive fees for the month of May for certain facade improvements; and making findings, including environmental findings and findings of consisency with the General Plan and priority policies fo Planning Code, Section 101.1.
  • Reference:2013.0594E
  • Received:Apr 02, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130261 - Ordinance amending the Health Code, Section 128, to retroactively increase patient rates charged for certain mental health sevices
  • Reference:2013.0593E
  • Received:Apr 02, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS File 130084- Outer Mission Street NCD - Establish the Outer Mission Street Neighbor Commerical District along Mission Street from Alemany Blvd. to the SF-SM County Line
  • Reference:2013.0281E
  • Received:Mar 26, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0366E
  • Received:Mar 26, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS File 130263 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Sections 121.2 and 715.1, the Castro Street Neighborhood Commercial District controls, to allow a neighborhood serving nonprofit institution to exceed the use size limits with a Conditional Use Authorization; making environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the Priority Policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.0529E
  • Received:Mar 25, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: RPD - McLaren Park - RPD - Persia Ave McLaren Park - Bike Park
  • Reference:2013.0354E
  • Received:Mar 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RPD - Judah Bathroom @ Great Hwy - RPD - Judah Bathroom @ Great Hwy
  • Reference:2012.1343E_3
  • Received:Mar 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RPD - GG Golf Course - RPD - GG Golf Course - add a temporary classroom to parking lot
  • Reference:2013.0353E
  • Received:Mar 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: RPD - Taraval Bathroom @ Great HWY - Bathroom upgrades at Great HWY
  • Reference:2012.1342E_3
  • Received:Mar 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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Description: SFPUC - Geotech 1550 Evans & 330 Newhall - Geotechnical investigation at 1550 Evans & 330 Newhall involving four borings
  • Reference:2013.0338E
  • Received:Mar 21, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS File 130251 - Ordinance amending the Public Works Code, by adding Section 791, to allow the Director of the Department of Public Works, subject to specified requirements, to accept certain public improvements as public gifts and dedicate such improvements to public use; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0528E
  • Received:Mar 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFO - Extension of Aircraft Blast Fence & Taxiway - SFO - Extension of Aircraft Blast Fence & Taxiway Relocation/Reconstruction at SFO
  • Reference:2013.0371E
  • Received:Mar 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
  • Approval Action Date:Feb 17, 2015
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  • Reference:2013.0301E
  • Received:Mar 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2013.0363E
  • Received:Mar 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS File 130225 - Bayview Hunters Point - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish the Bayview Hunters Point Citizens Advisory committee to provide policy advice to the City and County of San Francisco on planning and land use matter for Zone 2 of the Bayview Hunters Point Redevelopment Project Area.
  • Reference:2013.0526E
  • Received:Mar 14, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFMTA Taxi Medallions 2013-14 - MTA will be authorizing the issuance of up to 320 new taxi medallions in 2013 and 2014 that would be leased to taxi companies - color scheme permit holders - for a fixed term, probably three or four years. The vehicles operated under the medallions would be alternative fuel vehicles.
  • Reference:2013.0272E
  • Received:Mar 13, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Parcel: 7283004
Description: SFPUC - Lake Merced Pump Station - SFPUC - Lake Merced Pump Station
  • Reference:2013.0260E
  • Received:Mar 11, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0298E
  • Received:Mar 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS File 130226 - Amending Park Code - Ordinance amending the Park Code to designate portions of the property (Assessor's Block No 3513, Lots Nos. 071 and 074) leased by the City and County of San Francisco from the State of California, immediately under and adjacent to the portions of the Central Freeway located between Otis and Stevenson Streets and between Valencia and Stevenson Streets and partially bounded by Duboce Avenue and referred to as "South of Market (SoMa) West Skatepark and Dog Park, " as a "park" within the meaning of the Park Code and to authorize the Recreation and Park Depatment's Park Patrol to patrol those portions of the leased property; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan.
  • Reference:2013.0527E
  • Received:Mar 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0395E
  • Received:Mar 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 130182 - Ordinance amending the Police Code - Ordinance amending the Police Code to clarify permit requiements and procedures, as well as to expand suspension, citation, and enforcemetn provisions regarding Entertainment Commission permits, including Place of Entertainment Permits, Limited Live Performance Permits, Temporary Place of Entertainment Permits, Temporary Limited Live Performance Permits, Extended- Hours Premises Permits, and Temporary Extended-Hours Premises Permits, and noise limits and standards; amending the Administrative Code to clarify fee setting and reporting procedures; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0285E
  • Received:Mar 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130180 - Ordinance amending Planning Code - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, by adding Section 313, to require preapplication meetings for certain projects in the Product/Distribution/Repair-1-B Districts; and making environmental, General Plan, and Planning Code, Section 101(b), findings.
  • Reference:2013.0286E
  • Received:Mar 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0397E
  • Received:Mar 05, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0235E
  • Received:Mar 04, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: SFMTA - Ped Count Down Signals 12 locations - SFMTA - Ped Count Down Signals: 12 locations
  • Reference:2013.0297E
  • Received:Mar 01, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0217E
  • Received:Feb 28, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0299E
  • Received:Feb 28, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: SFPUC - Hetch Hetcy Eleanor Valves - SFPUC - Hetch Hetcy Eleanor Valves
  • Reference:2013.0184E
  • Received:Feb 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFMTA - Twin Peaks Tunnel Trackwork Replacement - SFMTA - Twin Peaks Tunnel Trackwork Replacement
  • Reference:2013.0533E
  • Received:Feb 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Parcel: 4713013
Description: RPD - Hilltop Park - Park upgrades
  • Reference:2013.0194E
  • Received:Feb 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2013.0228E
  • Received:Feb 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS 130132 - Weights and Measures Fees - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code, Section 1.13-5, to revise registration fees for inspecting and testing weighing and measuring devices as a provided by State law; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0287E
  • Received:Feb 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130133 - Public Health Solid Waste Penalties - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code, by adding Section 10.100-217, to establish a fund for the deposit of civil penalties assessed by the Department of Public Health and paid by operators of solid waste facilities for violation of solid waste disposal laws; and making envirommental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0288E
  • Received:Feb 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0545E
  • Received:Feb 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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Description: BOS File 130131 - Agricultural Inspection Fees - Ordinance amending the Administrative Code, Section 1.10, to revise registration fees for inspecting agricultural products; and making environmental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0231E
  • Received:Feb 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: PORT - SPECIAL EVENTS EXEMPTION - Special events, public gatherings, athletic events, filming, commemorations, market places, and fairs on Port of San Francisco property, for a duration of up to two-weeks, which may include construction of temporary tents, structures and facilities to accommodate such activities and events.
  • Reference:2013.0182E
  • Received:Feb 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: Port- Bldg Permits for Minor Repairs - Minor maintenance, repair and alteration projects to buildings, piers, and other waterfront facilities under the jurisdiction of the Port of San Francisco and which, for historic resources, are consistent with the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Historic Rehabilitation and the Port's Historic Preservation Review Guidelines, which require issuance of Port building permits or other approvals; and minor activities and public safety improvements within sidewalks or other Port right-of-way areas which require issuance of a Port encroachment permit.
  • Reference:2013.0183E
  • Received:Feb 20, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: SFPUC - BDP#4 - FREMONT - SFPUC - BDP#4 - FREMONT; concurrence request
  • Reference:2013.0201E
  • Received:Feb 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - CRYSTAL SPRINGS PL#2 concurrence - SFPUC - CRYSTAL SPRINGS PL#2 concurrence
  • Reference:2013.0306E
  • Received:Feb 19, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Pipelines - SFPUC - Sewer Pipelines: 16th, 21st, & 24th Avenues. Cabrillo & California Streets.
  • Reference:2013.0161E
  • Received:Feb 12, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPORT - BLUE GREENWAY SIGNAGE - 10 locations - SFPORT - BLUE GREENWAY SIGNAGE - 10 locations Mission Creek to Indian Basin
  • Reference:2013.0162E
  • Received:Feb 10, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: Pier 9 - THE EMBARCADERO - Pier 9 - THE EMBARCADERO - tenant improvements
  • Reference:2013.0150E
  • Received:Feb 08, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 130119 - Ordinance amending the Building Code, to establish a Mandatory Seismic Retrofit Program for wood-frame buildings of three or more stories and containing five or more dwelling units where the permit to construct was applied for prior to January 1, 1978, and the building has not been seismically strengthened; establishing a fee for administering the program; adopting environmental findings, and findings of local conditions under California Health and Safety Code, Section 17958.7; establishing an operative date; and directing the Clerk of the Board to forward the legislation to specific State agencies.
  • Reference:2013.0635E
  • Received:Feb 06, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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  • Reference:2013.0396E
  • Received:Jan 31, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Approval Action Date:May 23, 2014
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Description: SFPUC - SEWER REPAIR- VARIOUS WW-565 concurrance - SFPUC - SEWER REPAIR- VARIOUS WW-565 concurrance
  • Reference:2013.0307E
  • Received:Jan 28, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: RPD - 3861 24TH ST - Removal of existing parking lot, construction of new park. Park would include play areas, a stage, irrigation system, landscaping, furnishings, concrete paths, fencing, storage building, and restroom building. Public sidewalk improvements fronting the site on the south side of 24th Street. Weekly farmer's market will continue to operate on the site.
  • Reference:2013.0082E
  • Received:Jan 25, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2013.0087E
  • Received:Jan 24, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: MTA-Citywide Transit Effectiveness Plan - The Citywide Transit Effectiveness Plan (TEP) is a set of proposal intended to improve service realibility through operatioanal improvements, restructure the transit network, enhance service delivery on the proposed rapid network with travel time reduction proposals, and construct capital projects needed to support proposed service improvements and improve access to the network.
  • Reference:2011.0558E_3
  • Received:Jan 24, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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  • Reference:2013.0202E
  • Received:Jan 23, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 130042 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Section 724.1, and related portions of Table 724, to permit a change of use from a business or professional service use to medical service use on the first floor or below in the Sacramento Neighborhood Commercial District; and making environmental findings, Planning Code Section 101.1 findings, and findings of consistency with the General plan.
  • Reference:2013.0133E
  • Received:Jan 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130041 - Ordinance amending the Planning Code, by repealing Sections 790.84, 790.86, 890.84, and 890.86, and amending Section 317, and various other sections, to revise the criteria for the residential demolition, conversion, and merger; standardize definintions of residential demolition, conversion, and merger across verious use districts; permit the enlargement or alteration of dwelling untis which are nonconforming as to density in districts where dwelling units are principally permitted if there is no increase in nonconformity of height, bulk, and required rear yards or setbacks; permit alterations to nonconforming uses or noncomplying structures to comply with disabled access requirements or to provide secure bicycle parking; establish a strong presumption in favor of preserving dwelling units in envorcement or requirements for nonconforming uses, structures, and lots; and making environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the Priority Policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.0134E
  • Received:Jan 22, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 121199 - Ordinance amending Planning Code, Section 604, to provide that changing the copy on a sign shall not be treated as a new sign; making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan
  • Reference:2013.0132E
  • Received:Jan 18, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: BOS 130029 - Ordinance amending the San Francisco Building Code, by amending, and adding variou sections concerning seismic standards and making conforming changes; make environmental findings; makding findings pursuant to California Health and Safety Code, Section 17958.5; and directting the Clerk of the Board to forward this legislation to the California Building Standards Commission.
  • Reference:2013.0131E
  • Received:Jan 17, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC - Sewer Repoacement WW-563 - SFPUC - Sewer Repoacement WW-563
  • Reference:2013.0097E
  • Received:Jan 16, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0099E
  • Received:Jan 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS 130018 - Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code, Section 785, to delete the sunset provision of the Excelsior Alcohol Restricted Use District; and making findings, including environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the Priority Polices of Planning Code, Section 101.1
  • Reference:2013.0137E
  • Received:Jan 15, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: SFPUC - Emergency Sink Hole Repair - SFPUC - Emergency Sink Hole Repair. Pulgas G20 Valve Lot in San Mateo Co.
  • Reference:2013.0096E
  • Received:Jan 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2013.0016E
  • Received:Jan 07, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: DPW Official Sidwalk Change 400 Grove Street - The proposed project would construct new market rate housing development consisting of up to 34 residential units, 2,000 sf of retail space, and 17 below grade parking spaces. The proposed building will be 55-feet tall fronting on Gough Street and 45-feet tall fronting on Grove Street. 7.15.2014 400 Grove is a 34 unit multifamily project with ground floor retail and subterranean automobile and bike parking.
  • Reference:2012.0083E_3
  • Received:Jan 04, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Parcel: 2601001
Description: RPD - Buena Vista Park Erosion Control Project - Rehab and replace deteriorating wooden structures and prevent erosion. Replace wooden retaining wall and steps. Soil installation for stabilization.
  • Reference:2013.0006E
  • Received:Jan 03, 2013
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2012.1569E
  • Received:Dec 28, 2012
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Airport
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Description: BOS 121211 - Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative code Section 14B.16 to rescind the sunset clause in the San Francisco Bonding and Financial Assistance Program and make technical amendments, and making environmental findings and findings of consistency with General Plan
  • Reference:2013.0041E
  • Received:Dec 27, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: RPD - Amendment of Lease Agreement ParkWide LLC - Amendment of the Lease Agreement with ParkWide LLC. to 1) add two additional pop up temporary bike rental locations, 2)eliminate an pop up temporary existing location and 3) install additional storage containers and a space for the use of a truck parking space
  • Reference:2012.1538E
  • Received:Dec 27, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2012.1562E
  • Received:Dec 24, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2012.1563E
  • Received:Dec 24, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPUC - TRANSFORMER & FENCE REMOVAL - SFPUC - TRANSFORMER & FENCE REMOVAL; construction of new substation nearby
  • Reference:2012.1564E
  • Received:Dec 24, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: BOS 120989 - Establish the Moscone Expansion Dist. - Resolution declaring the intention of the Board of Supervisors to establish a business-based business improvement district to be known as the "Moscone Expansion District" and levy a multi-year assessment on defined hotel businesses in the district; approving the management district plan for the district; ording a ballot election and setting a time and place for a public meeting and a public hearing approving the form of the Notice of Public Meeting and Public Hearing and Assessment Ballots; directing the cleark of the Board of Supervisors to give notice of the public meeting and public hearing as required by law; and providing for envirommental findings.
  • Reference:2013.0219E
  • Received:Dec 21, 2012
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Parcel: 6770044
  • Reference:2012.1550E
  • Received:Dec 18, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: SFPORT - December 2012 Leases - SFPORT - December 2012 Leases/GRE
  • Reference:2013.0188E
  • Received:Dec 17, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Port of San Francisco
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Description: BOS File 121201 - Resolution finding that a project proposed by he City to expand and renovate the North and South exhibit halls of the Moscone Convetion Center, including reconfiguring the North and South exhibit halls to create additional contiguous exhibit space, a new ballroom, new loading and building service space, and improvements to the landscaping, urban design, and public realm, within and adjacent to the North and South exhibit halls, is fiscally feasible and responsible under Adminsitrative Code, Chapter 29.
  • Reference:2013.0040E
  • Received:Dec 17, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Board of Supervisors
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Description: DPW - Fire Station 2251 Greenwich Street - Stion #16 Demolition-Reconstruction Project- the project proposes to rebuild the fire station to accommodate two apparatus bays for three fire trucks and two shifts of 8 firefighters with support services and sleeping quarters. A replacement generator and replacement fuel tank are also proposed.
  • Reference:2012.1443E
  • Received:Dec 13, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Works
  • Approval Action Date:Mar 13, 2015
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Description: SFPUC - WD-2710 - SFPUC - WD-2710
  • Reference:2013.0019E
  • Received:Dec 13, 2012
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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  • Reference:2012.1508E
  • Received:Dec 11, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Public Utilities Commission
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Description: S.F. Marina Renovation - The S.F. Marina Renovation Program consists of renovations to the East and West Harbors of the S.F. Marina as well as related improvements to buildings, utilities, and public access. The program includes water-side improvements on both harbors and related land-side improvements adjacent to both harbors and along the Marina Green. The Department of Parks and Recreation has completed the final design for the West Harbor renovation componet, and is proposing an alternative breakwater system. 12/5/12 - EIR Addendum filed to convert the vacant Degaussing Station into a restuarant.
  • Reference:2002.1129E_7
  • Received:Dec 05, 2012
  • Status:Closed
  • Initiating Agency:Recreation and Parks
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  • Reference:2012.1525E
  • Received:Dec 04, 2012
  • Status:Closed - CEQA Clearance Issued
  • Initiating Agency:Municipal Transportation Agency
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